When will we finally get peak WW2 kino?

When will we finally get peak WW2 kino?

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>he hasn’t seen inglorious basterds

That's boring after the first 20 minutes.

But they already made fury famalam


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>what is Das Boot

>hasnt watched generation war

The scene where they go to the party is fucking hilarious and that was late in the movie iirc.


Panzer IV? More like Panzer bore lmao

>When will we finally get peak WW2 kino?
We already got it.

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Hilarious being the problem.

>tfw they'll never make a Das Boot with a tank instead of a sub

That movie was retarded

Saving private Ryan is unironically the closest we'll get, in the modern era any Germans will be instantly portrayed at comically evil
>if you ever see Rommel, he'll be an incompetent puppy rapist
>feels bad man


war bad

kind of

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>that fuck Hitler scene

Just depends on which nation, theatre and service is your favorite.

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I've seen it. It was kinda poor desu

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I've seen it when I was a kid, maybe I wouldn't like it today, but I remember there were lots of scenes inside the tank.

2139-46 when every respective nation will produce at least one film account of the war. Solchan will debate over whether the Brazilian or Thai account was best, Weibo will declare the UN sanctioned version as best.

The World at War has already been made

WW2 is over lads! Germany will never recover from this.

Germany actually did make a movie on this, to my knowledge. I don't remember its name, though.

Tarantinos worst movie and the only time I've ever had to stop watching and returned a movie back to the store, because the cringy jewish power fantasy shit was unbearable. Christoph Waltz acting was really good I'll admit that.

Maybe, but it definitely isn't such a timeless masterpiece as Das Boot. I just remembered that Russians also made a tank movie recently and it had a shitload of CGI and was bad too. So I guess tank kino is never going to be a thing...

This. I just cannot understand why do people like that movie so much. It was shit maybe with the exception of first few scenes and Waltz's acting.

Basically the TDKR of Tarantino lol

It's already been made:

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>Konev openly boasted of his killing of thousands of German prisoners of war: "The cavalry finally finished them off. 'We let the Cossacks cut up as long as they wished. They even hacked off the hands of those who raised them to surrender' the Marshal recounted with a smile."

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>Pajeet in a nazi uniform
My sides

Any movies with this theme?

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hitler didn't have blue eyes...

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Off the top of my head
Cross of Iron
Battle of the Bulge
Where Eagles Dare
Schindler's List

Then why did Mengele want to create perfect brown boys with blue eyes?

Wasn't Rommel a good guy in Valkyrie?

Does this count, or does it have to be live-action? youtube.com/watch?v=NxnpH1l5oO8

>panzer iv
garbage tank for a garbage nation

patrician tank coming through, krautniggers need not apply

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wehraboos on pooicide watch

Yeah but he gets a pass because there's tons of evidence that he was actually one
That and Himmler killed him as a scapegoat for the whole Hitler assassination thing

>even their tanks look like mutts

And now Russia is the worlds whorehouse with the highest rate of suicide, heroin addicts, alcoholics, main producer of cp and HIV positive rate on the same level of sub-saharan Africa. I think the buddhist were right about that whole karma thing. It all comes back to you.

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>tfw no comfy Tiger driving

>still no piece of media in existence where the soviets are portrayed as comically evil
why are commies so comically based

>HIV positive rate on the same level of sub-saharan Africa.

Nice try umbongo, no one is buying your shit.


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watch beliy tigr'


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kraut "men"

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Literally the only example you will come up with.

Remember kids
Communists are the good guys

The outcome of the war sums it up pretty well wehraboo, you faggots lost get over it

>polacks being this butthurt

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Pic related.

Go shoot up some krododil and kill yourself, pidorashka.

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Very good film, I have the dvd

>unironically thinking shitty german tanks are better than allied ubermensch tanks
>m-muh tigers!

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For me, I want to see a movie about Operation Mercury

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Tarantino movies have tons of funny scenes, the fuck are you on about?

