I could be agent M
I could be agent M
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It's a deal.
Was that actually MJ making a cameo or am I just retarded?
I could be agent Sneed
I hate myself for laughing at this as much as I did
Reminder that MJ was in the Epstein book.
Real deal. MJ was pretty based. Funny how a guy willing to call out Jews not once but twice (even calling them kikes) in the same song then got constantly accused of pedophilia with no actual proof ever.
>they use the same audio clip when the MIB director is fighting the alien
What ever happened to agent Chuck?
MJ dreamt of a multicolored multicultural society without racism, lets honor him by fighting for that.
How much is Snoy paying you for each post?
Because I'm based, I'm based come on
You know I'm based, I'm based come on, you know
You know I'm based, I'm based come on, you know
And the whole world has to
Answer right now
Just to tell you once again
Who's based
The Jews don't want that, that's why they drugged him up to death. That's also why they had MLK killed. The truth is darker than you may realize.
>no proof
He had pedo books, slept with children, had alarm systems set up in his bedroom where he slept with children, and got children drunk on wine. He was a pedo
The jews will also be a part of that, we must all mix together to create that future he dreamed of. Lets end fighting now and just love everyone and fight for it user. To honor MJ.
MJ hated white people, he just liked their money. He screwed over any white person that worked with him. He was not a good guy.
Meanwhile Epstein...
He also made songs for Sonic, based autist
wtf I love MJ now
>with no actual proof ever.
imagine actually defending this confirmed pedophile lmao
You're breaking up, can't hear you.
Please source me hard proof that he ever had sex with children.
wtf I didn't know ezra miller was in that movie
Yes he sure hated """white""" people a whole lot. Especially the racist (((producers))) he had to work with constantly.
I'm white
Let me guess, you think Pizzagate didn't happen, Sandy Hook did, and the Holocaust was real?
>no proof
If only you delusional faggots demanded proof for every conspiracy theory you buy into as hard as you demanded proof for the confirmed pedophile Michael Jackson's history of diddling boys.
>you need to have sex with children to be a pedo
You're a shining example of why abortions should never be banned
completely forgot this happened
>believing the objective fact that MJ was a pedophile means you also believe a bunch of other confirmed hoaxes
are you being ironic?
Why were there no body fluids in the bed lol
MJ defenders are jealous MJ never diddled them.
>Sandy Hook totally happened! (no proof except that news people said so)
>MJ was a pedophile! (even less proof because he won the court case)
Ironically Sandy Hook brainlets are less retarded than you.
more likely they're pedophiles themselves, and defending their own insecurities and fears of being "found out" by proxy.
MJ defender here, can confirm
Mib 1 had soul
2 and 3 are literally soulless reruns of the same script.
dumb goyposter
>no proof sandy hook happened
yea except for all those dead kids you literal fucking retard lmao. holy shit stop sucking Alex Jone's dick and unironically kill yourself you complete buffoon.
Paul McCartney is white
Also note that he named Martin Luther in the song, not Martin Luther King jr. Not even MLK. Just Martin Luther, the guy who wrote a book "On the Jews and Their Lies".
And do I really need to say anything about his choice of style in pocket related?
>except for all those dead kids
Where? It's idiots like you who fall for literally anything no matter how insane it is, like Epstein's death being a suicide. TURN ON YOUR BRAIN FOR A SECOND!
There is lots of proof, you just ignore it. He admitted to sleeping with kids and you faggots defended that, now it's back to
He had pedo books, it's on record. He was a pedo freak
>unironic "WAKE UP SHEEPLE"
bless your little heart.
I defend MJ because I defend anyone who's being unfairly targeted by the Jews.
>MJ sleeping with children is okay because Epstein was a pedo!
This doesn't make any logical sense and you know it
Slept with children and got them drunk. Had books of nude children. All on the record. He was a pedo
Why did he turn white? How?
Luckily MJ saves the movie
no dude, you don't get it. it's perfectly natural for normal men to sleep naked in the same bed as little boys, and possess "art" books with pictures of naked boys, and to have an alarm system set up to alert you when anyone is on their way to your bedroom. frankly you're probably a pedophile if you don't do these things.
These mannequins turned out to be actual children that MJ had turned into mannequins. He was a very sick man.
Oh shit really? Damn I'm stupid. Sorry for being wrong. Hey, can you do me a solid and link me to the video of his admissions? I obviously know you are telling the truth I just want to take a peak for myself just to be sure.
Thanks in advance bud! :)
That was actually MJ's clone who had the same powers that he did.
Is that why he went around calling everyone crackers all the time?
M for Molestation
There was cum all over the place, it just couldn’t be verified who it belonged to because the samples were so cross contaminated. “There was too many semens”, to quote Dave Chappelle.
He caught in fire during an event and it fucked him up bad. Shit ton of cosmetic surgery. Probably a bit of self loathing for being black as well as hating resembling his abusive father. Its wires no matter how you look at it though.
Yes, both those things you greentexted are unironically true.
he drank bleach, you should do the same
based MJ still making kikes seethe from beyond the grave
You don't have anything to be ashamed of. I'm sure he would have held you in his warm embrace too. You just never got your shot user.
