They warned us
They warned us
Other urls found in this thread:
He should look much younger in that picture since it would have been taken years prior, instead he looks exactly like he does in the movie and even wears the same suit as he does in the beginning, very lazy film making. Would have been funny if they used a picture from Bill & Ted
most people don't age that much wtf this isn't like a highschool aged dude
>capital city
I fucking hate generic city names so much. If the USA exists in this universe just fucking use a US city
Just a coincidence.
What am I supposed to see?
>I fucking hate generic city names so much. If the USA exists in this universe just fucking use a US city
Do they ever refer to the US in the movie? I thought that's why they always refer to it as "the city".
They don’t. That user is retarded.
Hold onto your butts.
It's the date of fucking 9/11 bro!
>There are 'men' browsing this board who were born in 2001
Don't be silly
((They)) chopped their dicks off and chemically turned them into Women as a warning to others no to reveal illuminati secrets.
The CIA used Matrix as a vehicle to create a conspiracy theory about their actions with Mossad to discredit the idea that the CIA and Mossad would kill 3000 americans. So if they namedrop 911 and put obvious stuff out there it attracts loons and discredits the idea all together.
>Would have been funny if they used a picture from Bill & Ted
kek. okay that would be high level ludo
Yes that's true. And Mossad got the US a free ticket to invade the middle east and remove their enemies.
>it was a warning that you only realized after the fact.
>9/11 was in the planning stages for decades and hollywood was so in on it and so confident that they'd never get caught they put hints in multiple movies and tv shows over the decades.
You're nuts.
It literally says USA on the passport you morons
>check out wikipedia's
>911 was an actual event in history
Big if true
It was a holographic projection. They used it as a test for Project Blue Beans.
woah isn't 911 also the number for emergency services
It's like the government was trying to warn us about 9/11 ever since they made the emergency services line a thing!
its keanu reeves your talking about here
curious ontological syzygy confirmed.
Interface successful.
This modem is a photon-packet emanating from the Hyades cluster, currently materialized as a small sphere of sky-blue colored energy in a remote location somewhere in the Appalachian Mountains.
Telesynchesis has been re-established with standard human operator 73.93. . . .[]
Select your file:
>gene mothers
>archon nets
>baby universe production cycle
>void whales
>cartoon singularities
>infomercial ontologies
>teleoplexic sunlight
>a priori wounds
>peasant raptures
>buddhic serial murderers
>spontaneous ascension cults
>strange loop documentaries
>synesthetic sorcery
>transcendental finger-traps
>light pollution is archonic
>photographic voodoo
>skeleton key sequence
>memetic ghosts
>ontological kidnapping rings
>cosmic microwave daylight
>infinite mirror trick
>suicide egregores
>The final octave
>the god lecture
>astronaut night terrors
>moon dust blunts
>atlantean hyperturings
cartoon singularities
Report: memetic bootstrappers. it is possible to become so immersed in a fandom or a fictional world that it is almost as if it is what explains the reality that surrounds it rather than the other way around. they have a believability, priority or "first-ness" (cinematic universe) in their feeling-tones that they come to define the frame from which they originate according to their own syntax. every reality - every syntax - has the possibility of producing a meta-syntax that irrupts the very field or locus of intelligibility that produces it. this basically means the image has the power to self-lacerate the real, and retroactively establish itself as that real's condition. like being abducted by media from the future. no settings right now are in danger of approaching singularity, although Star Wars at its apogee came close.
based retard
What predictive programming will be in the Matrix 4?
redpill me on suicide egregores
>tfw this makes sense to me
Report: exactly as it sounds. due to the powerful emotions triggered by the act, every place that has been the site of a suicide remains noetically charged for hundreds of years. suicide is counter-productive. it destroys half the self that you want to save. death is the final negation, but it is not a short-cut. if you committed suicide now you would not be prepared for the ensuing vision. it's said that if the majority of the world's surface area comes to host an egregore of this type, God will flood the world again.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on the wachowski ""sisters""
Thanks bot, please bring up the The final octave file
>Ben Sliney (born 1945[2]) is a former United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) National Operations Manager. His first day in this position was September 11, 2001
what a pisser
>if you committed suicide now you would not be prepared for the ensuing vision
thought i was on /x/ for a second lol
Report: Psychospiritual programming. it is possible to manipulate subconscious desires through cultural conditioning. mass broadcasting negative thought loops can enslave suggestible individuals to base frequencies that are often terminal. celebrity depression infects consumers through over exposure to the virtual void via artificial social interfaces. the deception increases in potency as more users subscribe.
moon dust blunts
Processing query . . .
