How much money will Sony make if they do Spider-Man 4?
How much money will Sony make if they do Spider-Man 4?
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Holy shit Disney drones are insufferable.
>Capitalism is bad, so give the ip to the biggest corporation in media!
>Sony should have just given their IPs away!
>Sony only owns the character because of capitalist bullshit
>The only fair system is where all IPs automatically belong to Disney the moment they are created
but Spider-man is on its 12 movie or something fucktarded.
either way its been raped to death, let it die.
If Sony makes a Spider-Man 4 with Raimi and Tobey, I'll watch the film at least 30 times in the theaters
>"the right thing to do is to give them character for free"
Just how many levels of brainlet is this guy on? It's impressive.
MCUdrones are in full meltdown it's beautiful
yes your $300 in ticket sales will surely crush the Disney empire
DCbros should we team up to take down the Mouse
>The only fair system is where all IPs automatically belong to Disney the moment they are created
Seems like this is unironically a popular opinion.
>The disneydrone got downvoted.
Wait, how is this possible?
Reddit is basically the portland of the internet
>The right thing to do is to give them the character for free
uhhhhhhhhhhh, the fuck? Is Disney not capitalistic too? Is it just ok if disney does it
Spider-man has become just like Star Wars, as in the bad movies far outnumber the good ones so everyone has forgotten what made it good in the first place.
>when 12 year olds discuss business deals.
What the fuck Disney literally has this sheep under mind control. I am NEVER going to take a Marvelcucks opinion seriously now.
How about Disney just fucking buys the IP? Give Snoy 50 billion or whatever, they can eat it.
Imagine giving away Spider-Man for fucking FREE. How can zoom zooms be so pozzed on communism?
>defending Disney while complaining about "capitalistic bullshit"
All leftists are useful idiots foe megacorps, I don't think I've ever seen this exemplified so well.
You shouldn't have censored the names because now I wanna see if that guy got fucking destroyed
Based SonyChad. Marvelcucks eternally SEETHING
>"Fuck capitalism!"
Also me:
"Disney is our greatest ally."
>No Vulture and Mysterio in the sinister six
>No Shuri and Peter geeking out over tech
>No Deadpool crossover
They wouldn't even HAVE spiderman if it weren't for Disney
Ough, look at this Marvelet seething.
>DCbros should we team up to take down the Mouse
Aquaman has already struck the first blow. Now Sony hits mouse really hard.
>The right thing to do is to give them the character for free
This is the generation that will rule the country in a few decades.
People identify strongly with the shit they consume because they are dead inside.
Grown ass men losing their shit over this, pathetic.
Nobody should be blaming Sony for this. Disney makes more than enough with their share (merch too) and all they are doing is letting it be part of the canon. Sony made a lot with Venom and they don't really need Disney. Mouse shouldn't have been so greedy.
/pol/ refuse to see it but Sony is by far the most dangerous megacorp for the white race. they can push all the sjw bullshit they want they have an army of drones from Yea Forums who will eat their shit and scream genius.
Also, Sony bought the rights for 10 million dollars and has made how much over the years? There's zero way they're gonna give up the rights now, nothing would come close to that value
Just watch the Venom sequel crash and burn like Deadpool 2 did. Niggers aren't a very loyal audience.
>sony don’t own Spider-Man villain IPs
>the actors that appeared in the Sony produced movie wont be able to appear in more Sony produced movies
>username is cope
The best part of all of this is so many people exposing their childlike worldview. There's a good portion of the population who are basically retarded.
Yea Forums is actually full of nintendofags who act exactly like these capeshitters from reddit.
Disneydrones need a bullet in the head