let's see how patrician is Yea Forums, I'll start
1. The Prestige (2006)
2. Se7en (1995)
3. Shutter Island (2010)
4. Heat (1995)
5. Inglourious Basterds (2009)
6. Usual Suspects (1995)
7. Whiplash (2014)
8. Interstellar (2014)
9. L. A. Confidential (1997)
10. Prisoners (2013)
Top 10
Why is Spyro so angry looking :/
Well you are not patrician. Have you even seen non American film in your life? Probably not.
poat your top 5 at least
I am not american and have seen lots pf foreign moveis. Tarkovsky etc just dont do it for me desu
OP is bait, yes? How can you make a top 10 list and have not even one film in there which was made before the 9ps?
Because I am not pretentious and don't care about boring movies with good cinematography only
1. All Dogs Go to Heaven
2. Dumb and Dumber / the Ace Ventura movies
3. Paris, Texas
4. Shrek
5. The Life Aquatic
6. A Clockwork Orange
7. LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring
8. Eternal Sunshine
9. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
10. Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
honestly I've seen serious shitloads of mother fucking obscure kinos and liked a lot of them, but, I probably just haven't seen any of them enough times for them to get into my top 10.
Have you heard of this really obscure Japanese film called "Old Boy"?
1. American Psycho
2. Zodiac
3. 추격자 The Chaser
4. 신세계 New World
5. Wolf of Wall Street
6. Shutter Island
7. Flight
8. Rain Man
9. 살인의 추억 Memories of Murder
10. Inception
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia
The Wild Bunch
Wild Strawberries
Fanny and Alexander
The Searchers
City Lights
Gold Rush
Phantom Carriage
The Human Condition
Demons (Shura)
Throw Away Your Books Rally in the Streets
The Travelling Players
Eternity and a Day
The Weeping Meadow
Marketa Lazarová
Valley of the Bees
Faust (1994)
The Turin Horse
Werckmeister Harmonies
Andrei Rublev
Prince of the City
La Notte
Il Gattopardo
Rocco and his Brothers
Letters Never Sent
The Godfather
The Godfather II
Apocalypse Now
Barry Lyndon
Lawrence of Arabia
Ben Hur
Sweet Smell of Success
La Dolce Vita
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Last Crusade
Rio Bravo
The Apartment
Trouble in Paradise
Grand Illusion
Winchester ’73
The Tree of Life
Mulholland Drive
Lost Highway
Manuel on the Island of Wonders
Meant for
1. Iron Man (made history with the MCU)
2. Inception (Intellectualism is fine if it's entertaining)
3. Moonrise Kingdom (drama is fine if it's entertaining. Anderson achieves this with cuteness),
4. Spirited Away (I don't shun foreign film)
5. Baby Driver (creatively utilized music)
6. Star Wars VI (send off to a historic trilogy)
7. Happy Gilmore (classic comedy)
8. Rocky (my favorite probably)
9. The Godfather (shows that a film can still be slow and great)
10. The Godfather II (unique use of nonlinear story telling)
Holy fucking pleb
It's a lot easier to name 400 movies than 5
Nice bait
1. film you've never heard of :)
2. contrarian opinion xD
3. film that means i'm smart :)
4. boring arthouse film :)
5. bait opinion xD
6 - 10. mix of previous
Imagine posting these on a film board. Big, big yikes.
That's a lot more than 5.
>Demons (Shura)
Underrated though.
1. Ikiru
2. For A Few Dollars More
3. The Royal Tenenbaums
4. In Bruges
5. About A Boy
6. The End of Evangelion
7. The Thing
8. Muppet Christmas Carol
9. Gran Torino
10. Eurotrip
A Christmas Carol starring Alistair Sim (1953)
The Iron Giant
Dead Heat
Big Trouble in Little China
Gone With the Wind
The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day
No order and no real thought
Lawrence of Arabia
Blade Runner 2049
Empire Strikes Back
Varsity Blues
LoTR Two Towers
Barry Lyndon
Akira (if we’re counting anime movies)
Godfather (if we’re not counting anime movies)
about a boy... jesus christ I had a fucked up unhealthy obsession with that movie as a 10 year old. still don't really understand why
the iron giant is some real shit
I remember my mother got it on VHS and it was the first "adult" movie I was allowed to watch. Rewatched it recently and it totally holds up.
1. American Psycho (2000)
2. The Great Escape (1963)
3. The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
4. Jeremiah Johnson (1972)
5. Seven Samurai (1954)
6. The Fifth Element (1997)
7. The Thing (1982)
8. Empire Strikes Back (1980)
9. Reservoir Dogs (1992)
That's because i copied it from another thread where i posted it.
Very solid list, patrician
you literally just picked the most popular films of each genre
are you retarded?
imagine picking spirited away as your "foreign film" when there's tons of real kino out there (at least pick old boy) and its not even the best anime film by Miyazaki
Amadeus, Woman in the Dunes, Stalker, High & Low, The Thing
Millennium Actress, TGTB&TU, Apocalypse Now, Seven Samurai, Wages of Fear
Imagine complaining about Spirited Away out of everything on that list.
hate these threads because id rather not know im posting with genuine plebs
I did watch a lot of movies and I enjoyed a lot of them but these are movies I rewatch a lot and always have fun doing so:
Fire Walk With Me
The Thing
Blade Runner 2049
Seven Samurai
Princess Mononoke
The Shining
LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring
Taxi Driver
Are you 16 years old?
I'm 27
In no order
>fantastic mr fox
>star wars ESB
>secret of nimh
>Lord of the rings
>the thing
>shrek 2
Fight me
do you like dark crystal and watership down anin?
1. One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
2. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
3. The Three Faces of Eve
4. The Four Muskateers
5. The Fifth Element
6. The Sixth Sense
7. Seven Samurai
8. 8½
9. The Ninth Gate
10. 10
1. ALIEN (1979)
2. BLADE RUNNER (1982)
3. Harry Potter 1-2 (2001/2002)
4. ROCKY (1976)
5. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (1966)
6. The Lord of the Rings 1-3 (2000/2003)
7. The Matrix (1999)
8. Ikiru (1952)
9. High Noon (1952)
10. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
11. Zulu (1964)
>ninth gate
Watership down, not dark crystal.
The latter has good visual effects and puppets but its otherwise shit