Many movies implicitly suggest sex is the point of life. the truth is the opposite. sex is supposed to serve life...

many movies implicitly suggest sex is the point of life. the truth is the opposite. sex is supposed to serve life, not the other way around. sex is just a part of life, and there are many other parts that are way more important.

movies can really fuck your mind up, hard. i think they've made a lot of us totally crazy.

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think about how so much of the energy in movies can be directed towards an attractive female. a build up of energy in which is released when the protagonist finally conquers her. how many movies can you think of that follow this logic? and the actresses that play these characters, these FALSE representations... and then we attempt to model OUR lives after a lie. life began to imitate art, instead of art imitating life- if you can even call this shit art

this shit is inhuman and 99% of us are fucking retards now

we think of women as inherently sexual and that to be happy, we must have sex with attractive women, and that this is central to life... movie after movie after movie after movie of this shit hammered into our heads since before we could speak...

even the posts on the main Yea Forums page right now, can you guess what percentage of them revolve around sex?

and then you visit Yea Forums on a daily basis. how much of life ACTUALLY is supposed to revolve around sex? I would say precious fucking little

Reproduction and fear of death are the only two motivating factors for the entire human race you fucking retard. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING at this species does is to either continue the genetic line or make a passing attempt to grasp immortality, even if it’s only in memory. Movies don’t distort that, they reflect it back to you and it makes you uncomfortable to be faced with that undying fact of reality that the ideal is unobtainable for you. So pump out some kids and make some paintings fucker, we’re all fucked. Stop acting like you’re somehow better than that, you’re not. I’m not, you’re not, nobody is. That’s the last cruel joke of existence. That’s life. That’s the movies.

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that's what you've been told to believe and you bought it hook, line and sinker. regurgitating pop philosophy that I've heard a million other people spew almost word for fucking word. a philosophy that can be used to justify any crime, any unethical act whatsoever. I'm glad that you do your thinking for yourself. it is you that are the stupid fuck.

Also, the majority of people who come here are either too stupid, too ugly, or too awkward, too lazy, or unable to set realistic standards for themselves to ever get a girl, so they basically come here to jack off. Rain on their parade if you want, just don’t expect anyone to take you seriously. I can shit in an art gallery and claim it’s amazing, that’s my prerogative, but I have no right to complain when the staff calls the police. You get what I’m saying?

Then prove me wrong, asshat. What great wisdom do you have? Share with the class. Because I’ve seen a lot of life, and I know I’m not full of shit. Can you say the same?

I really feel like it actually really bothers a lot of people if they feel like they can't live out the scenarios movies tell them that they should be living out. If you try to dissuade someone from an illusion so that they have an actual shot at fulfillment, is that raining on their parade? Ye fuck, ye fucking bitch

The fuck are you talking about? It’s not wish fulfillment, it’s escapism. Video games are wish fulfillment, different medium.

And that doesn’t refute my point. Reproduction or fear of death. That’s it. Prove me wrong.

I've seen quite a lot too but I'm not going to measure dicks with you, and I'm not going to sit here and write out my philosophy of life for you. There's nothing meaningful with words on a screen that I can prove to you now that you wouldn't be better off learning yourself by opening your mind up to other possibilities than the ones you've already settled on. But, I do know that meaning is more valuable than pleasure and that posterity for its own sake is pointless since with enough time all culture will have disappeared. Doing the right thing is important.

what did he mean by this?

>“I feel like...”

Cool, not an argument. Half of making a movie is playing with your mind. It’s tricking you. And it’s making you like it. It’s shoving a big fat cock of illusion down your little bitch mind. Don’t like it? Tough shit, you’re puddy. Clay to be played with in the hands of the master. So buckle up, and bite the pillow.

Prove your own side first. Just because millions of other people believe something doesn't prove it, and most of those people don't even quite understand the reasoning themselves except that others have accepted it as "common knowledge". Most people are deathly afraid of questioning what's taken as "common knowledge" because they don't want to be outcast and they rely heavily on social acceptance for self respect and livelihood. Like a mental fence to keep the sheep in from wandering too far.

The point of anything is for US to decide. Only conscious beings with the ability to desire or choose can create or gives POINTS or purpose to ANYTHING. To suggest that there is a greater purpose to our existence that was decided by any force besides our own selves is kind of insane. One person stays alive for this, another for a different reason. One person finds fulfillment and meaning in life and therefore continues to live (purpose) through one way, and another through another way. It doesn't have to all be the same purpose. But, some people might find more genuine fulfillment through certain purposes, and others through less fulfilling ones.

Cool, then log off and stop measuring dicks with people, retard. Otherwise you’ve given the philosophical argument of “boo hoo I don’t like this I’m taking my ball and going home!” Yet you refuse to go home, you just sit there and whine like a bitch.

