Yellow man bad.
Yellow man bad
Other urls found in this thread:
his wife is white tho
Reminder no one likes these dipshits outside their gerrymandered House districts.
And dumb as shit
>Women in the kitchen.
What did they mean by this?
upper class whites are the true enemy
So yellow is supposed to be equal white according to Simpsons canon now?
Is this fat syphilitic idiot still ranting about buying greenland? God hes so fucking embarrassing
Reminder Trump is only mad because they dared attack Israel and his Jewish handlers
get woke, go broke
Sneed man bad
He is.
Our nation is so infantilized that we fetishize our political battles into our Sunday night comedy cartoons
Oh jesus user a Republican complaining about gerrymandering is just too fucking ironic for me to take. It's like being a disingenuous lying sack of shit is literally all you people care about at this point
You know things are bad when you can't tell if a person is a /pol/tard or a sjw tranny anymore
>nnnno you
Grow up
>a Republican complaining about gerrymandering is just too fucking ironic for me to take
Not sure why, the recent Supreme Court ruling on it involved Maryland Democrats drawing the map in their favor.
>Yellow man bad.
Orange man GREAT.
The squad come from deep blue seats. No one fucking cares, they're going to retain their offices on incumbency lmfao.
Trump is quite possibly the dumbest motherfucker in world history. I cant think of another person who struggles so much with basic coherency. Literally everything that comes out of his mouth is just so fucking stupid and then hell claim some autistic shit like "having the best words". Its shocking.
Which one is more cringe?
AOC ego must not be over the moon now, she made into the Simpsons.
How can anyone unironically still support this deranged nutcase? It's like some horrifying mix of narcissism and dementia but with nuclear weapons involved.
"The Squad"? More like "The Sneed"
This one, because it implies that anybody actually knows who these people are.
they just call people on landlines, these polls are totally irrelevant
Yeah New York would obviously vote deep red if not for gerrymandering lol what an 80iq tool you are
That seems pretty xenophobic. I can't believe the Simpsons is fucking racist.
this one because the uswnt are more successful than the simpsons at this point
huh it's almost like the whole point was to make trumper incels seethe and that's exactly what they accomplished
I won't be surprised when a couple years after his second term is it quietly becomes known that he had actual dementia for a significant portion of his presidency.
Of course they are. The nature of the House makes it so people very unpopular in a state or nationally can still win because their district is like 90% GOP/Dem. But the idea of them winning anything outside their lowly congressional seats in laughable. "Tlaib for Senate," "AOC for President in 2024!" Give me a break.
There's a reason President Trump is actively trying to paint 'the Squad' as the face of today's Democratic Party, and it's not because they're super popular with the statewide electorate in Ohio, Florida, etc.
>more american
isn't this an inherently racist sentiment? Why does the american left always completely throw away all they stand for when it comes to ridiculing their opponents?
>stop bodyshaming
>lol he has a small penis and hands and is fat
>all americans are equal
>lol these LADIEEEEEEEEEEEEEES are more american than your immigrant wife
it just keeps happening over and over without an inch of self-awareness
If they really wanted to make a good Trump joke, they would have him pull up to Sneed's Feed and Seed, where Farmers 1 and 2 would call him a city slicker.
No one's mad about this. It's just really fucking cringy.
>don't call me anti-american you're anti-american comedy
Formerly good.
>not a fan of ridiculous clown democrats
>must be a republican
Jesus, people as easily manipulated as you should not be allowed vote. Why don't you try using your peanut brain every once and a while, it might grow over time.
>they just call people on landlines, these polls are totally irrelevant
>look at this poll of Trump's approval!
>look at this poll, Trump is done in 2020!
When your favorability rating is at nine fucking percent, that goes behind any landline/MOE spin.
So what you're saying is that the left has aligned itself with the Nazi's because they both hate the Jews?
Hello my fellow Jew!
Yes, all forms of socialism are evil. It doesn't matter that they claim not to be the same poison and insist on differentiating themselves from the other forms of socialist poison. They are all the same thing, no different than different types of wines from each other, if wines were absolute evil.
Oy vey. Shalom my fellow Jigger. We must stop the evil white man before they save us from our own mutant offspring.
