Kinos where incels get BTFO by women?

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poor pajeet guy he just wanted to see bobs and vegene

This is a racist tweet

based chad poo

Poos are low inhib as fuck

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>victim blaming
Wow this lady is a real b!tch

Why are southeast Asians so socially retarded?

They all have arranged marriages so when they come over here they have zero clue how to actually talk to a woman who wasn't pre-chosen for them.

Can anyone explain why Indians type like complete retards with random x’s after every sentence?

Hey dumb incel, if you dont like women it means you are GAY

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i think they are trying to do xoxo but forgot the o

considering every tradthot on the face of the earth is just a poorly closeted slut, i can't wait for whatever filth brittany's made to leak

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>women and beta males think this is funny

x is kisses and o is hugs

it's common to leave just an x at the end (or it used to be 10 years ago)

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It’s not not funny. Maybe if you’re a really triggered incel it’s not funny at all.

Did you get to fuck her?

I respect women just as much as I respect the rest of the mediocre genome known as humanity, but posts like these it hard to side with them. Stop trying to force your shitty overblown incel meme. It's almost as overblown as the tranny problem.
P.S. I've had sex.

They see women doing it out of courtesy, and get confused like 12 year old boys. Not realising it's gender specific communication

make it*
And it's about time someone posted femcel cringe for a change.

anons post more based tinder convos like this

What kind of pajeet likes anthrax?

Why do women just get off on being persecuted? 99.99% of men don’t do this and the ones who do are usually pajeets (online) or niggers/mexicans (in real life) but oh yeah WHITE MAN BAD STRAIGHT MAN BAD NIGGERS GOOD IMMIGRANTS GOOD


Most men and insecure pathetic fucks like this

Fuck off, women give out one word replies and ghost. It's a complete lack of respect. It's because they're so spoiled for choice.

what the fuck did i do wrong bros

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The industrial revolution was a touchy subject for some

Can't wait for the Fuentes threesome video


Dare i say based?

>tell me something meaningful

Also ask her to sunk ur dick

I cant imagine pursuing women in the current year. It's so undignified. I just wait for the desperate ones to come for me.

sure smells like incel in here

Bitches refuse to give up their modern hair dryers and straighteners to go live in the woods

Based Ted

Women are smarter than men because they have 3 times more social interaction in a given week.

Guys who fail to understand this will slowly be phased out of the gene pool.

a chad one

I don't recall giving you permission to post photos of my wife

That would be a long wait for me

what does incel smell like?


based roastie dabbing on incel degenerates

>I cant imagine pursuing women in the current year.
that's because you're incapable of attracting a women. I'd tell you to have sex but I know you can't :)

>tell me something meaningful
This is the kind of shit girls post on twitter with an ass pic attached


Based as fuck

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Probably not an incel. Seems more like a normie fuckboy

She was an 1840s Luddite and had just come to terms with it.

Scott Pilgrim



I can't stand when a tinder thot with nothing to say drops a convo like she's too good to even pretend to talk to me

You're only halfway right. The objective answer is women ARE smarter than men, and men are smarter than women. Simple as that.

Pursuing a whore is undignified. Same as unironically having male normie friends. You buy w*men as prostitutes. And as soon as AI rolls out you replace them altogether.




>Pursuing a whore is undignified. Same as unironically having male normie friends.

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Her grandma died during the industrial revolution when she was only 3

Utterly based
I don't know what she expected

real ass dude of the week

>Pursuing a whore is undignified
Only correct thing you said thus far. Don't preach your bullshit like it's an objectively sound ideology, because it isn't.

What would be the correct answer? What's "something meaningful"? Pretty sure the industrial revolution is one of the most meaningful events in human history.

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Who wants to hang with faggots? Who likes to pursue a women? The kind of people that need to be replaced of course.

If random thot you're banging, based. If gf, you've fucked up lol.

She wanted to be complimented there. All women are disgusting, retarded, self-centered whores.

It really is though. Normies need to be phased out.

No I’m fucking done with this.
>how to hold a conversation like a man
>hour long fucking video

I’m tired of this shit why do women demand so fucking much while bringing absolutely NOTHING to the table. Life is a constant series of hoops I gotta jump through just so I can get a whiff of her queefs.

