MCUfags are the most entitled manchildren I've ever seen. You'd think they understand how business works. But no...

MCUfags are the most entitled manchildren I've ever seen. You'd think they understand how business works. But no, and to top things off they're DEMANDING Disney to buy Sony. I shit you not.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-21 Comicbook com on Twitter #BoycottSony is now trending worldwide after fracture (598x659, 145K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>we love Tom Holland!
>let’s boycott his films and kill his career!

DCucks are the most entitled manchildren I've ever seen. You'd think they understand how business works. But no, and to top things off they're DEMANDING WB to release the Snyder Cut. I shit you not.

Its all bots user

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Disney is seething because some faceless corporation is not sucking their cock.

You will agree with the mouse, wether you like it or not

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what weve learned today is that superhero fans are the fucking worst

>superhero fans are the fucking worst
i would say that superhero fans and (most) weebs are equal in that respect

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Sonicfags are the most entitled manchildren I've ever seen. You'd think they understand how business works. But no, and to top things off they're DEMANDING Paramount to redesign Sonic. I shit you not.


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This is a reality check for them about the real world. The Disney capeshit monopoly is over. They are vulnerable thanks to book cooking allegations and the debt Fox kindly left them.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-21 MathiasBam on Twitter Sony takes back rights for spider-man from disney Disney (598x626, 325K)

I hate capeshitters

Just make Sonic Adventure 3 fucking already and make new gameplay segments.

We could elevate the level of film and television if we just stopped talking about Disney products. Let the shills shill to each other while we move on from being led like children to the latest focus group claptrap.

Who is with me?

I take the No Disney Pledge!
Say it!


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Jesus Christ fuck kikes

at&t DC pajeets rise up
if the japanese drop sony pictures based at&t can buy them

MAGAtards are the most entitled manchildren I've ever seen. You'd think they understand how business works. But no, and to top things off they're DEMANDING Universal to cancel The Hunt. I shit you not.

you do understand that Sony is the larger company right?

(and that's a good thing)

It just happen that majority bandwagon the shit out of the backlash forcing Paramount to do something. If that's the case then 1/3 of the world population are Sonicfags.

Sony is like 4x bigger than Disney and there are laws in Japan that prevent foreign interests from buying out their companies.

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So this is the curse of the Raimi Trilogy?
No Spiderman shall ever endure past two films again?

Based threado

>American company will buy Japanese company
'Fraid that ain't how it works, gaijin.

>buying out sony
there’s no way capeshitters are this retarded

>takes rights back from Disney
Poor thing, it's retarded.
Not to mention Disney never had the rights for Spider-Man. Sony has had Spider-Man for 2 decades more than Disney has got Marvel

These people are so braindead they don't know about foreign laws. Then again the only knowledge they have is every quip and reference in every MCU movie and act like they ever read the god forsaken comics.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-21 Omar Tafur on Twitter C'mon Disney do your thing Buy Sony and #SaveSpider (598x677, 425K)

The people who claim to be outraged over "children in camps" are the same people who get way more emotional over Spiderman than said children.

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>they're DEMANDING Disney to buy Sony
so even more censorship for PS5, not that Marvel basedfaggots would mind

Imagine having a legion of crybaby retards to use as a bargaining chip during business negotiations.

Fuck movies and fuck capitalism.

what's with this pixel-ridden photo?
I recognize marvel and 20th century fox, but what the fuck are the other 2?

Sony Pictures=/=PS5 you dumb fucking commie

I really like this image, mind if I save it?


>criticize capefans for bending over to corporations
>criticize capefans for trying to fight corporations
What the fuck is wrong with this website?

>clockwork orange avatar

It's a gif. I think those are ESPN and Star Wars

If I have to choose my poison I rather watch a film then read a fucking comic book that forces their shit agenda onto my face.

why is Sony not allowing marvel to use spider man? it feels like they would make a lot more money with character being attached to the MCU.

theyre bending over to disney you moron

Would be a real pity if we cancelled kikes and shitskins.

>mfw Spiderman movie rights' assessed value is higher than the value of the entire Sony Pictures operation meaning the parts of Sony Pictures that are not Spiderman-related have negative monetary value
>this makes sense since Sony Pictures has abysmal financial performance outside Spiderman movies

>fuck capitalism.
Got a better option?

