Finally, we’re back to 90s level kino. I guess all it takes to get you out of a creative rut is a good massage

Finally, we’re back to 90s level kino. I guess all it takes to get you out of a creative rut is a good massage

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Other urls found in this thread:

Does it make fun of them?

I spy with my little eye something beginning with... S!

Matt Groening was on the Lolita Express and is deflecting and desperately trying to avoid being confronted about it

Aoc is still yellow

S-s-sneed, senpai?


i like how the black skin is paler than the white skin

im gonna cum

dilate tranny weeb

Then its cringe. Who is running this show?

>you two will never see Tel Aviv

uhmmm, what?

dilate tranny weeb

>those cheekbones and squinty eyes
why can't they do real people in proper Simpsons style

Simpson's is fucking dead. Who thought this was funny? The whole skit is "ORANGE MAN BAD"

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SIster How's Indian Territory
Formerly united states of America
Formerly sneeds

The worst thing I've ever seen is AOC's animated children's book predicting her future vision of the world.

nigger nigger

dilate tranny weeb

Imagine being these people

post it

We're all going to snap one day and take back our country, right?


Sad. Then again, most discord servers look just as retarded and full of lame turbo aspies.

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what the fuck did i just watch

Surprised they haven't been called out for this shameful display of racism.

It's yours as much as it's theirs

I can still barely remember the second woman’s name. She is so irrelevant nobody ever talks about her

The only reason boomers and drumpt hate them is because they dare call out Israel and the JQ. That should give you an idea of where trumps loyalties lie. Americans literally and unironically think billions of tax money going as aid to Israel is fine but using it for healthcare for their own people is wrong

>Dude we should totally like these sandniggers who hate whitey and want to install socialism because they hate kikes lmao

why is discord cesspool of rejects

I have the need to sneed all over AOC’s pert tits

That was awful in so many ways.


Yet they still voted on bills to give aid to Israel. Really makes you think.

>Americans literally and unironically think billions of tax money going as aid to Israel is fine but using it for healthcare for their own people is wrong

Sending billions to Israel is dumb; the US spends many, many millions on healthcare right now -- it's second to military spending.

It's not seen as "wrong", but that giving an inefficient govt. more money doesn't make it turn the corner and spend money wisely.

Does he actually have anything to do with the show after all these years though?

I think it's taking the piss out of how libs see them.

Tlaib voted to give aid to Israel? I find that hard to believe

>yes goyim it's the sandniggers that are the real enemy, just wage more wars and support Israel lmao

>The only reason boomers and drumpt hate them is because they dare call out Israel and the JQ
Boomers don't give a shit about Israel, you're a dupe for the same bullshit that hoodwinked people into supporting Iraq. Trump might say that because he's a coward and won't call them what they are, but his supporters are well aware that it's the Brown Vagina Squad's hatred of whites that make them dislike the cunts

And they don't call out the JQ you fucking moron, they're just as jew controlled as trump. Once again, you fall for jewish bullshit about criticism of israel being antisemitism. Shill harder faggot

Link to the clip

American "aid" to Israel is generally stipulated around a deal that the Israelis spend that money on US weapons.

Not according to the Constitution.

Really? Because according to them it's not mine at all because I have the original sin of being white


>Yes goy vote in more people who want to raise your taxes, it’s not like more will be going to Israel or anything

How the fuck does she not have lewds leaked already?! God, aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

Humor is dead.

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who is "theirs".

The founding fathers literally wrote that this country is for white people of good character.


Do people laugh at this? it's fucking terrible, they can't even get someone to do a proper Trump voice?

Aid to israel is a few billion. Healthcare for everyone would cost trillions.

Only unintentionally

Where did white people get this victim complex from?

>The founding fathers literally wrote that this country is for white people of good character.
They were racist slave owners. Who cares what they thought?

He's hasn't been involved with the show for decades you troglodyte

sounds like someone from main cast. could be worse, the singing isn't remotely like trump but the way of talking is getting near there

Now that is hilarious.

Jews and blacks who have been using it for centuries. Turns out crying victim works!

People will laugh at anything that makes fun of something they don't like, even if it's shit
Same reason some on Yea Forums pretend one of the newer shitty seasons of South Park was funny, because it made fun of political correctness

White people got it from nowhere. Omar literally said this. Why do bugmen ignore genocidal statements from their politicians to cry about muh wypipo?

I do. They build the greatest empire the world has ever seen. They rebelled against monarchies you absolute idiot.

thing i think is the worst about this that it's clearly taking sides and not staying neutral. simpsons is a political tool now, imagine that.

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How can you be racist against, what was at the time, farm equipment?

The only reason the right wing media and trump attack them so much cause they dared criticise Israel and the Zionist lobby. The Republican Party and American right wingers lose their shit if anyone criticises Israel or Jews, they are all about putting israel's interests first. You'd know this if you weren't a /pol/tard reddit shill that unironically thinks Israel is a good ally. Any politician that has the balls to call out Israel already has more courage than the entire GOP but you won't admit it cause you're pathetic side is too busy sucking ziocock and worshipping israel

der jude

don't ask trannies to do math

I know right? We must tear down this hate symbol of white supreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemacy and slavery in addition to the Constitution and all white supreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemists

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Your grandfather tells you to not have sex before marriage, dont look at porn, and smoke 2 packs a day. You listen because hes old?

Why should Israel receive one cent?

And somehow it's the Trump supporters they try to spin as anti-semites.

Doesn't matter how involved he is with the show. His name is on the show and he does approve scripts and other things like that.

Why are white prople the only people in the world that worship Israel and are their willing slaves?

