WHY IS IT SO SLOW, i enjoyed the movie but 2 hours and 45 minutes felt like 5 hours. what did it mean?

WHY IS IT SO SLOW, i enjoyed the movie but 2 hours and 45 minutes felt like 5 hours. what did it mean?

Attached: stalker1.jpg (230x345, 32K)

It's meditative

Means you got pleb filtered

You got trolled.

It's Tarkovsky's style. Slow cinema helps the audience contemplate, relate, and interpret their own meaning. Maybe you just need to watch more.

socialist kino

>The film [Stalker] needs to be slower and duller at the start so that the viewers who walked into the wrong theatre have time to leave before the main action starts.
Tarkovsky wanted to filter plebs and ADHD retards.

>before the main action starts
Was he talking about the glass scene?

no he means the part where Stalker is trying to get the bomb from Professor but Writer is pushing him. Literally the only scene where anything remotely actiony happens. If the movie is slower and duller at the start (they're dodging bullets in a car and sneaking into a heavily guarded barren mysterious wasteland) then why are the most boring parts at the ending, like the woman's monologue, the poetry and monologues and the phone call and the resting scenes, the bird anomaly. What action, i ask you? The most exciting parts, not including the philosophical intelligent brainiac parts, are in the very beginning.

>they're dodging bullets in a car and sneaking into a heavily guarded barren mysterious wasteland
Good God, that sequence was so terrible, I literally cannot stop thinking that the whole movie was just about 3 men LARPing.

The double trickery is that the main action never starts. That way he can filter even more plebs.

You think that's slow?
Love Exposure reuses the same ideas and jokes over and over, hammering those into your head for 4 hours.
Intolerance does the same thing, but at least the technical aspects were brilliant.

well love exposure is japanese so.....

>Love Exposure reuses the same ideas and jokes over and over
In what way?

This masterpiece was made 3 times and killed few people. And look like indie movie without budget.

Looks better than 90% of films.

It meant that the difference between the mind and the soul is vast, and somewhere in that discord is the heart of the pain of man.

Our worst enemy is not death, it's ourselves.

BUMP you dumbasses should take note I just laid it down FRESSHHHH

on the REAL


poppin' thread


Superhero movies are the new wrestling. Well, was. capeshit is hopefully dead in the water now. Also i watched stalker in three parts with breaka because when i dl'd it, it was broken into three parts. No shame in an intermission

Mirror and Andrei Rublev are superior to Stalker. Offret is about the same quality as Stalker.

You mean, filter people who value their time. He sure showed them. Enjoy being bored, dullard.

People who post on Yea Forums sure value their time. I wasn't bored, dear brainlet. Slow cinema has a hypnotic quality.

yall aint scratching the surface

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Wang Bing is great, he always uses his long running time appropriately. Dead Souls was kino too.