The Simpsons is low hanging fruit.
Who are The Squad?
A girl band?
'The Squad' is a CNN term. It sucks that it has apparently caught on.
Culture warrior horseshit aside, why is he orange? Does he have a skin condition?
Isn't that like "woke" though?
Most people seem to use it ironically
And /pol/ love this guy despite claiming to hate jews? Bit confusing tbqh.
Upper class whites, so jews?
Seems like Nazis and trannies hate him equally
They love that he beat Hillary.
Tell me how it wouldn't be a great strategic move for America?
old people have grey skin. He uses fake tan to not look dead
>non-white, not even europen descent
>socialist swine
I am trying to come up with way to be more anti-American, nothing comes to mind.
>my wife came here legally through the proper channels like every immigrant does to other countries
what is their point?
shocking really, it's as if marxism is the anthesis of America
I'm from England and still have no idea who they are.
Definitely an enemy of a leftist, and not even rich, just white.
I thought he was just joking, was he serious about that? I remember reading that the US considered it in the 1940s but decided it was cheapier/easier to just ally with Denmark.
To equate smart, wealthy, college-educated, English-speaking legal immigrants with the Third World garbage from Central America that sneaks into the country.
equal pay was an "issue" (it was never an issue) and "solved" (it was solved) before matt groening ever drew a comic strip let alone drew a simpsons character
Reminder that while you were getting triggered about insults towards muh PoC™ bolsheviks, Trump meanwhile passed legislation to ban immigration from entire South America and ACLU can't stop crying about it.
When did the Simpsons turn into Horsey comics?
I honestly thought it was fucking hilarious, best simpsons bit in a long time. It's even better seeing al the drumpfty dumpy trumptards go apeshit over how much he got burned and I teared up and cried with joy seeing all the new candidates march out knowing that we are so much stronger together and that we will finally defeat this evil maniac like skywalker shooting palpatine or when Harry Potter stabbed Voldemort and he said "nooooo my evil isn't done yet!"
Yeah that's what joe Biden is gonna do to trump, end his evil madness, and maybe we can finally change our country and get rid of the evil electoral collage and just elect a council of presidents rather than one. Then we can get rid of republicans and conservatives all together
Duck yeah dude, this video gets me excited about a really cool new progressive future and I'm sure it did the same for a lot of young hopeful fans of progressive ideology
Every time I think lefties can’t get any more retarded they prove me wrong
Remember when the simpsons wasn’t shit?
I mean sure, being a trophy wife of some rich guy is the proper way I guess.
it's gotten to the point where poe's law reigns supreme
>lefties can’t beat a guy with possible dementia
Maybe they should just kill themselves
Okay, smart guy, where did they meet and when did they get married?
Hint: it was before he was president and when the united states cared about entering the country when you weren't from this country
They want whats best for Israel, just like any red bloode American patriot should.
Explain it in 10 words or less why being a trophy wife is something bad.
>you can't tell when person is a leftshit or a leftshit
Confusing, really.
I dont know were they met but she's clearly a trophy wife. Do you think she'd be with him if he was a plumber?
Its pretty degrading but if your fine with that, go suck some old dick for cash.
Stupid fucking goy, we need women in the workforce to keep labour demand low, leading lower wages.
To who, the woman or the feminist lobby?
Why is Ilhan Omar white but Rashida Tlaib is black? Do these dipshit animators not actually know these women at all outside of headlines and tweets?
Women league actually lost nearly 30 million since 2013, and I SINCERELY hope the cunts will go to supreme court with muh equal pay, because they would actually get their paychecks slashed for that exact reason.
>we're more american than your wife
Doesn't Melania have citizenship though? Kind of a Republican take to be espousing an attitude whereby you're "more American" if you're born here desu
simpsons are still on tv?
Slavs aren't white
Yellow man legitly retarded.
This one at least is just a picture. the one in OP had to be pitched to someone, written, storyboarded, animated, voiced acted and edited, and nobody in that whole workflow piped up and said "god damn everybody hold up a minute this is absolutely abhorrent"
To the one who has to suck pensioner dick
>How can anyone unironically still support this deranged nutcase
Let's see
>leftshits still cry about him
>naziboos still cry about him
>MSM still cries about him
>Fortune100 corporations still cry about him
>EUSSR cucks still cry about him
Tldr. he is still great.
