Characters/actors you've been told you look like

Characters/actors you've been told you look like

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Jonah Hill

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Been told this by several people, not sure if it's a compliment or not

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heads up user, i want to fill your asshole with my cum

Yo OP I found your face book why didn't yous say you was such a foxy lady?

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heads up user, i want to fill your asshole with my cum

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got boyfriend?

Why is Bale so gorgeous bros

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Does it count if it was around 10 years ago and then you ended up aging terribly? Multiple people compared me to him at the time.

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>ywn look like Classic Paul "Classic" Dano

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I know someone that looks exactly like him only his eyes are slightly too far apart rendering him ugly. It's very unfortunate since the has everything else going for him.

chloe is really gone isn’t she... damn...

Is he also balding?

hate me

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send bobs

man why did classic posting die out

why is he, really?

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Cringe and bluepilled.

people mention it so often that it’s actually starting to annoy me

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you look like a waspy anglo cunt

Well done /TV
I did not know we were all so attractive

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Post car crash Mark Hamill is not a complement

>Post car crash Mark Hamill

He has a slight scar on his cheek. Big fucking deal.

No you don't. I saw you yesterday.
Cut your fucking hair. And smile.

I really could smile more, thanks for the advice brother.

i get it all the time

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life must be nice when you look like this

Every single time I meet someone for the first time
I'm thinking about becoming an actor because of it

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>hey, look, he's harry potter!
I hate that.
>inb4 actor, not character
Fuck you, I know that. Normies don't care about actors' names so much as you think.

yeah because he looks ugly

heads up user, i want to fill your asshole with my cum


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heads up annon, I want to fill your asshole with my cum

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heads up user, I want to fill your asshole with my cum

Walter jr

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My buddies tell me I look like a cross between Steven Seagal and Keanu Reeves.

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I want to kick you

I don't look like anyone
my dad looks like steve martin

actually, I no longer look like him, I use to when I was a teenager.

>not sure if it's a compliment or not
How are you this fucking braindead, of course it's a compliment.
Ladies were going absolutely nuts for Jude Law back in the day. Dude was a straight up 10/10 even with losing his hair in his 20s

Unirinically i look very similar to Daniel in this image. Though i admit my jaw line isnt that pristine

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>some actor posted his face on this thread

One chick said I looked like a prefat Frakes. Best compliment I've ever gotten.

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Hey Henry. Still hype for wow classic?

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Wrong. Surprisingly there was a time when Frakes wasnt fat.

I'm a jew btw

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Not sure it was a compliment.

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I look exactly like him when I put sunglasses on. My hair is usually a little longer and shaggier though.

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I was also was told I look like him a lot as a kid

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tfw you are Mongolian Persian inbred

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almost but yeah

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Back in college about 6 years ago a gay guy told me I looked like a young Tom Cruise. And this year at work one of the HR women said I look like Tom Cruise did in The Last Samurai. So I guess I look a bit like Tom Cruise.

David Mitchell. I've had dozens of people say it to me since I was in secondary school right up till current day.

Happens a lot, I get these guys most often.

John Stamos
Bradley Cooper
Richard Madden
John Harbour

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>look like the actor
>act like his characters
I still don't know how I feel about it

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Some German village chick said I look like "Der Kevin von Riverdale". He looks gay as fuck so I'm more insulted than anything.

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Dan Stevens

you cute

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eat a cheeseburger

That beaner from Dora, Eugenio Derbez.

The whole middle of his face was reconstructed he went from a 9 to a 5.

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They cast him has the ubermensch in gattaca

this isnt even you you steaming faggot

The A in waspy already stands for anglo, you mongtard

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Damn, how did you end up here?

i cant tell the difference

looks like struck a nerve on this wasp

the guy from walking dead. I didn't take it as a compliment

same unironically

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why doesnt he go on propecia

Tony Stark, but taller, also Loki and one girl told me i look like an italian CERN scientist, best compliment ever.

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him and jon hamm

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looks like my dead uncle
people tell me i look like them

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I don't though
it was just flattery

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