Detective McNulty, I'm BPD
Detective McNulty, I'm BPD
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The fuck did I do?
Special Agent Chungus.
*eats your path*
*eats 4 crabs at once including gut*
Best character coming through
I wish Herc and Carver had gotten their own spin-off. Those two cracked me up.
Just spent the past two weeks binge watching this for the first time. Am I a cuck for shipping these two? I normally seethe but this seems tasteful.
They're considerably better off together than with his ex-wife or McNulty
It always baffled me how daniels is this ripped chiseled 30-something-looking dude but he was married to what looked like a 70 year old cancer patient complete with smokers throat
That same actress played a crackhead in The Corner. She looked the part.
Daniels laughing warms my icy heart
and i'm special agent DTF ;)
Literally Fat John Cena.
you mean second worst, just behind mouzone
*adds 14 bodies to your red board*
Fuck you nigga, omar based
loved that so fucking much
>nigga with insane plotarmor
fuck outta here
Stop using terms you learned on Yea Forums
Why does he have plot armor if he isnt based? Fuck outta here
>learned on Yea Forums
what the fuck are you talking about?
I want to make sweet love to this tiny hit-dyke so bad
because he was king nigger's favorite character. that's NOT based
>giving a Fuck about obongo
You gonna look after me, Sergeant Carver? You gonna look out for me? You promise? You got my back?
carver going mental in his car was kino
yikes sweaty
nah just an election tourist
How did you spot me? Was it because autocorrect capitalized "fuck"?
You are a CUNT HAIR away from indictment and you see fit to argue with me!?
that and capitalizing the Y in yikes
Fuck it then. For another pit sandwich and some tater salad, I'll go a few more.
Tee hee.
Detective Bunk, you can't see me.
I usually believe that the first thing I should do after getting janned is to do the exact same thing again.
Daniels is the biggest cuck on the show, McNulty was savagely fucking Rhonda in Season 1 when she looked good and Daniels moved in with her after McNulty had already decimated her pussy and she started to look like shit (bad haircut, face got kinda fat, i dunno)
Also he just quits police work because his ex wife told him to? huge cuck
>Also he just quits police work because his ex wife told him to
No he doesn't. He stayed on against her advice.
>coleslaws your path
at the end of the series! he resigns and becomes a lawyer
Lmfao your momma named you after a McDonald's burger?
So he's smart.
Because it was either perpetuate the corrupt system with juked stats under Carcetti and his successor, or have the blackmail material used to ruin him. He decided to take the third option of retiring to use his law degree rather than compromise his values.
Medium rare, lots of horseradish.
i dont eat meat
what is a pit sandwich
You need a new desk.
A roast beef sandwich pretty standard in Baltimore.
Did y'all see those little shitbabies pouring lighter fluid on that cat? Fuck man, makes me want to skillful some
Negro children
that scene made me hungry, but the crab guts bunk ate looked amazing
a roastie sandwich.
fuck, this was one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the show.
roast beef has always looked unpleasant to me
even though i've had a beef burger and steak which were nice
the realest nigga on the entire show. arboretum scene gets me down every time.
Stop speaking ebonics faggot
"shipping" is some tumblr shit white boi
the wire truly is the ghetto Shakespeare
Pure kino moment
That was Kenard, the kid that eventually shoots Omar. He was unsaveable at that point.
>adds 22 more bodies, nigga.
Until then, you will not, I repeat NOT pull down ANY MORE
*distant Jay scream*
Detective John Cena
>*specifically goes out of his way to make sure the bodies land on you instead of someone else*
>Hey Bunk, Freamon, those bodies are now on you.
>Fuck you, McNulty.
It's delicious though. So are roast beef vaginas desu, if only incels knew the joy of sucking on long pussy lips and stretching them out while your gf giggles
sheeeeit I forgot him, he was based
That's why black women are dogshit and black men always try to go for the whites or browns
Ain't going to no Hamsterdam
FUCKIN Jimmy! Fuckin with us just to fuck with us.
we doublin' down on sweet lips
Roast Beef my man. If you're ever up in Baltimore County go to Jake's. Those big nigs can cook a mean sandwich.
>yfw shorty was a cop
she wasnt no cop man
Will it ever be surpassed lads?
Feel hungry after seeing this
That damn crab scene
Nah, it's one of those shows that happen once in a lifetime like the Sopranos.
Now I feel like rewatching season 1.
Yeah, I'm downloading season 1 because of this thread
Tell me about Wallace! Where he at!
