Wheel of time
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very original post!
virgin freak
Is that an abo?
egwene is an abo now
If you can't cope with a world that has other races, there is one thing you can do to alleviate your fears. kill yourself
Way to miss the fucking point you absolute brainlet.
Please amazon don't do this to the LotR show. Throw the WoT faggots under the bus if you have to to deflect criticism but keep LotR faithful.
>"Jordan" (Rigney) had no heirs, just a wife who's chief editor of a gigantic publishing company
>Tolkien wrote his stuff for his kids and the family cares about defending it
This is why you should reproduce, lads
or kill them
not that I’d ever advocate for this abhorrent opinion of course
what is wrong with egwene's face?
the next GoT
the books are one of the most diverse fantasy series written. no one cares there are black people in the show the problem is who they've changed to be black
Why is a blacksmith's apprentice skinny? It is good that Nynaeve has ample braids.
Real life people dont look like anime or comic book self inserts you incel
>tugs individually
they've turned Nynaeve into a black mammy
white people do
Will they include RJ's constant dissing of left-handedness?
This, plus they couldn't even do the blackwashing properly because they left Mat white and made Egwene into an abo, which fucks up the entire point about the village being isolated and Rand standing out.
shit series, the blacks can have it
why does the whole world have to suffer because of America's schizophrenic race politics?
Holy shit, she kind of was already
they only kept Matt white because he marries Tuon
no she was best girl/protective older sister
/pol/ are the ones making a big stink about this.
Rereading Crossroads of Twilight, I'm starting to appreciate it and Egwene
Your shit country could always make your own version that nobody will watch
The LOTR has been confirmed to be complete fanfiction for months now. Why would you have any hope for it?
/pol/ would hate WoT. people who have read the books and aren't boot-licking for the sake of being progressive are the ones who hate the casting
Wanting the adaptation to not raceswap characters for no reason and to stay true to the source material that is already diverse as hell is not /pol/, it's common fucking sense.
Why did they cast black people for white characters?
I don't give a shit about the casting because hope was betrayed long ago.
It will be a low tier crap that will successfully die after a few seasons like legend of seeker or whatever the fuck it was called. Mutt cast or not, second GOT ain't habbening anytime soon
>there is one thing you can do to alleviate your fears
Oh, I can think of a few other things I could do before it comes to that.
No, user, the book describes them as having tanned skin, which means they're mulattoes, Indians and abos.
Legend of the Seeker didn't include ANY Objectivist tropes and was also secretly based
When did the idea of keeping the character's appearance with the source material become a controversial ideology?
(((Shadowfriends))) are among us.
Retard post. Those are fan art and beyond that characters DON'T LOOK THE SAME ON THE COVERS OF THE FUCKING BOOKS.
Two Rivers people are NOT described in terms of race or skin color (like the Domani or the Sea Folk) only that Rand stands out as different. Heck, the Seanchan may not be black, except for Tuon (they are descendants of Hawkwing, were they not?)
I wonder all of you who screech about the race of the characters, what the fuck do you want the Aiel Irish bedouin ninjas to look like?
Check the calendar bigot. It's current year.
Why didn't those friends of the dark females who confronted Mat just try to convert him? He's too lucky to fall for it but he's also too lucky to submit to dagger stabs
White is the default and anything diverging is described. Jordan picked famous people to tell how he imagined his characters so in short you can get right fucked, you hypocrite.
Pic related.
why are you mutts so sensitive? is it because you are a cultureless blob of a country? whose empire lasted about 40 years. pathetic
They're all dead or fat. Why not substitute?
Based retard. Sure, you didn't have a line like "they are white" in the books, but you can approximate their ethnicity from the way they are described in relation to the other characters. What we know is that 1. they have dark hair and eyes 2. their untanned skin is darker than untanned ginger skin 3. they are close enough to a ginger that him being completely unrelated to the place was a shock to him 4. they are able to tan in the sun and after a while in the waste they start to get somewhat close to gingers who actually live in the waste, meaning they are normally lighter than a tanned ginger. Not to mention there's decades of cover art, graphic novel art and fanart which was always close to Jordan's own casting choises for the characters. They are white, deal with it. No amount of reddit revisionism will ever change this. You can keep crying all you want, but it won't change what is true.
How about you read the fucking books, you dishonest nigger?
No one cares about these terrible books or your trolling racism that's trying to stoke fires.
No, it means they're tanned Europeans. Why cast tanned Europeans as black? There must be some sort of mistake.
Rand is half Andoran(which the Two river is part of) and is the same race as his father who was born and raised in the Two Rivers. Two Rivers folk are Mediterraneans, darker than Scotts & Irish but still clearly white
Because it's not supposed to be a realistic casting list for an actual production, it's a "these are the closest in looks" -list.
