The Simpsons just released a Trump parody song featuring The Squad

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We all agree that Omar is the hottest one, right? If she and AOC spitroast pegged me I'd definitely let her be in the back.

The simpsons brand is just doing its best to destroy any good standing it may have once had.
From Tramampoline to this. It's sad to see them fall so far.

She's the cutest but AOC has the milkers


Almost all AOC sex appeal is based on a years old video


Fuck those Israeli haters, Zognald for life!

Why does Trump have a picture of them on his desk?

Does the Green New Deal have any measures regarding soil pH?

do any of the original writers have control over the show any more? is it just Koreans pumping out shit and F*x execs clapping like seals?


What movie will they make? Like Thelma and Louise?

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It's like having to choose between cancer and AIDS.


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It would make a good movie

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AOC latina abuse video when?

Lets say it happened, what would the movie be like?

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I didn't think it was that bad until the other candidates came out

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honestly those women are more annoying than trump. Talk about the economy, shut up about your made up offenses

only subhumans care about the sneedsons. they know their base

They're using the same playbook they did in 2016, only I guess they're adding "brown" to the equation.

They dont seem more annoying at all.

they're done. nothing they can say or do will win them the election. trump has an ace up his sleeve. he's going to run on the fact that he's the first president in decades not to get the usa involved in more wars and conflicts. this is precisely the kind of shit moderates care about the most. they are fucked

>not a single Sneedpost
What happened?

and thats a cringe thing


Attached: the squad.webm (512x424, 2.91M)


bet that was a truly kino fap

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I can't believe this is real

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Let's make a deal
All spics go back
Except the smoking hot latinas

Does he have a tiny cock or does this guy just have massive fatty chub-hands

Hope you enjoyed your wank m8

wow what the fuck is wrong with americans

This why Sneed is a thing.

*honk* *honk*

I actually fucking hate looking at this thing

Attached: https _cdn.cnn.com_cnnnext_dam_assets_190816091244-01-rashida-tlaib-0815.jpg (1200x675, 50K)

Powerful...whitey is finished


>We're more american than your wife
what a weird line, kind of goes against the whole point of the message by saying that, it's a bit weird how they seem to love bullying an immigrant like Melania

does the black one even talk?

this looks like that growth fetish with big godzilla women standing over citys

dan castellaneta's trump impression isn't very good

Omar as my witness, speaking my truth
Epiphanies struck, unveiling this sooth
A one-of-a-kind map for astral views
To peep secret hides, guarded from Jews
Treasure so fine, their bright splendors divine
By Congresswomen’s secret sauna brine
Steep psychic feats to remote view therein
And so overhear girl-talk sans chagrin
Dwelling in drops of random sweats and dews
Spying hydrous lensing shimmers and skews
Sparkly beads, streamlets our viewing portals
Their gossips shocking for normie mortals
Every week to the sauna, the Squad
AOC, Ayanna and Ilhan just nod
Three trams, two lifts, through adorbs French doors
Their weekly respite from programmed white whores
Tiresome brawling this town’s old cheap sports
Once here, even tight Rashida cavorts
Representation is quite exhausting
Explained Ilhan unsealing her frosting
Paired today with cardamom pear slices
Omar still profane at insulin prices
‘Til AOC cracked memes, dancing woke jigs
Swearing to get her one of those paypigs
Phones finally off, their hair up and wrapped
Plush towels and robes brushed their skin enrapt
Slipping off sandals before sauna’s step
Ilhan asked Ayanna “What is a “schlep?”
One by one, through cedar doors they filed
Besties recharging mystiques to wild
Cozily secure, commencing routines
They were all too woke for any yaskweens
This sleuthing psychonaut’s seen it twelve times
Ayanna and Airpods, whispering rhymes
Ilhan and AOC knuckling each’s soles
Rolling soothed eyes at Pelosi’s gay polls
Rashida climbs to a cedar lauteet
Her perspiry posed lotus long lauded
Robes rolled into pillows, prone and supine
Threaded fingers through toes to entwine
Glistening russet, burnt and kobicha
AOC quotes The Bhagavad Gita
Slinking away to douse in cold showers
Attendants give drinks garnished with flowers
Wired for racing, the ladies would vie
To cool and return before footprints dry
No matter their yoga dribbled puddles
Salty Cedar playas parch to bubbles

