ITT: vidya that surpassed kino

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Easy mode

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Easier mode

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They were all dead

>Nevertheless, I remain convinced that in principle, video games cannot be art. Perhaps it is foolish of me to say "never," because never is a long, long time. Let me just say that no video gamer now living will survive long enough to experience the medium as an art form.

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Yeah, here's your (You) buddy.

nothing but quality so far

Video games literally can't be kino

He was talking out of his ass. He was a movie critic, not a video game critic.

Before it was a "remastered" shit show

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Still cannot refute this

Based, nothing can compete


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Then what's the point of having writers, artists, 3D modelers and people with a background to actually design the game if it's not considered art?

most people don't even get max payne and legitimately think it's a good dark noirish story and not taking the piss out of the entire genre


And movies don't do that either? Or music for that matter?

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*dabs on 100 years of movies*

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Devil May Cry (only the odd numbered entrees tho)

Video gamers are literally screeching right now that the new Kojima game hasn't been revealed enough and that it "looks boring". Video games will never, ever, ever be art, and video gamers are to blame for this - which is honestly a good thing because the best thing video games have to offer is mechanics, film is a far better visual medium.

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Movies are directed by a director.
Videogames are directed by the wallet guy. Most videogames made these days don't even have any game designer. Imagine a movie made without any director. It never happens.

King Kong game

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2 and the remake are the only ones I've played

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Indie games?

does anything is cinema/tv even compare?

.Better than the movie

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pretty stupid thing to say. it's a pity he was so narrow-minded

>muh dead wife
so dark and deep

what's wrong with remaster?

Why do people care if something is art? Genuine question.


removed the objectivism and added pro communism propaganda

It was a buggy mess that was released for the sake of shilling and no improvement on the graphics or audio.

How can you know if it's good then?

Prototype I.-II. (vs all basic capeshit)

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Well it's literally a rip off from Lost Highway

prototype 2 sucked so bad it killed the series

a movie based on 1 would be kino tho

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How could I forget about Planescape Torment

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Didn't even play it, just watched a playthrough on youtube recently when I was bored af.. Gameplay doesn't have uch depth, but it beats most movies in writing and character development
True kino

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Cast him in.

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tony jay was too based for this world

no more heroes and his other work is weeb soi shit but killer7 is kino as fuck

I still love how some brainlets will serious die by Ebert's word that video games will never be art, even though he was a film critic and didn't know what the fuck he was talking about.

Video Games are just as much art as Movies, Music, and other artistic mediums.

are you REALLY this fucking dumb? "DA WALLET GUY RUN DA VIDEO GAME MAKIN!! :D!!"

Yeah dude metal gear's autistically in depth story was all written by the Wallet guy with no art intention!! Kill yourself

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gameplay is boring on normal, but fantastic on hardest difficulty, where you actually have to scavange everything and save every bullet, you don't see health or have magical x-ray vision etc etc, whole different experience from regular difficulty which was indeed pretty meh, too bad you'd get probably assraped for first few hours if you choose it as your first playthrough
also, multiplayer was one of the most innovative and fun I've seen in a long time

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vidya are ruined by dumb execs ideas same as movies

Also, forgot to add on top of this, Roger Ebert himself said he was foolish for judging something he never experienced and even held Shadow of the Collosus to high praise.

No one wants to see Tom Holland play young Nathan Drake, just give us a proper Uncharted movie, Sony you absolute idiots

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His argument was that games cannot be art because they are interactive. This retard complains about the unique selling point of video games. It's like an painting critic would say movies cannot be art because the pictures are moving.

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the latest metal gear was literally butchered to fuck and very few commercial games, if any, have matched metal gear in terms of depth or autistic input.

That's because Konami booted Kojima off, which was incredibly fucking dumb because they wanted money for Yakuza daddies

>why yes I do think movies cannot be art because the pictures are moving.

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Is it worse than the 4th?

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He's just jawboning

Great storyline, great gameplay, and than main villain is probably one of the best villains ever created. Shame that the series is dead now

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I can refute it easily here's my proof by contradiction

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Best fucking game in existence, desu

I want Postal Dude to stretch my asshole across paradise

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Will you sign my petition?

below-average neo-noir
bayformers is better
wow. visuals that look worse than the movie. incredible.
movie trash made by a hack who L I T E R A L L Y wasn't good enough to become a filmmaker so settled for babby kids toys
below-average survival movie disguised as a game
indiana jones but shit
>below-average capeshit
boomer """humour"""

get off this board niggers

Best answer yet

oh man i played this so fucking much