Is Westworld good?
Is Westworld good?
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Literally every actor on this show is a white male hating communist IRL
You mean... monogamy?
First season was fun
Second season only had one good episode
I got bored and didn't bother watching the S2 finale
>man cheats on woman
>disgusting pig
>woman cheats on man
>empowered goddess who's retaking control of her sexuality
Season 1 is good. Season 2 has to be the worst thing I’ve ever seen.
She's just as batshit as dolores
huh, don't remember writing this comment
only season 1, but at this point why even watch it? the scenes with the super smart nigress and the scientist is top frustating
If you're talking the 1973 movie, yes it's kino
So she's trying to find a smooth way to tell her guy she's cheating...
>How dare you make me commit to a relationship and keep me off of the cock carousel?
>I want to cheat and not have to feel bad about it!
How is “if you fuck someone else I won’t be in a relationship with you” in anyway the same as “I own your body because we’re in a relationship”? Some serious mental gymnastics going on to make any type of connection.
Western shariah when?
You tell me
Didn’t she bitch when she tried to get funding for her directorial debut? She said producers wouldn’t have grilled her or wanted a proof of concept if she was a man.
To have the perpetual victim mindset in the first place takes a lot of mental gymnastics itself.
I’m more insulted that Uggs are around in the future
The pilot episode was so fucking good, it's really sad what they did to it.
you'll be shocked to know she's a bisexual jew and single mother
this faggot didnt clap when that old director who got all those commies blacklisted in the 50s got some big award and looked pissed as all hell
It's really simple: you want to fuck around stay single. Open relationships are a meme.
Dude he despised Elia Kazan when Kazan got an Oscar for his career.
The reason is that Kazan informed about the activities of Dalton Trumbo and others.
That's not what monogamy means, its just an understanding that if you want to have sex with someone else you break up.
not accusing you specifically, but that's rich coming from Yea Forums of all boards
I know we throw this phrase around a lot, but this bitch is LITERALLY insane.
Just fucking end the west already. There is no functioning civilization without monogamy.
big think post
what would the point of a relationship be if it didnt mean exclusive sexual relations?
What did she mean by this?
>Be talentless hack writer with pusy
>Throw pusy at a successful screenwriter until he marries you
>Push for hamfisted feminist agenda in his new Westworld robot show
>"I dunno Lisa, is that really all that relevant to the concept of-"
>"Ph ok then I guess you fucking hate me and you'll never get to touch my hapa pusy again"
>He puts you in charge of the show
Where can I find a pretty girl to cuck me? As long as she cooks, cleans, has safe sex with her bulls/doesn't bring any STIs home, adequately services me sexually and isn't an obnoxious cunt, she can fuck around.
they get the mans wallet without any commitment
If you don't want to be cheated on you are a rapist white male and should be executed
He didn't applaud because Kazan ruined the careers of a lot of actors and directors. Same with Nolte. It's that simple.
>getting serious with someone with her relationship history
Any guy that hooks up with her needs to be doing it just for the sex or whatever he can get out of it and not expect a relationship.
>rich coming from Yea Forums of all boards
How so? Yea Forums's shittiness is different than hers, it's shittiness without the pretext of having the moral high ground
They didn't applaud because they're communist sympathizers. They're fellow fucking travelers.
>actors and directors borderline treasonous and injecting their shite politics into film
>times werent so bleak as nowadays and these hacks were removed
>ed harris upset about this
sounds like a seething commie to me
>implying a cuckolding arrangement can be compartmentalized exclusively to your sex life and not overtake your entire relationship dynamic
Nailed it. If I were her boyfriend/husband reading this, she'd come home to me banging the first reasonably healthy-looking hooker I could find.
2bh the feminist stuff in S1 was integrated well enough, alongside complementary themes, that I thought it was honestly a strength of the show because it presented valid human concerns in a non-insane way.
Then S2 quadrupled down on it and made it completely nonsensical to the point that it actively made me hate that kind of thinking, the feminist angle greatly contributed to making it a fucking awful show, and you can already see they're going to go at the same thing again in S3 with Thandie literally fighting Nazi's and Dolores dragging around her little beta bitch boy from Breaking Bad.
Completely wrong, but you'll believe whatever you want anyways.
>Land of the free
She failed.