>Doing the right thing is important.

If the ‘right thing’ is actually a good thing and doesn’t hurt anyone then cool, log off and go do that. Do it, right now. Life is too short to be on the computer all the time. But you won’t. You just like complaining. Just another voice screaming into oblivion where no one cares to hear, and you’ll keep doing that until you get another mindless movie to watch that sparks the last bit of happiness that you are still able to feel.

Just remember it’s just a show. You should really just relax.

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that's inherently the danger. the REAL world is REALLY fucked up and it continues to be that way, and the illusions that people get infected and ingrained with play a large part in the choices that real people make, that have real consequences... and consequently drive people to have shittier lives and desire even deeper levels of escapism. it's fucked up and it's worth looking at if we have any hope of salvaging the real world for living in in real life rather than just waiting for the next illusion to keep us sedated

you're the one that got really pissed at me for just posing alternative viewpoints that you didn't like, dude

What is more important then?

it's not dick measuring to have disagreements. if you think that having a different point of view is inherently competitive in nature, then I don't know what to tell you

Sure, let me just pull up 4.5 BILLION FUCKING YEARS OF EVOLUTION hold on, let me lube that big ole cock for yeah, yep, there we go.

You are an animal, what you see as purpose and fulfillment are mental constructs, niceties that we tell ourselves. That we are somehow better than a dog. 15,000 years ago you would be living in a cave while some other dude fucked all your sisters. Until you hit him with a rock and do it yourself, or you die. But you don’t want to die. How will you stop this? Maybe place a handprint on a wall? Beg the wind and the rain? Maybe there’s a magic sky cake that can help!

We were in the dirt less than 2000 generations ago. Do you really think you’ve changed all that much?

Your nobility is a lie. A figment of a shattered mind that was born into a false reality that we created around you and called civilization. And every single thing that has ever been done has been to secure a mate, or to gain immortality be that an afterlife, while still on earth, or through memory, and if you claim that’s not true you aren’t just lying to the world, you are lying to yourself.

I’ll make it easy for you. Give me one example, just one, that refutes this. And I’ll give you a lesson in why you’re a fucking idiot.

You’re the one who literally called it dick measuring dude. Just going with it at this point.

all of the things which ACTUALLY bring fulfillment in life. that may vary from person to person, but it most likely will have to do with living a life that would be the most meaningful to that person. experiencing and deepening connection with other people is probably the one that is the biggest. you ask old people on their death beds what are their fondest memories and it is the connections they had with other people. not that amount of sex they had or the money they made. for other people it might be some kind of project they are inspired towards. either way, it is connecting with people, affecting the world outside of you and letting yourself be affected on the inside by it

Yeah you know man, that’s true. And? I’m mostly here for nostalgia, I haven’t been on these boards in over a decade. Seems it’s still the cancer it always was.

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Don't retreat like a little bitch user, stand up for yourself

>deepening connection with other people is probably the one that is the biggest.
If you end up with dementia it's pretty meaningless. Communicating with people keeping friends is a hard work that can be very unsatisfying. Sex can give pleasure in the moment without hardships

>implying people are worth to waist time on

Coping Incel: The Post
Life is to pass on genes. If you arent having sex to do this, chances are you arent helping pass any genes on.

4.5 billion years of evolution and, then the subsequent theories that resulted from it and about it (which have existed for

Yes you’re right. Sex is a lagging indicator. In other words if your life is good; then you’ll get good sex. Sex itself is a meaningless goal.

>we were in dirt 2k generations ago
>passing on genes is a construct
Youre very unintelligent

it can be unsatisfying, but that doesn't mean it's pointless or not rewarding. sex can give pleasure in the moment but it is no substitute for real connection. for being really honest with someone about your deepest feelings and thoughts, and having them share that with you too.

it can be really fucking hard to find the right person to do that with, or to get them to open up to you in return. but it's worth it. you won't know until you stick with it and try, and try to be brave to open up and be honest and open yourself up to having your real self be seen and known. you also give someone the power to hurt you by opening up like that, but that's just part of it. it's all worth it. life is too lonely otherwise. i think it's what a lot of us are missing.

i think we can get so monomaniacal in our pursuit of sex that we stop even pursuing real connection. and if that's happening on a huge enough scale in our society, that's really fucked up for us. we could potentially be so much more fulfilled, all of us, if we could live differently. we have that power.

>yeah dude just pop out a baby and leave it there you fulfilled your life goal nothing else is important

Technological progress is not an indicator of evolutionary progress. Biologically speaking you and I have not changed much. We stand on the shoulders of giants and blood and sweaty fucking to be here. So your argument is flawed. You got another one you wish to try?

