when will they finally put this show out of its misery?
When will they finally put this show out of its misery?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Wahhhhh they made fun of my drumpfy!!!1!
Stop being so triggered, snowflake
How many more times are you gonna post this
>defending this
Oh, that's a YIKES from me, dawg.
Why is he in the Family Guy death pose?
Let me be very clear: I am not a Trump supporter. I'm a democratic socialist and this was perhaps the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen a television show do.
how the fuck will /pol/ defend this?
i'm pretty sure everyone after this is gonna get done with it
Even leftists hate it
Why do all the Squad members look the same? This is Mortal Kombat ninja-tier laziness.
You are scum anyway
This is fake. It's clearly not actually made by simpsons, look at the animation.
>Even leftists hate it
only the neutral "centrists" ones
the radicals and the ones who have a reputation to care about surely find it funny because "it's so woke xd"
Left cant meme
Why is it so cringey.
But the Squad hates Israel just like /pol/ and Donald Trump is an Israeli puppet.
no denying it's a terrible video but seeing all the incredibly butthurt trumptards in the comments is nice
he isn’t
Imagine actually hating the Jewish people unironically. You realize /pol/ is satire, right?
Is it confirmed they outsource all the animation overseas nowadays? The show must basically be producing itself if that's true.
>It's on FOX
I now it's Matt "flew to Lolita Island" Groening but that was ridiculous.
is quite funny to see normies getting triggered with this and not only maga /pol/fags posting the same memes over again
>le npc
>le soiboy
>le cuck
>le nu male
>le manlet
Its fake. It references recent events but a simpsons episode takes 1 year to make.
I don't give a shit about politics but holy shit this is horrible
/pol/ has been taken over by jidf for years now
Right can't meme either. All they do is bitch, complain, and yell but apparently they're winning.
Lol those dislikes. Nobody likes this. Who is this even for?
Seriously. The #resist, Mueller is our savior crowd? DSA types? Neo-cons? Literally the only group I can think of is Spics, they hate Trump and are the only one who still watch Sneedsons.
This is the same stuff they've been saying about Trump for 4 years but instead it's sung horribly.
>Literally the only group I can think of is Spics
hey burger, we don't give a fuck about modern Simpsons neither, stop jerking off to whatever the fuck orange man says you faggot
Incorrect and cringe
Holy shit bro does this need to be a fucking GENERAL or what?
lol k ishmael
Yeah you guys don’t worship the Simpsons, which is why you graffiti the, everywhere and threatened to kill the Pajeet who made the “Problem with Apu” film
its been animated in Korea since 1989
>If you despise this cringefest you are a /pol/tard
That's based, fuck Hairy Kondomballblue
JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA fuck off pedro.
Yup...it’s kino...
Communist here. It might not be funny at all, but the anger it causes to /pol/yps definitely is
The literal conga line of candidates was a clever visual pun even if it was unbelievably lazy to just have them pop out.
Also Simpsons Pete looks like Ben Shapiro
>liking the old seasons is the same as liking the whole show
They look like JoJos in the pic you posted
It didn't use the main cast of voice actors.
The animation itself is simple to do and they can churn that shit out pretty fast.
haha le ebin communism haha I hate the rich because me me poorfag
did you read what i wrote you blind ass idiot?
Simpsons was always shit and the voice actors who dubbed over the latino episodes were even worse. Pretty sure they're all dead though lol
psychopathically pathetic
can we please go ONE day without reddit migrants getting triggered about a show that makes fun of the president on Yea Forums?
when it stops spitting out money
Stop coping spic. Your people love Sneedsons.
It’s made by the Simpsons, check their twitter. It’s real. But probably not full length.
You write like a retard, write better and people will understand it.
>making the black characters only slightly tanned
Another Commie here. If it makes /pol/tards seethe, I'll support it.
>threatened to kill the Pajeet who made the “Problem with Apu” film
Must be them mongrel complex suffering latinx /pol/yps from facebook and twitter lel, they're all yours aryan stud. Let them be your honorary crackers.