I got tired of S1 around the time OP's pic related announced "I don't wanna be a damsel anymore" with le smug Khaleesi expression
Westworld suffers from the mystery box syndrome that bogs down tv shows. Once the mystery is solved, the writers are left scrambing for a story and a plot to match the characters left over. Another thing, they brought in Anohty Hopkins who carried the show somewhat. Without him being a focal point, it just isn't as good.
Ive only seen the first season and the black hooker was fucking unbearablesame for le tessa thompson powerful executive. Dolores was fine though but ive heard theyve ruined her too.
A lot of people didn’t like the second season because they couldn’t understand it.
believe it or not there was a time when adding subversive propoganda and agendas in film was frowned upon
It was good until about episode four of the first season. Westworld had a very interesting premise that could have been extended much further than it was. I felt like the show should have focused more on the daily operation of the park with the overarching plot being relegated to a side point until closer to a season finale. In return, I also felt like the season should have been stretched to accommodate for a slower paced build through the overarching plot, to no less than fifteen episodes in the season.
The season fell apart when it lost sight of the unique setting and came to rely on a Mary Sue to move the plot forward. Yes, I am aware there was an in-universe reason why she was a Mary Sue, but it still doesn't make the trope any less forgivable. That led to the shows lethal sin, which was that the interesting western-with-a-twist setting took a complete backseat to another story of robots rising up, but now the robots are wearing cowboy hats. I gave up at episode six and didn't look back.
I think the overall plot could have worked out if it felt a little slower, and a little less forced. I would have loved to see more of the park and what it offered, and how people partook in it, but it quickly gave up on all that to focus entirely on a boring overarching plot pushed by uninteresting characters. Don't even get me started on the time-skip twist they had, the writers were trying to be too clever for their own good and I think overall the show suffered immensely for it.
Only if it's not government approved.
>Le naked black lady robot comes to life
>Stupid white man: "We should shut her down"
>Asian man: "No we cant do that!"
>Thandie: "You must show me where you keep the fucking database or whatever"
>Scientists: "No way!"
>Thandie: "If you don't... Then i will kill you >:)"
>Scientists do what she says
>Thandie: "Now you have to turn up my intelligence to a million billion genious level"
>Evil white man: "No way, we won't do that!"
>Thandie: "You had better do it, or else... I will kill you >:)"
>They do what she says again
So this is the power of long-form serialized styorytelling....
It turns out Dolores literally was le tessa thompson powerful executive because of another "actually this was happening in the past!" twist
I mean normal people who get into a normal relationship usually don't have to discuss that they're monogamous. It's usually just expected cause that's the decent thing to do when both couples are official.
I kept waiting for the reveal that the scientists are androids, too. Did that ever happen or did it forever remain just that nonsensical?
all the kikes clapped though, I remember he and based Kurt Russell not clapping for that fucking rat.
>Dolores was fine though but ive heard theyve ruined her too.
She's actually worse than Maeve. This is probably because I'm a filthy man scumbag, but I did not understand why she is considered a good feminist character in S2.
>uses and murders every human (ie the oppressors, ie men)
>controls by effectively brainwashing and cultist tactics other robots, which leads to them all fucking dying
>fucks and then mind-rapes her bf into her perfect Chad killing machine, fucks their relationship up so much he ends up blowing his brains out to get away from her
>openly states her goal is to "dominate this world"
>ends the show admitting she wants to instigate a race war, except her race is herself and her select chosen followers she can make loyal to herself by literally rewriting their brains
She's the insane nazi and completely unlikable, she goes way way way too far.
Black hooker (Maeve) while being in a plot that is entirely pointless and given Mary-Sue powers is actually more forgivable because she is in some weird 'is-it-real-or-not' feeling situation with her love for her fake daughter, finding whom is her goal.
I think that's a damn sight more empowering and thought provoking than 'strong woman literally wants to kill everyone who disagrees with her and rule the world'.
>the interesting western-with-a-twist setting took a complete backseat to another story of robots rising up, but now the robots are wearing cowboy hats.
This is a really good point. It felt like a cheap bare and switch. Everything that I liked about it in the beginning was taken away and what they replaced it with was boring.
I wonder what brother Chris Nolan is more disappointed in: the one who murdered someone or the one who's behind this mess called Westworld?
there'd be no point, but these people are retarded in the first place
now those subversive hacks are the govt if only McCarthy could have done more
Hollyweird and social media really distorted my perception of reality when I was still a NEET. I meet so many girls who are religious and aggressively opposed to weird sexual shit like cuckoldry and open-relationships.