>(((they))) will never make true kino

>*Himmler screaming into SS barrack*
>"Dirlewanger, in my office. NOW!
>Your actions in the east have the führer breathing down my fucking neck
>You are a loose canon, but GOD DAMN YOU BRING RESULTS" *slams fist on table*
>*bullet cases and knives collide*
>"You are a good soldier, but Hitler wants his way
>Hand over your bagde and luger
>And your other luger
>And your other bagde
>You are off the front, report back to me in berlin"
>*Wanger speaking*
>"Give me 3 months and I have every partisan from here to moscow either in chains or dead"
>*Himmler turns around to light a fag*
>*takes a short pull and blows smoke at the window*
>*SS man enters office and hands himmler a note*
>"The kcazinksrecz village just got raided by another bolshevik partisan group"
>*Himmer turns around and yells*
>"In GERMAN, god damnit"
>*SS man rolls eyes*
>"Yet another communist uprising in poland, sir"
>*Himmler flicks the cigarette and faces Wanger*
>"You have 2 weeks, I am giving you a new parter. Name is Berger, he does the job by the book.
>Now get out of my office and take your stupid hat with you"

Not him but that movie made a satire of both sides at the same time, so just look who's unable to take a joke and you know who you argue with. I personally loved those goofy scenes, it gave soul to the movie.


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still at it, huh

stay obsessed with nazi germany, your gf wont come back from the germanic BVLL

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imagine being so obsessed to save these on your PC

This scene was Jackass tier sense of humour, it was out of place.

When they make a proper battle of Kursk movie.

>He truly thinks I'm from Pooland
Lmao these braindead ass krauts.

I get them from the archives silly

shut up, spic

Cossacks were based.
Shame they were all Gulag’d

Honestly I could care less where your sorry ass is from, you are doing the one poles work.

for me, it's the jumbo

>I get them from the archives silly
what ?

Listen here, cowboy. Claiming your babby tanx could hold a candle to the Chad Panzer just makes you look like an idiot 'kay?

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found the WT babby

Cossacks were based. The ones that joined the Red Army weren't though.

Since when is based to act like beasts with no soul? No better than fucking chinks


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men of war actually

that thing was unkillable

>Why yes, I am a tankie. How could you tell?

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Americans worship war crimes for some reason, don't bother to argue.

>Do you want a total war ?
Lmao krauts

it's the same in every videogame
fucking mutt handholding

>dies from panzer III shell to the side
>dies from mine
>dies from panzerschreck
user are you ok ?

>If you don't jerk off to my retarded ass german nigger shit you must be a commie
Oh boy another basket case kraut retard.

Worked for the Mongols.

>No we shouldn't show them how wrong war crimes are we should do exactly as they do!
>If you don't jerk off to my retarded ass commie nigger shit you must be a german!

I’m not referring to any one scene, I’m saying Tarantino movies are always pretty humorous and Inglorious Basterds was no exception

Yes, he did
Numerous accounts mention how people were fascinated by them

Tankies are really up there with furries in being the worst, most obnoxious community on the internet.

I want a movie following the Hungarian army, which was encircled and fought through the Soviet lines so they could surrender to the allies rather than the commies.

storm niggers are just as bad. muh nazis dindu nuffin autism is just the worst

And /pol/

Oh boy are you one of those retards who whines about two nuclear bombs too?
You reap what you sow retard
Stick to chinese cartoons you
raging homo

>all this whataboutism as soon as soviet war crimes are uncovered
every. single. time.

>fought through some russians to surrender
Kek. Never heard of the Czechoslovak Legion?

I don't get it, why would Hitler have any problem with Dirlewanger's methods?

>massive strawmanning as soon as he is called out

The Czechoslovak Legion wasn't trying to surrender. They were trying to reach America but the Bolsheviks weren't nearly as organized or massive as the Red Army was in 1945. Still would make for a great film tho.

>german tanks so shit that even the frogs didnt want them post war
>american tanks still being used by the kikes nearly 30 years later to btfo camelfucker t-54/55s

Everyone and their mothers has.


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this is your mind on krokodil aids

>bombing military facilities are war crimes
>actually warning them to evacuate days before through leaflet bombing are war crimes
>raping civilians after the war is finished isn't war crimes!
hmmmm yeah tankie logic so logical

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>oy vey remember bubi destroying the 6 million bread factories

He's talking about old shermans being used to fuck up Syrian tanks by the israelis.

Whoooooo cares

While the western Allies weren’t perfect and did commit their share of war crimes themselves they clearly conducted themselves much better than the Nazis did. They never had an Einsatzgruppen equivalent or have insane death rates among their POWs like the Soviet prisoners had in German POW camps. They were even had brutal programs before the war like Aktion T4, I find it silly to suggest that ones life would’ve been better under a military dictatorship

Replace Dirlewanger with Rommel and you have pretty much what happened IRL lol

Insubordination probably, since his regiment consisted mostly of convicts and thugs

>You are a loose canon

Hitler was Rommel's biggest fan though
It was Halder and the rest of the okh merry band who wanted him to do shit by the book

Insubordination resulting in killing and raping 'people' in occupied territories? Hitler couldn't care less.

