Celebrities who sold out

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pretty sure he’s working on losing his virginity and he girl he’s dating is into all that SJW stuff. give the guy a break.

Sold out to whom? It's a food review channel. Why should he tolerate comments like that? And for fuck sake the post was over two weeks ago. Don't you have something better to do?

>girl he’s dating
who and how did he get a gf? he's hyper autistic

Just goes to show that Steve is the superior Youtube food reviewer

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she was in the background of one of his vids a while ago. he was flirting with her a little bit and honestly came off like a Chad. he’s autistic in some respects but he’s actually pretty good at talking to people. He’s probably gotten a lot of practice from talking to random people who recognize him in public

>cucking yourself for pussy

That is no excuse. If you cuck out for a woman, she won't respect you anyway. If he truly is a virgin, he'll learn that the hard way through experience.

Our man is in for some shit.

Unless you’re chad there’s no pussy without compromise. This is a small one imo since none of that shit even matters, women only care about it because it makes them feel important

Well I am a chad so

Me too. I’m a volcel Chad

>letting a female put words in your mouth
>not mattering
Not only is it damaging to your own psyche and embarrassing to your friends, but she will grow less attracted to you over time because of it. Nothing good ever comes from it.

>If you cuck out for a woman, she won't respect you anyway
only guys with zero experience with women say this. some things you have to cuck out on, especially if you live in a liberal area

So literally just not being racist is selling out now?

only damaging to your psyche if you’re a pussy. it’s all nonsense words, it means nothing, and you know what you truly believe in your mind which is all that matters.

>she will grow less attracted to you over time because of it
see women (particularly liberal women) often love it when guys “cuck out” on them because it makes them feel like they’re “fixing” you.

I used to be volcel but now I use sex to draw women in and then ghost them

>it’s all nonsense words, it means nothing, and you know what you truly believe in your mind which is all that matters
I honestly can't imagine being this cucked. Holy shit.

Pretty much. He was buddying the posters who made him big on Bodybuilding/Misc and /pol/ before he blew up. Now that he's made it, all of a sudden he's riding the jew wave.

his moms

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you’re literally cucking yourself by virtue of the fact you’ve never had sex

I lie to women and tell them I agree with their dumb opinions and then I fuck them. Does that sound cucked to you or does that sound based?


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>you’re literally cucking yourself by virtue of the fact you’ve never had sex
I'm married to the woman I lost my virginity to 12 years ago. She also lost hers to me. Stop being a gigantic pussy that hides your beliefs to please whores. You're an embarrassment.

didn't he comment about avoiding places with a lot of black people?

demonetization must have hit him pretty hard.

If you’ve been married for 12 years to the girl you lost your virginity to and you’re posting on Yea Forums there must be something seriously wrong with your brain. I hope for your sake you’re lying

I watch his vids occasionally but Steve himself is cringe af to be honest

imagine devoting your life to seeing which brands of canned and processed foods are slightly less awful

I've been married for one year. We've been together for 13. Don't forget you're here forever, nigger. Grow a fucking spine.

>and you’re posting on Yea Forums there must be something seriously wrong with your brain. I hope for your sake you’re lying
what's that supposed to mean? Yea Forums is just a place for discussion, not some secret nerd club, fag.

a true bro always wants the best for his fellows. The guy is trying to score ? sell everything out

It’s so obvious that this guy hates minorities deep down. Listen to how he talks about the staff at the fast food places.

You remind me of those teenagers who are really scared of being gay because they are so unsure of their sexuality.

If you are able to think for yourself, writing a twitter post saying "hey, don't be racist guys" won't destroy your entire personality and self-identity.

Sounds comfy af, you just need to landscape a few yards and you can fund your MRE lifestyle

God those were the days. I've almost forgotten how nice Yea Forums used to be before it was just Facebook without the names.

>Not a celebrity
>Didn't sell out
kill theyself

>You remind me of those teenagers who are really scared of being gay because they are so unsure of their sexuality.
What? I'm extremely confident in my sexuality and my beliefs. Unlike you, I don't compromise my ideals to get the praise of used up whores.
>If you are able to think for yourself, writing a twitter post saying "hey, don't be racist guys" won't destroy your entire personality and self-identity.
You have no idea what it means to be true to yourself. All you know is how to appeal to whatever the current accepted opinion is. You're pathetic.

Yea Forums was never a nerd club. More like an outcast club. You had real serial killers posting on Yea Forums back in the day.

the moment there was a female in his vid that i knew we lost him

Imagine being so insecure that you feel the need to scream about niggers and Jews to every girl you wanna fuck.

>no pussy without compromise
That is why you are not Chad.
>none of that shit even matters
Someone dissolved tax and social system over night and forgot to tell me?

Imagine being so pathetic that you have to make strawman arguments to feel like you have a point. You're a gutless pussy.

Unironically pic related, wtf.

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That's a little too hard to believe in, you got a video name where you saw it happen? Google doesn't turn anything up regarding his girlfriend either and I would think that something this unorthodox should probably be all over leddit and youtube.

