past a certain age a man who still browses /pol/ can be a bad thing
Past a certain age a man who still browses /pol/ can be a bad thing
More accurate than even the driving license one.
you kids are just fucking annoying with this shit
>you kids are just fucking annoying with this shit
>t. Past a certain age and browses /pol/
t. /pol/rat
This can't be real
>t. /pol/cuck
I just really hate niggers and women
Shut up boomer
So as far as the actual quote goes, did the broader Yea Forumsaudience not get that he was compensating for his own failure as a father/husband?
Im not claiming to have figured out anything profound but the actual dialogue always seemed to trigger ppl
That's kind of this board's thing. Being annoying. I don't know, this board was always bad but it's certainly become more cringe.
If you ever had an unironic /pol/ phase you’re more likely than not really mentally ill or at the very least socially retarded and emotionally malleable. It’s probably for the best you never reproduce or be seriously involved in a woman’s life.
how many women do you know irl?
Yes, the /pol/ kiddies are annoying and need to fuck off to reddit already
I always knew it was trannies forcing this meme.
I'm sure the people who spam this only know this through the meme and have never actually watched the show.
Because deep down people see the truth of the line in spite of the character stating it
I don't even know where this is from lol
about a couple dozen
Why does this board have so much off topic shit?