>and "solved" (it was solved) before matt groening ever drew a comic strip
Isn't that subjective though
Saudi Arabia's cock was literally the first thing Trump shoved down his throat as commander in chief. He even turned a blind eye when they murdered a US citizen. His shit for brains son-in-law is probably still feeding them info, which is why no one (Republican or Democrat) wanted to give him security clearances. Stop forming opinions based on /pol/ memes and actually use your cumbrain, idiot.
Islamophobe spotted
Well , yeah.Im sure there are plenty of girls who want to fuck pensioners
>vote a genuine retard as a president
>"h-ha ha, they are just jealous of us!"
I feel bad for the americans. Both Obama and Bush jr. were at least twice more respectable as politicians as this mentally ill clown is.
You must be fun a parties
you've really got to wonder how broken an adult is he needs to believe this badly he's arguing against tranny hordes
>duck yeah
Thanks user for making my day a bit more entertaining.
>fuck, I cant refute facts
>I'll post another meme, that'll show him!
Man the Left pretending George W. Bush was all right to make a point how much they hate Trump will never cease to baffle me. They went ape shit over him in 2006-2008, now they act like he's a wise sage. What the fuck has Trump done that's even in the same ZIP Code of blunder as invading Iraq?
Makes me realize Trump's just "the worst President ever!" until the next GOP President is sworn in.
Any more?
Its just what right wing culture warriors call anyone who disagrees with them. Kinda like how left wing culture warriors call people nazis. Its to dehumanize anyone who disagrees.
>you must be tranny
That works only if the persona actually relates or sympathizes with them.
Probably not, but at least I am not a dumbshit amerimutt atrocity that thinks Trump is doing good work or is being respectable. Nor am I so dumb that that I would treat the position of president as a joke, unlike so many US citizens seem to be doing.
this entire election has made me despise hollywood and the media like nothing ever before.
>Hitler had his Berlin Wall
didn't this have 30k down votes last time
>What the fuck has Trump done that's even in the same ZIP Code of blunder as invading Iraq?
This is true, but the actual culprit of this is Cheney, Bush was just a fucking gullible dumbass.
He got hundreds of thounsands of people killed, Trump hasn't done anything remotely close for now.
Idk about that but someone has been deleting comments that tie Matt Groening with Epstein
Good, at least they don't suck nigger dick and castrate their kids for Facebook likes.
Both Obama and GWB did some questionable shit, but it is true that they both were more professional and respectable than Trump could ever hope to be. Also, Obama was ree'd as the anti-christ and communist dictator. It's just part of the amerimutt culture to take it in the feefees and ree about it and everything excessively.
Also, it's funny hearing Trump being somehow anti-leftists, when his whole selection campaign narrative could easily be seen as more far-left than Bernie Sanders.
Trump supporters are quite literally so detached from reality they are not worth attempting to engage with. They ranted and raved that Obama thought he was the chosen one, Trump literally says it and goes a step further and says he's the second coming of God and they frantically defend him. They're children.
jews aren't white though
Kek, like how your chapoid ass is posting this as something bad.
some shitposters on a laotian jar painting forum are now compared to decades of calling anyone and everything Nazis.
wait a minute are you saying that tranny shithouse might be projecting because the victims of cultural marxism always project?
you'd be right
Why do you hate brown people?
>the millions of death caused by WW2 were not so bad because chinksects and slavshits are inept at government / human decency, and that's why taxation and homosexuality is bad
he cute
An opinion of yurocuck, how refreshing. Good thing you still have both hands to write even with Chinese cock down your throat.
Were they the same people who called Obama a nazi?
I don't think those piles of millions of skulls were trying to imply that those deaths "weren't bad", I think they are trying to imply that the mass murder of citizens by their own governments was more numerous than the mass murder of citizens by enemy governments in the largest wars of the modern era
being a trophy wife has absolutely nothing to do with her being an immigrant or an american or here legally or illegally
what the FUCK is the relevant point you're trying to make? or do you just want to parrot facebook headlines of articles you've never read?