Mind games
I can't imagine any of the latest episodes making profit, which is why the animation quality has plummeted
I don’t even like trump but this is just pathetic
Does it ever get boring? Doing this every day?
is this how they're trying to distract from Groening's ties to Epstein?
>t.Jethro McCracka
>cutting off your nose to spite your face
The absolute state of of commifags
What? ESL much?
Imagone being a leftist and this is the type of corporate comedy you support.
All leftists are media & corporate foot soldiers
I fucking love how easily drumpfkins get triggered
Jews will never be cool on 4channel. Just give it a rest
What does this have to do with anything in the show at all
This is obsessive and bizarre. A Family Guy non sequitur I could understand, but not Simpsons. I haven't watched the show in ages though, so maybe things are just different now.
Those legs are decent at best, I wanna see the rack though. It looks like that gown and loose fitting shirt can be hiding some serious mammers.
they are so fragile. I guess they're taking cues from their faggot president.
what is this trying to accomplish? the fucking democrats don't even like these 4 stupid bitches.
>reddit migrants
Are you seriously implying reddit isnt completly Leftist? Its your home so stop pretending
Imagine being the retard that thinks literally anyone liked this
Hey remember when you wanted to bomb a kid's school because he smirked
right wing talking point, the squad is EXTREMELY popular with Americans of all stripes.
>deflecting from the 2016 trumplet reddit migration
No, could you perhaps point me to proof of me saying that I wanted to bomb a kid's school because he smirked?
>These threads today are the simpsons threads with the most discussion and last sneed'ing in recent history
was this matt "Pedofeet" groening's plan to kill sneed all along?
Can we have Trump fucks Squad porn already?
it's easiest way to derail anything Yea Forums. trigger redditors with something that mocks the president
No one likes them, except the nutbags still using twitter.
I think you have to be legitimately mentally ill to turn a show about an average suburban midwest american family into legitimate political propaganda and see no problem with it.
Why is it out of sync? And why does it feel like a really bad episode of The Critic from like 30 years ago? Zombie Simpsons is fucking awful.
Correcto ;^)
formerly could meme
they actually call themselves the squad? I only know 2 of them.
ishmael is the jewish version of the name you dumb kike
Her legs are shit though, I've seen chickens with better thighs.
The Simpsons are shit, yet here you are crying about them
It might have been if they did the caricatures right. The only ones identifiable are by gross features and context
I heard that Homer dresses as a woman now and is bisexual.
Unironically agree with the shirt if you put the caveat they haven't broken any laws (apart from illegal immigration obviously). Who's really better for the country, racist redneck retard who does nothing but leech welfare, put no effort into life and complain about how he can't compete with Paco (who never had the chance to attend HS yet alone college), or Paco who is friendly just looking for a better life for his family
>threatened to kill the Pajeet who made the “Problem with Apu” film
based. Pajeets have a smug selfworth complex that they have no right to have.
no they aren't. that's complete media artifice. the one black women especially is election cancer after she got btfo by that other slightly less retarded democrat and red cortez is a single-term nobody who will be completely forgotten after her term is done, she won't be reelected as she is extremely incompetent and her district hates her.
Deport them where? no one will have em
>not rich
>doesn't understand why capitalism is inherently bad for you
how do we fix the global poor? they don't think good
Do they think any women running for any position has a chance of winning?
None of them have any sane policies
Hell that one claims we should destroy every building in the US and rebuild them again but eco friendly but also thinks a wall is too expensive.
That was a great documentary.
>the squad hates Israel
Tired of you kikes trying to correlate Israel with anything right wing and anti-Israel as some leftist stance.
>Hell that one claims we should destroy every building in the US and rebuild them again but eco friendly but also thinks a wall is too expensive.
>unironically thinking a border wall would have any effect on immigration other than making Americans even more poor than they currently are
lol it's funny to watch from a distance
The one all the way on the right (not trump)
where is that hand coming from, and why is it on her breast?
this man gets it
Literally who are ANY of these people. This election doesn’t even feel like it’s happening compared to what a shitpost the last one was.
if you can't get a chuckle out of a spoof like this... you must not have very much fun at all
No one likes Mexicans not even other Central and South Americans so fuck off to your decapitating cartel shithole city Pedro and keep out of our country dirty Sanchez.
