isn't Cindrella supposed to be beautiful ?
why did Disney cast this square-jawed potatoe nose ?
isn't Cindrella supposed to be beautiful ?
why did Disney cast this square-jawed potatoe nose ?
I think she is lovely
She is cute you fucking idiot.
>OP is a jawlet
Get surgery nigger
She looked fine as Cinderella. Everything else was the problem.
Because she's cute for Anglo standards
I dare you to say this shit in front of me. We'll see if you're walking out of that confrontation with teeth.
umm fuck off
Looks far better as a brunette.
She has a GREAT ASS
Why do Disney keep casting masculine looking women in all their movies and soft looking men
>Subhuman dark eyes
Yikes, she was so close
her mouth and teeth are unnatractive for some reason
Yeah but Lily James has a nice fat bum.
nice bum bum
Just missing the light eyes, dang
British genes are starting to set in
Almost like square jaws are an international beauty standard for both men and women you demented incel faggot
she has to be one of the most beautful girls in hollywood today
dat ass though
>Imagine not thinking this bitch is bangin.
Dunno, OP. Because Lily James is more sexy than beautiful I think you've actually got a point.
she has a big heart and a bigger ass, the prince is sure to like that over some stacy looking ice queen
oh. is he black?
She was hot af in baby driver which is a very overrated movie
Wish she did a movie where she facesits a smol girl with it
You're a confirmed homosexual, congratulations on coming out.
imagine being a big gay
not so fast!
Haha gross, user. The smol gril would have to smell her brapper which is really gross hahaha imagine
choose your words carefully, big guy
thats my wife youre talking about here
They would surely have to do many takes to fully get the scene right I imagine, maybe Lily would even have to fart at some point; but that would only add authenticity to the scene
She looks like Claire Redfield.
>smol but bigstacked
All her growth must have went into her boobs
...well fuck
i wathced her retarded victorian zombie movie twice because she is so cute in it
>that skirt
F-FAKE!!! LIES!!!!!1!11!
God damn this guy had good taste
not black enough
>tfw my waifu didnt got HARVESTED
Feels good lads
But the people who currently control all of Disney cast her to play live action Cinderella. That means she has to be pure r-right?
How about now?
>Marchesa dresses
Worth a squirt but nothing special
Shut up you stupid tranny. You will never pass.
Get off this board
They want the Zoomer audience.
>that stomach
t. ugly stepsister
Looks like Daisy Ridley here (Daisy is more beautiful)
wrong et wrong
Daisy Ridley > that bitch
God damn
a very strange thing to google..
She is ugly compared to queen Daisy. Fuck off tasteless fag
>amazing arse
>decent tits
>beautiful face
>stars in kino
>decent arse
>no tits
>pretty face
>stars in shit
Lily wins 4-0
You even stole a point from daisy you gave to her.
LilY stars in shit like disney moneygrab autisterella and as a slut in shitshow called mama mia.
Nu wars is not only thing daisy did, she was fucking Ophelia. Check her imdb she has really serous roles already. now about looks
Lily has no tits in other pics, push up bras make daisy's tits big too, she is just not interested to be a slut.
Lily's face is asymetrical when Daisy's is fucking work of art in terms of proportion and has a magnificent smile.
Daisy has a much better arse check yourself.
Daisy also has tall handsome chad feancee
5/0 Daisy wins fag
>Sports bra and running gear
muh fuckin dick
Daisy has the better arse but Lily has her aced in every other department
It's good but it's not quite
he is a ass man, uh?
I've got to disagree. Daisy's has better shape and firmness, Lily's is just attached to a better body overall
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