I care about one but not the other.
Nah, I've seen damage control articles on multiple nerd entertainment sites, so this goes beyond the /pol/ boogyman.
Sure, brunette Ben Afleck is good for Rand and blonde Val Kilmer is good for Perrin.
Fucking dumbass. Do you trust that picture and NOT what written in the books?
Yeah, "America's"...
Nah, they make those articles in response to /pol/'s seething. Again, they're the only ones who really care about this stuff.
>a small section of a website needs to be responded to
Pretty sure the general population is sick of this shit.
Fucktard, have you seen Rihanna getting tanned?
>I wonder all of you who screech about the race of the characters, what the fuck do you want the Aiel Irish bedouin ninjas to look like?
Are you aware that hair dye exists? Casting a brown haired white person for the role of a red haired white person is nowhere near close to casting a nigger for the role of a white person. You're being purposefully dishonest because you know you don't have an argument.
its also being pushed as the next GoT. also every female in the book is either a powerful sorceress, royalty or a warrior woman. the books are very feminist on the surface level, reading between the lines you see that it was feminism that ruined the world and women need to work together with men
You are purposefully deflecting. The pics are black and white, meaning hair and eye colours can be changed freely. Those are as close can be as mentioned. You can try to look for any straws to make them the race they are not, it will not change RJ's choices, coverarts and official comics.
Do you check under your bed for /pol/ every night before going to sleep you sad obsessed fuck? The people who care are simply people who want accurate casting. The ones making the fuss are the retards who have to try their hardest to justify these retarded changes because they KNOW it's fucking stupid.
>niggers inventing anything
Imagine being a nigger and calling anyone else a thief.
nigger please
>feminism that ruined the world and women need to work together with men
you can bet that wont be in the tv version
>tfw they utterly butcher nynaeve's character
oh they already have
Tor and Amazon’s PR departments are going into overdrive trying to spin this shit. Next up is getting rid of Rand’s “problematic” harem and adding some lbgtbbq relationships.
I didn't bother to save it, but the sóy showrunner already explicitly mentioned those exact "problems".
Aviendha will be a guy and will win the dragonbowl.
How about you make your own movies? You dont go to China and complain that they have Chinese actors in their movies. Dont complain about Americans in american movies than.
Robert Jordan had an IQ around 160 and this sodomite can’t spell ‘their’ correctly, yet he feels qualified to make corrections to Jordan’s 80 million copy selling opus.
I just hope the trollocs don't look too fake
Relax, kid. Does it really affect you?
Just watch your own country's media. That's what I do.
>UwU come here wittle boy the Dark One wishes to tawk
Anyone else glad Tolkien’s legacy wasn’t touched by this cuck shit? Hackson ruined the hobbit but he did create LOTR and did it justice(though he did fuck some things up)
>IQ around 160
>sells his book to a bunch of amerimutt bolsheviks to butcher
I want to be naive again like you.
Jordan is dead, you know.
Tell me it's a goddamned coincidence again you SJW pieces of shit.
British tv is full of niggers and pakis, i stick to anime at least the japs appreciate their own culture(and western)
>netflix is the US government
Plus Wikileaks is in league with the Russian government.
You need to take a step back from all this politics and just enjoy your life.
LotR has some problematic elements as well for example there is never a conversation between two female characters that wasn’t about a man. This will have to be corrected in future adaptations.
Also does Frodo’s skin color really define his journey? I asked my shire friends and they all said “god I hope not.”
/pol/ under the bed, the Alt-Right in the closet. Close the window, too, so Trump doesn't getcha.
they're both owned by jews
Projecting on a whole new level.
Says the one who has been spamming that pic for nine fucking pages lmao.
You're so obsessed it's not even funny, just sad.
calling it now, from left tot right
If it gets /pol/ to fuck off, it's a good thing.
It only proves that you're a paranoid fuck who sees /pol/ fucking everywhere. Seek help.
It's a shame Robert Jordan let the characters be depicted inaccurately on all the book covers.
Not to mention the graphic novels.
>appreciate their own culture(and western)
By turning every historial figure into a little girl
You're both an incel and a cuck. Congrats
hurr durr pol
POL is the same people on every fucking board.
fucking faggot
Based The Hobbit having exactly 0 female characters
you should leave and maybe try another book you fucking faggot.