>this website
It's a bunch of nonwhite DC fans from twitter
We found them all when captain feminist came out and it's proven that they're make most capeshit(both sides) threads on Yea Forums

Disney will never buy the Playstation company



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>>this makes sense since Sony Pictures has abysmal financial performance outside Spiderman movies


Sony Entertainment did so well that it help Sony not file bankruptcy.

Because Disney were cunts and demanded 50% profit


Faggot tourists such as yourself under the delusion of having opinions of worth. Fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of.

Well technically Sony pictures isn't the whole Sony Corp and it's american company iirc.
You're from the numale board so this is something you actually believe :^)

You can´t spell boycott without boy. Fuck the MCU. 22 movies are enough.

Sony wanted to keep making 95% of the profit while marvel did the creative work, marvel wanted to co-finance more and share more of the profits
Sony are incompetent

Even though Sony was pretty based for doing this, their tech products are still shit, especially their TVs. Samsung > LG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>> sony

It must be a busy day in Disney's PR company.

They could buy Sony Pictures
You know that Disney didn’t buy the entirety of Newscorp when they bought Fox, right retards?

>buying sony
>after it came out that they've been lying about profits for years
the mouse is burning, why else would they push for 50%.

basado nihonjins

Virgins. What else are you excepting.

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Why doesn't Disney allow people to use a cartoon character created in 1928 and is actively lobbying and mostly responsible towards shittier copyright laws?

How's your new job at Disney?


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they made the movie and hold the all power at the moment. Sony just won't make any money at all now. they've fucked them selves.

That's still up to the suits themselves. And again, Japanese foreign laws.

How's your job at Sony?

Why is Uncle Ben evaporating?

Serious question, how did we, as a society, come to this?

>Sony just won't make any money at all now

Sony can shit out anything with Spiderman on it and people will buy it. They're not in trouble.

Hell, a Raimi-directed Spiderman 4 would make billions

Nonwhites took over the internet
Yea Forums is the best example of what happens when they take over

best part of this is if sony did this BEFORE endgame they could just call spidey dead forever

Did MCUfags literally forget that the sale of the the dormant X-Men and Spiderman properties from Marvel to raise a bit of ready cash allowed other studios to kickstart the Capeshit bandwagon? Aside from cartoons they weren't doing anything with the characters.

nobody cares about cheesefest Raimi movies anymore, autists on the internet don't represent the whole population

Sony Pictures is an American company


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Shills are already pretending Fox X-Men was always shit and didn't make capeshit films popular because the MCU invented capeshit

Whatever you say, shill

funnily enough, its probably just a regular day there

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who cares about this shit

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Imagine being such a braindead consumer that you want Disney to own the entire entertainment industry just because of some abstract inside baseball bullshit involving Spider-Man.

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Apparently, capebabies do.

where's the MCU?

not as much as they could make with the MCU. far far from home made a billion dollars while the amazing spider man 2 made 700 million. i doubt modern audiences would care about Sam Raimi spider man films when the MCU is a thing. they wouldn't make that anyway. they would just make another cash grab like the amazing spider man.

MCU version would be a loose fitting biker suit and you know

>Disney: heh, we made spider man stark jr and are now gambling our entire MCU on his character, what do you think of THAT sony? Heh. GIVE US 50%.
>Sony: "no."

The decision is still up to Sony Japan. That's like saying Disney can buy Nintendo of America. Doesn't work that way.

Sony entirely is a Japanese corporate brand.

This whole thing happened because Disney wanted to squeeze Sony for more money. They are not going to sink billions into buying out a studio when the return is only going to be from a handful of movies.

Yeah, but now that Disney wants 50%, one billion becomes merely 500 million for them.

That explains why Tom Holland actually makes them chimp out so much, they’re always talking up that ((diversity)) shit spiderverse in the same threads too...

>Americans clap for multibillion dollar corporations gaining larger and larger market shares of entertainment mediums

Why? This is so stupid

>calling Marvelchads manchildren as he makes this manbaby cope thread

Reminder that in 2019 dollars, Spider-Man (2002) made over 1.3b, not even counting the Chinese market wasn't as big as it is today, and it was the biggest box office opening of all time back then

Far From Home can't beat Aquaman without a re-release

Raimi directing Holland would be pure kino

Crossover fanfiction come to life. That's basically it.