And I don’t care if you’ve heard this a million times, apparently you need to hear it a million and one for it to stick. You and I are biological constructs. Everything you like and enjoy is chemical responses in your brain, and those chemicals are telling you to get it on, and don’t get killed. The sooner you accept that the sooner you can move on to true enlightenment of the self. Or do you want to be in chains to your own self pity the rest of your life? Wondering why “oh why am I so much smarter than everyone?! Why do I carry this burden!?” You’re not. Get out of your own way, and try to have a little fun, okay champ?

this life is all that you can be sure that you have right now. and, you are surely going to die one day. if you don't think that YOU are worth the time of having someone get to know you, then how would you feel that anybody else would be? give yourself some love user. some people are definitely a waste of time, for sure, and they don't want connection. but there are people who do and that are anything BUT a waste. but, love takes sacrifice, there's pain, there's mistakes all mixed up in it. but that's life and you can't have any of the good without the bad. you are alive now and so am i so best make the most of it, right?

Report: your planet is actively inhibiting the development of healthy, self-actualized (read: solar) masculinity, fed by the virtualization/plasticization of the female form. you are producing an intensity of desire for the idealized form, a voluptuousness of matter, that can barely be realized for even the wealthiest individuals on this planet, let alone those at the bottom of the barrel. you are killing your males, starving one half of your alchemical dyad, and wondering why the world around you is failing. certainly, the female, too, suffers as she is being fed into the archonic wood chipper, but we specifically want to talk about males here. how can a man today possibly sate himself on the universe of sexuality that the porn industry has revealed to him? he cannot, he can only stimulate his genitals to climax, he will never know these forms in their intimacy, only as they are mediated through his sex organ. you are creating a generation of men that want to fuck the void they are not. that want to spill their souls onto a kleenex, and call it a day well spent. you are planting the seeds of your own destruction.

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>ohh ah ha ha oh mmm
>I’m a man of my word

>passing on your genes is as easy as just having a baby and leaving it to die
Again, youre very unintelligent


For fuck’s sake.

so you imagine yourself truly enlightened? are you fulfilled, for real? is it working for you, honestly? if it is, then that's cool for you. I just don't think it works for a lot of people. Depression is at an all-time high right now and I'd be willing to bet it has to do with this kind of thought spreading to more and more people

man I feel like you are talking a big talk about stuff you actually don't know that much about. you've watched some discovery channel bill nye level shit and you think you know everything. the dna of each person is literally changing every day. and who cares if biologically speaking we haven't changed much. I don't even think that's wholely true. For instance people used to be a lot short 100+ years ago because of the quality of food that was available for people, is one example. wasn't your whole point that we are no different from cavemen/animals/dogs? your whole argument is resting on the supposition that all behavior is solely derived from biological differences that are major, but once you get into the realm of humans that have massively complex brains things become a lot more subtle. every time you learn or think anything your brain forms new neurons and changes slightly. there's no telling what the actual limits of the human brain are, but it's for certain that people weren't doing complex mathematics 100,000 years ago. i think you should try to read some books about this stuff my dude



>being really honest with someone about your deepest feelings and thoughts, and having them share that with you too.
To be later betrayed by them, lied and deceived? The only people worth giving a damn about are people who love you, mostly it's a family, giving unconditional love, but even they can be annoying and childish as much as they age. I see your point, but people who you may call friends now can be enemies in 10 years or just nobodies to you. People grow and change, at some point of your life you will see, with some of your "friends" you have nothing in common, all you have is a shared past and every interaction is discussing that past, maybe they want to discuss their problems and complain about life and just be judgmental on everything.
People in life are like a train passengers, we have longer roads with ones than with the others, but in the end we are just a passing strangers.

What anime did you watch that inspired this answer?

>knows hes wrong
>heh ill point out a "typo"

So your counter arguments are, ‘pre-agrarian societies didn’t know complex math no one had invented because it wasn’t needed’, ‘people feel sad’, ‘people used to be shorter’, and some weird insult about a children’s science show? Are you high or just retarded? Seriously.

Again, if these are the counter arguments you wish to make that’s fine... I mean they’re not good ones but okay I guess.

Honest question, when was the last time you actually read a book cover to cover? Specially about evolutionary biology, or history, or neuroscience? Read some actually papers on any of these subject that had been peered reviewed? Seriously. Myself? Probably about seven months ago, I’ll admit it’s been a bit.

And I’m still not hearing anything that refutes my original assessment. If you want a book recommendation I can give one about the evolution of the brain if you want, that’s some interesting shit right there.

You’re unintelligent.

There, now whine about how that’s an ad hominem attack and claim victory like the pigeon shitting on the chess board that you are.