>they made AOC white
Nice, now I need to see an irl shop of white AOC
Honestly the best option would be to cut foreign aid and focus that on boarder security, anything would be better than what we have now, we barely have a fucking chicken wire fence.
I love shitting on Drumpf but this video was the laziest, shittiest thing I've seen in years.
not as long as that shitty smartphone app keeps selling
(at this point they're probably more valuable than the star wars franchise)
The jews are responsible for the death of America.
A giant chunk of her district actually needed those jobs that she chased off. She's a one-termer for sure.
Don't respond to that nigger archive.4plebs.org
she's white hispanic/american
What was even the joke? He has a random picture of the squad on his desk and suddenly they jump out of a picture and he is afraid of them? Why would he be afraid of these posers? Horrible “satire” if you can even call it that.
>samefag keeps implying reddit isnt completly leftist
Didn't the show come out in like late 88? So basically the only time Simpsons was American animation was when they did the shitty segments on The Tracey Ullman Show, gotcha.
Jews are responsible for the birth of America. America has been Satan incarnated forever.
>Stop being so triggered, snowflake
Nice bait
>Didn't the show come out in like late 88?
wtf, i love demsuccs now!
seems like an anchor baby look for brownie points. undocumented with a full student loan?
>Jews are responsible for the birth of America
>Pilgrims were kikes
STFU zoomer
Thanks OP, that made me chuckle. Who are the snowflakes now?
>Imagine not reading all the retarded leftists itt that explicitly support this
Thanks in advance for the (you)s
I have no intention of voting for him again but it's fun to have a genuine chaos candidate.
Even I, inundated by layers of irony from this site, can't tell if this is a joke, dementia, or a boomer appeal. Hes absolutely lost his mind and it's hilarious to watch.
Even if this isn't real they will make it now given the response it's gotten. No one even remembered this show was still on but now I see this image all across social media.
Someone call ICE on this cunt. She's an illegal alien living illegally in a sovereign nation. And she seems proud of it fucking bitch.
Why on earth would a valedictorian need a student loan?
Who was responsible for bringing over the slaves that allowed the backbone of the American economy to thrive again?
>Right can't meme either
i really do love the idea of ICE knocking on her door and she starts in on her high school GPA and they all start laughing
>.t paco
>that allowed the backbone of the American economy to thrive again?
Things were just fine before and during the Civil War, make of that what you will.
Because there are millions of them every year. It literally means nothing unless you go to a renowned high school.
I haven’t watched a single second of Simpson’s in 15 years.
I can’t believe it’s gotten this low.
Sorry to disappoint but no, white male.
>look mom I posted the same picture again!!!
The jokes aren't even funny this was just awkward and cringey. Who of their writers thought this would be entertaining? Even if you don't like Trump you wouldn't find the Squad engrossing either.
Yes, slave work agriculture, especially tobacco and cotton were great for the American economy and is the reason the newly independent nation was able to sustain itself.
There are 35k lol, it's faaaaar past the barrier needed for scholarships. Even at a bog standard hs it means you've beaten well over 100 people
The Simpsons were a short segment on the Tracy Ullman Show before 89 summerfag zoomer
That's not true at all. Only the woke left like "the squad". It's great for Trump's re-election because the centrists who think they represent the democrats won't vote democrat, because most people don't want extreme socialism under the guise of an "environmental solution"
And that's a good thing
>>unironically thinking a border wall would have any effect on immigration
Should have a look at how many crossings there actually are from Mexico into the US. There's some towns that have funded and built walls in their area, and have immediately seen a reduction in crossings and cartel activity
>Right can't meme either
>proceeds to describe leftists
is this the biggest Yea Forums cringe of 2019?
Watching this shitshow from the best country in the world Australia it's extremely clear to me that you are the living embodiment of that meme of a dude crying behind a smuggy mask.