If I ever became a famous author I'd release my IP to the public instead of selling it to a megacorp so that some bookfags somewhere could always make a faithful adaptation
>Pretty sure the general population is sick of this shit
Seeing as these adaptations and movies keep breaking records of revenue every time I'd say you're delusional and should spend less time on the internet
i dont watch moe & Canute being a beautiful child comes from the Knytlinga Saga
Too soon to call really. Obviously we're in an echo chamber here and the vast majority of people don't care about this shit, but it's also a lot newer than you'd think and there could be more backlash in the future (or everyone could get used to it quick and never care)
Christ, they can't even ruin a series properly.
The correct method is to lure people in with a seemingly faithful start, then start race lifting and relying on the sunk cost mentality to keep it going.
This will sink in the first season and be memory holed, when it could have fucked up at least 4 books and been a constant bad memory with minimal effort.
Why didn’t they make Mat look like the others? Mat being white ruins the whole Two Rivers were dark all along spin.
My theory is that the people in charge are barely familiar with the books, that they are just going off quota system for casting. For example their marching orders were that 60% of the main cast had to be PoC and they didn’t even realize the implications for the story.
I understand casting pocs but why do you have to pick ugly ones?
Or maybe these record numbers are not actually true and are just there to convince NPCs about the success of certain product.
Just maybe.
There are no good looking ones.
The attractive ones ask for higher pay.
Or maybe you're literally making shit up to justify your bias
You seriously need to take a break from the internet
Woke Star Wars has been such a financial disaster that it is consistently lamented in Disney’s quarterly reports.
what about asians? why do they always hire blacks there's like hundreds of races out there and they cast those?? im like.. eeew.
>Why didn’t they make Mat look like the others?
because he marries a black girl and (((they))) love wmbf just look at all the walking dead blogs when grimes shacked up with mellon
diversity isn't about being diverse, its about being anit-white and blacks are the most not white
Because despite more of them turning into whiny fucks by the day, there's still far more of them that prefer to work off their own back rather than demand someone else do it for them.
As China pandering increases, and as more asians join gibsmedat movements, I've no doubt this will shift.
i can never understand why americans do this. besides when will they stop self flagellating? it's embarassing and you're ruining everything.
>financial disaster
Please take a break from the internet
I noticed this with Vikings and Billions. I enjoyed the first seasons so much that I masochistically slog through the later political sermon seasons even though they are dumpster fires. House of Cards was another one they pozzed half way through.
not americans just jews that run media
>it's another retard doesn't understand how box office and profit works -episode
Disney literally hasn't yet turned a profit from Star Wars, you retarded nigger.
>time lag effect
solo bombs and the park is empty, next SW movie will do better than solo because its a numbered movie but i doubt it will get more than TLJ
That....took a lot of time.
>it's a coping nigger from /pol/ episode
The mistake happened 99 and 400 years ago. The world has been paying for them both ever since.
The top middle one is Harvey Price right?
Please take a few hours to learn how this stuff works so you won't embarrass yourself in the future. It's for your own good.
Merchandise is doing horribly, Solo was the first SW movie to ever lose money, and the theme park was a flop. you can spin it all you want but this stuff is mentioned every shareholder meeting.
Not to mention they still haven't made the initial investment + the park costs back.
Not coping with the success of SJW media would take no time and wouldn't make you seethe in anger like real numbers do
Try that sometime
>Everyone who wants adequate adaptations is /pol/
>egwene is an abo now
It makes sense, given that she died by ingesting an unhealthy volume of the most prevalent energy source in the setting, which the white people who taught her made clear from the very beginning was a bad idea.
Wheel of Time isn't part of the MCU, so you'd be wrong.
And looking at figures corrected for inflation, you're flat-out wrong.
This is the part that really confuses me. They even cast mullatos instead of full blacks, so they have no excuse for not finding actors who look better than this actively repulsive bunch.
Have you actually provided any of these record numbers? The only moves from this decade that make the top-ten highest grossing films of all time are Endgame (No. 5) and Force Awakens (No. 10), and both of those are installments in major media franchises, and only Endgame is even arguably an adaptation (and people who argue that it is are wrong).
So it looks like you're talking out of your ass.
>Disney films get about 40% of ticket sales
>Budget is ~250 million
>Advertisng budget is at least another 100 million
But none of that is even relevant, because the real loss taken by TLJ was the massive devaluation of the IP caused by alienating everyone. That made itself evident in Solo, which actually lost money (~50 million in the hole).
Strangely I don't mind black nigger bucks in media, but the sheboons really piss me off.
>It makes sense, given that she died by ingesting an unhealthy volume of the most prevalent energy source in the setting, which the white people who taught her made clear from the very beginning was a bad idea.
kys mass replying incel
go shoot up a Walmart
Well since you actually might be so ignorant you literally didn't know pay attention now: The cost of marketing is not included in the listed budget and the general rule of thumb is that marketing budget is about the same as the production budget. The studio also does not get 100% of the box office, at best it's around 60% with disney taking a bit more in the US during the first weeks. From overseas it's significantly lower. Lastly, disney paid 4 billion for the franchise and spent another 1 or 2 billion for building their parks which have been massive flops.