It has a much different feel to it when it's "reeeeing" about a Democratic President vs. a Republican one. With the former, the hate doesn't involve the mainstream media and Hollywood celebrities, which makes it feel like the people vs. the regime or something.
(it is)
>only a leftie could dislike Trump!!!
So picking on women and hating immigration is good now? I don't understand anymore.
Saudis aren't people.
fucking kek
Yes. I'm a leftist and I would readily align with Nazis against the jewish horror. The ultimate enemy of humanity is jewry.
So people dont marry people to gain citizenship in other countries?
>muh le Jews
Nice cope you limpwristed faggot. Like listening to a nigger whining about whitey
>whitey/jew made me shoot up schoolyard/castrate my kid
I'm just holding on for the wild ride were all on. Same reason i voted for him.
>Well well look at the Orange city slicker pulling up in his fancy Air force one
Yellow man IS bad.
Iranian hands typed this.
Yeah, normal leftshit tactics. When socialists invaded our country in tanks, they were also screeching about fascists and nazis.
This one, at least the one in the OP was an attempt at humor, this is just virtue signal.
>nativism is ok when we do it
>simpsons are still on tv?
disney just bought them.
Kek we have a real globoactualhomo statist here. Why don't you go to back your fringe revolutionary forum at the Guardian™?
I'm a liberal. I hate Trump. But this makes me cringe hard. This is just pathetic and embarrassing.
I never got the simpsons. All the boomers and gen xers say the first few seasons were great. It's always been shit for my generation, today it even went beyond shit.
Unironically yes.
it's one assmad zionist kike
I thought The Squad was some new female rap group. Turns out it's just this new raft of retarded lunatics in the house and senate. Fuck I'm really starting to hate women and foreigners.
Good luck ever getting a job since most people are liberal in the workplace.
The orange man bad meme really just proves that trumpets know hes an indefensible idiot and are forced to shut down literally all criticism with an irrelevant blanket deflection. Its really fucking pathetic
What about fascists (legit fascists, not the left wing culture warrior version aka anyone right of socialism) who hate zionist puppets?
You'd be surprised. Also she's almost 50 years old, stop calling her a girl like she's some bimbo in her 20s
link to clip of him saying that quote?
>invasion of greenland
>anointing himself pope after 2020 re-election
Shut the fuck up if you don't want to see this happen.
>liberal in the workplace
You mean affirmative actions in offices?I really don't have to worry about those.
But thats not sneed
I see a man that have given his daughter to a jew, a capital for a nation and he has shown to the world how jews can be unfaithfull and unloyal.
He is sacrified tier based. It's a shame you can't see is plan.
>I need Dear Leader's cock down my throat every single second of my life!
>not a leftist
I'm not but youre a culture warrior so everything is black and white to you. Nuance? Fuck that! I dont like zionist puppets so i would never vote dem or rep but you love that circumsized dick, I guess.
Yellow man is a barely sentient pedophile rapist who's done nothing except enrich himself as president through foreign bribery. So yeah, pretty fucking bad
>professional and respectable
Thats why people voted for Trump. You can't be critical about the government with Jesus in charge. Hell, Obama won a Nobel Peace prize just for being a president.
Proves it in what way?.
Orange man bad meme exists because the man can't take a shit without the leftists equating it to racism because the shit was brown and flushed it.
How absolutely seething are Trumpoids right now?
>volatile behaviour means that he can get shit done and actually wants change
Is this what the amerimutts actually believe?
Seethe even more cuckie. You wanna tell me that you are an actual fascist on a Yea Forums board specifically regarding Hollywood movies and TV shows?
No girl, you are just another Berniebro reject.
>I feel bad for the americans.
Don't. They brought it on themselves.
They have no regrets either. Watch as they cheer every time Trump deep throats that hairy Saudi cock.
If that flushed shit crosses the border, does that count as deportation? Someone call ACLU and Beto.
We all know that all American actresses and models are whores who suck and fuck their way to the top. Now think about what an Eastern European model must have to do to make it.