Both men and women change for their lover. Ever had a girlfriend or know anyone who has?

That is not what they were talking about, Bernie.

This is my portrait of Reviewbrah I made all by myself.

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>I'm extremely confident in my sexuality and my beliefs
I said your personality reminds me of those people. Not that you are.
>I don't compromise my ideals to get the praise of used up whores.
You should try it, being a tad diplomatic every now and again can help you a lot in your life. Sperging out every time someone mentions a thing you don't like doesn't really affirm your own self identify as much as you just overwrite it with your outward personality that has it's own set of rules.
>You have no idea what it means to be true to yourself.
Neither do you by the looks of things considering you seem unable to understand the difference between being true to yourself and being true to your external projected image.

Based Chad. I always wanted to do this but nature said no. Hope you break a lot of whores' hearts.

>I dipped my soft noodle because I was two faced cowardly faggot


People only think hes autistic be cause he actually knows how to be proper and have manners. People nowadays aren't use to thatso they think it's Stange. It's pretty much the same reason we hate on Mormons, media has made it so being nice and helpful is bad

>You should try it, being a tad diplomatic every now and again can help you a lot in your life. Sperging out every time someone mentions a thing you don't like
More strawmanning. Being confident and not afraid to express my beliefs doesn't mean I start screaming about niggers every chance I get. But of course you probably don't have the slightest idea what actual confidence is, given that you think it means saying whatever other people want you to say.
>Neither do you by the looks of things considering you seem unable to understand the difference between being true to yourself and being true to your external projected image.
They are the same thing. The you that you present to the world is you.

>you’re posting on Yea Forums
Everywhere else are hate speech rules because of limpwristed failures like you.

>Unless you’re chad there’s no pussy without compromise
Guess im a chad. Women usually come up to me..alright not usually they're always the ones to come up to me and start the flirting

Not much more better than turning down a girl...they're all egotistical who are convinced all men want to fuck them. I always enjoy being the one to decline their advantages. They never know what to do and go into denial

We are all strawmanning here, including you.

>They are the same thing. The you that you present to the world is you.
I know this is a tired old meme now, but are you incapable of having an internal monologue?
Going back to the whole gay thing for example, you can suck a cock and while the entire world can thinks you are gay for it, but if you in your own mind hated every single second of it and you never want to do it again, that makes you straight. No matter what everyone around you thinks.

it was the coke and Pepsi blind taste test

Opinions and ideals that you never present to the world will never affect the world. They may as well not exist. Some hidden self you never expressed is not what the world sees, and it is not what will be remembered. The you that you present is you.

>dude it's okay if you support the legalization of pedophilia as long as you were really unhappy about it on the inside :)

chads don’t care how the world perceives then, whether that be beloved for having the same opinions or hated for being a contrarian. Chads know all that matters is who you are when you’re alone, since that’s the person you’ll be spending most of your time with

>chads don’t care how the world perceives then
True, but in the exact opposite way that you're promoting.

It's a balancing act. Lash out to often and you lose your inner self to your outwards personality. Like a celebrity who's fake on-screen personality eventually turns into their real one.

If you say so.

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no, you’re thinking of online incels who larp as Chads

I’m talking about true, honest-to-God Chads, who are highly skilled at dealing with and persuading people, and who don’t feel some autistic need to have all their opinions known and validated by the people around them (that’s woman behavior, btw. You should try to stop doing that)

>Lash out to often and you lose your inner self to your outwards personality.
Again, nobody's talking about lashing out. You seem obsessed with this idea.

Who said anything about looking for validation except the people who need to constantly express the 'correct' opinion?

That's his fucking mom, dude. She's been in a few other videos as well.

Have sex

He was literally never the /pol/tard you people made him out to be

He's actually a terrible reviewer

I'm trying
It'll never unbreak mine tho :|

that’s not his mom dum-dum
listen to how young she sounds and how they talk to one another. plus his mom lives in a different state

Oh no it's retarded.


that was his mom

he came a long way

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Yes he was, he posted on the misc using their language

I disagree in that he gets his impressions across pretty well, and says more than you can reasonably say about any fast food item without reaching or embellishing. That being said, he contradicts himself on his opinions of brands (Taco Bell and Burger King), even when he favorably reviews items from those places often.

What vid?

I mean validation in the sense that you need your opinions heard, like it actually upsets you if you don’t state what you think on every meaningless topic of conversation, as opposed to Chad who can sit there and disagree completely but never feel the need to make his disagreement known. Because in the end the Chad understands it’s really of no importance

that was his mom. if you watch his older videos he talks to her off camera sometime and jokes/"flirts" in the same way.

That wasn’t his mom dum-dum


you mean his older videos from when he was like 12 and still lived at home?

he hasn’t lived with his parents in years and lives far away from them. YOU. ARE. WRONG.

>Again, nobody's talking about lashing out.
It was just an expression. My point is, if you become know as "that guy who don't thinks the earth is flat" or whatever else controversial opinion you stalwartly defend, it's quite likely that your personality start to switch to being more and more obsessed about that part of your identity, and it will grow from a small thought you had into a major part of your personality, simply because people around you recognized that part of your identity.