If I need to watch an hour long video on how to SPEAK to a woman then we have a serious issue in the modern dating game.

how long have you been talking to this one? protip: after a few lines of exchange ask "do you like coffee" if they say yes say "lets get coffee" or "want to get coffee?"

if they say no just do the same with tea or whatever.


based and kaczynskipilled

You need to get into tech and help make robot women dude.

>I’m tired of this shit why do women demand so fucking much while bringing absolutely NOTHING to the table.
He talks about exactly this is the video. As a man it is your job to carry a conversation, that's how nature intended it. Don't like it, you can go transition.

Just search "meaningful quote about love"

t.beta cuck altering himself to please instead of altering the state of things.

the incel is the poster and I don't see him btfo

imagine if it was Chad. conversation would differ slightly I bet...

Just because you got left out or thought the world owed you something without any effort on your part, doesn't mean normal people are cancer.
The human species is fundamentally flawed but you have to cope with that and adapt, rather than seek to destroy it. You'd be nowhere in this world on your own. The "AI" you crave will be created by a human. The technology you're using right now was a created by a human, and you're sharing this space with humans. Play the game, don't let it play you.

If you envy women their attention and how easy they have it, doesn't this mean you are really craving to be a woman? I mean since you lash out when things don't go your way, aren't you already on your way to being one?

calm down mate. you just have to stop being fat and or left wing and you'll slay. the key is don't worry all but you're picturing hoops. there are billions of women out there, they are programmed genetically to like you if you're a man not if you try to be nice.

You spread lies and propaganda is what you did wrong. The industrial revolution was a godsend for humanity and would lead to breakthroughs in just about every field imaginable creating a significantly better quality of life for all civilized peoples.

Globalization is what fucked everything up and it's asinine to lump that into the same camp as the industrial revolution.

>Who wants to hang with faggots? Who likes to pursue a women? The kind of people that need to be replaced of course.

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gross. back to r9k with you

The big human fuckup was agriculture.


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cuck is a word used to describe lefties, you cant use it on somebody who is anti globalist and im not even that guy why have i gotta tell you this?

nope it was the start of the hard path to getting off of this planet. the mistake was pro immigration groups.

chad horny Indian vs dumb roastie that thinks she's being witty

i just want to be a cute anime girl to do gay thing with other cute anime girls. is that too much to ask for?

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hope she sees this bro

How is this even hard for you guys? I just try with my outfits and I got an old friend hitting me up to fuck. It’s not hard retards

I want paradise and it doesn't include the following:
white liberal cucklords
Instead I get my peepee sucked by my synthetic slave female and play some videogames. Nice.

post height and jaw

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>be Samia
>talking to random user
>need to take a shit
>don't bother to bring my phone
>go to the bathroom for 5 mins
>come back
>user has blown up my phone within 30 seconds of me leaving
seriously do you expect people to just hang around texting you until you both agree the conversation is over?

Nigger we aint getting off this fucking planet, we peaked when we still had natural predators.

The difference between being a joke to women and being charming is looks.

It has proven time and time again that a attractive 6' guy can post the exact same shit pathetic indians post and women will go with it.

Everything depends upon how you look. All other opinions are cope.

So what do you want exactly? A custom AI waifu, anything else? What would bring you genuine joy?

your mind is in the gutter, im not pro women at all. you are.

I want my loyal slave machine. You want to be an organic slave to a dumb animal that is inherently untrustworthy by design. You sound a faggot to me.

Who gives a fuck about height and jaw. I sit my fat ass close to you in the gym all smelly and you ribbed cuckolds don't say shit.

Women on tinder are looking for a date, not conversation. If you had replied with an offer to take her to a show she would have accepted.

>people calling the cringe in this thread based
go ahead and try that shit on the girls you talk to, more for us

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Fuentes is definitely an incel.

>tinder whores
Oh my god hahahahahahahaha

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Wrong. we peaked in 1999. we will get off this planet if white people survive. if they dont, we don't.

fucking based omega

>Who gives a fuck about height and jaw.

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Women tend to be the cutest when they are angry or when they are crying. Since you already have that shit slinging that women do, you should practice those traits as well when you start your hormone therapy. I'm just saying because guys can clock trannies when they still behave like men, you're half way there.

For starters give me my synthetic slave wife.