They have not yet made a cent from star wars. I hope you learned something today.
Yep. There’s the opportunity cost of that $4b that could have been better spent on virtually anything else, and Disney’s park business is about 3x the size of its studio business. The SW park failing is actually a much bigger deal than just Solo and the new cartoon failing. Then there’s the affect on Disney+. The whole fiasco is a case study on getting woke.
Disney overvalued Star Wars ip and made bad investments =/= billion dollar grossing movies are somehow not popular because of diversity casting
COPE you fat fuck incel.
Kinda skeptical of these figures. Does it count times when a character 'took a sudden interest in the neatness of her skirt'?
What's really amazing are all the reddit posts acting like this is exactly how they always pictured the characters to look. You have the graphic novels, the official artwork, the covers (for all their issues), and the Duopotamians are consistantly presented as dark-haired white people.
No one thought Perrin was a nigger, and it's amazing watching them trying to revise history in real time.
Don't forget, Disney spent that money to acquire Star Wars seven years ago, so to make a profit, the ROI from that outlay needs to exceed what they could have earned investing their money in a reasonably safe investment vehicle. At a 5% annual rate of return (reasonable for investment-grade assets in the long-term), they'd need to have profited $5.6 billion in the past seven years to have made an real profit on buying Star Wars.
thanks, I hate it.
Are we pretending that nuwars box office wasn't entirely based on nostalgia and hype? The second weekend drop for TLJ showed that the magic and goodwill is gone, people even started to look back at TFA and realized it completely butchered everything the original trilogy achieved.
please gtfo with your company wars shit
Yeah, because they haven't been great movies and people are getting burnt out on Star Wars, not because there was a black stormtrooper
>They have not yet made a cent from star wars
The brand is worth at least 10 billion now. Learn about market before you boast your Wikipedia knowledge online
There's more going on than your brain can possibly comprehend
Imagine being some idiot with a McJob and thinking you know better than the people who work for the biggest entertainemnt media conglomerate in history
it's 2019 and the fact that we haven't replaced all characters with strong abo lead roles is pathetic, get laid incel
>I cannot defend my positions, so I must resort to buzzwords
>billion dollar grossing movies are somehow not popular because of diversity casting
We can't shoot the movies twice; all we can say is that the movies are not generating the profit that Disney needs them to in order to recoup their investments, and that the people who make these movies regard diversity as a religious imperative.
We can't actually make any valid claims on the casual relations, only outline the facts as they stand.
>Are we pretending that nuwars box office wasn't entirely based on nostalgia and hype?
Yes. Disney valued that hype at $4 billion USD, and haven't gotten their money back.
>The brand is worth at least 10 billion now.
How do you figure?
Really? Who paid $10 billion to buy it from Disney?
I was counting on Star Wars and MCU content to make Disney Plus work, so I might need to trim my positions if they sold it off.
Big talk from a brainlet who thought disney gets 100% of the box office and marketing is free five minutes ago.
Different guy
That guy being a retard doesn't make you any more intelligent
You're as stupid as him.
It's a quote from the witcher producer just switched to mention lotr.
Do you even grep?
No idea what that means so no
Basically ctrl-f for linux
Plain text search of digital files. In this case simplified to:
control+f "tug"
ignore case
match whole word
Why the hell do fans of the original work have to justify ensuring characters stay true to their source material, all being called racist for it? It's you faggots who decided to change the race of a character that ends up looking nothing like the characters in the books. You people have explain why you fucking did it. What the hell is your excuse?
Fuck right off.
WoT is my absolute favourite series.
I hope this gets canceled after 1 episode.
But Tuon's white tho
>implying any of those actors don't look about as close as you could want to those characters except for "muh skintone"
Fuck off, racism shill
Kill yourself nigger.
>not popular because of diversity casting
That wasn't really Star Wars' particular flavor of wokeness. KK is more about feminism and tearing down white men while WoT seems to be going more for the "diversity" and LBGTQ+ angle.
Oh sweet summer child
I don't really care about races or skin color, but I do want the characters to be atractive, it's a TV show after all, pretty people are half the appeal... That Egwene is on ugly chick...
>That Egwene is on ugly chick...
ugly inside and out.
I get that the seanchan are niggers but I don't understand why. I mean they are descendants of Artur Hawkwing who I always thought was a reference to king arthur of camelot. Did I just interpret it wrong?
oh dont worry there's going to be plenty of man bashing. they did cause the breaking of the world and male channelers go insane ect ect
are you retarded or something?