I'm not suggesting g*rms were good guys in any way. I'm just saying that given the circumstances, the Soviets could have avoided much of the wankery like what the tankie was posting.

He literally wrote a book on how it turned out to be a good tactic during WW1 and later in his WW2 escapades.

Partially true. Hitler was a fan of him until some point, later on he stopped caring and only kept Rommel up in the propaganda.

I agree which is why I said western allies.

im not sure soviet prisoners had insane death rates in german pow camps

his brutality reportedly only boosted resistance moral

The war in the Pacific was just as brutal you brainlet difference being that those tiny ass Islands were not home to major population centres.
Put the guys who were in Guadalcanal as MP in some Japanese city and guess what would happen.

>It is estimated that at least 3.3 million Soviet POWs died in Nazi custody, out of 5.7 million. This figure represents a total of 57% of all Soviet POWs and may be contrasted with 8,300 out of 231,000 British and U.S. prisoners, or 3.6%.

Yeah, when he was deep into denial about the entire war situation and couldn't keep his mental illnesses and paranoia in check anymore
By this point he didn't even shake hands with any general anymore, Rommel was simply no exception.

>TV said this was kino
>20 minutes in
>Still first scene

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Whatever helps you sleep at night tankie

Yeah, that might be because USSR was pouring millions of dollars into Hollywood every year for nearly six decades.

Why do you always ruin the threads with political bullshit anons ?

So the Soviets funded Red Dawn and Hunt for Red October?
It almost makes too much sense!

>everything is the same lol
Yeah please tell us more about the large scale looting and raping of japs encouraged by the brutal invasion and large scale murder and pillaging of their homecountry, huge disparities in standard of living, political commissars and propaganda in the american army lmao

WW2 threads are simply not possible on this board anymore. All the NEETSoc and tankie retards come out the woodwork

>i don’t know what total war means

Because there is an endless supply of edgy illiterate 14 years old who want to defend commies or nazis atrocities with terrible whataboutisms.

what the heck guys

If the USA conducted a land invasion of Japan and fought for every inch the aftermath would be that Japan would be a wiped out mutt nation such as the Philippines once these guys were done

>Japanese were not portrayed as subhuman monkeys by US propaganda

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>I greentext shit because it makes me sound smart
Yeah I'm sure when Goebbels said 'total war' he simply meant it in economic terms lmao

>tank submerges
>starts filling with water and the crew drowns in 5 mins
>watch bubbles rising for 80mins
shit movie tbqhmn

COPE butthurt weebs

>No I feel no sorrow or remorse for whatever small role I played. That I should is crazy. I remember Pearl Harbor and all of the Japanese atrocities. I remember the shock to our nation that all of this brought. I don't want to hear any discussion of morality.

>Japanese were not portrayed as subhuman monkeys by US propaganda
I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about
Compare soviet and American propaganda, if you're not a complete illiterate retard.
American propaganda will insist on standard shit, fighting for your country, don't forget the japs, etc...
Soviet propaganda is an endless repeat of 'kill all germans, gut the fuckers in their sleep, murder their children like they murdered yours', posters, articles and radio messages with orphaned daughters begging their 'dads' to avenge them by killing krauts, etc.
It's just on a completely different level and you really have to be a first class mongoloid to argue otherwise.

That's not funny, man.

>waaaah those evil baddies they killed 2000 soldiers bombing a legitimate military target
>this justifies vaporizing 100000 civilians

Would watch tbqh

Cut the crap moron

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the guy you are talking you is actually mentally ill. he makes there arguements in every thread about anything vaguely ww2. His next arguement is "but those babies would have grown up to be nazis"

Is there anything more retarded than wannabe moralfags having an opinion about nuclear bombing...
Would you have preferred a large scale invasion of mainland Japan with the jap army using their own civilian as meatshields the entire time, like they did in Okinawa and on other populated islands?

>hiroshima wasn't a military target

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One side had to have been worse though. The nazi or Soviet defenders havent done enough reading but the centrists have done no reading.

