How important are snacks to the movie going experience?

How important are snacks to the movie going experience?

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That looks deadlier than cyanide.

Fucking annoying listened to fat fucks crunching on their snacks the whole film. Theaters are disgusting.

>going to the theater
>not having a 10k calorie meal, post-movie, while watching the review of it on youtube

Poutine pizza can actually be really good. OPs is just a bad example.

This is how it should look.

It's only good while it's hot, but it is amazing.

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>mfw an american was fat near me

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For me, its spaghetti

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this is why America is the best. Used to eat something like this two to three times a week with my family. And unlike autistic Europoors who can’t make eye contact with their parents, we actually sat at the dinner table as a family and didn’t go on any smart phones or watch TV! we talked about our days and got to know each other! Learned how to talk and socialize! Crazy I know

i bring in a water and that's it
MAYBE a tiny pack of candy if i really want to treat myself

Damn and here I've been keeping my spaghetti in my pockets without a ziplock bag.

You sound European

pure kino

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How heavily does the sharia law affect the editing of your movies?

Looks like philly steak and some sort of chicken with fries.

I'd be such a greasy fat fuck if I was born American, this garbage looks delicious

are those carrots on the upper right?

god that looks tasty

it's chicken tikka you 3rd worlder

I actually empty out my hot pockets, eat the delicious meat/cheese/sauce contents, and fill it up with spaghetti. Spaghetti Hot Pockets are bomb and you get two meals if you put the inside into hot flour tortillas and make tacos.

I don't know how it's possible to sit through a movie without one of these bad boys in front of me

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actual based m80

What OP posted looks delicious.

What you posted looks disgusting. Whats that brown stuff untop, it looks like someone diarrhea shitted all over a pizza

>tfw been eating same food for 2 months
it will all be worth it eventually

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It's gravy you ignorant dolt, and its an essential part of poutine.

For me it's a loaded bloomin onion in each pocket (including coat pockets)

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>t. Charlie


god i'm hungry
dominos or papa johns, guys?


papa johns for that garlic dipping sauce

Onions I assume?

Domino's only because I hate Papa John's crust

Don't do chain restaurant pizza get pizza you can fold at your local ny pizza shop

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>dude shit or shitnI can't decide

Thank goodness i live in NJ so I know what actual pizza taste like

honestly there is no point in eating pizza if you aren't from NY, NJ or Chicago (not talking about the deep dish)

i'm from idaho don't bully

potato nigger

>eating a pizza box full of some raped and murdered 12 year old white girl kebab, cat tikka, and a nice dipping sauce consisting of Mahmoud and Rakeem's cum with some garlic added
>calling anyone else a third worlder

Dominos for brooklyn XL pizza

Dear God, I had no idea that Outback had found a way to make the blooming onion more unhealthy. The absolute madlads.

I was born in NJ, and later lived in NYC for a few years. Shit is overrated, I legitimately would rather have Pizza Hut stuffed crust and day of the week.

Yeah, but on the downside you have to live in that dystopian shit hole of a state. But hey, hey you got pork rolls too.

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I'm from rural Texas and we have a local ny pizza shop user

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Dominos, Large pep with olives

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i just know this is from some shithole middle eastern place

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Stuffed crust is a fucking gift from God.

Domino's because Papa John is a bigot.

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For me? It's fried shrimp

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I just have popcorn my dudes

And me? Chik fil a

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imagine you are american and think that some pizza fast food chain makes actual good pizzas.

I love living in europe to choose from countless local italian pizza places who make auhtentic pizza

I guarantee none of your ebin mom n pop pizza shops sell stuffed crust pizza.

It's the only thing that makes pizza worth eating, yet for some fucking reason the only people in the world who make it are pizza hut and little ceasers

imagine being italian and having your food done better by brits

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I can get 10 BK chicken nuggets for $1.49 to put on any pizza and make it authentically delicious, also dip my nugget za in some BK zesty sauce on of course

i would absolutely stuff my pockets full of hot greasy fried shrimp to eat during a movie and there is only one theater in my town of like 3k people so the impression upon my public image would be everlasting
but man oh man those shramps

you just proved my point that ameircan cuisine has no class

lmao you put bbq sauce on every dish and think thats a good flavour

You ever have pizza with BBW sauce instead on tomato sauce? Mama mia!

go choke on a fried mozzarella stick mario

Based shrimpbrother you know what it's like

For me it's an ice cold 6 pack of Steel Reserve tall boys

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Im not even italian, but nice argument

based & steelpilled

Gold Star is better

>tfw nice old lady at the gas station sells her Shepard's pie for $2

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The only decent thing about living in Houston is the restaurants. There's an Italian place up the block that is run, staffed, and patronized by Italian expats. It blows the fucking doors off of any pizza I've had in north east, not even fucking close. I went to some really good Italian restaurants in the five boroughs too, not the Brooklyn tourist traps and the Time Square Sbarro's.

>Admits that there's no stuffed crust over there
qed, keep your garbage pizza

Pizza should not look you jerked off on it before drizzling it with diarrhea, you demented kike.

You sound like a faggot.

Munchy box fucken yes pal

Enjoy Mohammed's jizz across your "authentic" "Italian" made pizza.


Yeah like Scotland.

I'm sorry friend, you must think I'm european

>I can get 10 BK chicken nuggets for $1.49 to put on any pizza

Holy shit

Movie MEALS are the main reason I watch movies. And, yes, I am overweight. ;_;

Commit suicide

It's just cheese, bro

how the fuck can people stomach more than 1500 kcal a day, let alone in a single sitting?