This shit started in europe my nigga
>a reference to king arthur of camelot
it is, Artur Hawkwing was white. seanchan is essentially america, a melting pot of mutts where the leaders are black
Seanchan have everything, they are not only niggers. Tuon is charcoal black but her mega milker maidservant is aryan blonde.
Ah thanks for clearing that up, it's been about 15 years since i last read it. Guess I'll give it another go after the series fails to wash the bad taste out of my mouth. It's a real shame, was my favorite series after lotr.
When does wheel of time get good.
You referring to Foucault and the like?
First book. Second if being a Tolkien homage is the worst thing you can imagine.
At the very fucking first paragraph you pleb.
“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose above the great mountainous island of Tremalking. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”
2nd book is great then 4th is also great and 6th ending is the series highlight
If you don't like it by the part in the first book where Rand sees the false Dragon paraded by and meets the Andor Royals and the Red Ajah woman you probably aren't going to ever like it much.
My boy Logain deserved better.
Leftism really is a mental illness.
Honestly, unless you are younger than 18 do not read them, they are a waste of time and could only be enjoyed if they are your introduction to epic fantasy
A better question is when did it start to go bad.
None of these things are true. Was my 3rd major fantasy series read in my early 20's. It's not fucking Shakespeare but most shit isn't. Just take it for what it is, a fun fantasy romp with some sexy chicks and badass dudes.
should have given him a channeling duel with Demandred going toe to toe with each other as he was a false dragon. instead of a 3rd 1-on-1 sword fight
When the author died, middle books are still good people complain about adventure and traveling like that wasn't 75% of tolkien's work as well.
To be fair Demandred being bullied and cucked out of his grand showdown with the Dragon was hilarious.
No one was going to watch it anyway
I never read WoT and probably won't watch it either because fuck amazon but this casting is very upsetting to me. I've been posting in these threads since it got announced shitting on it. Half the posts I don't even understand but FUCK this SHIT
completely false. i read them in my late 20's after asoiaf, black company and malazan. its a great series, maximum comfy fantasy
Based. This guy fucks.
>the family cares about defending it
you mean exploiting it for maximum profits
drags in the middle, 7-10 but ends strong, final RJ book is good and Sanderson ended the series well
I was and still am. The only difference is that I was going to get prime if they got the casting right or gave even the slightest indication that they were going to respect the source material, but now I will just pirate it.
Guess you missed the news about the Disney accountant blowing the whistle on their massive over reporting of revenue.
very true but getting out powered by a false dragon is probably more embarrassing for him
Like that Legolas running up the side of a giant elephant ninja shit
To Bookfags WoT was way more popular and had a much bigger fanbase than GoT ever did. However GoT made for better TV.
WoT is a *gigantic* YA series with very limited and very tame violence. That's also almost no sex and even then it's "off screen". It'll make for a shit TV series.
Black people in a fantasy show? This is literally genocide!
Many fans of this series think it goes to shit somewhere along the way, but there's no consistency with which book people think it starts to suck. My theory is that this is because people outgrow the series around the time they turn 20 and that's where they say the books start to get bad.
read the books faggot they're already full of darkies
No matter how corny they made Legolas in the movies, it's at least true to the source material. There are several scenes where Legolas does some incredible acrobatics and dabs on the normalfags such as the part where he runs back and forth on the rope that was hanging over the river while laughing like a madlad.
that and all the weaving is going to look real cheap and nasty
There actually is consistency, the part that's commonly called the slog is around 8-10, with 10 being the only downright unnecessary book (because it was originally combined with 9 and splitting them caused the issues people have with 10).
Wheel of Time is still the second best selling fantasy series of all time after LotR and that's even after all the millions of Game of Thrones books the tv series sold.
the 3 bad ones were released in 1998-2003. im betting most people here read them after the series ended like i did
Because it'll be hotter when he and Rand have sex.
2-4 was the peak, 5-6 were not as good but still comfy especially the end of 6. Everything after that other than a few chapters here and there was trash.
What? I wasn’t under the impression that most complaints stem from political parts from characters people didn’t care about.
Actually quite refreshing tbqh
People generally agree it lulls in the middle but there's no consistency in when the series overall goes bad. Some will say the Sanderson books, a lot of people in the early online WoT discussions said book 5 was when it fell apart, I personally think 6 was the last good one. I saw someone here on Yea Forums earlier this week say 5 was the last good one which is really strange to me since 6 was clearly better than 5.
Then there are some weirdos who think 9 was the best in the series. I think the most likely explanation is that it's based on your age when you read them.
If you have followed the discussions at all you know that the "slog" is very consistently placed. The rest are just outliers.