S1 has such a special late 90s - early 00s feel that I can't quite put my finger on
I almost feel nostaglic for it as soon as I get to the third season
And then 2 and 3 and 4 and 5
I generally only rewatch the first 2 seasons.
The thing I liked most about the Wire was that the police weren't angels who were out to protect Baltimore. It was a dirty job that needed to be done.
>man we're never going to get this desk in
>... IN?
Or in some cases just a paycheck. If you're in evidence lockup or whatever it's just an office job.
Thus the system was summed up.
so Yea Forums tell me, have you ever taken notes on a motherfuckin conspiracy?
Speaking of, do you think Homicide: Life on the Streets is underappreciated? The first season is great.
Definitely. David Simon said that this was the reason for writing Homicide and reading that and watching the Wire average police shows aren't he same anymore. TV networks really try to sanitize the world of homicide detectives. That was one of my biggest disappointments with Homicide Squad Atlanta.
I heard the first season was by the book, but the later seasons got really weird.
TV in general is just really bad at portraying cops. Cops are just people, people who happen to have a lot of power over others. That doesn't make them good people, they're as diverse personality-wise as any other group. Some of them respect the authority they wield and try to do good, some of them abuse the authority and have some sort of power complex. Pretty much what you'd expect from a position that has a lot of power but a low entry barrier.
Mid-90s cop kino for sure.
>once in a lifetime
>aired concurrently
Season 2 was so much better than people give it credit for. I'm black but I have a feeling the main reason it gets a bad rap is because other blacks didn't want to see the white side of Baltimore. Well, get over it. Blacks aren't the only inhabitants of the city. I felt for this Lil guy so hard. He just wanted a lil respeck on his name.
>not getting to S4
what wrong with you? greatest story in television
Would you a Snoop?
What did they mean by this?
what you call it when you slobber on some armpits
grilled armpits?
country fried armpits
>you'll never be McNulty, fucking teenage waitresses on the side and also fucking escorts two at a time with Baltimore tax revenue, all the while recovering from alcoholism to such an extent over the seasons that your ex wife mires at you
Why even live
Well yeah. You don't give your bros more work to do.
>ever deserving respect
At least you're black and not a Manlet. you'll have a bit more upward mobility, nigger
it was a joke
I got two episodes into season 5 and dropped it.
Marlowes a fucking faggot and the punished Mcnulty arc is hard to watch. Should I finish it?
Yes you fucking idiot
Fuck. The outcome of those kids broke my heart
Roast beef with good gravy and some Yorkshire pudding is kino desu
You want it to be one way
But it's da otha way.
>Do the chair recognize we gonna look like some punk ass bitches?
>String, he did have the floor
Homicide was so good.
Sad it's over m8
>'Hey, McNutty, I know I'm payin tax on a couple things, but I gotta believe it's more aggregation than 'Good job, Bubs' and a little bit of this'
>Am I a cuck for shipping these two?
You're a cuck for using the internet term shipping.
>tfw you take notes on a criminal enterprise
>So it's a reward for them and a chicken box for Bubs, eh?
Which is Stringer in a nutshell. For all his pretense of acting legit, it goes out the window when it's inconvenient to him. Like when Clay Davis scams him, he immediately tries to put out a hit on him, a state senator, like any common gang member on the street. He's just trying to do an impression of what he thinks a real businessman is like.
Avon might have been unambitious, happy to have his corners and little slice of Baltimore, but he did know who he was and what he wanted.
Doesn't help that a lot of the barely passing jocks that were incredibly irresponsible in HS end up on the force.
thnx m8
BUY BUST, detective
anyways whats up with all these wire threads lately?
i just started season 2 so nice to see desu
muh dredged canal
It's currently streaming on Amazon Prime. I'm actually watching it right now.
>and your other office
watching the episode this reaction happens in was so unexpected i always thought it was from some random move and kept thinking id seen wee bey somewhere but couldn't put my finger on it
>and your other whiskey
what episode?
y'know she actually killed someone real life
>Amazon Prime
which region? USA??
not available in the UK
>He plays it fast and loose but god damn it he gets results!
There is also Pit BBQ
>Us, man
Herc had the best ending of all the characters
daniels was in a loveless marriage that was basically a political partnership and she deserved better than mcnutty booty calling her whenever he's pissed
>that filename
you renamed that image with your left hand?
D'Angelo shut your mouth.
You earned that buck like a motherfucker
he now lives in a huge fucking mansion with his qt wife
no. with my feet
The youtube clip has the info in the details.