Yeah that's exactly what I'm talking about, you have really no idea how tame this is compared to soviet propaganda.
Especially considering that soviet propaganda had, you know, a ton of large scale atrocities in stock to inspire an endless righteous vengeance feeling.
Pearl harbor and jap caricatures are nothing in emotional intensity compared to that.

>we make this civilian city full of civilians our target so it's now a military target

now tell me how many german POW's died in soviet POW camps during and even after the war.

Yes it was mostly about how Germany didn’t even switch to a full war economy before that.

Americans didn't experience war so the propaganda was less livid. How is this so hard to understand?

inb4 assblasted americans

SPR was practically a parody of old timey war movies. Every character was a sappy cliche, every action scene was contrived and ridiculous.

Only the Liberation series, When Trumpets Fade, and Kelly's Heroes remain flawless WW2 kino.

fucking based
screen with infantry retard

Sure, g*rms started and had an explicit extermination and exploitation policy in the east, so they were 'worse'
Doesn't justify anything though, if there's anything worse than centrists, it's morons who want to excuse war crimes because 'what about others'.

No. Read the fucking speech. That's not what Goebbels is talking about.

That panzer III hidden in a barn doesnt give a shit about your infantry after he hit the ammo rack

But user,we do have it

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It's not but that's not the point you moron, you were the one telling us that Americans from Guadalcanal would be exterminating japs like there was no tomorrow if they occupied Japan. I'm trying very patiently to explain to you that probably not.

leave America to me

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As much as love American country folk, I was an exchange student in North Dakota 8 years ago, I still believe America needs to die. Go fuck yourself.

Axis4life my dudes

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So we should absolutely be prideful of war crimes like wehraboos kiddies
>Axis4life my dudes

>According to Richard Overy, Russian sources maintain that 356,000 out of 2,388,000 POWs died in Soviet captivity.[10] In his revised Russian language edition of Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses, Krivosheev put the number of German military POWs at 2,733,739 and dead at 381,067 (356,700 German nationals and 24,367 from other nations)[11] However, Soviet era sources are disputed by historians in the west who estimate 3.0 million German POWs were taken by the USSR and up to 1.0 million died in Soviet captivity.[5] Waitman Wade Beorn, maintains that 35.8% of German POWs died in Soviet custody,[12] which is supported by other academic works.

381,067 out of 2,733,739

What you responded to was my first post in this thread.

but americans do it all the time

It literally just so happens that I listened to the original speech yesterday so you can fuck right off. And don't try to tell a German what German words mean now.

I'm not an amerilard
I'm actually Russian

>wehraboo being a historylet

not a surprise

When Pedowood finally understands that America was the bad guy and Germany only fought to defend themselves

Yeah those Sherman tanks sure were good at being distractions while the airforce did the real work. The Sherman was such a shit late war tank that tactical doctrine simply acknowledged that their role was to get shot up and take fire while tank destroyers knocked out German tanks.

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>h-he doesnt agree with me
>must be a wehraboo

i stopped it 10 minutes in because it felt like a youtube parody video; movie was a piece of shit

>factories aren't military targets
>active docks & shipyards aren't military targets
>2nd army headquarters isn't a military target
>5th army headquarters isn't a military target
>relay system for defence of southern japan isn't a military target
>this is what weebs actually believe

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>I just so happen
What a coincidence
>also I'm kraut so I'm right and ur wrong
lmao right
Please tells more about this boring economic speech where Goebbels simply tells germans they will redirect the economy to war production lmao nothing more to see or hear, that's just what total war means after all :^)
Fucking retard.

>Germany only fought to defend themselves
>invade Russia
>invade Yugoslavia
>invade Czechoslovakia
>invade Luxembourg
>invade Denmark
>invade Norway
>invade Belgium
>invade the Netherlands
but it was all in self defense right?

Then shut the fuck up instead of moving goalposts you didnt' know existed.

>What a coincidence
It's true though.

Why don't you give me a good example where Goebbels says we need to commit war crimes? After all I can't prove a negative to you. The speech was mostly about how nobody should be lazy and we need to produce more stuff.

You were the one who said that warcrimes are a-okay aslong as you win. Personally, like most people, I despise killing civillians thats why I hate the US.