The right are always happy to sit down and have a conversation, the left bitch, scream and shit their pants in public constantly, I don't know how you reached this conclusion, maybe it's because you only get your information from leftist sources, while centrists and right wingers get their information from left, centre and right wing sources.
yep, i'm thinking based
if any good came from this its that i now wanna rewatch west sode story and jerk off to the latinas
and sneed
The average right-winger is a barely literate retard or rotting boomer who has never seen the outside of his shitty flyover town
Matt Groening got a foot massage from Epstein's underage sex slave
>literally every single dem is just a grade-a good guy!
fucking kek
based (formerly cringe)
That's pretty funny, considering I was at the last years GYSS and most of the young men I conversed with were conservative, we all just knew better than to talk about politics around women.
>the best country in the world Australia
Keep your ugly ass chink cartoons on their respective boards.
Thank you.
>no backgroud foley
>terrible tweening
>characters off-model in several shots
>off-key, poorly sync'd singing
>"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
who cares about having a conversation or debate? why are right wingers so desperate to look non-confrontational?
based... cringe... i just don't know...
Everything's better in Australia cunt
Your average 10/10 woman is a 6 here
Your food is over-processed garbage
Your College's/Universities are the equivalent of our trade schools
We get payed an Average salary of 76k as a first year postdoc
Our wildlife>your wildlife
My Dick>Your Dick
This is all assuming your a burger.
Because our ideology can be easily understood when explained, the lefts cannot and has to be enforced with violence.
>who cares about having a conversation or debate? why are right wingers so desperate to look non-confrontational?
Gr8 b8 m8, no h8, I rel8. I r8 8/8
>All they do is bitch, complain, and yell
Sounds like Lefty Twitter to me.
Again, who cares how many logical fallacies you can explain to me when your skull is about to be cracked open in the gutter?
>The average right-winger is a barely literate retard or rotting boomer who has never seen the outside of his shitty flyover town
no i'm australian and i know how shit it is here
That video is fake, faggot. The "victim" refused to press charges with the police because it was all a set-up.
>Again, who cares how many logical fallacies you can explain to me when your skull is about to be cracked open in the gutter?
If that's your debating tactic, you'll only persuade people to support the other side. It's all well and good to LARP as a bad ass, but it'll only hurt your "cause"
>guy who doesn’t even wear swastika on the right arm is a real Nazi
You fags are pathetic. Complete bitches for America’s elites while calling yourselves revolutionary
>who cares about facts
nice to see you admit it for once
For people who never leave their towns you sure do have a seething hatred for them. Ever tried leaving them alone and not outsourcing their jobs/importing millions of third worlders?
How come de Blasio gets a mayor sash but Boot Edge Edge is just a generic guy in a suit?
>literally celebrity cameos instead of jokes: the show
>My Dick>Your Dick
Go meekly surrender your guns to your government again.
>>look mom I posted the same picture again!!!
>It may not be funny but it's great seeing so many triggered Drumfkins!
>Trump's main goal is to put the squad as front and center of the dems for optics
>fucking Simpsons do it for free
Fuck, they really want another Trump presidency. If Trump stops being president, it'll be boring shit and no more shekels from the rich white progressives who throw their money at this.
Wtf is wrong with amerigoys? Can someone explain this Israel worship for a non /Pol ?
Then you've made it shit for yourself faggot.
My life and my country are a beautiful place where dreams come true with very little effort.
as long as those dreams don't include free speech and gun rights
av club lost their shit over this
liberals eating liberals
gotta love it
>we're more American than your wife?
So they're saying immigrants aren't just as American as natural-born Americans? Holy shit, we can really use that against them.
>According to women
Unfortunately that invalidates your whole argument.
I've got a few guns, I live on 3000 acres.
americans hate arabs and muslims
israel is seen as the sworn enemy and best killer of arabs and muslims
therefore americans love israel
>Drumpf is anti-immigrant!
>We're more American than your legal immigrant wife!
>Drumpf is racist!
>Blacks who don't vote properly are not proper blacks
This has been the lefts MO for many years.
where the hell are sneedfags when you need them? instead of spamming it on trash like this they just fuck around on Yea Forums
I've got guns, clearly your to much of a mentally ill tranny to acquire your own.
No one's ever stopped me from saying what I want. Apart from calls to violence what can't I say?