Why do pedophiles hate Trump so much?
Unironically go back to veddit
You're arguing with a jew. He's the same one who spams memes alleging hitler was a tranny or whatever.
Oh look a shittalking Nordcuck with Arab cock so far down his throat, it actually also counts as anal.
The right gets triggered so easily. Trump didn't even get BTFO that much.
No clue, considering Trump had at least one run on Epstein's lolita express.
>colin spacetwinks
I love seeing these people who wouldn't even have the balls to put down their sick cat call for violence.
Whiter than you.
>hitler was a tranny
He did allied with non-whites to kill milliins of Europeans and sucked muslim cock, had non-white and even jewish battalions and all you can do is seethe in denial about it.
What are the odds of him winning again? On the one hand media has been shitting on him for 4 years and last election they were trying to push the angle that they've got the victory in the bag, whereas this year they'll probably try to make it seem like a life or death thing. On the other hand the election is next year and yet I've heard almost nothing about any other candidates (should mention that I'm not a burger). Last election around the same time I seem to remember hearing a lot about the candidates, but this year it seems like the only prominent one is Trump.
I think it's kind of weird and hypocritical when the left goes after Trump's wife for being an immigrant.
Because most pedophiles vote democrat.
I'm not a fascist, I asked what if fascists hate him for being jew fetishist. And fuck bernie that nigger lover cuck. Fuck democrats and fuck republicans, but you keep playing their game you culture warrior subhuman.
So are the democuck libtards shaming legal migrants?
It wasn’t easier, Denmark just refused to sell it
Based antichrist
Liberals are literally retarded.
Why are AOC and Ilhan Omar yellow?
What is the squad?
It's a mutt thing
I'm tired of this "trump is racist" bullshit, even the tweet that every is calling racist by trump is never quoted completely, where it is obvious the tweet isn't racist.
It isn’t arguing that they will lose their seats you retard, it’s saying proving how many people don’t even know who “the squad” is, and that the majority that do think they are retarded.
Sweetie Saudi's donate to the democrats.
le this
Has The Simpsons been relevant in any way in the past decade?
Other than being cucks to one Indian fag on twatter and ditching Apu
That is nice I guess, don't know why your dumb ass decided to bring that up.
Just needed to vent your frustrations I guess, get it out faggot.
>I've heard almost nothing about any other candidates
It is an actual shitshow circus. People campaign in Spanish language, campaign in Mexico, do photo ops helping illegals cross the borders, it's like tumblr convention, muh white males muh gibs muh everything for free muh open borders.
Current frontrunner is half-asleep fucking white male. It seems that Trump cannot lose, problem is that people will be partisan regardless of candidate, so even if Trump has higher approval than Obama or Bush had at the same time, he has more people 'strictly against' than them.
It will come down to which side is more demoralized.
But they're not? Trump's wife is white and America is foundationally a european nation. Not that Melania is particularly american but she could at least theoretically be, cortez however is just immediately not.
>I am not X
>here is fuckton of X buzzwords
That's dangerous language that can back fire on them. Imagine going to any brown guy and telling then you're more American then them?
> do photo ops helping illegals cross the borders
Man, you think that would make its way on to Yea Forums at some point, those photos of that things totally happening. Weird that it hasn't yet.
Niggerspeak, originally.
Guess it’s what those exceptionally retarded female democrats are calling themselves now
> Imagine going to any brown guy and telling then you're more American then them?
Yeah, and ?
You forgot to type out the part were you think you would get beat up. Type that shit out at least, faggot.
Nationality for them is just a fluid term. They're patriotic when they're trying to outdo the opponent but in all other cases it's just paper for them.
In reality nationality doesn't make any substantive sense outside of a genetic one.
Apart from Sneed posting (which is based), I don't get how are the Simpsons still running?
>show has been running from 1989
>reach it's peak in the 90s and being solid to the early 00s
>starting to decline
>reaches 20 years, while most shows can't last half of that
On top of all of that, piracy is a fuck ton easier nowadays, and with viewer numbers going down, how are they still producing it?
