Any movies about finally committing to self improvement?

Any movies about finally committing to self improvement?

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I have debt worth almost my entire annual income.
How do you suggest I dig myself out of that?


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>stay humble
Might as well quit now. "Humble" people rarely achieve leadership positions, or anything that makes real money.

unironically this.

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start by learning math

just be yourself

Start paying it off

the only one that matters is Rocky

I do that every month. Simply cannot get ahead.

just lift bro

>Just be better 4head

The Spectacular Now comes to mind. A movie about a high school burnout getting his shit together with an empowering ending

Why would you possibly get into that much debt? Do you at least have some cool ass shit to show for it?


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Theres a difference between humility and timidity, stupid.

>just b urself bruh

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Movies are always about geeks who temporarily become chads, but then lose all their geek friends as they sell their souls to chad-dom, but then change their mind and become geeks again.

Its all kike bullshit, we should all aspire to Chad-dom.

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>you quit before you even start and expect things to get better
It's a battle. It's a war. Nothing will come of nothing, speak again.

I dropped out of school at 14 cause of abusive parents, lied about GCSEs, went to sixth form and got 4A*. Applied to Oxford, rejected after interview, requested why and they refused, foi requested it and was literally just GCSEs my scores in everything else were well above average. Not a total meme cause still at a decent university but really there wasn't much point of working hard.

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Taxi Driver


kys fucking normie

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Chad isnt something you become, it's something you're born as. All your striving will never compare with the grace in motion that is the natural Chad.

You can become more manly. You can become less cringy. But you will NEVER be a chad.

>Lost job
>Car accident
>Investments tanked
>Living expenses
>Tax bill due to former employer's fuck up
I was just trying to get by through some tough times and it just kept going from bad to worse.

Taxi Driver

>I dropped out of school at 14 cause of abusive parents, lied about GCSEs, went to sixth form and got 4A*. Applied to Oxford, rejected after interview, requested why and they refused, foi requested it and was literally just GCSEs my scores in everything else were well above average. Not a total meme cause still at a decent university but really there wasn't much point of working hard.
Next time, show up wearing a yarmulke

You're fucking dumb as shit, no wonder you're a loser.

>self defeating thoughts
>convinced himself he will never improve no matter what
Some people love misery. As long as you keep that mind set you will never amount to anything. ANYTHING.

This is all dumb vague stuff but the 'remove negative people' is one thing I'd recommend
Had some friends who were extremely bitter edgy suicidal incels and my life improved when I stopped talking to them and started hanging out more with my normalfag friends
Even Yea Forums counts I'm sure. If you're here all day and consider this to be an important part of your life I'm sure you're miserable as fuck

He means 500% of your current effort towards your goal.
Since 5 x 0 = 0 you actually don't need to do anything at all to see improvement.

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This is true and it stings. The only cope I have is that in old age and death, I will lose so much less than Chad

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Speak to your bank and highlight that you can't pay. They are legally required to draw up a payment plan or otherwise declare bankruptcy.

This is true, but there is something to be said for the man who is born beta and becomes as close to a chad as he can be.

Oxford isn't Jewish lol, most people there were insanely posh but they don't give a shit about that. Looking back on it I was a real brainlet for not mentioning extenuating circumstances as a reason for shit GCSEs, thought my parents were normal until I left home

Oh fuck yes. I'm not saying dont try. Improve yourself as much as you can, become as great as you humanly can, go all out. But no matter how far you come, you'll never be the same as a N.B.C (natural born Chad). That doesnt mean you cant improve yourself a fucking shitload though

>otherwise declare bankruptcy.
Legitimately considering this. Looking at other options first. Doesn't help part of my debt is owed to the government and despite not being my doing they told me to "fuck you, pay me" and referred me off to another department in regards to getting my former employer to pay what's owed.

Stop drinking
Stop smoking
Go to bed early
Wake up early
Eat vegetables
Don't drink sodas
Stay hydrated
Find a job you enjoy
Don't spend money frivolously

>I didn't get into Oxford. My life is over!!

Man up, gaylord. I went to a shitty former-polytechnic and now work with people who got firsts from Oxbridge.

It matters where you go for your PhD but the main factor in getting anywhere is hard work.

who said anything about expecting things to get better
of course things arent going to get better
but they're not going to get better either way, you're just wasting your time

Youd make a great slave. Excellent, in fact.

Not saying that at all I want to be a teacher so it won't effect be at all. If it was a normal rejection wouldn't care, but rejected for GCSEs (wasn't interview, test, a levels) cause suicidal at the time stings

work for one year

Sweet. Can you just cover my rent and living expenses? I'll pay you back, bro.

Chad is just a spook, a ligament preventing you from ascension

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>part of my debt is owed to the government

This is good. You should have a free legal advice charity/service where you live who can guide you through the process.

The key thing to do is actually tell everyone that you are struggling to keep your head above the water. By doing this you will have made them fully aware that not a court in the land will side with them should it come to it.

>all these defeatist incels
yikes, just live positively

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Thanks for this. Any other advice on dealing with crippling debt? Need all the tips I can get.

Funny. I actually run a debt consolidation service, but it's all a scam. Otherwise, I'd pro bono you for being a fa/tv/irgin

just move in with your parents lol

>just a spook
I've seen him

>remove negative people
>stay humble

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>I actually run a debt consolidation service, but it's all a scam.
What's the viable alternative?

Live as cheaply as possible and make the largest payments you can afford. What else can we say?