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Why is this for ladies?

sure I am. defending women online gets me pussy crumbs
In 10 years of time I can bake myself a whole cake with that

you literally think its about height. where have you been getting your mind poisoned? sure height helps but looks are way more important

evah xes

No-one has the slightest clue how to deal with the radiation in space over long periods of time, our only hope is the Americans accidentally inventing wormholes as they try to make new bombs. As for 1999, I agree it was the peak of human civilisation, but it sure as fuck wasn't the peak of sustainable human civilisation.

So what's she doing these days?
Streaming on twitch and milking her orbiters for their neetbux?

youre gross and your mind is in the gutter. only you can save you.

Imagine being the kind of retard who defends this.

Imagine being the absolute pathetic fucking faggot who has to spend time thinking about what to say, how to impress women, what angles to use for your profile photos, what you wear, your diet and workout routine, about the clever little reply you thought up to tease her just a little but without being offensive...

And then a the 6'2" attracrive man comes along and says "hey bb what to fuck?" and that's superior to all your effort. SHE carries that conversation because he's just so funny... and you're there to pick up the scraps after she's discarded.

You recommended fucking Anthrax. I'm not saying they're bad, but almost everyone who likes rock has heard of them. It's also an NPC algorithm response. It used to be cool in the mid 2000's to be able to discuss related genres, but now that shit like Pandora exists it just sounds like you spend too much time on the internet. My guess is you do, either way.




You don't drink the Kool-Aid. You inject it into your veines.
I want to live like an emperor with my sweet slaves licking my peepee and not plow the fields like a nigger.

it’s hilarious watching incels seethe over this shit and do research on how to talk to women online

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Man, I just totally forgot why I was laughing. Isn't that funny.

That's fair, I'd forgotten how Tinder does timestamps
I'm mostly speaking about how a lot of girls will send 5 word replies and just abandon a conversation halfway through, and it's very aggravating

Dressing nice, eating nice and lifting weights are cornerstones of being a man. They get rewards far in excess of pussy, they get you jobs, respect and self worth.

Agreed, but there’s a certain regret after spending all of college alone in a room too. It’s just miserable either way.

Twitter roasties complain about "incels" like these dudes aren't all arabs or indians who have most likely gangraped at least one teenage girl in their life

Wide hips are gross.

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Remember when people would say "brb"?

I can cut you a piece of the cake bro. I'm a selfless person and you are obviously someone who needs it more than me

The worst thing women ever did was co-creating incels. But it's okay. Normies will save the world in the end.



she actually likes you

I'm mixed mylself and this bitch is UGLY

The Internet always imagines whites as the bad guys. Just how it is.

nah she cute

>Wide hips are gross.

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Normies will literally only just get in my way while I save the world. It's gonna be super annoying.

Normies will be the following:
Single mothers, Whores, Faggots, Cuckolds, Niggers, Sandniggers.

That's their downfall. They should only imagine white guys as the bad guys half the time, as much as it's been warranted BY white guys currently.

how many friends do you have irl?

literally me when shitpost messaging to a friend

Sieg Heil.

How do you plan on saving the world? Wiping it out. Listening to you sad fucks and your rhetoric is depressing. I get it. Life is shit. Who would've thought it? Kill yourself if you're so unhappy.

>Sieg Heil.

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Normies are not people dude. There's a part in you that agrees.

try sucking cocks, you might like it.

Well you will be systematically replaced by machines.

begging ya to get off the computer and go take a walk. the internet is not reality, there's tons of people that are super cool out there and easy to get along with. I have a buddy who is a giga chad and he's chill as fuck. stop being a bitter sperg and socialize.

He probably has 0 at this point, and the biggest problem that he hates thinking about is that it's his own doing, and not in fact society's. This concept is pure shock and horror to an incel.
And all of that is so easily remedied by simply not giving a fuck anymore. Be the loner, loser, etc. But don't ruin your life over it. This doesn't have to be the end, even if you can't get it together. You've made it this far which means you can make it till the finish line.

Using the word chad unironically tells me everything there is to know about you NPC.