Why do MJ threads activate JIDF like holocaust threads? Can someone explain that to me?
Do defenders of MJ realize that the only reason he wasn't charged criminally in the early 90s was because he reached an out of court civil settlement for an undisclosed amount of money with the primary accuser, who in return refused to testify? He had a long history of paying off the families of young boys for I'm sure totally innocuous reasons. Why did this innocent totally-not-a-pedophile pay so much money to families of totally-not-victims? I suppose we'll never know.
the jew fears the king
>everyone who disgrees with me is JIDF REEEEEE
you need to go back, incel.
Remember when Leaving Neverland came out and there was all the sudden flood of momo MJ images? Totally organic and not suspicious at all.
Did I just get Sneedrolled? Formerly Rickrolled?
>biggest celebrity in the world has an alarm system in their bedroom
woah i'm learning new things
based nazi sneed
I must've missed the part where you actually provided some of this proof
Is that why he had the surgery to make himself look more white
Sony was conspiring against him retard.
I don't know what to believe.
the fact that you think he was the biggest celebrity in the world explains a lot as to why you still defend this pedophile.
you must have ignored reading the literal court documents regarding the year-long investigation into him, then. he is a confirmed pedophile. the only reason they didn't charge him in criminal was because he paid off his accusers to not testify, and simply being a pedophile isn't a crime.
Again there's no tangible evidence, if there was you would have linked it by now schlomo
they're trying to pretend MJ was just a dream
Oh that does sound like some really hard evidence then after all. Mind linking these documents that prove he is a pedophile for us then?
Where'd you post the documents? I can't seem to find them in the thread
Bitten by a radioactive white guy
Ironic considering jews were his enemies but go on
That nigga has around the same type of notoriety as Jesus. How delusional do you have to believe he isn't one of the biggest, if not biggest, celebrity in the world? If you go around the world and ask random people who comes to their mind as a celebrity from the U.S, you'll most likely get a lot of MJ responses.
>MJ accusers
I don't think they know what that is user
>literal court evidence isn't "hard evidence" when it doesn't fit my narrative
this is your brain on /pol/
You can only reply to this post if you can do the lean
>year-long investigation into him
imbeach drumf
If the evidence was so hard, so great, so substantial, why did your side need witness testimony and fell apart when you didn't get it?
>pedodefenders ignore this post
big surprise.
>why do criminal charges need testimony from the victim?
you clearly don't understand criminal court in the US.
>fell apart
it did no such thing. the case was complete and put on ice awaiting testimony from the primacy accuser, who mysteriously refused to testify after receiving a large sum of money from Michael Jackson.
He dreamt of being white and turning all filthy niggers white. Really /ourguy/. You're thinking of the drivel the zog machine wrote for him to read off.
>resident schizoid MJ tranny paedo defence force one man army is still at it
shamone indeed
If you understood the US law system then you would also understand that he was not convicted and is therefore innocent. Innocent until PROVEN guilty. Without that we are no better than those filthy European mongrels.
>why do you have right right to face your accuser
sounds based
>our meeting in Venice was pure coincidence
Me thinks he based
Me, apparently
and here you are being a dumb goy
i'd hoped you were memeing
>The truth is darker than you may realize.
go on
M as in molester.
plus he only fucked white boys
Explain further
Except that he wasn't. Ever. By any court. Despite being heavily investigated - not to mention independently investigated by the FBI for thirteen years who, again, turned up zero evidence. I'll believe it if I ever see a shred of actual proof, but until then - and especially when the events surrounding the accusations themselves are so suspicious and inconsistent - no reasonable human being capable of cognitive thought beyond emotional impulse would ever claim it to be fact.
Man had taste
>people defend him because they DON'T think he did it
>this makes them pedophiles
The pretzel logic on you people will never cease to blow my mind.
Do you yourself realise that the child who made the accusation admitted years later that his father told him to do it?
>CHII-IIIILD molester!
>It doesn't matter if you're black or white
>so long as you are not a kike
What did he mean by this
Formerly Agent N.
Man had a point.
>MJ called out the kike
>MJ made 23343 billion dollars because of the kike
what did schizoid user mean by this?
Jews aren't so bad.
They are good comedians.
And good at money.
It smells very pol in here
better than the original
good post
very good user
You say that user. But the very fucking President of the United States who is a giant public figure who has had every single alphabet agency and more investigate his entire life for years now to find any single potential clue he colluded with russians, have multiple times come up with absolutely nothing.
And people still beleive it MUST be true because the (((media))) pushed the story for so long and they cant possibly be wrong.
Did somebody just crack a giant glowstick or is it this post I am seeing emit some green fluorescent light?
Wow, this is a doosie. You get paid by the post right?
I'm just trying to inject some sensibility in to this discussion.
And to give some positive viewpoints about Jews.
They are good lawyers, too.
You're a bigot.