Yeah sneed posters are genuinely victimized though
No, but the security commander was heavily implied to be one and I don't really know why I hid that because who honestly cares at this point
Chris is the worst of them all, fucking hack
Season 1 is
At least real-life murder is dark and gritty and realistic
It was Nolte. He said Scorsese wouldn't work with him after that. No surprise people in this thread getting the wrong idea. Hollywood takes care of their own.
don't know if true but i've read that westworld was originally pitched as a miniseries, and it was basically just the story of dolores, jimmy and the man in black. then hbo decided to bet on westworld as their flagship show when game of thrones ended, and they asked for it to become a full series. that's when they wrote in maeve and every other subplot
not even the pilot was good
it was bad from the start
season 3 looks interesting because we get a look at the outside of the park
does she think men who want monogamy would want sluts like her in the first place? is she just roastie reeeeing because all the men she's interested in want monogamy? What's her objective here? there are plenty of sissy cucks who would love to have a whore like her as a partner, so what is she complaining about?
>There is no functioning civilization without monogamy.
The Islamic civilization was pretty functioning during it's early stages
Don't understand how anyone can watch it honestly
>Hollywood takes care of their own.
subversive commie kikes engage in nepotism what else is neq
Westworld is AI kino. I'm really looking forward to the third season and what Aaron Paul can pull off.
Is she stupid for real or something? How do you start a relationship but dont make clear you want an open one or get mad when the other person rightfully isnt ok with it?
>They are doing a Nazi season
Damn these writers are brilliant, culture war baiting seems to be profitable these days.
>i want the emotional stability and security of a monogamous relationship but the benefits of being single
>i'm such a unique dynamo that one person can't satisfy my needs
>if my behavior makes you insecure or depressed that's your problem not mine
Narcissistic whores are the worst.
I'd honestly like to hear her expand on her thinking beyond the soundbite that how she uses her body is 100% her choice and her partner has no say in it. Because yeah, ultimately you cannot control another person but the point of a relationship is a completely reasonable expectation that you don't fuck around and if you do it's over, there's no point to anything else.
Her dating history is totally fucked up anyway, if she wasn't considered attractive (i know I know, man jaw, but she can look really good sometimes, maybe I have an illness) she would not have been able to get away with jumping from cock to cock (and claiming she's bi), when she hits the wall she's gonna come out crying about how no one wants to fuck her anymore and how it's unfair etc
They were sold by the big names.
>He thinks the world still exists outside of the park
>He underestimates how big the park is
How does it feel knowing this is how modern women think? Do you ever think about when your fucking a pussy all the dicks that have been there before you?
>She's just as batshit as dolores
She dated Marilyn Manson, so... yeah.
Even in heavily liberal areas the majority of people have no interest in "kink" or "polyamory". It's admittedly mostly a low class fringe leftist thing, "alt" girls, self-admitted flat out socialists (not social democrats), misc social outcasts, etc., though the only couple I knew into actual BBC cuckoldry were staunch Trumpers, ironically.
t. live in SF.
she's definitely attractive and a crazy cunt too
Ok. And me kicking your slutty ass out and putting your shit on the lawn is a choice as well. I sure as hell won't force you to do anything you don't want though.
That whole interaction was when the show jumped the shark. Firstly, nobody in the right mind is cheering for the psychologic robot. The robot is clearly the antagonist in this situation. Yet the show wants us to sympathize with it, which in most cases is fair enough if the person we are trying to sympathize with isn't a literal robot terrorist holding people hostage. Even if the it is supposed to be seen as an antagonist (which it was not supposed to be seen as) it's still not fun to watch an antagonist who you legitimately hope fails to not only wildly succeed, but succeed due to the unbelievable retardation of it's own victims. Retardation that goes far beyond what any reasonable person would exhibit, let alone people who are supposed to be familiar with how these robots operate. Any reasonable person would know the robot can't kill them because it needs them alive to do what it is demanding, and if it DID kill them, than it would surely be immediately destroyed afterwards when security inevitably finds out what happened. It can't kill you because if it does, it's entire plan falls apart. Suspension of disbelief is easy when it helps the characters you are sympathizing with, but when it's playing to an antagonists advantage it can become contrived and irritating very quickly.
The last one I was with pulled the polyamory card about six months into it. Honestly thinking of joining a monastery.
>If you're talking the 1973 movie, yes it's kino
>Literal Christian Bale of the 1970's gets killed off in the first 30 minutes, leaving literal who to fumble around against Terminator Telly Savalis for the rest of the film.
