>still wearing autism jeans
you do realize this is why you're still a virgin, right?

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what cut of jeans is acceptable

Regular slim, anything else is pussy repellent.


>not wearing these

Attached: mens-slim-fit-jeans-500x500.jpg (500x500, 22K)

I got too fat for my jeans, guess someone else is wearing them now. Joke's on you.

take this to /fa/ twink

You look gay as fuck.

>showing ankle with jeans
Peak homo. May as well wear capris

i only wear shorts and flip flops, feels good to live in the beach

>tfw don't like the way my legs look in pants
>always wear cargo shorts now

fuck bros i cant take it

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>not wearing levis loose straight fit
>having the length less than 36

I stopped caring about what I wear because even when I look good and dress right, I still don't like people and people don't like me. there's no point

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Straight or slim

>he doesn't wear bootcuts like MaskChad
Incel detected

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Cargo shorts make it look like you have given up desu

Wait, do people in the US actually wear those? Ive seen it on like 90s shows.

Literally NO ONE has anything other than slim fit here in Europe

What's a good fit for someone with thick thighs/ass/calves but normal torso? Preferably something stretchy

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start doing squats

None. Stick to khakis like a Chad would, incel.