Go on I'll bite. Redpill me on why the holocaust didnt happen.
telltale sign for confirmation bias
Holy shit I always thought he was referring to MLK. But Martin Luther did hate Jews, wonder if he was actually writing about him?
he had an alarm system because niggas kept sneaking into his home. because of its open design, it was very easy to sneak into the main home. however, michael liked his close friends to come and go so he only had a security system installed in his personal living area
the other things i cant explain
Jews can be sound. People used to make the distinction between jews and zionists but the difference seems to have been forgotten these days. The vast majority of jews are just trying to be their version of decent people - albeit with a slightly annoying victim complex bred into them through their religion despite almost always having a helping hand in life because they have friends in high places and tribes tend to stick together - it's the cartel of zionist psychopaths who run the money and the media and their circles who are the problem. Would I gas all of the kikes if given the chance? Probably. But I would accept the fact that most of them probably didn't deserve it and that their deaths were merely a justifiable evil to cleanse the real threat to the world.
He had Vitiligo which turns you white.
But only parts of skin turned white so he was covered in blotches like that fampus model, so he had something called de-pigmemtation to even it all out and this became white.
Fuck you I laughed
Jews fucking suck, you long winded fag.
Because not enough of them were killed. 10, 20 thousand? That's a holocaust? Get the fuck outta here with that fantasy shit.
I too wish to see Agent S.
Some Jews probably did die in prison camps. But trying to convince me that 6 million were gassed in a single small room over such a relatively small period, with the war rationed Germany feeding and keeping them all alive just so that they could all get their turn being gassed. You are realizing how silly this is starting to sound yes? The issue isnt whether it "happened". Of course Germany who hated Jews killed some. The issue is how blown out of proportion it is. Not just in a vacuum, buy also how pushed it is on the west, ESPECIALLY the countries that SAVED the Jews. But also compared to multiple way worse mass genocides.
Also to let you in on what made me stay to listen and doubt. The holocaust is the single event that is so totally true it is illegal to actually question if it was real or not. Lol!!
Isnt it 6 million+?
He should be agent P.
>tfw during that period it took six gallons of diesel to cremate a body
>Germans cremated six million during a WAR
>and all whilst not once writing anything about the planning, logistics, or even intent of it down in any documentation; not even once
I know Germans are known for being ruthlessly efficient but that is next level impressive, no?
Yeah that last bit is a bit suspicious as fuck.
But why would they lie? What's the powers at be's goal?
Unironically to guilt trip the west into giving then stuff. Israel exists only because western nations support their claim to the land. Palestine sure as hell doesnt.
It's just a nass scale version of what happens when some prick accidently bumps you but you pretend it hurt a lot worse than it did to get sympathy points from a chick or to get him in more trouble or whatever.
The jew's nature is to always be a victim. With something the holocaust, they can perpetually claim that "X is like the holocaust" and get what they want. Will they acknowledge that the jews that DID die, died because of Allied bombing of supply tracks that would provide the cure to the typhus outbreaks? No, fuck no. Because it would decimate their "Allies vs Axis, good vs bad" narrative.
Yeah wouldnt surprise me. History is full of hundreds if not thousands of coincidences being proved right, which is why I always get pissed when people say 'Conspiracy's are dumb'. Fucking bluepill idiots.
And pizzagate was 100% true. Not the whole pizza parlour being used to rape kids, but rich and powerful using pizza slang to describe raping kids.
I mean they'll be sending a business email and randomly just start talking about pizza. Come fucking on.
800 million at owshits alone
M for Molesting kek
>pedo book
Was literally a photography book that was a New York Times best seller that had a naked boy in it
Think of it like this
The police raid your home and your have the nirvana album with the naked baby on it and they try you as having child porn
No goy hate a broad general group of people and not the specific elite
I'm not saying MJ's innocent, but the way they've spent 30 years talking about how he's a pedo and even to this day reporting stories and rumors about him, while the whole Issac Kappy/Tom Hanks was hardly a peep from the media. Certainly a little suspicious.
Believe in him.
That's because he had some disorder that made his skin fucked up.
Confirmed retard
People just didnt understand. "Hurr Cheese pizza being slang for child pron! Such a silly thing to beleive!!1!" Not understanding that Yea Forums itself was the hun for the spread of CP at one point before we drove them the fuck out, and that that was in fact the exact terms used by child porn aficionados. Cheese Pizza wasnt some guess at a code, it is a known code and you are right. You dont order $60k worth of tomato and cheese on bread.
Criminal charges don't need testimony, idiot. There are plenty of people convicted on evidence alone. If you needed testimony then that means that the evidence was insufficient, thus disproving the "we had huge amounts of hard evidence" conspiracy theory.
didnt they also sort of need diesel for some of their aircraft and tanks?
And they managed to have well built supply lines, in the midst of bombing the UK, running puppet states all over europe, attacking russia, and taking care of Africa, all while killing jews 24/7. Talk about German efficiency!
Is it any coincidence that these people post in the anti MJ thread?
MJ ran in the same circles as all those other high profile pedos. Geffen, etc.
>had alarm systems set up in his bedroom where he slept with children
Oh, you’re an idiot
You're retarded. It's obviously the real MJ. He's credited for fuck's sake.
A dream impossible when you have the kikes pitting people against one another. You must have a really high IQ.