He still might lose because of your two party system. He's almost certainly going to be the republican candidate, but people might just vote for whatever democrat there is against him. Even if they don't like them a lot of people will probably still vote for them just to keep Trump out of the White House.
>hitler had his berlin wall
I suspect the lefty who made this didn't realize that the berlin wall was made after ww2 by the communists so people couldn't escape to the West Berlin side?
>spend entire presidency sucking up to jews
>jews still hate your guts
lmao is trump the ultimate cuck?
In 2020 I think we're about to find out who controls the result of elections - is it the people or is it the media?
Can the majority of the population be manipulated by media's lies? Is humanity really that easy to control? We'll know the answer very soon.
I think he assumes everyone loves Jews like him and evangelicals and doesn't realize a LOT of people secretly want to kill or ship out the rats
If trump wins then we will know the people control the elections, as they should
Not that guy but when shit like that gets posted, it's usually by /pol/-tier anti-joos. Why else would you post it anyways, if not to promote your agenda? I find the other user's logic sound.
Dog shit stupid gullible faggots, all of you.
Just reverse image search before you react.
Patriotism is a blind love and loyalty to the nation
>Apart from Sneed posting (which is based
What's the joke Buckley?
I can't help but feel that a Democrat made this image
takes a break to catch a breath from licking their boots and they say "yeah well, what have you done for me lately"
i wonder how they will feel when the inevitable AOC types get into power
Gee, thanks Professor.
Oh wait...
You know the eletrocals don't have to vote for the same candidate that their people is voting for. If the people voted Hillary but the eletrocal can go to Trump if he chooses
Shhhh, only americans can criticize him. And those that can, are leftists who won't be listened to because fags also happen to be associated with the left (and everyone knows a minority means EVERYONE supports it).
/pol/ sure do love getting fucked in the ass, I don't know why SJWs don't hop over there with that shit being a core belief.
That's only your definition, patriotism can often manifest as criticism. Also you say country but that's only absurd in the modern sense where a country is some civil governance region. If the country is taken as the wider land of your specific ethnic group then there's something very real underpinning why you should be ultimately supportive of it. However once again it doesn't entail blind support.
I consider myself a patriotic Englishman. However i would remove our government if i could choose, in fact i would probably instigate wildly unpopular policies for what i would argue would be ultimately good.
>The Squad
name a more forced media meme
Sorry *'blind love to nation' , not country
He does and says so much ridiculous and embarrassing shit on a daily basis that it's a downright Herculean task just to keep up with all of it, and you're angry at the people who point it out?
It has been so long that I really am having a hard time remembering.
Imagine being this absolutely detached from reality
A daily basis you say, give me 5 examples then.
>Patriotism is a blind love and loyalty to the nation.
don't you have a EU to fuck over, why are you shitposting here mr Juncker
>he has shown to the world how jews can be unfaithfull and unloyal.
yeah because no one had ever said that before
It is video on Corey Booker's own Facebook page.
Every uprising against the Jewish establishment comes from the working classes. The Nazis were a working class movement. Corbyn in the UK is a working class movement. The Jews think that having friends in the billionaire class like drumpf will save them, but it won't save them from the people.
Link it faggot.
That's only 1 example!
Oh will you Q boomers shut up. If Trump straight up paid for all browns to up their birth rate to 8 and banned whites from owning weapons leading to wide spread roving gangs executing whites you'd say it was based 4d chess.
> "he's stolen the support base from the dems!"
> "he's pointed out how violent hispanics can be!"
> "dems are the real racists!"
If you concede all your positions to your opponent you just lose. You can rationalize all the way to the grave shouting Trust the Plan! as your wife gets raped by Jorgé and Ramez.
Non white people are the most American of all.
slavs are absolutely based and whiter than you, mohammad
t. finnish mongol
Talib actually said that?
Is that all that's left of the US, jews vs browns? What the fuck happened.
2020 is gonna be shit year, isn’t it?
>He's almost certainly going to be the republican candidate
He will. There is just some troll who did the same thing last time to get paid.
Thenrest of your post is spot on, people will vote partisan, especially it actually takes pre-election effort to switch parties in the US and people are lazy. It will come down to how much will progressives be butthurt about Biden.