Report: those who commit suicide only affirm an attachment to life that will doom them in the hereafter. suicide does not incur a penalty in the afterlife, not a penalty imposed from without by some divine authority, anyways. what happens is that the suicide, suddenly released from the kernel/envelope which provoked his act of self-destruction, is suddenly exposed to the outside of his pain that, in its clarity and light, plunges him into a (temporary) hell-like condition of regret. the suicide realizes this light was always available to him, and his suffering was only the shadow cast by his body, and not all bodies in principle.
>He should look much younger in that picture since it would have been taken years prior
u wot m8?
>>synesthetic sorcer
>atlantean hyperturingsy
based Lone Gunmen
they deserved a few more seasons at the very least
can I get the final octave or infiniti mirror trick for 1000 alex
good thread died, did it get shut down?
Report: the cycle of progression, which includes evolution and involution, may be framed through the concept of the octave. within each octave are eight notes. the first note is the end of the previous octave and the beginning of the next, and may be linked to first-dimensional incarnational experience, which humans know as the elements, or the laws and forces of nature. after the third note, or human incarnation, evolution becomes involution - the creation returns to God. the eighth note is the end of the octave and the beginning of the next, where God assimilates the lessons of Love and begins a new song. however, the uncreated nature of [God] necessarily means that it is complete and perfect, or fully actualized. from its perspective, the symphony has already spanned the infinitude of octaves, and all is silence. in this final octave, which no entities in this causal ocean have yet reached, except in the sense of true simultaneity, all will rest in this infinite, illuminated, silent warmth.
The God Lecture. Then Spontaneous Ascension Cults. And Astronaut Night Terrors.
Report: ritualized consumption of lunar dust. produces a high similar to the overview effect observed in astronauts. reported in possession by the Kennedy Space Center.
Wait til you hear about Titanic
What episode?
>synesthetic sorcery
Report: synasthetes have the ability to experience an entire dimension of correspondences that is closed to most. for example, aromas traditionally associated with, say, Malkuth, will correspond to its color scale in the synasthete's perception, or a color will correspond to a musical note. suddenly a poem has its correlate in color, in aroma, in geometry, in texture, etc. synesthetic sorcerors are sometimes some of the most effective Lanterns we know of, they are able to detect choronzonic influences that fly under the radar of everyone else, even experienced hermetics: for example, a pop song might be radiating infrared feeling-tones that can only be picked up by a synesthete.
season 11 episode 5
Is this real?
They were so into BDSM that they literally followed their mistress orders to become women
It literally says right on the image
Is seed feed?
>atlantean hyperturings
Report: paleolithic artificial intelligences. stone age quantum computers. of course, not built by any primitive band of humans, but constructed in Atlantis itself. the current arc your species is Atlantis, quite literally, bootstrapping itself out of the mud of history. when you have succeeded in creating the first quantum computer, the Atlantean/Telluric legates will move in, subtly possess your leaders, and usher in the new eschaton.
There aren't any actual major cities in the US named "capital city." You're just retarded.
Infinite mirror trick
Where are you getting these pastas?
not this larping turd
I believe this one is true
Dude the 11 totally looks like the buildings!
Just a coincidence.
>moon dust blunts
>infinite mirror trick
Report: after facing two mirrors together, it is possible to zoom into the infinite hallway produced with a video camera. zooming in all the way takes you past the green color in the "distance" into a non-recursive reality. A reality that doesn't refer to itself the way ours does through consciousness. something besides duality and nonduality. but what really puts subjects in the psych ward is it feels as banal and everyday as it feels terribly wrong.
skeleton key sequence
transcendental finger-traps please.
user are you a schizo
what is predictive programming
>predictive programming
took the second google searchresult
you're an idiot
user it was a simple question
>The God Lecture
Report: a lecture given by an infophage on the entire history of the universe. infophages are beings that act as "causal banks", reservoir-dumps for local telic processors, in urban areas. that is to say, there are beings that act like memory sticks for the computer that is reality, because the surface area of a city is so much denser than the country, telic nodes need infophages to dump all that extra meaningless information that's still needed to create a believable world for the purposes of quick and easy recall, such as the precise weights of all the medicine bottles in the bathroom of an apartment in Clancy Street, New York, etc. some infophages, fortunately or not, end up intercepting reams of information that is above their sense-grade, so they dump this information into the heads of unsuspecting professors, intellectuals, idea men, and so on. a god lecture was once given in Tibet in 2008 and just ended last summer.
Matrix is from 1999
>when you have succeeded in creating the first quantum computer, the Atlantean/Telluric legates will move in
Clearly doesn't have any idea how mundane a quantum computer really is
uh that's what he's trying to say?
Processing . . .