The reason people can't agree is that after book six there are still plenty of good scenes but that is when the series starts to become incredibly bloated. There is sooooo much filler.
>Book 9
>Mat Cauthon flees Ebou Dar with Tuon & co
>Rand gets bonded to his harem(touching moment when min realizes he's inconstant pain)
>hunting Asha'man traitors in Far Madding
>saidin cleansed
most of the bad is from the circus, bowl of the winds and succession war
>Two Rivers folk are Mediterraneans
shitskin cope
t. Ishamael
Aw, I missed the thread, you must be reminded:
1. Selucia
2. Setalle Anan
3. Halima
4. Graendal
5. Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron
6. Cyndane
7. Riselle
8. Sevanna
9. Morgase Trakand
10. Therava
11. Lanfear
12. Else Grinwell
13. Someryn
14. Elayne Trakand
15. Aviendha
16. Tylin Quintara Mitsobar
17. Birgitte Silverbow
18. Alanna Mosvani
19. Talaan din Gelyn
20. Melindhra
21. Verin Mathwin
22. (Betse Silvin) That Barmaid Mat dances with when he has the flashback of him being some minor lord dancing with a Sea Folk Wavemistress at a ball at the court of Shaemal right before the start of the Trolloc Wars.
23. Semirhage
24. Deira Bashere
25. Nynaeve al'Maera
26. Tigraine Mantear
27. Melaine
28. Romanda/Lelaine
29. Cadsuane Melaidhrin
30. Alliandre Maritha Kigarin
31. Mesaana
32. Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan
47. Alviarin Freidhen
48. Pevara Tazanovni
49. Egeanin Tamarath
50. Suroth Sabelle Meldarath
51. Aludra
97. Mili Skane
98. Tylee Khirgan
99. Elmindreda Farshaw
100. Egwene al'Vere
101. Leanne Sharif
998. Siuan Sanche
999. Faile
1000. Moirane Damodred
1001. Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan
1002. Bair
1003. Moghedien
10,000,000. Tuon
Hush, Harriet.
I can't wait for all of the tall black Cairhienin! And how about those ghost pale Seafolk? Or the Chinese Aiel!
it's not fun at all, it is just stupid teenagers outsmarting adults, it's like YA from before YA was a thing
I read the first few books in my mid teens and I hated them, recently decided to give it another shot in my early twenties and I still hate it, it just takes people different amount of time to realize Jordan is a hack and his only up-side was publishing something somewhat original during a time of tolkien rip-offs so people just nostalgia jerk it
I think you start to dislike the series around the time you read more books and can tell apart stuff like good and bad writing
Wait, if Min and Tuon did a leaping chestbump, Min would win?
based 180 iq poster
Tolkien was a war veteran and philologist(just like nietzche).
Your modern writer is usually a journalist soiboy who spends most of his day on twitter whining about politics.
Tuon is literally a Black Childlike Empress. Min must at least have some chest.
They won't reveal in the show that the men going insane was due to the women refusing to follow Lews Therins plan
>2. Setalle Anan
>29. Cadsuane Melaidhrin
Aren't they like 100 years old? I think that should disqualify you from being on these lists after a certain point.
They'll miss the entire underlying theme of the Aes Sedai being stuck up knowitalls who only make matters worse. They'll take it literally when it was the best revelation that basically only Moiraine and maybe Siuan had any notion of what was really going on in the world.
Setalle is around 98 or so, Cads is nearing 300.
You spend too much time on Yea Forums
so the shadow riding is the worst book then?
Novel A:
>He kissed the plump mellow yellow smellow melons of her rump, on each plump melonous hemisphere, in their mellow yellow furrow, with obscure prolonged provocative melonsmellonous osculation.
Novel B:
>Lyrelle glided into the pavilion, glided toward the Blue benches. Tall for a Cairhienin woman, which made her of average height for almost anywhere else, she was elegant in blue-slashed silk embroidered on the bodice with red and gold, her movements flowing. Some said she had been a dancer before coming to the Tower as a novice. By comparison, Samalin, the fox-faced Green who entered on her heels, seemed to stride mannishly, though there was nothing at all awkward about the Murandian woman. They both seemed surprised to see Kwamesa on her feet, and hurried to their respective benches. In any case, Varilin began plucking at Kwamesa’s sleeve, until the Arafellin woman finally sat down. Kwamesa’s face was a mask of cool calmness, yet she managed to radiate displeasure. She put a great store in ceremony.
Clearly, one of these novels is a stylistic masterpiece, and the other is trash.
Novel A is James Joyce's Ulysses, named best by a panel of experts at the Modern Library division of Random House.
Novel B is Robert Jordan's Crossroads of Twilight.