Season 1, Episode 11: The Hunt
>McNulty's ex-wife
>The youtube clip has the info in the details.
it only says
>Published on Sep 10, 2016
>Stringer Bell is pissed
in the description
The Wire Season 1 Episode 11: Stringer Bell is Pissed
nigga where the fuck are you seeing that
the video title is
>The Wire - Stringer Tells Wee Bey He Shot A Cop
Did you click "show more"?
>tfw assigned to guard bitch princess after pissing off the major
Guess who became a druggie?
Of course it is a n-----
I even disabled the adblock
pic related
I also use youtube without the polymer thing
Best-ever branding.
What would it be now?
Life imitates Art
>people hated it because its whites in a black show
>im black
you obviously arent. People hated season 2 because its a slow burn, all our favorite characters including the police side are split up. It takes 4 episodes for the detail to come back. If you go in blind you don't really see the full scope of the docks side.
When I watched season 2 the first time I Loathed it, but now I think it's the best season. Its definitely a pleb filter but saying blaming it on black people is the stupidest thing ever.
And because it's only season 2, people are not prepared for the show's "shift perspective to a new part of Baltimore and introduce a ton of new characters" yet. It's jarring, until then you thought it was just cops and drug dealers.
The first season is pure kino. It gets weaker with every season though.
Most kino final shot of any series. The characters either escaped or lost the game, some had happy endings, some died, some tried to make a difference, others just went along, but the city and system goes on like normal, like none of their lives changed a thing.
>Incursions? Ain't you the articulate motherfucker.
theyre out of tater salad, how bout slaw?
Did someone say roast beef?
100% Season 2 is the pleb filter. The idiot filter. If you hear someone says it sucks they need to rewatch it. People don't hate it because of "whitey" they hate it because its drastically different. Now, I can easily say it's my favorite season (season 4 is the best) because it explains the series.
>This one bitch was pulling guns out her pussy, Unc. Shit was unseemly.
>You know who got the fattest asses and the best pussy? Midgets, nigga.
i like how they didn't force his homosexuality in the show. it was just in the backround
What was Cheese's problem?
>"serious" crime drama
>main character has a fucking catchphrase
But it does put a humorous layer on his many gay-related insults he employed over the show.
Muh grain pier
Best acting moments in the show?
Put it on my tombstone
Bubs in general
McNulty when he finds Gregs shot
Kek I thought it was pig sandwich
How does someone go through life being that fat? It looks so extremely uncomfortable, I wouldn't be able to sleep.
god that guy was an asshole, I don't recall his name as he was just one Marlo's henchmen but I remember him being a nonstop cunt
Snoop was crazy but at least she was jovial
I didn’t hate s5, and I actually enjoyed watching McNultys drunken psycho escapades
I HATED Ziggy Sabotka
He was the only thing that kept me from really loving S2
Can take them out of the hood but can't take the hood out of them
Go damnit I want that guy's castle and wife. I need a job.
When Frank goes off on his lawyer who needs more money for the lobbying he does for Frank, always stuck out as very believably intense
>Here, Brucie. I think they're your size.
*leaves open shoe box full of cash*
*seizes Brucie when he reaches for it and holds a dart up to his face*
>I'm operating under the assumption that because of your relentless diligence the funding for the grain pier is gonna pass the assembly...but I'm also talking about the canal. So YOU'RE gonna talk about the canal! The Muldoons who run the old line state are gonna talk about it until SOME DAY, SOME WAY, that motherfucker gets dredged and we get some SHHHHIPS in HERE!
Monk, yes. Monk the cunt
What? Nooo
There ain't nothing you fear more than a bad headline, now, is there? You'd rather live in shit than let the world see you work a shovel.
Bubble's speech to the addict support group where he opens up about his struggle to stay clean and about Sherrod. Not at all overplayed, just enough that it feels very real.
I think Bubble's whole season 5 arc is very underrated and the best part of that season. Because they skipped to him being clean, his arc is instead trying to figure out where his place is now that he's no longer Bubbles the drug addict, and his guilt over the damage he did when he was.
When the reporter from the Baltimore Sun wants to publish a story on him and his recovery, his uncertainty on whether to give permission or not because he feels like it's celebrating him not being an addict even though he shouldn't have been one in the first place
>A lot of folks share at meetings. Plenty of motherfuckers wake up every day and not get high. Man makin' me sound special for doin' what the fuck I need to be doin'.
