>That one episode of Impractical Jokers where Sal's punishment was forcing him to watch the other guys run a train on his sister.
What is your favorite punishment from the show?
>That one episode of Impractical Jokers where Sal's punishment was forcing him to watch the other guys run a train on his sister.
What is your favorite punishment from the show?
When they made the guy run in the big silly shoes across the bridge. Sh*t was cash lol
Kek that one was pretty good. Remember the one where he had to take a cigarette from someone and stomp it out. That guy was so p*ssed!
>Hey Q, go walk around Harlem with a sign around your neck that says "I hate niggers"
>Remember, you refuse you lose!
Jesus Christ, Joe
This never happened.
Ok retard
ok retard
>Sal was tonight's big loser! And for his punishment, he must be at the Metropolitan Correctional Center on August 10th, 2019 in order to help with community service!
>And remember Sal, if you refuse, you're off the show!
ok retard
Daily reminder this ACTUALLY HAPPENED
Okay, retard
Shoop. Original one says “I Hate Everybody”.
Sal did not make the quarter mile quick enough to dodge the oncoming train making him a paraplegic for life and tonight's big loser!
>Murry is tonight's big loser! As punishment, he's gotta carry damning evidence that would lead to the indictment of Hillary Clinton. He just has to survive for a week!
>And remember, if you refuse, you lose!
Curses, my elaborate ruse has been uncovered
Ok retard
Impractical Jokers rules. Sal is a good boy.
murr a shit
Live on TV and Q still hasn't been caught
He only needs to evade the police for 3 more hours!
>Q: For Murr's punishment he will be posing as a prisoner
>Sal: But what Murr doesn't know is that we paid a notorious gang to assault him in the bathroom
>Joe: Looks like Murr is going to get a handful
>all three start laughing, Q pats Sal's shoulder while Joe holds his eyes in place so they don't pop out
>Sal: Only the security guard is in on the joke
>Murr points at his prison uniform
>Murr: What is this? I look like a real prisoner right now! ahaha
>Joe: More like a real janitor
>Sal, Joe and Q laugh, Q has started slapping the table and Sal falls backwards crippling the crew girl who was standing behind him, Joe searches on the floor for his left eye
>Sal: Murr go into the bathroom
>Murr enters the bathroom
>Murr: What kind of bathroom is this it's only showers in here
>Q: yeah why don't you turn one on buddy
>Murr attempts to turn on the shower
>Q: no the one and the end of the hall
>Murr turns the shower on
>Joe: Murr theres a bar of soap taped to the showerhead. Grab it
>Murr takes the soap and holds it puzzled
>Sal: Hey Murr, turn around!
>Murr turns to realize that four prisoners have entered the room
>the three once again erupt into laughter. Sal has once again fallen backwards this time fatally wounding the crew girl on the floor. Q has now hit his own head on the table so hard he is bleeding. Joe's eyes are empty holes.
>the four men surround murr
>Joe: Murr....DROP THE SOAP
>screams from murr can now be heard coming through the screen. all three are now hysterical with laughter. Joe is fumbling for round objects to place in his eye sockets. Sal has begun to feed on the crew girl while Q asks for her number
Do you eat?