Just started 'Boardwalk Empire'

Just started 'Boardwalk Empire'

>Seems pretty kino so far
What am I in for boys? (No spoilers please)

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Strong first three season followed by unwatchable trash.

A.R was the best character

Same tier as the sopranos

pretty true, but I would recommend sticking through it. The last season is pretty good actually.

Oh no...

user, do you mind filling me in on what makes it turn to shite?

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If you're looking for no-spoilers, you've come to the wrong place...

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M-m-mommy...what a fag her son was.

Yeah, I know I'm tempting fate...

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it was a mutual decision. The show fell off the cultural radar after season one and the quality slipped, then went off a cliff after season two. Going into season four, nobody really wanted to do the show but there was this anticipation that it would be the next Sopranos, and it clearly wasn't. Everybody decided to just jump to the end with an abbreviated season five and cancel the seven year plan.

mommy incest

Click if you dare

OP here,

Thanks bros. It sounds like I'm in for a good, if inconsistent, ride.

I'll check back in when I'm finished and share how I felt about the show.

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Don't mind if I do . . .

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O k a y

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Kino first two seasons followed by total shit.

I didn't even finish the last season and I have no idea how I made it that far.

2 kino seasons, massive quality drop in season 3, attempted and only semi-successful recovery in season 4, wet fart ending in season 5

What you should be in for is learning what greentext is supposed to be used for

Couple steps below Sopranos, but worth watching.

How the fuck has this not been posted yet you heathens?

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i couldn't finish season 4 and never finished this show. apparently i didnt miss much.

That user is wrong that it turns to shit after Season 1, but it does eventually. Without spoiling too much, it really boils down to the fact that Nucky is badly underwritten.

Steve Buscemi getting fucked in the ass

Nothing gets by you

Whoa what’s with the hate for S3? Isn’t that the one with Gyp “Horsecock” Rosetti turning every other scene to the purest of Kino? Final season was an insult tho, sure

Very strong S1-3

Hi Steve.


stop after season 2, please

It gets pretty shit by the end like every HBO series. I don't understand why HBO lets every series just turn to complete shit in the last season and you finish with a bad taste in your mouth.

Season 3 was literally flick-tier. Gyp was a hail-mary gambit by the writers to get better ratings by throwing a crazy cartoon character into the middle of the show, and it failed.

I loved Seasons 1-4, but fucking hated Season 5.

it was planned for 7 seasons but they had to wrap it up in 5, so the last season feels rushed.
They manage to wrap up most characters stories pretty well though,

>Kill Rothstein off-screen and barely mention him even though the actor desperately wanted to come back, turn him into the motivator for another boring Margaret storyline
>Push Van Alden into the background and kill him off randomly in the middle of an episode
>Push the Chalky and Daughter storyline nobody gives a shit about to the forefront even though it ends with Chalky dying in a back alley and neither him or Daughter ever being mentioned again
>Ton of focus on the Patricia Arquette character for no reason, Nucky spends the first half of the season dicking around with her and the second half moping around drunk after she gets killed
>Show is now about Luciano and Lansky since we ran out of other characters, even though they have always been boring generic goons in the background
>Capone is admittedly kino
>Half the season is Nucky flashbacks about shit we already know happened, even though the show has literally never employed flashbacks before, apparently to give it a structure with the illusion of Nucky mattering
>Gillian does nothing and her plotline goes nowhere
>I guess we'll have Jimmy's son come back and kill Nucky, not like there's anything else left to do

Imagine not knowing a powder keg like Gyp in real life...
Phenomenal character. I loved that season. Jeffrey Wright was pretty based as well, but S4 overall was much more uneven

Just stop watching after season 2

learn how to greentext there was no fucking reason that needed a memearrow or a complete linebreak, but i completely understand why you did it, you're an utter newfag from reddit who isn't used to using Yea Forums
piece of shit
never post again
fuck off and kill yourself


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