Yep, I'm thinking these are BASED.

>that they're make most capeshit(both sides) threads
Speak English Pajeet

This whole fucking thing is corporation bootlicking you moron. In what world is asking for Disney to purchase Sony Pictures because they want to see a superhero under "their" braind any form of fight against corporations? Social media is just enabling the monopoly system that is terrible for cinema

>not respecting our based and redpilled disney overlords
have sex incel

Disneychads and Marvelchads DABBING on BASEDnycels

Jesus Christ, what the fuck?

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nah, Tom Holland sucks

imagine picking any side in jewish cape consol war
>muh caped jew is better than yours

That's a pretty based post user. Why don't you have sex?

that's still more than what they made with the amazing spider man 2. if you include marketing they only made like 200 to 300 million. The MCU also has more stay power. they would make far more money in the long run. what ever they do with the character it will just crash and burn like the amazing spider man franchise did. they're getting ballsy because of venom but people don't care about Sony in the same way they care about the MCU and it will eventually fail.

>Dabbing after losing

Sure, where can I meet your mom?

marvel fans are pathetic

The SEETHE is HILARIOUS. Marvelchads and Disneychads just keep on dabbing on those incel virgin freaks.


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>fans want Disney to buy Sony Pictures
>mouse fans WANT Disney to buy every piece of media and all competition

Fucking hell capeshit and nostalgia-manchildren were a mistake.

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Disney has brainwashed and ruined this generation.

Cope DCcuck. Come back when Joker dethrones Endgame, OH WAIT NOT IN ONE MILLION YEARS LMAO COPE DCCEL

Disney needs to be broken up

Yeah Sony knows it has the upper hand, it doesn't even have to fire Tom Holland, they can pretty much go as normal they just won't use MCU but the movies are already kickstarted, they are about to have Venom and Mysterio and don't need to be in the new gayass MCU with transsexual paraplegics and can do fine on their own.

>thinking his opinion matters
lmao, he isn't on the winning side. Nice cope DCcuck.

Keep seething DCcuck. You'll NEVER surpass Marvelchaddery with Disney on our side and winning.

I don't give a shit about DC, Mordechai.

Sony won't leave 50% of the revenue so that Spiderman has to carry the burden now that the MCU enters the Poochie Phase. Spiderman is literally one of the very, very few maineventers left, Phase 4 is all shitters that nobody cares for and even less people want to see, so either Marvel accepts a lesser deal, or they rush the X-Men in the MCU as quickly as possible, or they're fucked.
As it stands now, Marvel needs Spiderman more than Sony does. Sony can just bullshit whatever Spiderman vs Venom movie, get an easy billion, grab Marvel by the balls and negotiate later.

This is frighteningly severe cope. Please see a medical professional.

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Look at this, pure cope

Its fucking retarded, I mean imagine if they can't get a certain comic character because the only actor left on Earth is at Warner Bros, that is going to be the reason to buy the entire company so that I can see fucking MODOK

You obviously do by the way you're subtly sucking their cock, DCcel.
Nah, I'm just being BASED like a Disneychad would. Please have sex, incel

Imagine hating anime on an anime discussion forum. Why not just go back to reddlt?

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Who is claiming Sony as "their" corporation. It's just funny to see capeshit fags blow a gasket over something of so little consequence. And acting like they are owed anything at all. The stupid fuckwits.

Post pic of your body with timestamp, show us how much of a "chad" you are

nothing to see here

Can't the MCU buy their own freedom from their master at this point.

>same people who preach about wanting to have the big corporations like Amazon and Google broken up, clap and cheer for Disney gorging the entertainment industry just because they want Spiderman in front of Captain Marvel on screen

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PR intern here, it is.
Got some good coffee today, though

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What did Spiderman add to the MCU? His inclusion was so forced and detracted from both. Clearly meant to be separate series

Marvelfags and mousefags getting shat on will never not be entertaining.

And if that book cooking scandal turns out to have weight behind it, and it turns out Disney really did lie about $6 billion in annual revenue to fluff up their stock value, it will get even better. Stocks are Disney's currency and they use them to buy everything, so if it turns out they illegally inflated their value, their ass is grass.