Total war speech was in 1943 to prepare Germans to keep fighting despite they no longer had any chance of victory.

they all had it coming

Yes, defending from Brittany to Volga.

maybe they shouldn't have joined Poland in its war of aggression

>this nigger doesnt know that those countries (all but russia) were invaded to build a defense around the kernland such as probihiting an english landing in norway or denkmark


Why are you so upset? I agree with you. I just brought your point to a more understandable explanation. When writing we should try our best to make our ideas as easy to catch as possible. Put some work into developing that skill.

Most the countries I listed were neutral brainlet.
>that those countries (all but russia) were invaded to build a defense around the kernland
They weren't retard again most were neutral.

>muh air force

its almost like combined arms is an essential part of modern warfare.

25 shermans for 200 kraut shitheaps seems like a worthwhile trade for them getting "shot up"

>ask Poland for a tiny strip of the land they illegally got at the end of the last war so you can at least get to your exclave properly
>instead they raid one of your radio stations
>this somehow makes you the bad guy

>compares red army vanguard on the Volga to jewish death squads coming for Germany
>talks about Jewish world revolution led by soviet army
>talks about famine, terror and anarchy under Jewish dictatorship, where true germans and intellectuals would be exterminated should the soviet win
B-but it's just the economy guys he totally doesn't encourage war crimes or anything...

>implying its a good idea to wait for the enemy to invade a neutral country THAT IS RIGHT NEXT TO YOUR OWN

>give me a good example where Goebbels says we need to commit war crimes?
His diary has a lot of references to the treatment of the Jews for example:
>[...] Therefore one must liquidate the Jewish danger, cost it what it will. Given how few Jews can in reality adjust themselves to Western European life, one sees that, where they are led back into the ghetto, they quickly revert to form. West European civilization represents only an external coat of paint to them. There is also the Jewish essence, which works with a dangerous brutality and vindictiveness. Therefore the Führer does not at all wish that the Jews should be evacuated ["evakuiert"] to Siberia. There, under the harshest living conditions, they would undoubtedly develop again a strong life-element. [...]

not to mention the entire doctrine of the US was about outproducing the Germans
it doesn't matter how geniusly engineered your tank is if you can't maintain it or don't have the resources to build it while US factories shit out 20 Shermans in the same time

Put some work into not being a passive aggressive bitch guilty of the exact thing you pretend to denounce then, you retard.

>it doesn't matter how geniusly engineered your tank is
Panzers were shit tier.

lol dude just buy another country
here have Reichsmark while I rape your country, kraut xD

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I'm not passive aggressive, just offering some advice. In this situation you were like an invalid in a wheelchair and I as an able bodied person helped you by holding a door open. You should be thanking me, not swearing because I made you feel small. I'm glad to continue helping--I know you need it--but others might not be so kind in the future. You could do well with a change in attitude. After all, you attract more bees with honey than vinegar.

No need to refer to his diary or the thousand other speeches where he explicutly says shit like that since he already does in the 'total war' speech, which the other moron is denying.

uh, now what?

He even said, pretty much at the start, "Ich gebe meiner festen Überzeugung Ausdruck, daß wir die bolschewistische Gefahr auf die Dauer nur niederringen können, wenn wir ihr, wenn auch nicht mit gleichen, so doch mit gleichwertigen Methoden entgegentreten."

This roughly translates as: we need to face the bolshevist threat not with equal measures (as in, we don't want to be as gruesome as them) but with measures that are equally effective.

>In this situation you were like an invalid in a wheelchair and I as an able bodied person helped you by holding a door open.
>I'm not passive aggreissive
Go fuck yourself dumb nigger

I never said that, and I couldn't agree with you more.
Everyone committed war crimes, it's war after all, it's just tankies being overly autistic and kiddie like that they cannot see the irony of them acting like literal wehraboos.

you sound like a fag

>I read the first sentence and I can translate it
Great, now you can move forward down the line and get to the juicy parts I mentioned.

This isn't going to get you anywhere. Besides, there's nothing wrong with an invalid that can learn to walk. Read more, try to relax, and you'll be able to engage more clearly. These discussions are for learning, not mudslinging. The fact you're engaging in this thread proves you have some interest in learning. That's great!

>blablabla, I still have nothing to say but I must make it as pompous as possible
the other guy is right, you sound like a fag.

We all know it's still you. It seems you're getting worse. Why?

All you've proven is that the Nazis thought the Bolsheviks were responsible for famine and terror (which they were, see: Holodomor) and that they were Jewish (which they were until Stalin purged just about everyone)

As of now you didn't provide a single shred of evidence that Goebbels encourages war crimes, and I doubt you ever will.

