What are your expectations for the upcoming 1984 film?

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I expect it to be poorly written and poorly acted, as well as poorly directed.

>poorly written
orwell himself gave the producers his blessing you faggot

Fuck off

Trump is an English socialist?

Deep state establishment with no oversight taps controls all forms of information through censorship, propaganda, and backdoors. Redditors watch the flick but are surprised to find it in keeping with their visions of Utopia.

I expect it to miss the point of the book in favor for propaganda purposes. It doesn’t matter if gaywell got paid endorsed the producers.

It was not supposed to be a documentary

From beyond the grave?

This desu.

Holy fuck, rekt.

I suspect that the group that is very literally trying to "redefine masculinity" will lack the self-awareness to properly write the Ministry of Truth.

search 1984 on google

they’ve been trying to put together a proper 1984 adaptation since the 40s you retard

And there was an adaptation, released in 1984, with John Hurt. Saying "orwell himself gave the producers his blessing" is dishonest and doesn't reflect on the quality of the writing at all.

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Why would even make a movie like that if China already exist?

oblivious jewood propaganda

It completely misses the point while adding in topical stuff that immediately dates it

any mentions of communism will be replaced with fascism

Exactly this is why they are going to do it. Plus all the social media censorship and all the data collecting in the internet in general.

"It's more relevant now than ever". They will say.

Because they've never read the book and are acting off either instructions of someone with money or general hysteria

Please dont talk shit about Zognald lads, he's only doing whats best for our greatest ally like any patriotic America should.

literally this

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>What are your expectations for the upcoming 1984 film?

It will be blacked, the female lead will have a relationship with a negro. Big Brother will actually be Ice Cube, and it will have action sequences, explosions, and then females will revolt and take over and everybody will enjoy "The future is female" socialism.

>libshits: living under trump is like 1984!
>also libshits: the government should be able to decide what language is acceptable
>not seeing the irony in this

>completely misses the point
>any mentions of communism will be replaced with fascism
You do know 1984 is about extreme left and right, both communism and fascism.
You do know that Orwell was a communist and fought for communism in the Spanish Civil War, right.

>big brother will be Ice Cube

>It's more relevant now than ever
As I was looking this movie up (which is surprisingly difficult, there's very little info on it), I came across an article that used this phrase verbatim. I'll frankly be shocked if they're still willing to translate the anti-communist themes, though.

Cant wait

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implying your shitpost is not closer to the truth than any other post here.

>George Orwell's 1984 feels as — if not more — relevant than ever, and it looks like it may soon be adapted into a new movie. Deadline reports that there are early discussions at Sony Pictures to have Bourne Supremacy and Bourne Ultimatum director Paul Greengrass take on the adaption of Orwell's dystopian novel. Greengrass is supposed to be working on another Bourne film with Matt Damon soon, however, so it's not clear exactly when 1984 would start moving closer to the screen.

>With revelations continuing to come out about government surveillance, George Orwell's 1984 really does feel as apt as ever, which may speak to the new interest in it. Deadline reports that this would be the first remake of 1984 since the year 1984, and it certainly seems odd that Hollywood has managed to leave such an iconic story alone for so long.

So Paul Greengrass will be the director as it seems. And Olivia Wilde will be in it. Possible interpreting Julia.

This the best movie about 1984 not written by George Orwell.
And its funny too

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