So it becomes a balancing act. Knowing your inner thoughts and not letting them get to poisoned from a social response.


Most of these comments are third worlders

Why the fuck do liberal \ SJW \ normies blame America\First World when its fucking ESL Pajeet logging on to the internet for the third time and creeping on all the women?

Do people not see this?

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how does it feel to be more autistic than the ReviewBrah himself?

>I mean validation in the sense that you need your opinions heard
I don't need my opinions heard, I'm just not afraid to express them and won't hide them for the sake of appeasing anyone else. Honestly, how did you get this pathetic?

lol sure bud. honestly I’m surprised by how easily I won this argument

how long until he gets exposed like boogie?

it’s not his mom dum-dum

>why do dumb people think dumb stuff

Answered your own question, brah.

yeah, it's just a random woman with the exact same accent that he has

>a YouTuber who only cares about fast food and radios and whose life is going well with money, education, and now even a gf doesn’t want to have everything derailed by a small segment of his fan base that makes everything about race and cannot stop causing trouble for the life of them

Can you blame him? Grow out of autistic internet racism and trolling. You don’t have to be dr. Sjw but get a fucking life who cares. It’s not the Jews or tranny’s fault. It’s your own fault for not getting your lives together.

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What the fuck do you mean sold out? He has been trying to distance himself from the alt right for a long time now. He has never stood for it and dislikes how many alt righters frequent his comment section. It's not "selling out" to denounce these people.

how was he buddying them?

>not being an asshole is being an sjw


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Not that user, but you lost obviously

Watching a man eat MRE and go into detail > a review of my local fast food joint item

he's really not, he has given no indication of his current situation but your few posts in this thread speak volumes about you as a person

you're struggling to save some self-esteem in an anonymous thread, are you really sure you're ready to say you don't want to change? you can do better

Both are extremely fucking boring. I fail to understand how either are anything close to entertaining

>the alt right
2016 called, they want their boogeyman back

He still lives with his parents. He just calls them his roommates in his uncut daily routine videos so if doesn't seem weird. His coke Vs pepsi video is in the same room as his old energy drink reviews.

>guy that used to comment about how he reads /pol/ and has family pictures with confederate flags in background

He registered to vote and declared as a democrat solely after Trump got elected. This is not because a girl walked into his life recently.


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Decent friend simulators for friendless losers.

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shut up retard

By not being all that is listed on the pic, incel.

I appreciate his sacrifice so we could have crystal pepsi again

>you can suck a cock and not be a faggot

He was literally just a kid back then.
Growing up isn't selling out. You know that, right?

Dude, it's his mom. Unless he is dating a 50 year old milf or something because her hands looks old as fuck.

Dude makes peak YouTube friendly content, he's not going to fuck it up by associating with anyone remotely /pol/

>It's his mom, hurrdurr
>no it's his gf, hurrdurr
Are you slacking off in reviewbrah's lore or something? it's just his sister.

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it’s not his mom dum-dum

Guys just have to learn this for themselves. It's a horrible experience, but it's the only way to learn.

Just because you have a wife/gf it doesn't mean she respects you. Why do you think there are so many unhappy couples where the man feels pathetic and the wife feels unsatisfied. It's because the husband caved in and the wife lost respect for him. I'm not saying you should act like a caveman, but women want you to be strong, if you let them call the shots, they'll own you. They might reward you with sex, but they won't respect you, why would they?

sold out to (((the algorithm))). you have to pander to stay fed

Say dum-dum all you want, it's clearly his mom

I know he went through lengths to get the archives to expunge pictures of his dad, imagine he'd try the same for other family members.

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I actually met Reviewbrah a few weeks ago. Just as he was finishing up a video about something from McDonald's. He told me he was walking around which he does after every video just to wear off the full feeling.
We started talking and I was telling him about how I'm a fan of his videos because his channel is something different, what his favourite foods and energy drinks are and about the obsession this place has about him, specifically /fit/, /fa/ and /pol/ which I told him I browse. He kinda brushed it off and this nervously laughed and glanced away when I ended with /pol/.
We walked a bit more now towards the restaurant before he stopped me and pointed ahead to an African American man and his daughters eating outside cafe area.
He looked at me and said "You ever crack a boon before?"
I just stood the speechless and confused, right before Reviewbrah whipped his arm back slinging out a telescopic nightstick out of his coat sleeve. He immediately charged at the black man while shouting "This is RUNNING ON EMPTY..." as he can down on the mans head with the weighted weapon "...FOOOOD REVIEW!". The little girls started screaming. "Unfortunate for the skin color, but it makes up for it in the amount of blood and brainmatter coming out, so I'm gonna rate this beatdown 14/88" he cackled maniacally.
I just ran to my car, I was in shock. I pulled out of there as fast as I could while people were screaming and yelling. I could hear in the background as I drove away; "It is what it is user, it is what it is!"

>asuming that being a chad makes you a degenerate too

kill yourself tranny

not an argument