Any kinos with this aesthetic?

Any kinos with this aesthetic?

Attached: bearded vulture.jpg (500x473, 235K)

how to train your dragon

Good choice

Attached: bearded vulture wings.jpg (1080x1302, 162K)

Attached: bearmog.jpg (634x705, 131K)

>he thinks birds are related to pic related

Attached: rBVaGFWl266AFwZiAAHyBezi0nY714.jpg (486x548, 41K)

>he thinks they're not

Attached: chickensaur.webm (720x404, 1.6M)

Yeah, I'm thinking dinosaurs evolved into birds.


cat was just goofing around playing, but that chicken was gangsta yo

cats btfo

Attached: cocky vs pussy.webm (640x360, 363K)

you just know

Attached: cock dance.webm (720x720, 908K)

haha imagine if the bird handler woke up one day to find that his bird had turned into a hot harpy monstergirl that wanted to fuck him
wouldn't that be crazy?

No seriously, what did they mean by this.

Attached: bird brain.webm (720x480, 2.98M)

The media keeps telling us to fight bears off
And then you see a picture like this
How are we ever meant to win?

how about this?

Attached: DGcJlvxUMAI4Hq2.jpg (644x618, 97K)

How can other birds even compete with this chad saunter?

Attached: 1560721914638.webm (752x582, 2.93M)

kino sideburns

That's a big bird.


Attached: flightless bird so good.png (768x749, 100K)

i hear a last ditch effort is to actually try shoving your arm down their throat

Attached: bird dance.gif (318x178, 1.79M)

attack its weak point for massive damage

Attached: bear balls.webm (720x480, 2.63M)

even gay birds are nonces

Attached: two dads are better than one.jpg (960x468, 89K)