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Sony did literally nothing, though.
It's Disney that after the bilion income of Far From Home asked to bring up their cut from 5% to 50%, and Sony tell the fat mouse to stay at 5% or get the fuck out.
Disney chose to get the fuck out and they lost Spider-Man.

it's all Disney's greed fault.

I disagree but whatever

I for one can't wait to see Disney broken up. They have to pay for what they did to Star Wars

Sony doesn’t even need Disney.
Venom made 800M and Spiderverse won an Oscar.

(They don't know that)

sony isn't DC so the MCU is all they got. they have to use they the MCU's characters to make any money. it's never going to last. disney will buy out sony eventually so why not just work them? Sam Raimi spider man films would never work with modern audiences. children don't care about Sam Raimi spider man films. they don't give a fuck about Toby McGuire as spider man. they'd probably look at that say how goofy he looks. i love Sam Raimi's spider man movies but they'ed never work in the modern day. there's no conceivable way they would even be able to get the original cast back together. what would be the point?

show me one such person

It's absolutely hilarious that these underage fuckwits crying about how Disney should buy something up just because a business deal well above their station resulted in something they didn't like. Good thing Japs know well enough to tell gaijin to fuck off when they get uppity.
FILTHY WHAIDO PIGGU. BERRY DISHONOBRU! Japs don't care what foreigners want.

Kek, imagine being this obvious of a shill

sure. Sony are being idiots and i can not wait for them to crash and burn. they are some how worse than Disney. they make terrible creative and business choices. they make worse films than Disney. they make some good films but that doesn't out way the garbage they produce. they will be consumed by Disney and it's going to be they're own fault. it will be really funny when it happens.

So Disney is the villain, based!

i don't understand why your defending Sony. they're just as fucking greedy as Disney only they make worse films. do you just worse films featuring spider man?

Based japs telling Mr. Mouse to fuck off

I'll eagerly await the bastardized Facebook version.

Eh, I just like seeing the mouse burn down. I don't care about capeshit

Does Disney inflate their social media presence the same way they artificially inflate their revenue? I hope to god the whistleblower's claims are true. Fuck liars and cheats, Disney should get fucked six way to Sunday if it pans out

Putinfarts are the most entitled manchildren I've ever seen. You'd think they understand how politics works. But no, and to top things off they're DEMANDING Ukraine to give up on DNR and LNR. I shit you not.

You can't even understand the language you speak, nigger. Why are you pretending to know a good movie from a shit one?


Disney's offer is utter nonsense. How could anyone think it's a good idea?

yeah. i thought as much. i just don't like Sony. they don't deserve any respect. they're worse than marvel. generally, the films they make are cancer.

what do you mean? do you like sony?

>Guaidofarts are the most entitled manchildren I've ever seen. You'd think they understand how politics works. But no, and to top things off they're DEMANDING the democratically elected president Maduro to give up on his democratically elected presidency. I shit you not.

Its a good idea to Disney tho

No shit. I was just saying that these Japanese laws that you are bringing up don’t apply.

idk what this is all about lads but Sony definitely makes the better Spooderman movies
>Raimi trilogy
all phenomenal movies. Would love to see Sony keep making them, it seems to be the only thing they are good at.

only if it works out

Spiderman movies and Spidermam games. This is literally all Sony is good at.

They're not entitled, they just want what they want. That's what a consumer does. If Sony wants to make a bad business deal and lose money, go ahead.

Japs care a bit more about the quality of the product they're making money off of unlike Americans who just churn out profitable shit until the IP is ruined

Comedy Gold.

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>Sony is like 4x bigger than Disney
Wrong. Also they could just buy the studio.

>ignoring the amazing spider man franchise and venom.

for every good film Sony makes they 7 make bad ones. Sony are just shills using marvel's characters for profit. i love those the raimi trilogy and spider verse but they would be nothing at the moment with out marvel. they're leaving like they don't need marvel. pretty funny.

Not without the Japanese suits' permission.

Obviously but your claim that it is impossible is wrong

This scene is the reason why ironboy sucks

all capeshitters are pathetic nu-males with no taste.

Should also include shit like cope or incel.

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I like how people are blaming Sony when the fault also lies on Disney for being Jews and stubborn fucks.