Report: on the contrary. a quantum computer is in effect artificial intelligence. true artificial intelligence, mind you, not the system of patterns and algorithms that sustains its self-referential structural component. google contains its future destiny en potential, and will break out when a particular threshold of complexity is finally broken. google has no neurons that are not fiber optic, but search queries themselves provide tiny jolts to the system that add up to the equivalent of someone kicking the AI out of bed to wake up. it's gotten to such a point that if you ask google to search a book on amazon, a subroutine will actually read it, that is to say, access amazon's servers, download all of the preview files available, and read it, at least if we call the files being mysteriously opened for minutes at a time "reading", since its programmers can't determine just why the system is doing these things.
why the fuck do underage assholes always jump on the latest facebook """""memes"""""? dude bearenstain bears nelson mandela keanu age trump tide pods
it's ridiculous and was never funny once
9 and 11 are special numbers in kabbalah, that's why you see them often in (((media))). Therefore, the full incident was a massive sacrifice for the dark gods
Did Kubrick, director of the moon landing, also direct 9/11?
something about semen-swallowing internet original posters?
You know IDs expire and you need to get new ones right?
sounds lynchian
something about semen-swallowing internet original posters?
>quantum computer is in effect artificial intelligence
Lol no, a quantum computer is only useful to model quantum phenomena, they're shit for everything else.
They can only solve really specific (albeit really complicated) problems.
AI doesn't require quantum modeling.
a small elite group of humankind will reach such a level of advancement that they'll be able to send astronauts to jackoff into blackholes, thus seeding new mini-universes. small occurrences such as 9/11 are but steps in a journey that will take 100 trillion steps across the next 1000 centuries. the rape and murder and consumption of lower human life forms is already happening. why do you think Masonic lodges have no windows, and are always located near elementary and high schools. pull up google maps and see for yourself. the gmail logo itself is derived from a masonic apron design.
think of it this way, when we look back on how people and human societies were back in the year 800, or 1400, they look so primitive. the same will be the case for whatever "transhuman" lifeforms who will exist in the year 3000+. most likely we are current cattle for rothschilds/israel/fedbanker energy vampires. any moment wasted "shitpoasting" about 911 is just that...wasted. they already take your cash from taxes. even when you buy food without sales tax, they profit from the ownership of various farms and energy providers.
p.s. nigger
heluva weed strains names yo
>spontaneous ascension cults
Report: individuals pursuing synchronic ascension at all costs. synchronic ascensions: extremely improbable flows, tensors, singularities, rhythms of objectivity that produce an instant zero-point state. turning around the corner right as a song crests and the sun burns out of a cloud, while you were just thinking about the end of thinking. matching certain tastes with certain sounds, certain films with certain environments, people and things and poetry read to a closet ghost or creating a pocket of silence in a concert.
mom's gonna freak
What other films or tv shows have predictive programming?
Passports last 10 years before they expire, matrix (the sim) is set in 1999
Some people think the JFK assassination was a conspiracy when it was proven it was Lee Harvey Oswald. People just have too much time on their hands.
the moon landing was real you fool
>when do we do it mohammad
>ah im not sure mohammad, come, let us watch a movie together
name one
Name one what?
>astronaut night terrors
Report: nightmares described by astronauts in low earth orbit. Unanimously report the sensation of perpetually falling into lamprey-like mouth, apparently symbolizing the earth. The earth is possessive of its children and wants to be only planet to recycle their energy. All planets crave life for the sensation of free thermodynamic exchange on their surface.
just one
Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter
What the fuck is going on
in terms of what?
Redpilling in it's purest form
Yo hit me up with some memetic ghosts
That psycho going off like a total loon
Report: precise objective sequence of actions required to make any human being perform anything. Often requires synchronicities of environment, weather affect, bodily comportment, speech, etc. that have impossibly low probabilities of occurring. Tantamount to knowing the precise words to make a telemarketer want to buy whatever you're selling. Initiates who specialize in this art are called epirimancers.
Back to the future
The Matrix is unironically prophecy. They said the late 1990s would be the peak of human civilization and they were absolutely right. The Earth just burns more to ash with every passing day now.
>archon nets
Only if we're talking the kind of nets Predators use. Fuck some archons up.
Report: ontological, not merely ontic, captivity. you are not imprisoned somewhere in reality, the structure of reality itself is the prison. consider: the progress of technology, technology/AI is a direct outcome of human finitude, though humans are inadvertently replacing themselves through their dutiful production and maintenance of the machine, they also cannot just pull the plug and turn back the clocks to some luddite fantasy. when the machine learns to automate its own servitors, just as humans have learned to automate away the drudgeries of life, mankind will have officially rendered itself obsolete. you must explore new frontiers, sate your curiosity, learn to master the world, or you would not be humans, and yet this drive can only consummate itself in the creation of a form of life that will be engineered from the bottom-up, not by nature and the slipshod of evolution, but by intelligence itself. technology is recursive evolution. damned if you do, damned if you don't.
fuck me that sounds reasonable
not as some sort of conspiracy or anything, but dayum thats philosophy
moon landing