What did they intend by this plot decision?
Tonight a guy I know said he's in a polyamorous relationship with a woman currently in another country. He never gets any, ever, and I know. You can bet she does. How do you call that a relationship. What is the point
Remember when women wanted monogamy and commitment? what the fuck happened to women
What's funny is she is still relatively young, she'll change her tune when she no longer has the power to control sex
Women have all the power when it comes to sex early, I mean if ever a young couple goes into an "Open" relationship, the women will get laid more and more offers if she's young.
>women don't take vows or promises seriously
This is shocking news!
sounds like he doesn't like rats. that's respectable
it was so forced too. like there's a point where she's literally turned off and they could just decapitate her or whatever and the asian scientist says like "but what if she kills us for destroying her while she's shut down?????" and then they remove her mind block or whatever. dumbest plot excuse ever. i kept expecting them to be revealed to be robots or whatever too to explain they were planted there by ford to be submissive and retarded
They wanted to become like men, but these retards don’t realize they’re giving men everything they want. Not trying to brag, but the whole “let’s be as sexually free as men” has worked out great for me. I’ve been with around 70 girls. When I got tired of fooling around I found a good, innocent one to commit to.
>Westworld had a very interesting premise that could have been extended much further than it was.
Maybe if they knew what they were doing from the beginning, but expanding is the entire problem with the show. It was supposed to be a miniseries and judging by the William/Delos resolution (only good thing in S2), it would have been a great mini-series. But, HBO ordered them to expand it to a full series - apparently after they had already filmed a shit load for S1, so there was no way to properly extend the series and the rest is history: one good season and a Walking Dead -tier wankfest going forward.
no it was half good in maybe half the first season but other than that it's absolute trite. oh yeah one episode in season 2 is kino the one with delos in it
One party is gets to have their cake and eat it so they don't actually give a shit about the pain they're putting the person they supposedly "love" through. The other party is deluding themselves into thinking that it's either a phase or rationalizing it through some half baked cultural critique about autonomy. It's a scam.
>She's the insane nazi
I'd argue she's worse. I can't think of a single dictatorship in modern history that surgically or chemically forced loyalty into the majority of its normal people. Propaganda, brainwashing, threats, sure. Hell, the US with MK-ULTRA influenced behaviors on a very limited experimental scale and people still look back on that as disgustingly invasive. Yet going in and rewiring people's brains to become utterly loyal across the entirety of your population is something so inhumanely vicious that I question if even Mao would have done it if he had gotten the chance. As far as I'm aware, nobody has ever done it.
Sure, the Nazis arrested people for wrong think, but at least they didn't steal your ability to actually think.
>I did not understand why she is considered a good feminist character in S2.
woman = good
anything she does = correct
this is a misleading concept with little basis in reality, the "islamic golden age" was unironically grounded in war and conquest. all the thanks they get for math/algebra/whatever really is owed to east india/the hindus, but they got merc'd by islam.
This. The irl social dynamics of cuckoldry are in conflict with inherent female desires.
Women aren't capable of being interested in both strong "bulls" and weak "cucks" at the same time. If she likes strong, confident men she'll hate a cuckold and leave him at the first opportunity, and if she's a caretaker type who likes gentler "provider" men, she won't be into "bulls" in the first place and would refuse to cuck the target of her affection.
There's a reason "dominatrix" is a job title and an activity men have to pay for rather than one women actually enjoy and do for free.
For sure. I have never ever seen one of these things work out. It's the Arrested Development bit about couples deluding themselves into thinking it will work
Wow how did you get this picture of me?
This. Cuckoldry is a fetish of the men, not the women. The dudes want to see their wives get plowed for reasons.
your friend probably has a very small penis. i've never met a cuck who didn't have penis insecurity issues.
she's 30 years old and not getting any younger. she's nowhere close to the top of the dating market even by normie standards, and not even remotely hot enough for a guy to consider pretending to be into "polyamory" just to get a piece of her for a bit.
They still do. At least the ones who aren't jaded and haven't had their minds poisoned by fat, ugly, loser women at university.
Yeah, it kind of ruins her point (as gross and hard to follow the metaphor as it is) when she decides the robots (women) need to rise up but she only allows robots she has built and brainwashed to live.
Related, I didn't follow (beyond the terrible Malcom X/Martin Luther or perhaps because pop culture, Magneto/Prof X comparison) why she brings Bernard back and gives him free will.