>threatened to kill the Pajeet who made the “Problem with Apu” film
We should open the borders at this point. That's just based
Weird, isn't it? I thought Trump was actively trying to make 'the Squad' the face of the Democrats because they're so grossly unpopular on a national level, they can only win in their little deep blue gerrymandered House districts, and the main Democratic establishment knows that and that they're poison in important 2020 states such as Ohio and have been trying to distance the party's presidential candidates from them.
Now here's The Simpsons actively helping President Trump in his mission.
you don't have guns. you have a licence to acquire certain guns, both of which can be taken from you without justification
It honestly has nothing to do with that.
I don't support Trump and this is a terrible, terrible clip.
Not only do none of the jokes land but they're the weakest Colbert-esque petty shit ever.
And having the dream-team cornering him just feels like a power fantasy honestly.
Old simpsons would never have done this shit or anything close to it.
>Be Australian
>Be forced to turn in your guns
>Get arrested for possessing Brenton Tarrant's manifesto
>ISPs actively censor the Internet post-Christchurch
>be american
>get shot
tough decision
Not really, ISPs only complied as much as they had to (DNS blocks that any child could get around).
The gun amnesty worked out great, you can still own and use guns if you want, turns out Americans think control means a ban, probably why border control upsets leftists so much.
Anyway I posted the christchurch webm a bunch of times, no one really cares.
>We're more American than your wife
But Melania is an American citizen
>be australian
>get one punched
>be australian
>get glassed
>be australian
>get stabbed
>be australian
>get mobbed
Well shit that's actually concerning.
Not enough for me to concede that my country ain't the best country in the whole fucking world.
Is their any first world country that's problems aren't 10 fold what we've got here.
>The gun amnesty worked out great, you can still own and use guns if you want
no you can't lol
Try to outrun a bullet.
>what the fuck, I have to have a good reason to own a gun?!?!
cope more gungrabber
that's what you do when you're not allowed to defend yourself
Daily reminder
All of those things a just a good friday night cunt, if no one got one punched or glassed it was likely a pretty boring evening.
Last week a dude riding in his bike got stabbed by a random dude hiding in the bushes, which in my opinion is quintessentially Australian, I fucking hate those Lycra wearing, aerodynamic helmet sporting faggots.
She's donkey hispanic/american
you're allowed to defend yourself though, dingus.
>oh no the police is telling women to hand over their valuables when cornered
i'm australian. the fact that you believe people "need a reason" to own something tells me everything i need to know about you, and why you're such a faggot. people like you are why australia is so cucked
you're not Australian, you're just another poser.
Hahah Melbourne a fucking joke, any Aussie will tell you if you live in Melbourne you fucking deserve it, soft cock socialist cunts.
want to know how I know you're inbred?
Trump jokes are easy money so everyone does it
australia has no legal right to defence of self or property
i live in australia, but i don't consider myself an australian, because most australians are bootlicking cowards like yourself
>any Aussie will tell you if you live in Melbourne you fucking deserve it
By my use of Australian colloquialisms?, learn to Aussie you fucking dog cunt.
>australia has no legal right to defence of self or property
completely false
>learn to Aussie you fucking dog cunt.
nope. self defence is not a right in australia
Kind of cute but her legs are absolutely not noteworthy
why are white incels so obsessed with debating on the internet?
Fucking hell Victoria's just full of poofta's. I'll enjoy watching it turn into an African Hellscape over the next decade.
you realize a bunch of people just got recognized for courage for chasing a guy in Sydney right?
Not only can you defend yourself, you can make a citizen's arrest if you need to drop someone too.
The Simpsons writers room probably smells like blood, s o y products, crusted semen, curry, and children's tears.
>h-he's retarded, therefore it doesn't count!
kek, the absolute state of the right
I want to see this cunt get RAPED by a 38 year old somali migrant.
raped and killed.
you realise you can't own or carry weapons for self defence, right? you realise if you maim or kill someone in self defence you will be charged with a crime, right? you realise you're not allowed to kill home invaders, right? cope
I've got an Akubra hat, some rifles, a shotgun and a southern cross on my right buttcheek, all I need is a ned kelly on my left shoulder blade and the weight of my Aussie will collapse the planet into a blackhole.
holy fucking based
so you're an embarrasing larper? cringe. go get another tattoo and hand in another gun you degenerate
nice parody simpsons video! it looks so real! but the virtue signaling faggotry here is parody level no way i buy this as being real, good job whoevere made it tho lolz
Yes that last comment was clearly a larp you fucking faggot.
