When you realize Stallone is the embodiment of American spirit, and Schwarzenegger is an euro faggot NPC, no conviction...

When you realize Stallone is the embodiment of American spirit, and Schwarzenegger is an euro faggot NPC, no conviction, no value, just a pile of moving muscles, doing the cheapest popular stunts to appeal to our shallowest entertainment needs.

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I think between the two of them, Stallone is also the more observant and insightful person.
Read his comments on the death of the 80s action movie and how Burton's Batman changed cinema forever.

Stallone is better than Schwartznigger but my nigger Van Damme shits on all of them

but the Terminator is a literal soulless machine
what did OP mean by this

People tend to forget that he wrote the script for rocky, also

Both are legends for different reasons

Im amazed there arent more Ramboposts.
I see a shitload of Terminatorposts, but why not Rambo?
Hes better in everyway. I used to watch the original 3 Rambos all the time with my dad growing up, early 90s, you guys are all probably from pansy cityfag families who were too scared to watch hardcore violent war/action movies in a realistic setting instead of "HUUUUUR MUH TIME TRAVELIN ROBOTNIGGERARYAN! COOOOOOL!"

I was raised properly, as was any other Rambo Chads, Terminator Virgins are weak men.

Just watched First blood the other day, kino as fuck. First blood pt 2 was a joke in comparison. The original reminded me of Predator a lot. Any other movies like this? Not sure if I want to watch any of the other Rambo films since 2 was lacking so much compared to the original.

2 is excellent for its own reasons. Watch it again sometime when you're not trying to compare the two

OP's a faggot. Arnold is the ubermensch, second only to my boy Dolph in terms of being the total package. Arnold's philosophies and positive living have changed and saved countless lives, and his admiration of the physical aesthetic shaped the way athleticism is seen today.

Stallone fucking slurred his lines like a brain damaged guinea and filled his face with Botox. His legacy is there's a statue of him in Philly. Wow, amazing.

checked, very nice.

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And then you watch Copland.

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The fact is both of them are based. Stop creating false wars you absolute and utter phaggot.

This is a true war.
Until Arniecucks start kneeling to Sylvesterchads the war shall wage on.
Sneed vs Mask is manufactured.

Jesus Christ, Sly, I don't even think Arnold knows what Yea Forums is. He'll never read this bantz.

Yea Forums is, was, and always will be a JCVD board

What does Yea Forums think of John Rambo? My dad loves it. I think it's ok, but I prefer First Blood by far.

absolutel dreadful take, my man.

You don’t measure up to either of these legends. Dilate.

Sly is Italian and that makes him practically spic tier

Well, yes, the cyborg is soulless.

>Stallone real artist made his own script
>Snigger some guy that lift in competition

>Snigger some guy that lift in competition
Funny way to refer to what is objectively the most successful immigrant in human history.

Here's the official ranking
Rambo>terminator>rambo2>rambo4>rambo3=terminator2>>>>>>all other terminator shit

>Sly is Italian and that makes him practically spic tier
Yes, the people who literally built western civilization and successfully unified the entire mediterranean coastline under one political system are 'spic-tier'.

Only good post in this cancerous thread. OP, kill yourself right now you crippled fag.

Lol Sylvester is an ego driven whore who wrote himself in movies where his manlet wop ass could larp fighting gigachads like dolph lundgren

he wrote and directed rocky and multiple other films Stallone is a sharp dude

Van Damme is my favorite but Stallone is top tier for Cop Land

>imagine not knowing about the one movie that proves your theory wrong


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Also the most successful body builder in human history too OP and all his fans are dyel af

>Italians are Roman
shut the fuck you greasy wop lmao

It always amazes me when nordcucks act like they did all that.
>oh pyramids? it was vikangz
>oh SPQR? it was vikangz
>oh modern western civilization? it was vikangz
Bunch of fucking plebeians.

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i absolutely love both movies but t1 edges out first blood by a thin margin

why can't people like both

Sony always win baby

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>why can't people like both
Because they're tribalism niggers.

I do Im just being a shitlord and trying to get (you)s.
T1 is great but I just like the setting and grittyness of FB1 better.

DNA has changed very little on the italian peninsula since ancient times. Italy has changed culturally and politically, but the people we once called 'romans' still exist there.
Cope away, you nigger-worshiping Swede.

70's/80's action star power ranking:
Stallone = Kurt Russel > Arnold > Jesse Ventura > Dolph > Chuck Norris > Mr. T > Roddy Piper > Carl Weathers > JCVD > Seagal

>Stallone is the embodiment of American spirit
>Borderline mentally retarded
>Embodiment of the American spirit

Sounds about right

>i cant seperate an actor from his roles
>out of the blue seething about america
shitskin detected

Back to/pol/

they drew first blood not me

>brings up to /pol/ boogeyman despite there being no reference or mention to it the entire thread
shitskin confirmed

Rambo is a fucking joke compared to governor terminator


Yea Forums is a /pol/ colony seethe more shitskin

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Aryan here. No it isn't. It's a containment board. And don't make me go there and bust your assholes open again.

lmao post hand with timestamp achmed

Cope my friend. You're probably mixed too.



>no u
quit embarrassing yourself you miserable paki

Like I said man, cope. I'm not American so I know I'm a thousand percent whiter than you are.

>antifa is seething white people LARPing as seething brown people
>/pol/ is seething brown people LARPing as seething white people
we live in a society

This would be more accurate if it was Rambo 1 vs any other Rambo, or Rocky 1 vs Rocky Stars and Stripes, don't pretend like Stallone isn't a sell out when he's got shit like judge dredd on his ledger

>dolph hits him once for real upon request
>he almost dies

Rambo 2 honestly kinda sucks but 3 is kino
>Rambo living with monks
>the cliff climbing
>treating the bullet wound in the cave
>stealing the gunship
>"fuck 'em"

Actually not too far off the mark. Hilarious really. And very telling of our society.

If i wanted my own come back id wipe it off your sisters burkha

Except he thinks antifa is on Yea Forums for some reason

/pol/ makes sure those fucks stay on reddit or discord they do Gods work

Theres no comparison, stallone is an actual artist.

Rambo 1 is one of a kind.
You would have to watch westerns or classic war movies to get a similar feeling.