If this like the Wiz version of WoT?
Do I still get Pillow Friend scenes?
>When that White guilt kick in yo so you have to turn all the characters into negroes
Such a shame since the book series is probably the best depiction of ideal gender equality. The lesson being that humans achieve the most when men and women work together (cleansing of saidin, closing the bore).
Always the pick the most ugliest blacks or half breeds they can find.
Jordan, uh, did his duty in Vietnam and was a physics major from The Citadel. Do you have to be a veteran to write good SF/F? All of my favorite writers are.
on an unrelated note, does Jordan know that there are clothes made from other materials than silk? Every time some character enters they are wearing "a velvet/green/blue silk robe". Also he always chooses such bizzare words to describe movement of characters, stuff like that really irked me
We'll know the answer to this once and for all after they cast Thom.
I think it's fair to assume that letting his wife edit the books had a lot to do with this sort of thing.
As my wife taught me, silk feels great on the skin. I'm a pleb so I didn't know this before.
Yea unlike brandon sanderson the guy who finished the books who is of course a mormon cuck nerd.
Of course thats the guy who they now consult about the changes as the """author"""".
I let you guess what he thinks about changing everybody to black.
To warn us of what to expect as we follow them into oblivion.
Pretty sure that was intentional. That because they all became rich and only wore the best. iirc Nyanave even makes a complaint about it how all here clothes are now all expensive silk, wool is good enough. But being her is secretly likes it too much and wears them all.
the show writter said they'll be more as its the only canon lesbian content. also expect the spear maidens to be dykes
silk is highh class, Aes Sedai think they're classy. they also get a stipend form the tower for clothing so they dont look ratty which would lower their standing among the common folk. there's also a lot of mention of 'good Two Rivers wool' from Nyanave
Wheel of Morality, turn turn turn, tell us the lesson that we should learn. youtube.com
Exactly. Sanderson is a fucking loser incel, Jordan was a Charlie-killing alpha helicopter machine-gunner. Who knows how many Viets he turned into red paste.
Pretty sure this is the remnants of the Wit of the Staircase documentary that never manifested.
You think they'll fuck up that Texas cowboy drawl the Seanchan are supposed to have?
>There is literally a race of KANGZ black people in the series with a powerful woman as the leader
>Say fuck that isn't enough and start blacking white characters
This is stupid.
It's more than that. They couldn't have waited 2 or 3 episodes until they got to Baerlon to fill it with traveling Domani or Tairens, so they had to black a nearly ethnically pure inbred backwater. Remember, barely any foreigners come down form Taren Ferry, Tam's wife was an exception.
it would be too silly the normies will freak out. im betting they make the Seanchan full on KANGZ with Egyptian garb
RJ even included trans representation. Not good enough!
They're supposed to be like Imperial China in Bug-themed Samurai armor speaking in a Texan accent, plus it's quite multicultural as well since it's an entire massive continent of its own.
not real trans his soul is still male which is the most transphobic way to represent trannies
>The Kangz were one of the most powerful military forces on the planet and would have taken control of the lands after the books if not for Rand and the Dragon's Peace
>But still though we need to black more characters despite the races and distinctions being very relevant to the characters
Its shit like this that bothers me the most. Its like casting a MGS game and blacking random characters in an already fucking diverse series.
Like what is the fucking point here? There were already going to be a shitton of powerful non-white characters. Why change it?
blame the UK
I was talking about Egwene
thats the beauty of the books, which is now all lost because of the fucking show
Based. It means the flesh is immaterial and you'll always be the same soul. You can become the woman with the fattest tits in the land, but you'll never channel Saidar.
YAAASSSS! Slay queen!!!!!
Because it needed to be the main cast! I said they could have blacked Lan, kept his blue eyes though. That would have worked fine, there's only like 4 Malkieri in the books anyway.
It's no Xena but I'll take it
Speaking of "dark" people and the Dragon's Peace: Shara wasn't included. What happens to them?
with Demandred gone they'll probably go back to what they had i.e stay in their shit hole
"SHARANS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this neighborhood before. There could be SHARANS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE SHARANS" he thought. The Fool Who Thought He Was King reverberated his entire horse-drawn coach, making it pulsate even as the 9 silver mark wine circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of minorities after dark. "With Traveling, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.
I laugh everytime
The virtue signaling he did after the cast was announced was so pathetic and dishonest. I can’t believe they picked that groveling cuck to finish WoT.
At this point I can't see how it isn't propaganda. I loved the Wheel of Time and the cast is diverse. It didn't need changing. I think every race except Asian is represented and I am probably forgetting which were the Asians as it takes place on Earth so they are somewhere.
