How is Sony in the wrong?
How is Sony in the wrong?
why on flash tho?
They secretly installed rootkits on everyone's computer.
The what bankruptcy now
Marvel was in dire straights when it sold off its movie rights in the 90s m
sonyncels are seething
Estronauts unironically think they should have just accepted whatever Disney offered so they can have more epic Spiderfag movies.
Sinister 6 will be a peter problem and will be awesome. Pretty sure one of them will compromise. This is a disney move. They have time with all those diversity movies coming out to keep mousefags busy
This would work better if Sony wasn't placed on an actual super villain
It wasnt
Sony is too retarded to be a villain
They're not
>Yea Forums siding with tom rothman and amy pascal
Will the next Spider-man have a good third installment, bros?
This is your brain on political cruise control, yeah. "Based Sony, Spider-Man back in the hands of the same dumb bitch that greenlit that fuck awful Ghostbusters reboot!" ASM1 and 2 were god awful trash. Venom made money, but it sucked hard.
>Yea Forums doesn't remember that Marvel went bankrupt in the 90s and had to sell off its most popular franchises to be made into movies
if sony didn't buy the rights we would have never gotten the raimi spider-man movies but MCUfags are literally incapable of looking back any further than 2008
Sony should just bring Tobey back and make us all shit our pants. Raimi is probably writing a curb stomping scene as we speak.
>Venom made money,
In the end thats all that matters. Im certain Sony do another ASM disaster and will run back to Disney.
I doubt this will last.