MCU America Chavez

Cast Her

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Unless shes Purrto Rican, that's a fucking disgrace.

Porto Ricans are a disgrace
that dreadful little island needs to sink into the ocean

She is latina dumbass

Poor old Joe Casey, his character gets raped and he can't say shit about it

She's from an alternate dimension.

She's not even human you fake geek girls

Ana de Armas

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Isn't this character a huge sociopath?

she's Cuban
Cubans are actually human, unlike Porto Ricans

Yeah but at least it's an American territory.

Isabella Moner

Whenever I see her name I think of Persia Monir

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introduce her and Kamala as the new young avengers now that Holland is out

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But America Chavez is gay

FINNA based, let her and whoever plays Kamala make out on screen

we just had a storytime of pain of this on Yea Forums

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Long as she has a nice braapper I can deal with whoever.

why would anyone want to read this shit

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You don't know what it means to suffer. Not yet.

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Cast her into the trash bin, am I right folks?

>white is the absence of color
what idiot wrote this? white is literally all colors combined

America Ferrara

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Linda Cardellini

I remember this comic. Every page, literally every page reads like one of those made up Twitter stories that ends with "and then everyone clapped". Every single page! Not to mention the irony of a sociopathic alien refugee complaining about white supremacy in America on a planet she's not even from.

a fat, stupid, dyke spic

>let me give her a little of this brown fist!

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>let me mix in some hideous brown with that pure white

Max Judaism folks

And black is the absence of colour ironically

Some fat ugly nigger dyke

But she isn't PuroRican, she's from Planet Lesbian where everybody is brown

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What is that, a picture for ants?

A beautiful white girl given that race erasing is now apparently OK.

America Ferrera

Some ugly, masculine and bad actress.

>looks like she bought her entire outfit at target

Lazy costume design

Thats so fuckin racist lol


>MCU America Chavez

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Really makes you thinkwho really runs Marvel today

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Self proclaimed latin american, she cant even speak spanish

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Sony doesn't know the formula
They think animation is something make only for kids
Sony animation should have the spirit of Red Hot Riding Hood animations
In all these Sony animations women and the others characters are ugly and the stories are made for kids
Spiderverse is the best example

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wrong thread sorry

Lol the absolute state of MCU

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>pure white just means the absence of color
Is actually the opposite


dios mio.....

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>spideverse women are ugly

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Marvel phase 4 will crash And Burn! I hate them All!

America is a full-on psychopath (just like the writer)
In multiple scenes America meets friendly white people and she immediately threatens them with physical violence because of their skin color.

Also, this is the writer.

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I cast fist into her pussy.

>In multiple scenes America meets friendly white people and she immediately threatens them with physical violence because of their skin color.
this is the future of all western nations and it's beautiful
also source?

my my my

this is the point
she is the only beautiful and thicc
and guess what?
she only appears for a few seconds and the animators hide her fat ass just to make a joke, it's like they said
>this movie is not for you
yes it's not and it was a failure at box office

You can read the comics online.
I thinks there's only seven?
Try skimming them and count how many times America goes apeshit and threatens to murder people who are being nice to her.

This, how a SpiderMan animation movie can be a box office failure?
I think they lost the audience with the second trailer, full of useless characters.
Only Morales and Peter was enough.

This is pretty for you?


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The best part is that the writer is obviously using America as a self insert. Gabby Rivera clearly believes that America is justified in her violent outbursts against people who are the wrong race.

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>Self insert

America is a very stupid and angry character. Tells us a lot about Gabby.

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Thanks Mr Skeleton

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Idris Elba

MCU Phase 4

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Marvel Rising #1 didn't even make it to the Top 100 comics the month it was released. Same as Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, etc. And these are the ones MCU is now looking into for material.

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>Yea Forumsmblr actually shills it on the daily basis

The day she shows up is the day I check out of the MCU
It's been my predetermined jump off point all along

She's from a women-only planet where everyone is a lesbian and they have celestial buttsex so they can shit out their young.

A gay muslim, I am sure that will play real well with people who wear hijabs. And Marvel is tonedeaf enough to do it.

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At Marvel you fail up. If your project loses money they think it's because they didn't shill it enough or overship enough copies. They either reset the issue number to #1 and don't change anything, or they put you on a higher profile project.

I don't know why marvel even bothers changing issue numbers at all. They should just make all of their comics say "#1" on the cover because that's what they want.

mmm persia mommy

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she's related to based Hugo?

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