ITT: Post the best nature documentary kino you can find. Preferably not American...

ITT: Post the best nature documentary kino you can find. Preferably not American, purely because of the obnoxious editing and sound effects they add. You dont need samurai sword sounds for fighting hornets, you fucking fags.

Attached: Trunked.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

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I want a nature documentary that doesn’t scold me for being a human...seems like every documentary with animals nowadays has some deep pretentious theme of “stop climate change, human bad, plastic kills animals whodathought, etc”. Maybe I just wanna watch animal documentary’s to learn about fucking animals and not other dumb shit

Someone post the falling walrus


If so then you'd also want plastic to stop killing fish, and climate change from altering their natural habitats. Nothing you can do about it though, I agree, unless you're a multibillionaire industry tycoon who chooses to browse Yea Forums instead of some exclusive rich image board.

: D

Attached: 1556988192766.webm (852x480, 1.91M)

Attached: 1561458118796.webm (480x480, 2.92M)

>exclusive rich image board.
such a place would have no content.

The cunny posters wouldn't have to hide I'd bet

Those are probably billionaires

That ooze means it's in heat.
Ya should've known better ya dumb bitch!

did he make it?


Attached: Penguins 3.webm (640x480, 2.31M)

Attached: gothippothingstodo.gif (374x308, 2M)




>hurrr I just wanna watch nature docs without LIBTARDS telling me that my lifestyle is endangering the planet
lmao imagine thinking someone is "pretentious" for caring about the planet

>You dont need samurai sword sounds
I beg to differ
Imagine thinking filmmakers care about the environment or animals, they just want the money of retards like you that do care

You're a stupid fuck if you think the people involved in productions like Planet Earth or Blue Planet don't care about the environment. Maybe the people writing the checks don't care (you don't know that) but a majority of the staff involved in filming have dedicated their lives to studying nature and have gotten incredibly lucky landing such a cool job.
Either way, in the end it doesn't matter if someone like Attenborough believes what he's saying. If the message they're spreading can positively affect people's behavior, then it's a job worth doing.

why should i care if the filmmakers care? the thing they're saying is still correct and true. take a good look at these animals because you'll be telling your grandkids about them in the past tense. who cares if it hurts your little feefees to be told the truth?

This. I don't really know what those anons are wanting. That every documentary pretend like these highly endangered species are going to always be around?

> [Remove]
>purely because of the obnoxious editing and sound effects they add
Planet Earth II and the other docs with Attenborough put out since that have been horrible with the added sound effects. This snake video being one of the bad ones.

what they want is porn and for everything to be like porn, instant gratification and no awareness of consequences. just like porn shows you pure idealized fucking without even acknowledging the existence of stds or unwanted pregnancies, what user wants is not nature documentaries but nature porn where he gets to look at cool animals without having to be aware that they're all dying. pure escapism in a bubble of willful ignorance.

Yes, here...
This is a nice place to die...

I see it as a "environmentalism = liberalism" thing and user can't possibly be subjected to something he views as political opposition or he'll have an aneurysm. Making environmentalism a partisan issue was genius. Benefited a lot of evil people.

Teddy Roosevelt must be rolling in his grave.

he never advocated for unrestricted hunting of endangered animals

It's true that the majority of it can't be helped by the average person. But imagine if every person changed their thinking from "well it's not ME, it's the tycoons" and made small changes, used less cars, less plastics, and most importantly had one less kid. it WOULD make a big difference.

>be OP
>suck a bag of dicks
>doesn’t pray to the mantis

Making environmental agreements only apply to Western countries was a stroke of genius. It's hard to take people seriously when their world ending cataclysm shuts down industrial production in responsible countries and moves it to the 3rd world. If you look at any information about who's leaking plastics into the oceans its east and south Asia but environmentalism became another who/whom issue just like limiting population growth (only for Westerners too)

>Now, we are free

Why is this idea that China and India don't give a fuck about global warming so pervasive? Or the idea that environmental regulation kills industry?

Theyre myths. Both China and India are investing tremendously in efforts to reduce emissions, because they stand to directly lose in cases of sea level rise and glacial loss. As for industry, the US still emits well over twice the amount of CO2 per capita than China.

The whole "hurr we shouldn't abide by any environmental standards when China wont!" Is a complete political fabrication

Well if you find a way to influence billions of people, wait another ten thousand years because you're clearly the Mule.

you know what, fuck you.

Oh boy looks like the third world apologist is here. Does he have an excuse for why 90% of the pollution in the oceans comes from just 10 rivers all located in Asia and Africa?

This is probably one of the dumbest things I've read on this board, which is saying alot.

There's a ton you can do, even though you're a selfish manchild who can't conceive of doing something for the benefit of others. Like working with recycling initiatives in your city, pressuring local municipalities to start mandatory recycling, composting, working with your state/national rep to fight for environmental protections. Jesus fucking Christ. There's no greater reminder that we're all doomed than reading these replies.

I would if I could, sadly I have the leadership abilities of a shoe

>Per capita
As if that fucking matters. China emits, total, more than both US and Russia fucking combined. The planet doesn't care about per capita. All that makes a difference is how much is going in per year, and China is far, FAR ahead of everyone else in this respect.

>learn about fucking animals

I've been watching The Hunt on Netflix. It's a BBC production that's pretty good, especially the music.

fuck lions

Attached: elizabeth debicki dashing past the paparazzi.webm (888x500, 2.91M)

giraffes are fucking bizarre looking.