When they make a movie about Bubi Hartmann.

Always nice to be lectured on open mindedness by a faggot so deep up his own ass
When you get your head out of it maybe you can realize what a faggoty hypocrite you are

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Why are you so upset? Did you come here to learn and understand or tally up winnings? I hope you reflect on what I've said and find some peace.

cool shitposting thread, have some actual interest reading about the staggering difference between US and Japanese ship production

hahahahahaha its like watching retards mudwrestle

Let me re-direct you to the post I was originally replying to >I feel no remorse
Dont give me that pacifist shit, because you're talking to one.

>guys guys repeating over and over than soviets are Jewish subhumans that want nothing but to kill you, your children, your lifestyle, your country, your mother, your neighbors, your work, your life will never encourage war crimes because he didn't say 'commit war crimes' lmao
>also Goebbels was a good boy who didn't want no war crimes
there really isn't nothing worse than talking to wehraboos

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No, I came here to argue with illiterate morons like you and insult their mothers

there is literally nothing worse than talking to people who move goalposts because they realized they argued themselves into a corner

fuck off retard

Ok cool
What is that supposed to show, that 'kill japs' is as effective and dehumanizing as non stop proganda to people who lost friends and family under german occupation in a totalitarian state that was ravaged by another totalitarian state?

It's like a broken record, terrible. You should read up on the Trivium, basic understanding of the liberal arts (logic, rhetoric, grammar, etc.) are going to help you from falling into your own pitfalls in the future. You can start with How To Read a Book by Mortimer Adler and The Trivium by Miriam Joseph. Be sure not to get the edition of the Trivium with the orange cover though, it's been ruined by the publisher. Happy reading!

>moving goalposts
You are the one retard claiming that Goebbels speech about total war is innocently purely economic
I try to make you see the obvious, that from the nazi perspective this was a literal race war, and that the term total war in that context is anything but purely economic, by directly telling you what the fucking speech contains and you accuse me of moving goalposts?

Go ahead

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That one SW episode was already enough of him.

I'm not a """"""pacifist"""""" or a """"""""centrist""""""""", I believe Soviets and Americans were entirely justified in their war. Keeping yourself in the moral high ground is absolutely and extremely necessary though, even if it might sound cheesy, it's what keeps you from associating with the likes of G*rms who massacred unarmed civilians and prisoners and feel prideful about it.
Because then you devolve into "might makes right" and "history is written by the victors" then you're literally and figuratively not better than a 14 year old wehraboo.

>blablabla still sounding like a pompous retard because I still have nothing of value to say
If you want to lecture anyone about proper rhetorics, do it to any of the dishonest propagandist or illiterate retards itt
You pick me because I tell you to go fuck yourself, but you aren't able to pick at anything I say because under the insults, it is proper rhetoric.
Again, go be a pompous faggot elsewhere, you are boring.

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You know, if you have a point, you'd better make it yourself because I really don't what these images are trying to say in relation to my posts.

>You are the one retard claiming that Goebbels speech about total war is innocently purely economic
I said "mostly".

>I try to make you see the obvious, that from the nazi perspective this was a literal race war
Okay, so what? It's not unusual that opposing forces in a war hate each other. War crimes are not unusual either. But let me remind you again that it was you who tried to make a point that war crimes are "based".

You have yet to provide any evidence that Goebbels encouraged war crimes in his total war speech.

Are you still going?

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It was already made:


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>But let me remind you again that it was you who tried to make a point that war crimes are "based".
What the fuck?!

So... what are some WW2 kinos?

Your post:
In reply to:
>Since when is based to act like beasts with no soul? No better than fucking chinks
in reply to:

Sabaton is the reddit of metal

I am one of the Germans you hate so much, but I believe that eye for an eye makes the world go blind hence killing innocents to feed your bloodlust is despicable, user.
I like how you put that in quotes. How dare people think that murder/torture is a bad thing.

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Sorry I forgot to reply to this post

I want a movie about the Ploesti raid.
>Allies want to take out the Ploesti oil production.
>Come up with a plan to use B-24s going in low to avoid radar, and in complete radio silence.
>Planes take off and immediately get disorganize and can't fix it due to radio silence.
>Germans immediately learn what's going on.
>B-24s start arriving over Ploesti.
>German commander unleashes his secret weapon. A train with flak guns.
>B-24s flying along the railway have a shoot out with the Train.
>Two separate B-24 groups come in from opposite directions
>By sheer luck they pass by each other without crashing into each other.
>Germans think this was some magnificent display of coordination.
>Despite the damage the oil field is soon back to full production rendering the whole raid pointless.