What?? What does age have to do with it you fucking anus. I brought up the ACHIEVEMENTS by the Founding Fathers. Fucking leave my country RIGHT NOW.

Last time I checked it's the GOP and trump crying antisemite at anyone and everyone who slightly criticises their Jewish masters

They shouldn't, but you're missing the point because you are legitimately retarded.

Sweet mercy

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Thats all comedy is now

>slave owners.
who the fuck didn't own slaves at that time in history? this is the silliest excuse i always hear. who the fuck sold them the slaves? where they captured by white people? fucking seriously

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No you are. GOP and Trump supporters are the most eager supporters of financial aid to Israel and biggest opponents of that money being spent on healthcare for Americans. Trump slashed meals for wheels but increased aid to Israel

America first, right?

I will bet my left arm that every single one of those members is Brazilian or from a third world country.

I believe they think they're participating in some sort of uniquely western phenomenon when they collude to be as retarded as possible. I don't think they understand, or have the ability to understand, sarcasm.

>who the fuck didn't own slaves at that time in history?
Most of the population, lol

>sneed thread devolves into politics
the duality of tv

the US pays bribes to Israel and Egypt not to fight each other
Jordan gets billions too

that was worse than I imagined and I thought it would be the worst thing I've ever seen

I'm not sure what the lyric about "Tel Aviv" was, but using anti-Semitic leftwing ideology for a laugh is bizarre to me

One rules, the other serves.

It's literally Dan Castellenata

>meals for wheels
Greetings, non-American. Why are you so interested in our politics?

it's about the whole thing where Omar and the other one was supposed to go to Israel and it's not clear if Israel rejected them, or they rejected Israel. Gay publicity stunt is what it is

Because the Asians got lucky and barely had any contact with them for their history, except that one bizarre Japanese plan to use their stereotypical financial acumen for their own gain during WW2

even if he's not American hes not wrong. Democrat or republican, they are both the Israel party and if you can't see that you're probably a retarded evangelical christian

This is supposed to be the greatest comedy series of all time?


So I should vote Democrat and Israel will recieve less aid?


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Unironically this. Sandniggers remove kikes, white people stop hating themselves and remove sandniggers.

>Most of the population, lo

>Denmark abolishes slavery 1804
>Korea abolishes it by 1894
>Dutch colonies ban it by 1864
>British India abolishes it by 1843
>Japan doesn't start slavery til WW2
>Brazil is the last nation in the western hemisphere to ban slavery
>Middle East/Africa has practiced it sporadically
Kys pls

That's bullshit and you know it. If the founders were so deadset on an ethnostate like you claim it would have been in the two most integral documents of the nation, the Constitution and our declaration of independence.

i thought so but wasn't sure, thanks for confirming

Mideast countries have had plenty of contact with Jews yet they all hate them and don't worship them like westerners do

You should vote as hard left as you can (although I don't know if the DSA really counts for this - they seem more like radlibs). Removing money from the richest people in America and removing aid to Israel is an implicitly Jew-critical policy set, even if it's framed in ghey rhetoric.

Because you're insufferable circumcised Jew-loving mutts

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>i hate thing >:((((
>therefore i must think about it every day

the backlash it was makes it kino

Naturalization Act of 1790
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The original United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were "free White persons of good character". It thus excluded Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and later Asians, although free blacks were allowed citizenship at the state level in certain states. It also provided for citizenship for the children of U.S. citizens born abroad, stating that such children "shall be considered as natural born citizens," the only US statute ever to use the term. It specified that the right of citizenship did "not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States."[1][2][3]

Voting doesn't make a difference but it's not the only way you can engage in politics. You shouldn't support trump when he defends Israel, in fact you should support the rhetoric of those who attack Israel. Try to subtly redpoll your friends and acquaintances on the JQ, I think there's a massive cultural shift happening in America. Much more of young people nowadays are against Israel compared to previous generations

most of the population, that's right. it's something only rich people were doing obviously. But it was practised in pretty much every single culture in the world in one way or another

>Africa has practiced it sporadically
slavery is the norm in africa. there's nothing sporadic about it

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nani what the fuck

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If you can't pull out a passage from the Constitution or DOI supporting an ethnostate than I fucking win. The country is not and never was an ethnostate, no matter how many quotes or laws passed after the fact you want to bring up.

Go back to fucking your sister you inbred racist retards and stop arguing on topics you have no education in.

Shut the fuck up kumar.
This country isn't for you. YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE.


honestly, simpsons deserves sneed at this point

>Go back to fucking your sister you inbred racist retards
if you have a problem with that, why do you want to import millions of them and have them replace the population?

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they cared too much about liberty to "ensure" it like you put it.

I'm not a trump supporter you fucking mongoloid. If you can't tell the difference between a billion and tens of trillions you really shouldn't be voting.

sorry my wage cuck computer wont let me type offensive things or i get an extra hour from the hose :(

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The vast majority of the population didn't own slaves. What the fuck are they even teaching you retards in school?

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Wow it's not even satire--it's just desperate: "OH PLEASE LEFTIES WATCH OUR SHOW ITS SO WOKE!"

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what's up with inbred brown ""people""

This will boost Trump's approval rating.

this is just some careerist writer stroking Dan Casellenta's ego by giving him a script to be Donald Trump

inbreeding causes cognition/intellect degradation

Everyone knows healthcare will cost more you retarded Jew. Doesn't mean that ALL funds that go to pissrael shouldn't be redirected to healthcare

People might take your arguments more seriously if you didn't decry gibs for the jews in the same sentence where you want free shit for yourself.

I Have No Feed and I Must Sneed

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sneed posting is the only good thing left for the Simsons