Jews are responsible for degradation of all morality and ethics.
Imagine supporting these cunts
Good thinking. You'll be able to jack off to the sight of his pounding ass and pretend you're really interested in her.
did a big diarrhea just now. it was a little bit red/pink, not bright red, but kind of like the hue of a beautiful sunset. should i be worried?
based and incel-pilled
imagine supporting israel and jewish power
>last refuge of scoundrels
imagine being this broken
I’m pretty sure this is a cope because the writers feel guilty about predicting his presidency.
Don't forget that they cut the tip of your dick off.
Why? If you're turning out such aesthetic shit it's more likely you have special powers.
I don't understand america. This guy is president, so clearly people voted for him. Why does the media keep shitting so hard on him and people that voted for him? Like what is in it for all those companies? I can kinda understand news sites, since they have to report on shit, but what about this for example? You're basically alienating like half of your potential audience, that's not a particularly good business decision.
Possibly, if it was darker you definitely should be, but red/pink means its likely from the lower gastrointestinal tract, could be caused by stretching and tearing from the large amount of pressure built up before you shit.
this looks like something steven colbert or john oliver would write.
based honest poster
American Protestantism was subverted very early by the pro-Israel faction. They identify Ashkenazistan with ancient Israel. Even though it is FACTUAL and TRUE that the ancient Israelites, who's Kingdom fell to Assyria, were driven into the wilderness (of those who did not become captives and worshipers of Marduk) and went and spread across the plains and became Saka (Scythians) who because Saxons who became The English.
>Peter Maley, one of two lawyers who represented Mr Denigan, said injuring intruders didn't automatically qualify as self-defence.
>You can certainly detain someone who's invading your home or your business, but you can't cause grievous harm or kill them — it's got to be reasonable force.
>Police say property theft and home invasion are some of the most common crimes in the NT but advise against keeping a weapon in the home for protection.
>"You're putting yourself in a situation where you're almost certainly going to be committing an offence."
tl;dr self defence is not a right in australia
Every single one of those CEO's is controlled by mossad, pushing for globohomo agenda, they say what they must to not have the video's of them fucking kids released.
>why does the media do things to generate discussion
Because those people live in a fantasy land and can't stand the people who dont
Even Trump haters see this as pathetic, tranny.
I bet you expected this post to get 40 (You)s so you could screencap it and post it to r/Yea Forums
Imagine supporting terrorists
don't tl,dr things you don't understand.
You're only allowed to use equal force, i.e you can't shoot someone who was unarmed.
You have no idea how worthless and animalistic your "people" are. You're made to be slaves and the elites know it.
/pol/ literally on suicide watch lmao
Holy shit this is something else lmao. I'm not even a republican but I can't wait for a repeat of the last election. These people just don't learn. Hell, they're doubling down on one of the big reasons they lost in the first place, it's honestly hilarious.l
>only armed people can do you harm
australian/cuck logic
Let me be very clear: I am not a regular poster. I'm a discord tranny shill and this was perhaps the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen a television show do
no one said that.
if someone brings a knife, you bring a knife.
if someone brings a spoon, you bring a spoon.
Americans are just pussies who don't want to fight fair.
we family guy now
>t. Npc soiboy cuck nu male manlet
This, fighting use to be a fun pastime here, you'd punch on with some cunt at the bar and the winner would buy you a fucking beer afterwards to show that there was no hard feelings, now a fights usually 1 dude fighting 4 lebo's and they stomp on your head instead of helping you up when you go down.
>Americans are just pussies
>t. man scared of guns
if someone invades your home, all bets are off. i don't have to prove his intent before i defend myself, my family or my property. you are a cuck
>maybe it's because you only get your information from leftist sources, while centrists and right wingers get their information from left, centre and right wing sources
hi Tim! big fan
>why is show still on the air?
for a group that follows a businessman yall are pretty fuckin stupid
Sneed’s Feed and Seed
Formerly Chuck’s
Based sneed poster
and sucks
But it wasnt even funny, there are no jokes except the one about his hair which is so old by now it barely counts
and if you're a woman or elderly person how do you use equal force exactly?