>People in life are like a train passengers, we have longer roads with ones than with the others, but in the end we are just a passing strangers.

that's one way to look at it. or you could view the entirety of the human race as one giant family, and that your interaction with any single human will inevitably reverberate outwards like a ripple and affect the whole, potentially in some inconceivable way affecting all future interactions you may have, however infinitesimally small

sometimes you meet someone special that is worth sticking with, through all their imperfections. we are all hugely imperfect, so if someone is willing to look past your imperfections, maybe it would be worth it for you to look past theirs. maybe you haven't found a person that seems worth it yet. sometimes you have to go out on a limb. with opening yourself up, risks are involved. that's just part of it, though. as with a lot of things- no risk, no reward.

Report: the ingenuity of archons has engineered the universe to be the ultimate ontological finger-trap. they have made a universe where the emission of the vital energies contained in semen is experienced as exceedingly pleasurable. we have no problem with procreation, though we do believe sexuation is a sign of your fallenness, nevertheless there is nothing sinful about two halves of the androgyne making love to each other. but there is something sinful about emitting your seed, continuously and without regret. will you be punished by some external moral authority for it? no. the depletion of your vitality is, itself, the punishment. this is what your species has so much difficulty understanding: the punishment is derived from the action, it is not applied arbitrarily afterwards. again, the buddha: you are not punished for your anger, but by your anger. no, you do not deserve it. you have squandered your gifts. you have made a religion of the little death. you want to fuck and eat your planet to the bone. the conscious among you will be saved, the rest will be fed to Kali. what is Kali? is she some titanic female who will be stomping through your cities in the decades to come, screaming retribution? Not at all. Kali is nothing but the Hangover of the Kali Yuga/Iron Age. all parties must come to an end, the Sun will rise, sooner or later, on every scene of desolation and squalor, whether you want it to or not.

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you never answered me if you were actually an enlightened being and found authentic lasting fulfillment

I've read my fair share of books about or relating to these topics, but with science you can get into dangerous territory of accepting other people's conclusions as your own without viewing the whole picture of existence on equal footing. life is so much more complex than surviving and fucking and I don't even need to prove it to you because this conversation we are having right now is proof enough. this conversation will in no way affect either of our likelihood to survive or have sex and yet we continue with it because each of us cares about something so immaterial such as what is the ultimate truth

Alright we’ll while you type up your thesis I’m sure we’re all just dying to read, I recommend The Origin of Mind by David C. Geary as a starting point then I suggest you do a real deep dive into concepts like free will and evolution of what we consider ‘humanity’.

My render from AVID is done so I’m going to go home and have sex with my wife, but this was fun guys, I’ll check back in in another decade to see how much more of a train wreck this place is.

Oh who was I? Nobody. Just one of the fuckers that gets paid to play with your mind all day and make movies. It’s true what they say, Hollywood is a shithole. If you move here move to Glendale or Burbank. Alright you crazy fuckers, be good to each other and stay off the 405.


desu i don't watch anime, can't get into it

Its not an adhom, youve only further displayed your lack of intellect by calling it one. That was merely an insult.

I do have best friend, but I also cut off s lot of people who want to be my "friends'' if I don't feel connection and don't like their personality keeping a friendship because we are a part of a "giant family" seems stupid, pointless and exhausting. Sex is straightforward, it is what it is

I can tell if you start you will enjoy it

you're right, it is straightforward. it's a mechanical action. anybody can do it. it doesn't require any emotional investment whatsoever. a person with zero emotions can have sex just fine. trying to connect with people in a deep authentic way is infinitely more complex. but, just the same, is also infinitely more rewarding. when you get to a point in your life where you realize connection is what you really want and not sex, sex tends to become a lot more boring and can be even sickening at times. maybe you aren't bored of it yet

i'm not saying you have to keep and maintain every single friendship forever and ever. i'm just saying, it's awfully cynical to think of ourselves as ultimately forever apart from each other. the level of apart that we are i think comes down to how deeply we are willing to be connected, or to try to connect. that in itself can become exhausting, but I don't think there's a more rewarding feeling. that's when your aloneness feels like it is truly destroyed. even if only temporarily sometimes.

did you write this?

Don’t use that cringey ass sky cake shit. Makes you sound like a fedora tipper, even if you are correct.

>even if only temporarily sometimes.
Exactly, it's same illusion as sex, but needs more devotion

I don't think connection is an illusion at all. I don't think a true sense of belonging is either. I think the real illusion, the point of this thread, is the belief that sex in and of itself provides connection, when in reality it is only a symbol that people have begun to equate with connection. Connection can be experienced through sex, or without it - but sex can also be experienced without connection. So many now pursue the symbol instead of connection itself, and then that has morphed into sex for its own sake.

I think real connection is ultimately the least fake thing in the world, because nothing else makes us feel more alive, or more happy to be alive, in a lasting way