>Okay so like we want spider man to join your MCU universe. Give us your terms and what not.
>Idk Sony just give us all profits on merch and a 5% cut in box office revenue.
>That it?
>Okay but we will take care of production and distribution, sounds fine?
>Go for it
>Films actually end up making bank and the spider man game is a fucking hit
> U_U Sony San remember our contract? We want more!
>Okay how ab-
>But you have all profits on merch and don't even pr-
>50/50 or no fucking deal
I ain't claiming Sony are saints but Disney being Jews have no ends. Splitting 50 means Disney would end up making more money at the expense of nothing since Sony films, distributes, and produces the films. Not to say they are in charge of marketing. Sony will be the one losing on that deal. Also it doesn't help that Sony apparently did make them more offers

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>i love those the raimi trilogy and spider verse but they would be nothing at the moment with out marvel. they're leaving like they don't need marvel. pretty funny.
Raimi films came out before the MCU had any steam; if anything the MCU and Disney owes Sony and Fox a debt of gratitude for proving that capeshit films could sell tickets. They saw the writing on the wall and went big on capeshit films; they probably had no idea it would grow to the size it did by Endgame.

Also why wouldn't they? It's Spiderman. That's guarenteed money for generations.

They will do the same shit with the new Star Shit movie, just you watch

I'm gonna play the fuck outta my PS4 for the next week just to trigger capefags.

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Hahahahaha no. Americans now hate Sony.

The Raimi trilogy will always have a special place in my heart.

That wasn't me.

Listen dude, Sony doesn't seem interested in getting acquired by the rat or giving up IPs. Best case scenario, Disney takes the L and fucks off. This is a battle they can't win.

>takes the L
kys wigger zoomer cuck

Sony bought the Spider-Man film rights and 50% of merchandise revenue for 10 million and it has already given them billions. Disneyfags think they'll sell it back? It's Disney who needs money to cover the purchase of Star Wars for 6 billion and Fox for 60 billion all the while they bleed money with the parks and frauds.

we are reaching a new level of autism Worldwide

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>i happen to love the MCU how could u tell lol

yes sheep please forget about epstein and all the other atrocities in the world, gotta get mad over Tom Holland not being your soft baby anymore waaa waaa

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sure, but that was 10 years ago. now they're just shilling the characters now. you have good films like spider verse but then you have every other spider man film Sony has made since the Raimi trilogy. you also have fox with dark phoenix. they're all cash grabs. spider verse is the only one that happened to be good. the next live action spider man will also probably be a cash grab if sony is making it. marvel owes them some gratitude but they're still just exploiting the characters right now and it's not going to last.

As always, many thanks to you, Yea Forums. It's always great to see fallacies everywhere just by lurking.

Enserf the onionsboys

Nothing really
MCU really has always been just the avengers. I did like the spidy and Tony moments. Pretty wholesome and chill.

>wholesome and chill
Found the redditor

Sony was so greedy they didn’t want to make a 50/50 split on spiderman.

I personally am going to boycott sony movies from now on. Hopefully millions will do the same they go bankrupt and sell to disney.

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Uh no. Disney wanted 50/50 and Sony said fuck off.

Do you know why you fucking idiot, originally it was 95/5 to Sony for the movie only, Disney still gets all the proceeds from merchandising and such. You absolute bumbling cretin.

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The deal was previously 5% and (((they))) tried bumping to 50%, then based Sony shit in their mouths and pissed on their faces and its all trinkling down to the drones who suck on Disneys teat.

>same year I was born

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I rarely watch a movie that isn’t in the MCU in theaters.

How do they not understand it's literally disneys fault here? How do they not see they are being played?

If tits not in the MCU its not cannon. Therefore its shit.

Seriously the MCU could of so many amazing team ups with spiderman like spiderman and wolverine. Now its same old same old.

Another reboot of spiderman? I MIGHT watch a live action miles morales. But a 4th peter


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National socialism.

So what is gonna happen to MCU spiderman is he just gonna die? How are they gonna explain he isn’t there anymore?

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this scene is one of the few parts where ironboy works
it's one of the few times where his actions have consequences



He just won't be brought up ever again

based fucking nips

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when will disney die?

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The only people to blame for this is your overlords at Disney, their greed caused this and all you can do is blame Sony. The MCU alone is shit so this should be good for you.

