Is this movie worth watching if you've never seen a single episode of the show and my only expierence with the franchise is the first Bay movie?
Is this movie worth watching if you've never seen a single episode of the show and my only expierence with the...
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Absolutely, the soundtrack and voice acting alone make it worthwhile
Pure kino, watched it again and again as a kid. Even without the nostalgia it's still a solid action flick, go check it out.
>my only expierence with the franchise is the first Bay movie?
Well since Bayformers is the turd of the franchise, it only gets better from there.
No, people kept telling me it's so much better than the Bay movies, but it's the exact same shit. Just transformers shooting at each other for god knows what reason and nothing even resembling a coherent plot.
Wasn't the first one considered somewhat okayish?
only in comparison to the sequels
That's a filtered pleb if I've ever seen one
I watched it having never seen an episode or live action movie of Transformers and loved it.
OP here, I noticed from images that there was a kid character I think. Is he/she bearable?
First one was kino, though
Damn that's fucking cool, got any more of these?
I grew up on this movie and love it on the basis of nostalgia, the one liners, the tunes, and hearing Unicron's voice. I honestly don't think I could love the movie though if I were not familiar with it from an early age. Same with GI Joe.
The kid is Spike's son and barely relevant to the plot. He just tags along and gets upset when Spike is consumed by Unicron.
A bit cringey because it is early 90's. But bearable, might even make you shed a little bit of a man tear.
Movie as a whole is a solid 9/10. It's got some pretty epic shit the whole way through but slows down a tiny bit on the trash planet when they are being chased through the water by robotic piranhas while rock music plays.
>early 90's
Brainlet detected
41 year old boomer here, I play both of these songs almost every day when Im working out or biking or mowing my lawn, nostalgia 80s guitar rock fucking rewls
>No, people kept telling me it's so much better than the Bay movies, but it's the exact same shit.
>t. Zoomerbot
A lot of these Hawt Taeks are from people who never grew up in that time period. Don't @ me, but it's like aspfags asking:
>"why was WWE vs WCW so great? watched it, don't see the big deal."
Unless you've been there, lived it, you just don't know. I saw Transformers The Movie in the theaters (yes, I'm too old to be here), but I literally saw a mom cry within the first 15 mins and pull her kids outta there.
I don't know how to equate it for your gen. Okay, imagine if Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone started and Ron and whatsherface get executed by Snape in the the first 10 mins. And then they killed Harry 15 mins later.
That's what TF'ers the Movie was like.
Well I'm sorry for not bothering to fucking check for the theatrical release date.
And besides all that late 80's /early 90's shit kind of blended together due to staggered released around the world. Also here in Moldova we had to wait for the fall of the Iron Curtain, before that the only cartoons were Ivan and the coalminers sort of shit.
you actually described it perfectly
>Also here in Moldova
Not user, but I wish USA never gave the world the internet
They are all awful and terrible.
Yes it's a good fun and Arcee a qt
no, it's literally for children
you will barely even recognize Nimoy
Unpopular Opinion: I hated the new Autobots. That said, they actually had character:
Hot Rod - careless rebel
Magnus - loyal soldier
Springer - wily fighter
Arcee - strong female
Kupp - grisled vet
My fave autobot was Prowl, but you couldn't tell the difference btwn him, Windcharger, Sunstreaker, Hound, Hoist, etc.
>My fave autobot was Prowl, but you couldn't tell the difference btwn him, Windcharger, Sunstreaker, Hound, Hoist, etc.
They all had detailed bios and personalities, the show just never used them
prowl is supposed to be an uptight logic guy
windcharger a perfectionist
sunstreaker vain etc
that's the problem with having so many characters
>no, it's literally for children
Doesn't mean it's bad. Even then, if it were to be released today it would've been PG-13 no doubt.
It is...
Don't Yea Forumsfag me bro. I know the stats. Hell, Prowl was supposed to be 2nd in command, not Ironhide as was perceived.
It's worth it for the final moment of Orson Wells career if nothing else. I think it was even after the champagne commercial.
Joint 2nd command with Jazz.
As bad as Jazz got short-changed, Prowl really got nothing to do in the cartoon.
>you will barely even recognize Nimoy
OP here, just torrented it. I can't fucking sleep so I might as well just check this out
You'll love it.
You don't have an emotional connection to the characters like most of us, but the soundtrack will give a boner enough.
Bayformers was fucking kino. The people who disliked it are pic related
Can’t go wrong with it, user. Enjoy it for all the 80’s full-feature toy commercial extravaganza that it is.
It's basically a retelling of the Lord of the Rings. It's worth a go.