Attached: Ploesti raid.webm (640x480, 2.47M)

My first post is this one
The tard before can say what he likes about war crimes I didn't bother reading it. I'm just here to tell you that Goebbels doesn't mean total war as your history teacher does.

fair enough, you still haven't provided any evidence beyond a big-brained observation that two nations who wage war against each other tend to tell their respective populace that the enemy is evil.

>Switzerland could stay out of the war despite being on the very land soaked in blood
>Murrica couldn't stay out of the war despite the biggest ocean of the planet between them and their "enemies"
Totally justified. Buy some more war bonds.

Switzerland was neutral while America was directly supporting the Brits, Soviets, etc.

When I get 100 million dollars and make the film Sergio Leone pitched but never got to make, a 3+ hour epic about Leningrad


What the fuck are you even trying to say here?

I don't think you're getting me here. Nazis had it absolutely coming.
It's the killing of prisoners and civilians, rapes and more, that I despise. Because simply and honestly it's not a white thing to do.
Hitler declared war to America not the other way around silly boy.

You mean Switzerland was taking their money for safekeeping while USA was giving them weapons and vehicles.

Despite all the retarded shit they did Germany respawned after 4 years even the vatniks gave them the GDR.
Meanwhile Germs flat out sentenced nations to death

mein nigga

>I don't like it unless we're the ones doing it
Could've just said you're a faggot. Saved us both the time we spend this trivial bullshit.

You got completely confused with all the replies let me clarify.
All war crimes are bad, be it Soviets, Americans, Japs, Nazis, etc. Killing harmless people is unwhite and unmanly.
Killing combatants and destroying military assets is not war crimes, as stated in the Geneva Conventions.


>Germs flat out sentenced nations to death

They were neutral. Even Albert Einstein was hiding in Switzerland so dont give me that shite, m8.

It's not like East Germany was in same boat. Just look at all the land Poland, Russia and France got. Theres no point in having a "who got ducked the most" contest, because we all got ducked in one way or another.

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its americans

though without the insults this time

>firebombing a residential neighborhood is okay if we declare it a military asset first. After all, workers are military assets.
Ok bud

>Hitler declared war to America not the other way around silly boy.
after freezing and then outright seizing german assets in the US, escorting british and allied convoys with their own ships, engaging german submarines with them, impounding german merchant marine ships, providing millions of tons of supplies and war materiel to its enemies, and sending volunteers. The US was at war with germany in all but name by the time germany declared war.

i liked band of brothers

>residential neighborhood
You know Dresden and Stalingrad weren't residential neighborhoods right.
Except they did that after the US declared the Neutrality Pact, so they weren't going to provide resources to warmongering nations such as Germany and Japan.

Dzugasvili should have finished the job

This is straight up Warhammer 40k

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>main producer of cp
Really?I thought this post would belong to a third world shithole like Brazil or Mexico.

I can't prove it, but yea most of this kind of stuff comes from Russia/the former Soviet countries and SEA. Its just what I've heard obviously.

That was mostly true for the 90, s former eastern bloc was a free for all at the time. Most of Jeffrey Epsteins girls came from those areas nowadays its South East Asia though

I would guess SEA, although i guess that's just where all the old fat westerners go to fuck kids. easterners just do it in their own countries.

>The British were going to land in Luxembourg or Czechoslovakia

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>destiny was to become pregnant with Peter's baby like some teenage soap opera and we were supposed to follow her and her kids' whacky adventures in the Cold War era
>dies shitting the bed (literally) in a glorified hogpen
>lose an entire demographic of teenage girls and middle aged women who would've been fans of this

Who the fuck let George R. R. Martin get a hold of this script?

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Nah, after the Iron Curtain fell in the 90s, all the smart Russians came here claiming they have a German gramps or grandma. Just fucking look at all the lgs posted here. 99% of them are Russians. If youre Russian your only goal is to gtfo of Russia.

You're right about the old geezers.

What do you care?

not what he said, learn 2 read

He clearly stated "all but Russia"

Would germany have defeated russia if the dumbass japanese didn't invite the usa to war?

