Here's your Pokemon partner, bro

>Here's your Pokemon partner, bro

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he cute

he fluffy

Seems like a good choice

Is there a problem?

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What the Fuck is that thing it looks diseased

a good lad


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>Don't Tread On Me

post ducks

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I want to hug him

What's Farfetch'd supposed to be?

Forgot my picture.

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A duck. Psyduck is a platypus that fooled the world.

Who actually hates Psyduck?

God I wish that were me

fat feet

Psy ay aye

I remember a good story about Misty getting mind controlled by her psyduck.

>Pokémon: *exists*
>Stephen King: The Pokémon wasn’t sick. The Pokémon wasn’t sleeping. The Pokémon was dead.

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Sea aye eh

>It was an Electric type, Tim
>All these years battling Dark types, and I get CRITICAL HIT by one of my own
>Was I wrong boy?
>Detective Pikachu-it-it looked like a Morpeko
>You're one of the "good ones" Tim
>[Detective Pikachu dies smiling]

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Dr. Oak, I'm PKNM


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>when that loudpack hits you

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Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that he is a walking, quacking bomb.

No wonder Ash made it get out of the Poke Ball and walk everywhere.

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99.99% of their CGI budget went into Pikachu.

Money well spent.

>half dead after busting a insane and unexpected nut off of weird hentai sub genre you just discovered