Hillary's body count is higher than trumps "ridiculous things" count.
and then immediately distanced himself from him, banned him from his properties and then did as much as he could to help put that creep behind bars. Not the Clintons, not Alec Baldwin or George Clooney...
retard statistic for retards
>Even if they don't like them a lot of people will probably still vote for them just to keep Trump out of the White House.
You underestimate how unpopular the Dem candidates are
When will these liberal degenerates realize that by making things like this, they'll only push more and more people to the right? Trump gave America what they needed all along. A fresh face, a new voice and a promise. And these stupid identity political faggots don't seem to get it! They continue to alienate more and more of the American people, they are the ones dividing us. And I say that we here at Yea Forums, GOOD, CONSERVATIVE, CHRISTIAN citizens should not stand for it either! Trump will win the 2020 election and the 2024, the 2028, 2032 and so on.
Too bad trump is the biggest kike puppet alive
what part of that makes somebody a "trophy"?
This is what he's referring to:
Democrats will call them asylum seekers, Republicans will call them illegals. Bottom line, candidates are basically actively encouraging people to flood our immigration system.
>Corbyn in the UK is a working class movement
Kek, no one does mister 'TripleTheNetWorthOfFarrage' hates more than working class English males. When he talks about 'working class' he means imported brownies and no one else.
The alternative is that him and his closest people were never in the same room at the same time and never heard about each other.
Imagine being this deluded.
I don't think your ability to discern the point here is on display in a positive manner.
Unironically based
seething brown female Berniebro
>You underestimate how unpopular the Dem candidates are
Aren't Trump's approval ratings in the single digits?
You don't know what you're talking about. Corbyn genuinely cares about the working class, he's not some pro-immigration open-borders globalist
Its nice you of you to choose to be a goal post moving faggot for him.
So they went from illegals to legal immigrants, which is still actually super duper bad!
Cringe and kill yourself.
People dislike Trump as an elected official, people have a personal dislike for most of the Dems
In an election scenario one is always going to win out over the other, that's why Hillary lost. I don't think anyone doubted she would have been a better president, but she was just an unlikeable bitch.
Trump said even worse things about America.
Why would I support another kike? Faggot
orange sneed bad
>we're more american than your wife
I thought the left was pro immigrant.
>don't think anyone doubted she would have been a better president
lmao what? She wasn’t just “unlikeable”, she’s a massively corrupt powerhungry psycho.
If she was indicted for the crimes that she had committed she wouldn’t even be eligible to hold public office
No, his approval rating has been consistently higher than Obama’s at the equivalent points in his presidency
>Hell, Obama won a Nobel Peace prize just for being a president.
Um no sweaty, he won it for being a black who became president
It is routinelly between 46-48% aggregate polling even in partisan polls. Lowest I have seen in some Root-tier garbage rag was 38%
He's not even black, he's a tan jew.
how will the alt-right ever recover?
This. Get it together America, for all our sakes.
imagine thinking this is a bad idea just because trump said it. you really are an actual npc.
Had no idea Trump was gassing children. Maybe i'll vote for Joe Biden now.
Slavs are literally the untermensch.
Isn't this also anti-immigrant though? "If you're a naturalised US citizen born outside the country then you're less of an American than those born in the US"?
He is gassing them, but because he is also greedy jew, he doesn't even use the gas, he just beats them to death with gas canisters.
I gotta be honest with you, i agree with this 100%. It really is as simple as that and pol has been destroyed and overun with trannies so any person still there on the right is brainwashed enough to be left.
Its only racist when the other side does it
Fuck Blumpf
Fuck the Squad
Fuck Commies
Fuck Kikes
>naturalised US citizen
The effort you go through to not refer to her as an immigrant in the very least is funny.
buying gas canisters, he's far cheaper than that, AOC told me she saw him beat a paraplegic immigrant to death with their own chair.
Wtf is the squad
How is talking about the holohoax anti-american? What boomer fag made this?
Both sides are jew controlled and evil.
trump's base is literal israel-worshiping npc retards
Melanoma is not a slav, she's alpine.