>it's "dress up as a Tiger" day

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*dies in industrial accident*

>to build a defense around the kernland such as

nigger, he listed those countries as an example where the germans would have tried to prevent an allied landing

No, they pretty much fucked it up before they started when they got faulty reports of Soviet strength


*listed denmark and norway
obviously they wouldnt land in yugoslavia

if the UK wouldnt have been in the game, without a doubt

>UK willing to go to war with germany over danzig
>UK not willing to go to war with china over hong kong
really makes you think

Any good ww2 plane kinos?

Those aren't even similar situations you disingenuous little fuck

You wanna ask if the German Reich and the Soviets would fight 1v1 who wins? Germany. Half of the USSR were starving 1/4 sided with the Germans and the rest were foreigners. It'd be over in a week max

God, not this faggot again

Didn't realize you were in this thread Pingpong

>Germany attacks Poland over Danzig (a city Poland didn't even have jurisdiction over outside the port and post office, and only had the port because krauts wouldn't unload weapons and supplies during the SOVIET FUCKING INVASION OF POLAND)
>Britain tells them to fuck off as previously arranged
>Britain also at this point in time has a huge empire including fucking India
>lol, y brit nut declare war over hong kung?
Kill yourself

The mutts were helping the Russians and brits before the Pearl Harbor fiasco, their direct involvement in the war made little difference.

Don't think so. Maybe there are some documentaries about the Red Baron or so.

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They couldn't even beat Britain during the Battle of Britain which was objectively their lowest point.

>She was so young and so terrified. The girl didn't understand why she was there and she couldn't understand what was being said to her.

So this woman Kapo (a prisoner overseer) took a stick and beat her about the face. This German woman was just taking out her anger on the girl.
>On 12 March 1943, less than a month after her mother died (18 February 1943), Czesława Kwoka died at the age of 14.

because germans acted the same and world hates them for it to this day

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Its not like they were fighting on all fronts while the Brits solely fought the Germans. What a stupid comparison.

That tagline is kino

based vatniks

>trains for years to become elite unit
>bludgeoned to death by some robust shepherd hiding in the shrubs

Dude, the blast radius was 1000 times of what was necessary for the initial target because they wanted to kill a lot of Jap civvies in the process. You know that, I know that. And the whole ' we targetted an army headquarter in the middle of a city with a fucking nuke, so it's not a war crime, amirite' was a see through loophole back then and is a see through loophole right now.

>muh combined arms

Except your argument is that the Sherman was a fine tank when it absolutely was not. Between D Day and VE day the Americans lost roughly 7000 tanks of which 4500 were Shermans, while of all armoured fighting vehicles - including half tracks and armoured cars - the Germans lost roughly 9700 AFVs in the same period. So right off the bat we can knock 2500-3000 of those vehicles off the tally and say that Germany lost 7200 tanks to BOTH the British and Americans (in actuality they lost much fewer but we'll keep the number of soft skinned AFVs low), and given that the German air force was practically non-existent at that point that's an even more disparaging knock against the Sherman.

Nobody liked the Sherman you dingus, it was one of the worst tank designs of the 1940s.

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If youre so strong, how come a bunch of unarmed hispanics are taking over your country, mate?

>If I post an image of a knocked out Sherman with no context that means it was a shit tank
2 can play at that game Hans, also both the other guy and you are overestimating the accuracy of WW2 air to ground attack. Most tanks in WW2 were "destroyed" (nebulous term because as long as you aren't retreating you can generally repair and refit the thing) by either their own mechanical issues or AT guns either man or crew served

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only delusional amerimutt would deny that, on a bright side the effect was so terrifying everyone is scared to use nukes to this day, who knew what would happen during cold war if Hiroshima/Nagasaki didnt happen

He did you fucking brainlet

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There's an article about that nukes had literal zero effect on the military leadership of Japan to end the war. Although they still had a still remaining effect on the general population.

Nothing had any effect on the Japanese military leadership to end the war, they were fucking psycho's, it was the civilian politicians constantly bitching for the last 3 years about peace while the military kept saying "oh we'll totally get the Soviets to help us negotiate this", the bombs pushed all the politicians still on the fence into the anti-war camp while the Soviet invasion made the military look fucking retarded and not worth listening to, so both were pretty important in getting Japan to surrender

No, the decision happened with a timing that it could not be the effect of the bombs. It could have been regular bombings and they would have surrender the same.