I have no idea who anyone even is
Fuckem those are the cunts that voted to bring the violent chimps in, they deserve it.
no you’re not
Based and redpilled
The squad are absolutely toxic to swing states, that's why trump is memeing them so much and making the entire democratic party own them
Look at the direction that trump and the squad are standing relative to the perspective of the background
it's as if they're lying on the grass
they literally did not even try
sad but true. trump is a cuck but he knows what he's doing. playing them like a fiddle
Put the show out of its sneedery
Wtf I love the Democratic Party now!
Every time an old liberal fuck gets violently murdered I say to myself "karma"
Yikes and cringe. Have sex.
why is the art so bad?
Fucking class traitor. Why are trying to fuck over your own brethren? You're obviously doing fine if you can afford to post here.
Because it was rushed out in like 2 weeks
The backgrounds are surprisingly detailed given that, but everything else from the out of time singing to the lack of sound effects and really bad animation (and how low effort and unfunny all the jokes are) showcase just how badly made and rushed it is
because the working class is white
Why are you like this? Like, you smear shit on the wall, and you expect everyone around you to simply nod their heads and be emotional less robots (this of course doesn't apply the other way around, unless you think us sane people are gonna just forget the butthurt and rage leftists have elicited on us for the past decade)? This is unfunny propaganda and it shouldn't exist. You think you have the right to do anything? Last I recall, you don't have the right to do anything if its socially destructive to society, you usually got punished and killed and it was a good way to stop the behavior. You are the same people who advocate for hate speech laws, and the banning of scientific facts about race. THAT IS BUTTHURT. It is disgusting how leftists misuse right wing memes because their brains don't seem to get it. Like "safe space", the mockery doesn't come from the idea of a safe space inherently, it came from the fact that a bunch of narcassistic overweight tumblr had the goals to force innocent people to obliged to their fucked up Orwellian rules over "offense" over anything imaginable. It was done with malice and narcissism, no respect, no pragmatism. It was a sign of mental illness.
If anything, the problem is the right DOESN'T GET butthurt and angry enough. It tries to be reasonable, it tries to be safe, it tries to treat leftists with respect, even when being a far leftists is mental illness, even when leftists would rather murder a conservative then act pragmatic. When they DO get butthurt, they could shut things down. Like that dumb purge movie, or that gay propaganda from Coca Cola in Hungary. And you know what? Who cares what the left says about you being butthurt? Because you just won.
This is why we need a civil war, its clear reason cannot convince you.
No matter how much you hate Trump you cannot deny how cringy that scene was. It was like a really bad Youtube cartoon and they showed it on TV.
You must be over 18 to post here.
They didn't show it on TV, it's a web short. They've done like 6 or 7 of them about trump since he first announced his candidacy and throughout his presidency
Stonecutters song, for comparison.
I can tell that this is a Tumblr artist because Cortez is indistinguishable from an illustration of Anita Sarkeesian.
lol i'm not reading all that fag
Doesn't make it any less cringy. These are supposed to be professionals and they committed the cardinal sin: comedy that produces groans instead of laughter. This is Disaster Movie levels of bad.
t. angry spic
What a retarded faggot. What do cunts ask eachother what weapons they're possesing as they break into your home? "OI MATE WHACHU GOT A KNOIFE, GIMME A MINUTE GOTTA GRAB ONE FROM THE KITCHEN MATE". See women call it penis envy. Id be sad too if i couldn't legally own weapons.
they're not sad about it. they love it. australians love being defenceless. it's literally a point of pride among them, as shown by this thread
8ch leftypol being killed is unironically the worst thing to ever happen on the internet. The hugbox is broken open and the tards are free-range.
Why the fuck do I find her to be so hot
trumptards are so fragile lol
If you think that any australian university is comparable to any of the Ivy League level universities, you clearly have no actual experience with real academia. And the dick comment only furthers my point.