Explain to me how you could possibly like SSJ2 Gohan even though he made the stupid decision of not finishing Cell off when he had the chance.
Explain to me how you could possibly like SSJ2 Gohan even though he made the stupid decision of not finishing Cell off...
But he did
Only after his dad had to sacrifice himself because Gohan thought toying with Cell was a good idea
Fuck off Paco.
Fuck you
he has the best hair
Vegeta let him become perfect and yet Vegeta is still the most based character in the franchise
Isn't that the whole theme of the cell saga? saiyans being retarded?
>Vegeta's "So you would kick my ass in perfect form? Alright then"
>Trunk's "I'm actually stronger than my dad"
> Goku being capable of instant travel, still gets caught un Cell's explosión because he stays chatting with king Kai
Gohan was just following their steps
Vegeta's idea sort of made logical sense though. With all the time travel fuckery, they needed to beat Cell at full power so that he would not try and do it again.
>not wanting to physically and psychologically torture your opponent and shatter his beliefs of being a superior being
Cell killed countless people, Gohan's line of reasoning was perfectly understandable, especially for a 10 year old that had just been psychologically shit on.
While that makes that fantastic blunder a lot easier to sit with (not that it was particularly hard) that was definitely not his reasoning.
Yeah true lol
Gohan was nothing like his dad and the nigga who writes this shit is retarded
>super saiyan 2
>"pure heart overcome by rage"
wasn't 100% in control of his actions just like the first time Goku became a Super Saiyan
saiyan instincts of sadism/love of battle take over, plus rage clouding his judgement. this is mentioned the first time goku and gohan transform.
saiyan's love of battle and also vegeta's pride are what keep him doing things like that. this is consistent throughout the show. it is even mentioned as early as the saiyan saga that goku loves fighting, even when losing, because saiyans are made for fighting and nothing else. they love it and cannot help themselves. it is in their dna.
trunks thought he was stronger because of the ss 3rd grade form he thought he discovered alone. however the form had a flaw. too much power, no speed.
in order to use instant transmission, you need a short time to concentrate on a power. the movement is instantaneous, but the set up takes time. by the time goku and cell transported away, cell said they had 5 seconds left. so 5 seconds, goku teleports to the battlefield, tells his son he did well and to hug his mom for him, concentrate, teleports away. that is way more than 5 seconds. the whole reason he even went to king kai was because it was the first person he could think of.
flawed heroes are more fun after ten years of a good guy
I know. I watched the show. Saiyans were just acting like retards.
toriyama had one week to write and illustrate a chapter. he spent the 5 day week fucking around and the 2 day weekend doing the manga because he felt he worked better under pressure
it's clear he didn't work better under pressure when you pay attention, but his work had major success that's still continuing 35 years later
>it's in their DNA
It's in Cell's DNA too, ironically
Okay? I know it invented a ton of what's now considered staple shonen tropes, but that doesn't change the fact that Vegeta and Trunks made objectively dumb decisions based on pride alone. Goku's one is understandable given the corcunstances.
that's not ironic at all. this is pointed out and completely deliberate.
>you were already the strongest in your time. why did you come here?
>perhaps it was the cells of vegeta and freeza inside me that drove me to seek more power and my complete form.
Will you faggots shut the duck up with this shit? It's motherfucking super saiyan 2. Or SS2 if you are also a lazy asshole. Adding the J does not make you more japanese you figuritive pieces of shit. Just like adding a fucking umlaut to a german e doesn't make you more fucking german.
so either its great and people don't mind characters acting retarded (characters acting retarded is the reason for 99% of stories, fictional or otherwise) or it's bad because characters act retarded (he had two days to write and draw 15 pages that matched up with last weeks chapter)
dragon ball is going to make no sense because even the creator didn't care. characters are going to be retarded because that is how plots in real life and in fiction work.
"ë" does not exist in german. just ä, ö, and ü.
because he was a dumb teen imitating his dad's tendency to not finish anyone off?
there are plenty of reasons do dislike gohan but that's not really one
>Goku being capable of instant travel, still gets caught un Cell's explosión because he stays chatting with king Kai
There's no way he's going to drop a nuclear bomb to King Kai's planet and not stick around. Would be a total dog move if he left.
The problem with Gohan is what he became after the Cell Saga. Had Vegeta stopped training he would get a ton more shit for letting Cell power up.
>dude why was this character angry it's not like any of that shit affected me
>"pure heart overcome by rage"
I'm pretty sure you mean "tingly feeling in back"
It's so fucking annoying
>wow we kept getting in danger from stronger and stronger foes
>I'm not going to bother to even maintain my strength let alone improve it
>not finishing big bad off when he had the chance
Like father like son
Pretty much. His character development got stuck in the same gear in regards to needing the utmost worst case scenario to tap into his potential. His mother's DNA was too strong I guess. That and getting a GF.
>grab dragon balls
>eternal dragon can you please kill or seal up Frieza, cell, Buu, golden Frieza, zamazu, moro or insert major enemy here.
why didn't these niggas ever think of doing that for major threats
>he caught them, he caught the discs
Did the manga explain why Goku brought Cell to King Kai's planet rather than anywhere else? Why not Snake Way or Hell?