Thought it was a very interesting arc
Not surprised. Well a little, but this stuff happens. Hell Snoop is actually in prison
Bubbles probably had the best storyarc out of anyone on the show, in my opinion. I was happy to see him finally get up his sisters stairs and have dinner with her and his niece.
best fucking line to a superior you know is corrupt I ever heard
I agree completely
She's just undercover
They successfully hit a lot very complex notes of survivor's guilt with Bubs. Of course he got clean in Season 1, we saw it, but it didn't last and he relapsed at the end. Getting clean is easy, staying clean is the hard part and the more interesting part to see. Like how he had to get the blood test to see if he'd contracted HIV from his drug addict days, and it's clear just from his acting and dialogue he's not sure what he wanted the report from the hospital to say, and even less sure how to feel when he finds he never contracted HIV in all his years of addiction.
Yes, he has the most satisfying ending of anyone. My heart grew ten sizes that day
So did the show ever make you cry?
That's the beauty of the wire. It has so many facets and little crags you can get stuck on that lines like this can perfectly conjure the scene in my mind. I could clearly envision bubs rubbing the money between his fingers. Just a really great series down to a micro level
This show always makes me want to go eat at McDonalds for some reason
You gonna eat that crab gut?
What does crab taste like?
what's this from?
good pusy
If I really like police dramas like L&O is the the wire worth watching for me?
If you're expecting a police procedural, this isn't it. It's as close to a novel on screen as I've seen.
milky salt
>I feel old
>Let me up
>Yeah... it scares me, too
>And the motherfucker telling you this? He hates your guts, McNulty
well some people irl have catchphrases too
/our/est guy of all /ourguy/s
you gotta watch it for the last episode. the McNulty plot may be slightly cringe to some viewers but it is worth it for everything else, although S4 also makes for a good ending
which I'm pretty sure is intentional. from what I understand the writers wrote every season to be a suitable finale because they doubted HBO would renew them for another lol
*solves your crime problem*
Trying to find a photo of the final shot of Season 4 and failing, I always found it incredibly affecting as a final image for the toughest season to watch, a peaceful crossroads with only the sound of wind chimes
Avon had a lot of layers that aren't apparent at first glance where's he's just "the villain" they must take down
>DEA agents hate him!
>Find out this ONE WEIRD TRICK to cut drug crime by 92%!!
*saves your son*
Was he always bad, or did he just lose sight of his good goals when actually in office?
Amazing voice.
Ambition coming head to head with idealism. Pretty common for politicians.
he was never bad, really. well I mean I guess he was cheating on his wife and full of himself but I never really doubted his intentions. he's just climbing further and further up the ladder, telling himself that it's so he can do the most good later, instead of putting his foot down and doing the right thing here and now. it's intoxicating and makes you believe anything. part of the careerism theme that's running through the entire show
Like all things Wire, it's not one or the other, a blend somewhere in the middle.
It's delusion too, of course, he could have taken that money and bailed out the schools, allowing him to implement his big planned agenda that got derailed. But it would have killed his future governor bid and that was that. He convinces himself he can do good for the city as governor but it's kidding himself, he is blinded by ambition and greed for the bigger office.
Season 4 the best.
The first episode introduces the education/kid theme neatly, you don't even have to notice either. The very first scene is Snoop in "class", with the shop saleman teaching her about nailguns with a display framed like a blackboard, while she listens intently and actually does remember everything he said. When actually given proper one on one honest education it works.
The other I haven't seen pointed out personally but I like it, which is they frame Carcetti throughout the episode as a child, a young child. He is fussy about his food, at the campaign HQ he eagerly snatches at "treats" (the raw polling data) but is told he has to wait, he throws a whiny tantrum when told he must do his "homework" (cold calling for donations), and instead of doing so just doodles and messes around while making it look like he's doing his work. Finally when being taken home, he falls asleep on the back seat like a toddler. None of it is spelled out, you notice it or you don't, which is what I love about The Wire.
ACKSHUALLY its from ancient x-files bbs back in the 90s. the moniker 'relationshippers' (or finally, 'shippers') was used to reference those fans that were on the 'romantic relationship' side of the mulder and scully debate. i personally didn't give a shit because i was a teenager and wanted to see cool monsters and ayys.
Scenes that make you hungry
He was always going to put himself first.
you're a big guy
didnt know it was a girl for so long
I hated S2 because of whitey.
Which scene or character was a cop
Cant remember this
Kima Greggs, the lesbian.
Was losing your pension part of your plan
Everyone while moving the desk into the office
Unironically Cheese's monologue right before Slim kills him