tick tock, incels
Tick tock, incels
Shouldn’t they be splitting Poland together?
>actually thinking this jew is going to break up banks
So when Bernie loses to Biden or Warren will he finally fuck off and accept he’s not going to become president before he dies?
>tick tock, incels
i heard trump wanted to buy green land and the jarl of denmark who is a woman said it was absurd and trump got in a womanish huff over it y ou know for someone so fond of handing shit out he sure can't take it what a fat pussy
I don't get it. Is it worth getting?
Official candidate ranking: Warren > Buttigieg > Sanders > Biden > Harris > literally who cringe-tier candidates who have no chance
>he's not in the YANG GANG
He’s a communist and a Chinese subverter
Sanders is based. Except his stance on gun control is debased and bluepilled. If he doesn't get the nomination then I'm voting for Trump again to punish the DNC once more.
Yang's polling at 2% and falls into "literally who cringe-tier candidates who have no chance". While UBI will one day be necessary, it isn't now and Yang basing his entire platform around it makes him a meme candidate. That's actually kind of what he wants - he's just shooting to expose more people to the idea of UBI.
The post I'm about to reply to was that Hitler quote /pol/tards use to try to bolster their claim he was a socialist.
>sends communists to concentration camps, wages war on the USSR, consistently associates Marxism with Jews
I'm not sure why people think that Warren has a chance of beating Trump.
Ok, mods.
Think real hard.
Is this post about a movie?
Is this post about a tv show?
Come on, mods. You can do this.
Sanders is an ideologue. That's my main problem with him. He sees the right issues, but his solutions are simple, and they're rooted in angrily saying, "This is the morally right solution!" instead of actually getting experts to figure out the best solutions. His policies aren't evidence-based, is my point, which is why I'm hoping Warren wins. She's less of a populist.
She's like Hillary if Hillary were a lot more likeable and better at communicating with people, and Hillary came with striking distance of Trump, so it seems likely that she would.
Literal Chinese spy
Kill yourself nigger
Why they fuck to millennials love that old fossil so much? He would be the oldest first term president of all time.
Please vote for Bernie ameribros I want to see hyperinflation in America before I die. Can't wait to see dollars littering the streets Venezuela style.
Bros I love her
holy shit
Student loan debt
You're literally retarded. For multiple reasons. Mostly because he's a american democratic socialist which is pretty much a moderate compared to most of the world. And not to mention congress and senate will still be populated by normies.
I'm gonna donate my lunch money to Bernie, match me bros.
I have started only paying the minimum payment on my student loans for the last few years since my debt is going to be washed within his first 2 years in Office
Yeah but what about Mommy Tulsi?
What the fuck about her? She's an opportunist, and her policies are no different than any of the other half dozen "left of Biden, right of Bernie" candidates.
>anal pete that high
>Hillary came with striking distance
She literally won
Bernies is straight based. There is no denying this.
gas anime posters
In my opinion, if you vote for a Democrat you’re being very disloyal to Jewish people, and you’re being very disloyal to Israel. And only weak people would say anything other than that.
yikes, so this is the power of animetards
ajother pozzed thread
Hol Up!
>judging a politician on their sexuality rather than their policies and intelligence
Fuck off, retard false flagger. She didn't win in the right places. This is well established.
It's the power of not being a complete retard.
Sander >= Warren > Yang > anyone else
November is too far away to wait and see the libs freak out
all that shit and he still has a ton of black support. his patience paid off there. many would have lost their shit
I don't know why people like you jerk yourselves off over Sanders. Warren is a younger, smarter, wittier version of him.
Lol he ended up paying them 15 an hour too.
>She literally won
Then why isn't she in the white house?
lol he actually said this
Good point.
Were blm actually hired by clintons
Pocahontas doesn't stand a chance
Why are the black people yelling
i'll concede that yang's ubi idea is most likely too soon.
As for Warren vs Sanders, regardless of what you see Warren as being better, Sanders is actually trustworthy. Warren didn't back bernie back in 2016. Warren will take big donor money; bernie wont. I trust bernie will try to do what he proposes. warren MIGHT try to do some of what she is proposing. That being said, Bernie/Warren or Warren/Bernie would be based.
Because they are black people.
You can say words and make sentences out of them, but it doesn't make them true. She's less extreme than Bernie, she's more witty than Bernie and relies less on stump speeches, she's younger, and she's polling ahead of him now. Her polling numbers have been slowly ticking up all summer.
>Sanders is actually trustworthy. Warren didn't back bernie back in 2016.
You're so fucking stupid.
>warren and buttigieg above tulsi and sanders
yeah no
that's how they talk
See , then kill yourself
See and
Who the fuck is Tulsi?
YANG GANG 2020 has a least 2 more chances in the next 2 debates to break free and into the mainstream, can he? Honestly it doesn't look like it, he lacks an outstanding personality.
I hope he makes it though I really want that 1000 a month in neet bux.
>You're so fucking stupid.
enlighten me then. what makes warren more trustworthy than bernie? what makes you think she won't compromise on some of her major proposals?
no fucking way thats her
>I really want that 1000 a month in neet bux
You mean the promise he made that he can't possibly follow through on? Since congress would never let that get approved?
>guy who wants america to become brazil 2.0 is super american
He’s well aware that he will never be president. He got a half million dollar book deal, that was always the endgame
>muh yang
See This thread's support for Yang and Gabbard over the other candidates reminds me yet again that this board is populated primarily by people under 20
Warren didn't endorse Sanders because she knew he was going to lose. Endorsing a losing candidate is stupid. All of her experience in the Senate tells me she isn't just lying about everything
>won't compromise
Compromises are part of politics. Unless Democrats hold majorities in the House, Senate, and Liz takes the Presidency, she'll have to compromise to get things done. If Bernie were elected, he'd have to compromise on things too since most of his positions are too extreme for many Senate and House Dems.
if you're so old I have to look at you and wonder when you're gonna finally keel over, you should have the fucking courtesy to just get it over with and die.
This. Bernie only runs cause he knows that people will donate all their money to his campaign and he can just keep the money.
Look at the picture I posted before replying to my post again, retarded nigger
You are literally retarded.
The only support Yang and Gabbard get on any board of Yea Forums is for the memes.
I don't see the appeal of any of these people
I don't give a FUCK you FUCKING SACK OF SHIT
That's because you're either a Marxist, so far left you think the Dems are right wingers, or a Trump supporter, so far right you think the Dems are Marxists.
Eat shit and die scum
Or a normal person who sees the Dems as evil.
i think sander's populist appeal would let him get done more than people expect. but pointless to get into the what ifs. bernie and warren are great
Imagine wanting to vote for someone who is going to give free healthcare to illegals, but not legal citizens.
"Normal person" is code for conservative, got it.
Bernie literally advocates for communism. No one over 30 will vote for him.
Thats some black and white thinking
You're not normal, user. You'll never be normal.
M-mommy Tulsi give milkies pls
No, he doesn't. I'm not a big fan of him, but please show me where he advocates for a complete shutdown of capitalism and the implementation of an autocratic vanguard party.
No, that's actually just logic. The candidates I listed in run a fairly wide spectrum, and the only conceivable way I can imagine someone disliking all of them is them either being right wing or far, far, far left. If you dislike those candidates and you're not part of those two groups, why do you dislike them?
Never said I was.
Normal people don't wear zentai suits and masturbate to skinsuit and vore porn.