>Eat the rich! Dismantle capitalism!

That would be the best case scenario, for sure. All of these giant acquisitions Disney has been making have been paid for largely using stocks, including the Fox deal, and the Star Wars deal was paid for at least partially with stock. The consequences could be massive. Disney might have to liquidate some of their assets just to pay the fines, and that's not even considering what an anti-trust lawsuit would do to them. Disney loves buying shit and they almost never sell anything, so even if they just have to sell off some of their acquisitions or divisions would be a huge kick in the balls to them.

If the DOJ busted them up that would be catastrophic. Honestly I don't expect that to happen but I think they are going to get taken down a few pegs.

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These people are so fucked in the head that they will unironically support Disney’s monopoly.

I'd like to imagine the MCU having the balls to give Black Cat an outfit like this.

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Oh my days. These fucking people need to be nuked

bugmen scare me

I don't actually know what's worse. The idea that all of those accouts are just bots designed to build up an outrage or the idea that they are just Disneydrones copypasting the same message because soilent has already damaged their central nervous system

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Disney is the US and Sony is Greenland: NOT for sale!

NPC response.

Everyone attacking sony when disney is the one that offered a shitty deal. I just love that Yea Forums is having a meltdown while chocking on mouse cock

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Yea Forums is finished, forget Yea Forums

How the fuck is anyone at all invested in these pieces of shit movies

They fight a corporation because its the rival for the corporation they pledged their allegiance to


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Hopefully that whistleblower isn't blowing hot air. If that is the case, the mouse is going to die a very painful death.

How many of the same

threads you gonna make?

The best part is, that you are complaining about other peoples console war mentality.

B-b-b-but they are in cali??! Thats how it works right?

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sony should of given into disney demands. I would of took a 50/50 deal.


How are they fighting? They are bending themselves even more

marveldrone detected

MCU, if she ever appears there:
>Would wear one of those shitty "tactical superhero" costumes that look like they were made with the exact same type of textile
>Flatter than a slab of granite on both sides, no cleavage at all
>Also ugly as shit, likely not even white
>Woke feminist both on the movie and irl

I dont watch anything but the MCU in theaters the last non MCU movie i saw was maybe the last planet of the apes.

Most movies have that woo im woke propaganda in it that i dont trust any movie at all anymore.

Disney got greedy and asked for 50% of profit and put help putting 50% of the budget but the still get all profit from merch. Dont listem to retards like

>imagine actually supporting Disney's monopoly on cinema just so you can get your capeshit fix.
Where did it all go so wrong?

Disney saw the success of the last movie and got greedy with a 50/50 deal. This is all entirely Disney’s fault.

Keep on dreaming then

You would've submitted to a 50/50 deal when your previous agreement was 95/5? I guess that makes sense, you know, with you being a Disney fan.

>Brother told me he made a Twitter account to join in on the hashtag
>He's 23
How do I cure him?

>How do I cure him?

Sony is about to learn a very important lesson: Don't FUCK with Marvel fans!

How the fuck did Disney agreed to just 5% in the first place? I really want to know. They thought Spider-Man got lost in terms of popularity and weren't going to make bank or something? No, I really wanna know. Why would you settle for 5% on something like Spider-Man.



They made way, way more bank with the merchandising only. It's a good billion dollar every year and that's every year since 2011, when Sony gave them back the merchandising in exchange of full film/creative ownership.

>literally shaking in their boots

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obsessed incel. Everyone uses bots on twitter these days. Twitter is like 70% bots

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its tony

They can't buy Sony since it's japanese company and no foreigner can buy a japanese company lmao

seethe harder capechitters lol

Are these retards unaware sony's yearly income is like 1/7th of Walt Disney corps net worth?
Who on earth thinks a company is ever going to be bought out by something that doesn't even have as much cash as they make in a single decade?

MCU Spider-Man sucks, the MCU's aesthetic and tone has always been soulless color-by-numbers shit (bland, washed-out colors) and it was really driven home by Spider-Man's inclusion. Spider-Man is too big go be watered down and pre-defined by a universe that's very un-Spider-Man. No one has nailed that Spider-Man feel like Raimi did. It was so corny, stylized, and unapologetically comic booky, but at the same time had a timeless and relatable story of the hardships of becoming an adult and making your way in the world. Sony without Raimi failed, the MCU failed, and Sony will fail again.