They actually tried, the Dragon told them he can't kill or defeat people stronger than kami or dende
he can catch up easily
all he had to do was spend a weekend with piccolo and then he was ready to participate an hold his own in the tournament of power. mind you without having to go ssj despite Goku and Vegeta needing SSG and ssb
do Goku and Vegeta literally have the worst natural athleticism/potential? even trunks was just as strong as them and they were in ssb form
Was Trunks roiding when Vegeta wasn't looking while they were in the Hyperbolic time chamber?
Why don't they just wish for something like endless energy/fatigue-less body
I mean niggas were seeking immortality and similar shit earlier
>muh super blonde monkeys: the show
why are we being infested by Yea Forums and Yea Forums
>all he had to do was spend a weekend with piccolo and then he was ready to participate an hold his own in the tournament of power
Cool, why didn't he do that when Freezer came back?
In a universe where the Supreme Kai is barely stronger than a SSJ1, I'm not surprised the Dragon is a bitch too.
What about Porunga though? That nigga was buff
They actually could wish for that, I think someone even did, not the good guys though. I guess they're addicted to training and getting their ass kicked
Goku and vegete had natural progression.
Others just got toriyama handjobs.
inferior mus
>Gohan take care of Earth in my place
>I'll do father!
>Proceeds to not do it
Biggest character assassination ever
>P is for priceless, the look upon your faces!
Why didn't they use the solar flare+destructo disk combo on every villain ever?
Krillin could cut Frieza with that attack, and he wasn't even 1/10,000th as strong as Frieza in his 2nd form. It's the ultimate attack, regardless of power level.
>Peaceful young races with fire on their houses
>Millions of voices all silenced like mouses
He has to key in on a familiar / strong power in a given location. I doubt he would have found someone fast enough in those areas.
Didn't the disk just desintegrated when it touched Cell?
Explain to me how you can like anyone in DBZ. All of their choices are stupid.
He did though as the Great Saiyaman, the best saga of the series.
>could have easily beaten any past villain with ease coming through
first time seeing this reasoning, but it makes perfect sense, did you come up with it?
Dende removed the ability for Earth's dragon balls to grant immortality
I assume the Namekians did something similar
Supreme Kai was stronger than Perfect Cell (pre-blow-up)
can you explain it for brainlets because it makes no sense to me
Power scaling in Super is fucking retarded
>SSB Goku goes for a full powered Kamehameha against raging Caulifla
>she walks through it like it's fucking nothing
>Goku after the UI and is extremely tired and still recovering proceeds to 1v2 Caulifla and Kale and even fights Kefla evenly
seriously what the fuck was with that shit
It's not just in the show too, it extends to the movie
>Broly no-sells SS2 Vegeta
>Broly fights pretty evenly with base form Goku
I know "hurr durr jobgeta" but at this point Goku and Vegeta are basically even in power, it makes no fucking sense that Goku's base form can perform the same feats as SS2 Vegeta
they knew timetravel was possible so a cell from another timeline could come any time, to be sure that they would be able to deal with that if it happened the best way was to let current cell power up to his max and get strong enough to deal with it (which they did, at least gohan)
>Saiyan Saga Vegeta and nappa were already at a power that could easily destroy planets
>Frieza can blow up planets in his first form with an index finger blast
>fast forward to dbs with SSB powers and small Ki blasts let alone full power ones don't blow up the planets on contact
I know you ain't supposed to think about it too deeply and just enjoy it for what it is but still....
>comes to Earth to conquer it
>gets BTFO by people with half his strength
>saved from the utter humilation of being stabbed to death by Krillin because Goku let hin walk
>tries to act hard to Frieza and tells him to transform
>gets BTFO and killed
>manages to stay alive long enough to cry his eyes out
>brought back to life by accident
>fumes because he isn't a Super Saiyan
>fumes so hard he once again breaks down into a fit of crying
>cries so hard he goes Super Saiyan
>gets his shit pushed in by a 5 foot tall blonde girl
>tries to act hard to Cell and tells him to transform
>gets BTFO and almost killed
>stands around in the background while Goku and Gohan fix his mess
>does literally nothing for years
>hears Goku is coming back, starts seething
>tries to one up him by becoming Majin
>Goku has a genuine pity fight with him and doesn't go Super Saiyan 3 and one shot him
>realizes Goku has mogged the fuck out of him
>tries to save face by blowing himself up
>accomplishes nothing
>brought back to life mainly to have a monologue about how much he sucks
>is legitimately 5'5 tall
It's a saiyans nature to enjoy the fight retard
And because Gohan toyed with Cell, Cell got to add a few more people to his body count.
You guys member when they made Broly a tranny then backed down so hard they stopped to make a movie?
And it turned out people actually liked Broly?
>Can you imagine that? they LIKED Broly
Toriyama is a retard
Nah, it's heavily implied Vegeta reached that form too, but realized it was too bulky and cumbersome so he didn't use it.
Rule of thumb:
If Vegeta wins a fight, he will almost certainly lose the next one