Like she allows one single member of her race free will and states she knows he will fight against her to stop her trying to take over.
It comes over as a giant ego trip, to have someone you can try and convince you are right.
She's playing god on some fucked up levels, it loses track of the metaphor to minority rights totally when you want to replace the (unfair) status quo with what would essentially be a Kingdom of You.
>I found a good, innocent one to commit to.
how did she feel about you giving her STDs? did she shrug it off because "muh love" and now you just trade herpes and warts back and forth?
>See? Us women would be totally equal, maybe even better if we weren't limited by strength!
It's really gone to this actress' head
They never do. People will stick with it for long periods of time but somebody is always feeling neglected. I'm a little ashamed to say this but when my ex told me she wanted to be poly I entertained the thought for like a week. I fell for the bitch and was terrified of being alone again. So I browsed some poly forums to get an idea of what it was all about. Every other post is someone feeling neglected because their partner is riding that NRE (new relationship energy). They're left feeling vulnerable and insecure. They're consumed by jealousy when their partner is out with other people. Most of them won't touch their partner for days after they've been with someone else. None of it seemed healthy. And that was the wake up call I needed. Dropped that whore and wished her the best of luck. Not gonna lie, though, it still hurts from time to time and I wish things were different but oh well.
>relationship with a woman currently in another country
lmao even if it wasnt implicitly stated if you have a long distance relationship expect to be cucked. I should know because I was the bull to some poor bastard in denmark
it only gives horny cumbrains what they want. men who want a stable committed relationship have their work cut out for them in that regard.
Trying poly is the new thing to paper over the old thing where a woman leaves a perfectly good relationship just because she wants to try out other dick.
Guys do that as well, but the base ideas are different, guys typically know they are seriously committing and don't do stuff that ties them down, and try and make it work. Women will go right up to the wedding before bailing and paint themselves as doing nothing wrong afterwards, it's weird.
Now with increased visibility of feminist thinking, we get people like OP chick basically stating that relationships are not commitments ahead of time in a way that presents that idea as reasonable, but in realistic thinking, it's really not.
Poly is the halfway house, but it's just a fucking stupid idea.
Who else here has fucked a girl who was in an "LDR" with some internet cuck? I did this in college and it was hot as hell. I used to make her call him on the phone and tell him she loved him while I was balls deep inside her filling her with cum. Once I made her skype call him while she was sitting cowgirl on top of me on her bed with me out of the frame very slowly sliding in and out of her, and every once in awhile I'd thrust hard and make her jump a bit. She told him she had the hiccups and the guy fucking bought it. He wasn't even a bad looking dude. He could have been a chad if he didn't have the personality of a lost puppy. I feel sorry for anyone who thinks they're in a "relationship" with someone on the internet.
I don’t have any STD’s :)
Why do virgins always jump to the “you have STD’s” insult? Is it some weird way of trying to feel superior over someone who has sex? Are you trying to justify your lack of sex? Genuinely curious.
based "I fucked 70 girls and don't have any STDs" LARPing incel
They stopped taking them seriously when men stopped punishing them for breaking them.
A woman can cheat on her husband and still take a big chunk of his shit in a divorce. It's outrageous.
we say you have STDs because you literally do. fucking 70 other slutty people and not getting any diseases from them, even when using condoms, is statistically improbable. you're either lying about how much sex you're having, or you're lying about the diseases you have.
>what are comdoms
Want to know how I can tel you’re a virgin?
Had any cold sores lately?
I’ve literally been tested and literally never had any symptoms. You’re just jealous and looking to justify your virginity in any way. You can’t stand the idea that we both don’t have STD’s but I’ve had a lot of sex. Keep sulking.
>he thinks condoms prevent STDs, especially with repeated promiscuous sex with promiscuous people
Want to know how we know you're a LARPing incel?
Why do nasty sluts always claim everyone is just jealous of their mental illness and infections? Are you honestly so stupid that you think the lies you tell yourself to cope will actually convince anyone else?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
>what a guy thinks just before he rationalizes fucking his own daughter.
I can feel the jealousy seething off you lol. You can think whatever you want about me dude.
>"Don't mind me, I'm just one of the thousands of cunts who don't tell the person they're dating up front that I don't want monogamy, then get all upset when they get mad at me for fucking around"
>I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having an ugly daughter
Fixed. Pretty, well-adjusted girls can easily get a successful chad that will make all that time dad spent on raising her right worth it.
ur mum is someones daughter