>t. betas in denial

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those looks arent like you cant bag your own, those looks are jealous white women upset asians are stealing their men

You sound like unbearable faggots.

don’t fucking bother
these guys will never breed and spread their genes

>left wing steretype
>apply to right
sure is tranny influencer team in here

Think about it logically


Ugh... All men are terrible but mainly white men

Awful indian-phobic of her

So that's what you want? An autonomous dishonest society that you would share with non-biological units who have nothing in common with you, aside from some superficial layer mimicking reality. Why do you even come here if you hate people so much? Why interact with them in any capacity?
Not to mention, if you hate your life as much as you seemingly do, this is easily one of the worst places to spend your time, given that 99% of anons are hostile assholes who seek nothing but to bring others down, simply because they can, and it's easy. Just leave for one or two days and see how you feel as an experiment.

Based and tedpilled

yet he hates NPCs lmao

Based yellow fever user.

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>t.NPC in yahweh suffering matrix
Kill yourself breeder.

Seethe more

Ugh that fucking face jesus christ

Hey man no one had the slightest clue on what caused flies to reproduce at one point in time. We are all gonna make it

Look at this fucking faggot, look at him and laugh.

We do, and we are, much like most people. That's the curse of humanity bro. Learn to live with it despite it's flaws, like a lot of us have. Forgive humanity for being such a turd. You really, really aren't much better or any more special. We're all mostly the same.

>you watch your diet
>you stick to a rigorous workout routine
>you look up how to dress, fashion trends and faux pas
>you get that university education to get a higher class of job
>you rent that apartment with enough privacy to make a girl comfortable
>you buy your own car, spending too much time thinking about what's trendy
>you watch those youtube videos on how to style your hair and use products to accomplish a good look
>you've read the blogs about what women like and don't like and make the concious effort to have a more desirable personality
>you make the effort to respect women by not asking them out in places where they would be uncomfortable, like at work
>you try the dating sites and use your best quirky lines to try and entertain these girls enough to get a date
>you masturbate slowly and try to simulate sex so you can last long and fuck better
>you think meticulously about where you will take her out to impress her, all paid foe by you
>you work your ass off trying to keep her entertained at the date
>you recite conversations back to yourself and say what you should have said at the time
>you wait until that third date for sex and don't pressuee her into anything she's uncomfortable doing

>he exists
>she pursues him when they met at a party
>they fuck within hours of meeting
>she's now girl #6 on his facebook who messages him every now and then trying to spark something more

k thanks for the update tranny

It feels so good to be a chad desu

based user BTFOing future tranny

i will after i have sex
seethe harder that the thing you hate the most is more successful than you

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wide hips signify good for child birth. retard

Being 6' doesn't help when you're fat and have a shit personality.
Source: me

Honestly, I can see 1000% where he's coming from, but the sad truth is he is to blame for his life too. Society is never the sole issue. I wish that were the case, but it simply isn't.

Eternally pretty slave unit designed to love me. Sounds pretty good.
Also don't forget that this is just a bitch matrix and all of you "people" are just cosmic niggers, that's why you're here. I'm here by accident unlike you niggers.

>you wait until the third date for sex

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Feels better to be sexually dysfunctional and literally not give a fuck about sex except masturbation for stress relief. Chads can blow it out their ass, they're still wasting their time chasing skirt. Can't fucking wait until I have AI to talk to instead of humans. No life outside of me and I can still fulfill my need for social interaction.

Lol men are from mars women are from venus the image!

That's your plan, not mine.

Dude, bail. That kind of crazy showing itself before you've even started a relationship is a giant Wile E. Coyote arrow telling you to get out now.

But its a dissonance of your cognition if you want to live with robots yet you hate people that act like robots and call them NPCs.

chads don’t chase skirt, the skirt comes to them
try again

She kind of has that "ugly cute" face going on for me, it makes my pp hard regardless.

Yeah no I'm not human dude. Yaweeh is a false god. I'm going to leave this flesh prison and not by suicide.

It's an expression, fuckwad. The point is, you need sex.

Trad thots are literally the worst women. They don't have traditional aspects of purity and they aren't fun and kinky either.

pasta? or did you actually write all of that.

Brainlet, most asian girls have thin hips, and there are billions of them. Women don't need wide hips for childbirth. It's just ugly.

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that was when some people weren't sociopaths

Loyal slaves dude. Big time difference.

Stupid cunt

>bitching about chads and telling me to have sex
have sex


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