If you kept it the way it was then it was an easy win. A popular book series with a diverse cast which you don't have to piss off purists and fans by changing the races of characters to fit in races which weren't previously represented.
Yet they still did it. I can't fucking comprehend how there isn't an agenda.
Asian? Saldaeans are like Khazar Mongols, poor Tairens are Vietnamese peasants.
This reminds me of Finn and Rose in Onions Wars. I get that diversity is a religion to these people but wouldn’t using attractive actors achieve their goal of making people inclusive better than using uggos?
>race doesn't matter
>except for Rand
>fuck the rest of them only this one character must be what he actually is
Double-think 100
lmao you mad racist
They keep doing it. Not only do they diversify for virtue signalling goodboy points, but their casts are usually hideous when Wheel of Time is basically about all beautiful people.
Trolloc inversion incoming
I don’t remember any East Asian looking people in the series which is conspicuous since pretty much every other group is included and Jordan was into that culture, going so far as to use a Chinese pen name for some of his other writing. I wonder if he left that kind of thing out because he planned to use it for his Shogun style series he was planning after Wheel of Time.
>despite being less than 2% of Andors population, Two Rivers people commit 56% of the crime.
>"we waz kings of manetheren an shieeet" replied Perrin when asked by a local Whitecloak patrol after he had tried biting one of them
"ayo we nah finna gonna pay no whiteboi taxes fuck yo queen, WE WUZ KANGZ"
>where ma bitch at
>low percentage of the population
>commit most of the crime
Channelers. Seanchan were right
Why do I get the feeling that the Whitecloaks and their persecution of Perrin is going to somehow mimic the perceived persecution of Black youths by the police.
maybe he thought it was fine.
Is hbo the only sane producer left? They didnt feel the need to force any diversity in Got and it didnt make the show any less popular.
It is double insane because WoT already had a diverse cast.
>black-as-night Children of the Light graphically skin Hopper
>you suddenly realize that Rafe is based
GoT was from literally a different time. 2010 was a long time ago, they can't just change the main characters after that.
that was 10 years ago man. look at all the spin off talks saying even the Westeros prequels NEED to be diverse
The actresses were allowed to refuse to show their tits anymore and the focus was concentrated on girls, eunuchs, and feeble nice guys
I think we both know that every bad member of the Children of Light will be a white male.
I can't decide if Galad is going to be white so that they can go with the "White man learns that the black man was falsely accused" or black so they can go with black man turns the organization around. However I'm not sure how black would work considering Rand is white.
Is that some Somali/poo half-breed playing Egwene? What the actual fuck.
judging from the Two Rivers casting Andor is going to be all black, that way they can have their YAASSS SLAY BLACK QUEEEN in Elayne and Morgase
abbo petrol sniffer
Why can’t Galad be black if Rand is white?
>Blacked Elayne and Morgase
Fucking disgusting. You can make Ghealdan or basically any other nation black, but since that's not book one it won't fly.
The girl on the right is beautiful. Would wife.
>only sniffing and not drinking
Which doesn't make sense because the whole thing with the Seanchan and the Empress being black. It fucks up that whole plotline.
Ah, yeah, I see it now. Quarter abbo probably.
He is Rand's brother. Unless they want to go the route where Galad's father BLACKED his white mother.
Galad's dad is a Damodred, from the whitest nation their is.
Why can't persons who share parentage be genetically dissimilar? This is a world of magic
>these adaptations and movies keep breaking records of revenue every time
>Ghostbusters 2016
>The Dark Tower
>The Last Jedi
>countless others
Yes, all smashing successes.
Imagine being fucking delusional enough to be an SJW.
Don't let this fake news distract you from how Masonic the books are. The Dark One is an allegory based on pic related.
While it is theoretically possible it is pure retardation. Don't argue retarded bullshit.
What are you even talking about? Makes zero sense.
When the battle doesn't come and you start to realize nothing has happened in the last two books either.
It is based on Earth. Genetics work the same way in the series. The only magic going that would cause such a thing is writers with agendas.
Avi is going to have babies that look nothing like my man Rand.
It really is the worst written fantasy series of all time. Only on book 10 so far, but holy fucking shit, it’s brutal. I just want to get to the Sanderson books at this point, for only a change of pace.
Triple points if the Moridin is black so that after the end of the series he BLACKS all his wives.
object-oriented posting
I noticed this about three years ago when Amazon started to display these strange black models on their front page. It really bothered me, that they weren't even mediocre and their strange looks were accentuated. This means they're either at war with beauty or don't care about it, or they just want to be cruel to us.
It serves so many points for them that all seem likely.
>believing modern TV will show some dirty white boy colonizing an empress
That's the wrong way, friendo!