Why did Tarantula have to spoil this beautiful tribute to Sharon Tate by shoving Margot Robbie's dirty feet in our face?

Why did Tarantula have to spoil this beautiful tribute to Sharon Tate by shoving Margot Robbie's dirty feet in our face?

Attached: Margot-Robbie-Feet-4391887.jpg (1200x1057, 977K)

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dirty feet are fucking disgusting and tarantino should be ashamed of himself

he likes to imagine himself licking them clean

Don't we all, but there's a time and this wasn't it.

the superior feet scene in the movie


Can a feetfag explain to me what's so special about feet?

>whats so special about tits
>whats so special about ass
>whats so special about legs
>whats so special about lips
>whats so special about eyes
>whats so special about vaginas

those features are on prominent display with sexual functions

so are feet.

im not sure if thats what you mean but feet are too. why else would women be wearing high heels and do pedicure

It's delicate.

Good footjob surprisingly feels like fucking a tight cunt.

i always thought heels were to make the butt look bigger

Most of those we are genetically prepositioned to seek in a mating partner, except lips those are for dick sucking
You are literally retarded if you are a footfag

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>You are literally retarded if you are a footfag
you are literally retarded for caring that much about other people liking feet

Ok but will you also get sexual arousement if me, a guy, gave you a footjob? Honest question here.

nope. just as you wouldnt get aroused by a guy grinding his ass on your dick

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>legs and eyes have sexual functions
>feet can't

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but what if i told you i had feminine feet?

Yeah, just like a straight guy would get turned on by a man's nipples and ass.

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footfags are the scum of the earth, change my opinion

but literally everyone has feet wtf is wrong with you fuckers?

what is the sexual function of feet?

you know tarantino is a kike because he likes DIRTY feet

Men have legs and ass too. Are leg and ass men faggots?

>Are leg and ass men faggots?

>Men have legs and ass too
They have. Also that statement is abit problematic since it implies ableism.

>Are leg and ass men faggots

your iq must be 60

itt: people too retarded to understand a simple fetish

Put your peepee in between them? What is the sexual function of eyes, legs, ass, or tits?

pedicure cuz its nice and important to groom oneself
high heels to make legs appear longer.

you cant even understand a simple question.

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youre literally a faggot if you cant see whats special about tiddies and pussy.
this is a fact- foot fags and ass men are closet homosexuals. if youve ever fucked a girls ass, you are practicing to be a homosexual, fucking period.

you are the only one talking about buttholes here

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t. queer footfag

men are attracted to larger eyes since they prefer childlike features, we also like red full lips because when a woman has an orgasm her lips turn red etc.

I was about to respond seriously but I realized it's bad bait.

Goddesses so favor the fairest feet
Like Megan Boyle's sweet tootsie meat
Guarded from creeps, she keeps her feet chaste
Shod in boots, leggings of lace
Podic fans phone from restricted
So literati got them evicted
Greedily she savors her funks
Dangling heels to trip thirsty lunks
As a grape so squished by her plod
Soles eclipsing sky and sun, awed
Scarce chance for pedal glances
Telepath to her socks by lucid trances
Trade crypto for clippings, not as a goof
Liquify, titrate, prepare for boof
Huffing Megan's goo, facefulls of socks
Crusty miasma's pickled lox
Allegiance to Megan, too true
Strong whistle's "Woo-woo!"
Without Megan's feet life's a grump
Eek at lesser lasses' acral frump
Waning images tax Tubercular
Arches circular spectacular
Queues wind with worshippers
Interlocutor interpreters
Regulars, secular orbiters
Curvatures fetching purchasers
Cellular molecular spores
Megan's nadirs broke all scores
Insurrecting Wikifeet wars
Banned by Foot Night Baltimores
She's pallid then florid
Toes torrid so sordid
Lurid orchids torpid
Euphoric scents wax and waft
Concentrated when unwashed
Fans beg for cakes sploshed

>men are attracted to larger eyes since they prefer childlike features

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Halls of power hear AOC's heels click
Smashing the patriarchy brick by brick
Slender strides lure pages' eyes luridly
She dangles Loubs by deft dexterity
Dipping her toes in slippers velveteen
AOCs feet unites all the Levantine
Laying to rest centuries of squabble
Her anklets adorned in gilded baubles
Greed and pride departed from in haste
"To AOC's Feet, I pledge myself chaste"
And so eclipse Zarathustra and Yaweh
Alexandria triumphant, hurray!
Chinamen, Rus and Turks fell prey too
Her feet on the bow melts resolve to goo
Soles likened to lattes, a smidge much milk
Earning pledges to never again bilk
That melody sung by her toes wiggles
Now haunts through Eurasian-wide epistles
Pashtun warlords and Chinese oligarchs
Fall abject to AOC, her youth stark
Supine surrender, betraying intent
To creep on AOC's feet sans consent
Memes then banners to nations, then churches
AOC's fans buy counterfeit Converses
Who discern by the absent scents piquant
Her fumes peppery, said more than frequent
Too floral or fruity, an acid musk
"Ain't AOC's shoes, sorry to be brusque!"
Jovian moons pay quite the premium
Imaging her feet on screens of helium

>being a retard on purpose

nasty ass looking feet

>look mom im acting

Honestly I really respect Tarantino for this.
I don't really like his films, but imagine being some nerdy weirdo like him and getting to the level where you can get the hottest Hollywood actresses to act out your fetishes in 70mm. I don't blame him at all for getting them to stick their feet in the camera if that's what he's into, it's pretty based

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convey emotions, character, state of mind, desires; if two people stare into each others eyes their actions start to sync.
lust is also conveyed of course.
sexy, well shaped round thighs are typical female traits and attractive. and sexy. and designed by evolution to be this way.
same as thighs, a round well shaped ass is incredibly sexy and stimulating for the male.
evolutionally speaking, women are shaped this way to make it easier for men to identify them and to make them attractive for breeding.
breasts indicate a womans ability to feed children first and foremost, so big breasts signal good for breeding.
also the most worshipped body part and extremely sexy and stimulating to look at.

now you.

i dont understand how people dont like feet


meme fetish

The filter makes her look like a fucking Team America puppet.

Have you extended love to any qt feets today? Footlove comes in many forms.

>Compliment a girl on her shoes
>Tell a qt she has a nice nail color
>Massage sore qt feet
>Draw or photograph beautiful feet
>Buy a qt a pedicure
>Worship qt feets (if you're really really lucky)
>Write a poem about Feets and donate it to a spa or podiatry clinic
>Meditate about how beautiful feet reflect the eternal beauty of the universe
>Make a cutesy card that shows your gratitude to a girl who takes good care of her feet
>Advocate for a local foot-conscious holiday by writing an article, blog or buying an add in a newspaper
>Goto your local park or pool and offer PedEgg services to girls who are sunning themselves
>Create footparmesan related recipes for your favorite celebrities and post about them on social media
>Make a foot related song and record it with a local choir or band
>Develop a TEDx talk that teaches the world about qt feets

What can you contribute to the footlove movement today?

whats the sexual function of vaginas?

it's not currently known to science

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>this pseudo intellectual evolutionary psychology bullshit
this has to be bait for your own good lmao

that song...
THAT'S where they got that line from!

thank god i'm not you, holy shit that would suck.

Because he's based as fuck and he has a position where he can indulge publicly his fetishes and still be considered a great director. The other director who is so flagrant about his deviances whom I can think about is Buñuel.