Will watching animal documentaries brighten up my mood

will watching animal documentaries brighten up my mood

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Not if the lioness has to abandon her cub cuz a buffalo broke its spine

but why?

Not if it's all about how climate change is ruining things for animals everywhere.

no, but i've found that watching children's cartoons help me brighten up my mood

it's something about those life lessons that are free from cynicism or satire, family friendly jokes, and bright colors. just makes you feel like a kid again

if you're an intellectual it will
so no


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Fuck no.
Nature is cruel and disgusting.

Let loose and play Metal Gear Rising to feel the power of adrenaline and electronic metal.

Movies are gay.

>tfw i will never be an animal that can never comprehend the horrors of the world while still having the ability to feel the same amount of pleasure as a human

Bitch had it coming and you know it

based owl poop poster

no youtube.com/watch?v=zWH_9VRWn8Y

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Blue planet is animalkino try it user


>watching that new one on netflix with David Attenborough
>Walruses jump off of cliffs and die

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>non-cartoon, non-animated Disney movie with non-talking animals not committing murder, incest, or suicide: *exists*
The frog wasn’t sick. The frog wasn’t sleeping. The frog was dead.

Got some reccomendations?

>the one where the guy raises turkeys from eggs to adults and when he the one male is finally an adult and he goes in the woods with it, it almost kills him

hey what's up

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Video games are for children and retards, go back to

Try watching some Son of Godzilla and Mechagodzilla 2

Gamera The Brave is pretty heartwarming too

Yes and no, depending on the individual watching. I've watched the collective Planet Earth, Blue Planet, BBC and similar Smithsonian more than most movies, to the point I hear David Attenborough narrate me taking a shit.

It is 90% utter beauty and appreciation for the world we live in, but also highlights the "dog-eat-dog" world that is reality, how another must suffer to preserve the life of another.

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