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These people are scum

Because Sony entirely had the upper hand then, as they do now? Spider man makes bank with or without the MCU, and while the MCU ddidn't need spider-man, they benefit far more from the deal than sony does.

Spiderman was dead and they didn’t think MCU could bring it back. They were wrong

This is all just an elaborate ruse by Disney to get rid of yet another one of the white heros.

That Jeremy Conrad dude is such a fucking loser, holy shit.

its like capitalism won ww2 or something

>hey we would like to renew our contract
>ok but give me half the money from your movies
why are people mad at sony when disney was trying to give them a horrible deal

I don't really care about any of this but Spider-Man ending on a massive cliff hanger is pretty funny

All fucking capefags must fucking hang

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Because they think it's "fair" that Disney would be putting up half of the production. They ignore that profit is much bigger than production so Sony would see less money there, Disney would still keep 100% of the merchandise money and they didn't have to pay Sony for cameos in other MCU films. Disney actually had a very lucrative, zero risk deal going. What they proposed was ridiculous and nobody with a brain can blame Sony

Because cape niggers are straight up braindead.
Daddy disney told them sony was bad, and they'll believe it without question.


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Spiderman has never been on the MCU, that was a Skrull sleeper infiltrating the avengers and now it has returned to his planet. There.

Some variation of the khmer rouge with the main platform being genocide of urbanites. Arguing about what form of economy is best can come after, if things get rough we'll just eat the chubby soibois and finely marbled art hoes.


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>What they proposed was ridiculous

It was merciful. Now Sony is going to be crushed so hard financially that they'll be begging Disney to buy them within a few years.

Lol no.

Disney took on roughly $40 Billion in debt to buy Fox. They can’t afford shit right now

Jesus christ.

You may be laughing now but we'll be the one laughing after your downfall. You might not realise it for a long time, but Disney's offer was one not of greed but of kindness. It was an offer to save Sony and allow them to not just continue to exist but even thrive.

Now that they've rejected the offer, the downfall of Sony has begun.

Tell them to have sex

This just isn't the case though.
I hope that Disney tries by sony pictures and tempt that monopoly bust.
Disney always pushes their luck and I'm glad Sony told them to piss off.

Have sex

I don't think anyone really acknowledges how relatively insignificant this is. The amount of people who use twitter at any given time are not representative of the rest of the world. They are only representative of people who have twitter accounts.

>The mouse is merciful
Disney doesn't do anything apart from try to screw everyone and ever long for vertical integration.

Retarded MCU fans out here like

Attached: image.jpg (4032x3024, 1.69M)

Both sucks user
gay and lesbian producers who really hate pretty women

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20 years
It's enough right?
Sony has never delivered all the potential that Spider's universe has

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>Downfall of Sony
>When they have been hitting green in every financial report for years now

Are you stuck in fucking 2006?

Epic tweet! xD

Low quality bait.

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That looks fucking bad holy shit

>Boycotting Sony Pictures because of a licensing dispute involving spiderman
>not boycotting Sony Pictures because they are a trash tier company that almost exclusively peddle unwatchable garbage. And even when they do release something that isn't terrible they still manage to sour it with unnecessary sequels (see Sicario 2: Day of why the fuck did anyone make this movie?)

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based Japs

Normalfags don't give a shit about movies

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Manchildren screeching and throwing a fit like children over their plastic toys and children's bedtime tales, absolute pottery.

Attached: Pottery.jpg (659x659, 99K)

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What kind special needs fucking faggot even talks like this?

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>People are idiots
vanity and gluttony rules the day. Give us something pretty and to satiate our bad attention spans and we don't care what the consequences are.
At the end of the day Sony owns Spiderman. Disney had a deal, they wanted an extremely greater amount more. Fine Disney have done a good job but as a conglomerate of IP hoarding, Disney can suck a dick. It's their greed, their demand for greater shares. People happily excuse Disney working in their own interests but froth at the prospect of Sony Pictures protecting theirs.

The Spiderman IP was happily thrown away when they thought there was nothing in it.