Its not that it wouldn't be a good thing to own Greenland, its more like it would be retarded for the danes to sell it. Also the people there would probably be more interested in joining Canada than the US if they were even given independence.
Its not even that it’s about Trump but the sketch is just terrible.
But Hitler lost and Europe was flooded with muzzies and non whites within a few decades.
Your lies are being exposed, kike. Enjoy the lake of fire along with your butt buddies Ch*rchill and R*osevelt.
>Jails kids
jesus christ, the controversy was that he WASN'T jailing kids with their parents because there was a law in place not to indefinitely detain children, do people not even read about the causes they support?
Thanks buddy. Anything to not call her an immigrant, seeing as how demonized that word is.
Nah, he's more like a Howard Hawkes type character that's slowly going insane from isolation from reality. He's getting a bunch of strange info from various sources and he's just very slowly losing grip on reality.
Have you read the qualifications to run for president?
I can't believe how fucking dense you are.
Isolation doesn't lead you to believe Margret Thatcher is still in government, that is dementia.
>flooded with muslims
found the murrican that never left his state
>The Trump administration on Wednesday unveiled a regulation to allow it to indefinitely detain migrant families who illegally cross the border. The rule replaces a decades-old court agreement that mandates a level of care for migrant children and limits how long the government can hold them in custody.
Images get out of these camps full of children, people throw a shitfit that these kids are being separated from their families and now they're changing the law that the kids DO indefinitely get detained with their parents. What a great cause.
So you do believe that naturalised citizens are "less American" but you're avoiding the question because it would be politically inconvenient for you to admit it?
Dude, I'm totes ma gotes with yas bra. Anything to not point out she is an immigrant.
>believe Margret Thatcher is still in government
wow did really say this?
I live in Maryland. Democrats love gerrymandering. Stfu faggot
>it’s another thread in which people who will never convince each other just yell at one another
Just fucking fight already.
God you clearly have no life whatsoever. Haven't been in her for a week and still when i open up Yea Forums it's always you mumbling faggot bring up non sense shit and forced your gigantic delusion onto everyone. Bet you are also the one who made all bait thread on here but then mentally collapsed when someone blatanly trying to bait you with schliender list sniper. Go try find my post on your archive you obsessed lowlife redditurd that's the only thing reddturd like you can do. obssesing over history post
>London and Paris, the cities that were white for THOUSANDS f years are permanently no longer majority white European
>no big deal, lol Murriga XDDD
Man Trump kind of sucks, but I saw the other day that Biden said he remembers talking to Parkland students while he was vice president.
Nothing wrong with european immigration desu
So you're incapable of reading the first sentence of my post then? Just how fucking dense are you?
>UK: 87% white
>US: 61% non-hispanic white
Stop projecting your butthurt about your own country onto us, thanks.
>allow it to indefinitely detain migrant families
>replaces a decades-old court agreement that mandates a level of care for migrant children and limits how long the government can hold them in custody.
So the current state is, children can be held indefinitely, where as before, there was a rule that said children couldn't be held indefinitely.
How the fuck is this a source for the claim that Trump ISN'T holding children in cages. It really seems as if you are false flagging and linking articles to actually help the other side. That is how big of a dumb ass you are, honestly.
>>UK: 87% white
Nice lie, fagget.
>What percentage of the UK is white?
>White British is an ethnicity classification used in the 2011 United Kingdom Census. In the 2011 census, the White British population was 51,736,290, 81.9% of the UK total population (NB. This total includes the population estimate for Northern Ireland, where only the term 'White' is used in ethnic classification
>20 FUCKING 11 aka years before the huge 3rd world immigration waves of 2013-2017
based trump still caring about his ex
Hypocracy is a common trait of politics.
Okay really though what's the bunker country for when brown people become too much?
ITT: retards thinking that elections matter
No matter who you get in the white house they're still going to lick AIPAC and Saudi boots, all you're doing is making enemies of your countrymen. I'll never vote for Trump but I'd rather have an entertaining puppet than a boring one the media defends.
Well, that does make it easier. It's easier to be ally with Denmark, instead of convincing them to sell a thing they don't want to sell.
Nowhere, the whole point of the religion of leftism is to chase down the last white person (even their own).