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I honestly thought this episode was fucking hilarious, best episode in a long time. It's even better seeing al the drumpfty dumpy trumptards go apeshit over how much he got burned and I teared up and cried with joy seeing all the new candidates march out knowing that we are so much stronger together and that we will finally defeat this evil maniac like skywalker shooting palpatine in empire or when Harry Potter stabbed Voldemort and he said "nooooo my evil isn't done yet!"

Yeah that's what joe Biden is gonna do to trump, end his evil madness, and maybe we can finally change our country and get rid of the evil electoral collage and just elect a council of presidents rather than one. Then we can get rid of republicans and conservatives all together

Duck yeah dude, the simpsons gets me excited about a really cool new progressive future and I'm sure it did the same for a lot of young hopeful fans of progressive ideology

That is Farmer 2's rebellious son. Sneed and the Farmers would support Trump.


That’s Chuck

That's Chuck's son created from Sneed's seed


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Quads of truth.

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Quality of content to go with the numbers argues for this post's immortality

Hate to say it, but you're right, when you related it to Harry Potter I saw the light. I'm going to stop being incel and have sex

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What the fuck even is perspective

why are they shown full frontal when we look at them from above.

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so who are the women supposed to be? I only recognize aoc

big if true

check'd and kek'd

Attached: sneed bane.png (640x902, 229K)


Because flash animation is hard.

the Trump cell has no depth to it, whos 8th grader drew this shit

Too pussy to put this on an episode and air it.

its so funny but when you think about it, somebody out there actually think like this, you successfully emulated a creature that exists.

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Dead meme

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i thought the chinks animate all this, did their living standart rise so high that they dont have to bother with putting out quality work anymore?

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The OP image just has so much to comment on. This thread will hit bump limit no question

> sneed circled
> that SHIT perspective
> drumpf and the 4 woke brown yass kweens cringe
> that like to dislike ratio

I mean, where do I begin...

Oh yes, I actually know where to begin: Sneed

Based. I hope they fill the entire board with sneed.

Does anyone have a link to the Discord?

Life gets better with you realise that, like 'incel', all words prefixed with 'in' are short for 'involuntary'.

You heard that fellas?
Jokes AREN'T supposed to be funny

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>you're a reactionary bigot if you think jokes are supposed to be funny
what is this world even

Making rightards seethe is hilarious though.

“This is my natural hair-ica”

Who the fuck wrote and approved this

How did they get away with this?

Attached: West Wing Story _ THE SIMPSONS-ErhaWVG0o1I_00_00_50.751.jpg (1920x1080, 696K)


some fucked up basic perspective. are they even trying anymore?



Has anyone got isometric / top-down 'fren' Pepe?

I want to put it in this image to show their perspective of Trump is so bad. If you put isometric pepe in there it will look better

That's the joke

you're in-sane

Attached: yike.png (1228x1150, 191K)

Isometric Synthesesizematronics senpai