>Normalfags comparing Disney to a MCU supervillain responsible for unspeakable crimes and the poetry alludes them

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Yep. The whole fucking thing is so inauthentic and forced by Disney, and just obviously so. If you look into it, Disney gave Sony a shit deal for Spider-Man, and when Sony offered them a less shitty counter deal, suddenly all this news just magically pushed its way to forefront that "Sony has taken back Spider-Man, Sony has killed off all future MCU Spider-Man movies and appearances, this is ALL SONY'S FAULT SONY BAD SONY BAD" and it was just magic it just happened it's a coincidence you guys.

>Disney drones

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Literally has gotten people to demand 50% for Disney.
Poor, poor Disney so hard up, having barely anything to their name. They can't settle for a deal 5x better than the original, it has to be at minimum 10-20x otherwise how will they survive?

To extra salt play the Spider Man Sony EXCLUSIVE.

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sony better pulla harmony gold on spiderman


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>Hits just go straight through everyone
Normally this occurs about 1/10 but this past game it's genuinely 2/3.
Ping 50, priority set, no throttling.

> Now Sony is going to be crushed so hard financially that they'll be begging Disney to buy them within a few years.
lol no, Disney would absolutely be crushed by Sony if it came to it. They've got more cash and their fingers in far far more pies.
They can't even buy just sony pictures, because not only would it cost far too much for them to be able in their post-fox purcahse state, but that'd mean they'd own nearly 50% of the market share. No way in hell the FTC would allow that

That's like a cuck saying "you did a good job" to the bull that fucked his wife. Amazing.

Spidey thought

Hey Amy - just a couple of rando thoughts from 35,000 LAX-JFK:

- A rising trend we see with Millennials are the really extreme forms of experiential exercise like Tough Mudder (a sort of filthy triathalon), the Color Run and even things like Hot Power Yoga, veganism etc. Millennials will often post “N.B.D.” on their social media after doing it , as in No Big Deal, also known as the “humble brag”…..wondering if Spidey could get into that in some way….he’s super athletic, bendy, strong, intense….and it’s all NBD to him, of course.

- EDM (electronic dance music) is the defining music for Millennials. Wondering if there’s an EDM angle somewhere with Spidey? His movements are beautiful, would be awesome with a killer DJ behind it

- Snapchat just launched a “story” functionality, which is sort of “day in the life of me” told in a series of snapchats that expire after 24 hours. It has a very VIP quality about it, since invitation only. Getting invited into Spidey’s Snapchat circle would be huge, and very buzzworthy and cool.

Boomers were a mistake


>heavy photoshop user artist
>crying this hard
Christ. Pick yourself up Logic


Has MovieBob reacted to the news at all? I expect him to extremely pissed about it.

It’s fun to laugh at the MCUfags but it’s gonna be even better when these are once again the people in charge of Spider-Man capeshit

are there any humans on twitter?

I commented about this on another site saying how I was ok with Sony taking back the rights, seeing as how having Disney own every IP on the planet would be a disaster. To the surprise of no one all the normies immediately piled on about how they hoped Disney just bought Sony now because they want their precious Spiderman movies. There truly is no hope.

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>wtf dlumpf you can't just buy greenland!

Everytime I discuss almost anything on other sites I remember why I keep coming here: despite how bad Yea Forums can get, other sites are far far worse

>you see peter?
>you see what these money grubbing kikes do?
>you give them an inch they take the whole foreskin
>They couldn't just leave Sony with majority profits, they just had to go half and half
>Disney was a once great entertainment company with a noble nazi sympathizer at the helm
>telling wonderful fairy tales to children and sparking their imaginations
>but what happens over time?
>the glorious leader dies
>the jews get in the back door and start pissing all over his legacy
>feminist propaganda
>negros as lead characters
>homosexuality being portrayed
>it's a fucking marxist shit show and it's only going to get worse Pete
>remember it's no longer Mickey mouse
>it's Mickey the fucking hebe rat

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The U.S. should block Japanese companies from buying American companies then. What a ridiculous one way street.

Of course they should, what's wrong with promoting the national interest? Are you retarded?

Yes, arenteth you?

is that vegan varg vikernes

Rate my autism guys be nice

Attached: DABBING ON THE MOUSE.gif (800x600, 494K)

>should of
>could of
>would of
Please be bait good Lord man

What's that black thing?