Sharing sacred heat bathing pores deep
Far and away from crudely voting sheep
Ladled water Ayanna sublimates
While Ilhan raves for more Islamic States
When she gets like this, Squad empaths engage
Dialing Somali by thermal gauge
Fingers furrowing calfs, feeding her fruit
Ayanna circled stressed temples astute
Feminine synchrony or whipped hormones
Bashful weepings puffed each their young cheekbones
No measures dire nor aisle’s ire
Could shake the Squad’s devotional fire
Sauna space was more than safe. It was theirs.
Ayanna flexed femorals as prized mares
Frigid plunge fresh, pale AOC returns
With fresh towels and a sweaty Sauternes
A Lobbyist’s gift from Lyon shipwrecks
To each Ilhan toe, Rashida’s quick pecks
Those spry size sixes, beguilingly formed
The bench by her feet is avidly swarmed
Lithely silken, Ilhan’s feet strike quite fair
Barely touched by sun, her arches dipped rare
Coined “Medicinal feet” by the Squad’s slang
Her peds wiggle away any harangue
Sleepy Ilhan’s feet are highly sought props
Pinching AOC’s fat blunts, “Kush Psy-Ops”
Puffing long drags from sour apple cones
Inbound tangents about Skull and Crossbones
Pizza arrives too late, a fate most cruel
Atop Ayanna, AOC snores drool

is that Mia Khalifa on the left?

Isn't this Trump's whole gameplan: make squad the front and center of dems while their moderates getting fucked or forced to adhere to the squad so they'll look commieshit?


It's not that bad

I think they said "we're more American than you're white" but both fit


Not OP.

It's horrendous. From a production point of view, it's just horrendous.

Completely non-political. Explain what angle I should be seeing this from. Trump looks like he's lying down flat.

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>this is the most reading you've done in years
Big talk from someone who has only ever read Harry Potter.

What the fuck is "the squad"? Fucking retarded american television.
>inb4 mad britbong
Not even close mutts, my country has bare tits on TV 24/7.

This fucking awful, what the FUCK were they thinking?

Trump must be busted up that the Clintons had his friend killed

>leftypol spam about jews preferring donald
>nevermind that jews vote 90% for leftist dems
Many such posts.

Well, then you have to be a leftist woman, a numale or roastie.

>the only things that matters is censorship and and political correctness
>i'm a serious person and deserves respect

and roving gangs of pakis

Why are Dems always so desperate to prove they don't know what impeach means?

it's wife you deaf mongoloid listen to the next lyric

>Thinks a hot topic currently is all the topics they care about
>wow, how about you guys take issues with ACKSHUAL ISSUES

It’s hard for right-wingers to have more than one issue to be mad about, it seems.

>we're more American
The absolute state of this jew-owned country.

>BU chicks
no thanks

lol There's no way you're not fucked up in the head.

Hey there, r/politics. And yeah, lady, you've got me. I don't think it's a priority for leftists to censor truth about the races, to open the borders and to replace whitey.

Hope you're not white.

>look at how bad this side is!
>ignore that our side is just as bad possibly worse, don't look don't look!
politics is a fucking circus and i hate it (not even american)

>censor truth about the races
What truth?
>to open borders
Literally no democrat is running with that policy, not even Hillary Clinton
>to replace whitey
Imagine being this paranoid that you think “your race” is getting replaced.

Do you have any evidence to back all these claims up? Of course you don’t, because you believe in lies and memes

Yeah. Strange they wanna turn it into a pissing contest all of a sudden, because the rando spics & middle easterners are def gonna lose that battle against a European.

With all that racial pandering going crazy from the left since at least Clinton campaign, do you burgers have any relatives opening their eyes around you?

Fucking hell bro. Like, how do you even perform these lines without killing yourself afterwards?

>What truth?

Attached: 1566118007247.jpg (600x1000, 137K)

Have Family Guy made any Trump jokes since the election?

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>have the chance to say what the truth is, post a picture that kind of sorta vaguely implies your feelings
You are choosing to censor yourself it seems, dumb ass faggot. Feel free to explain your self, moron.

>worst thing I’ve ever seen

This right here is the definition of controlled opposition. Government criticism as nothing but a overproduced stage play to validate the very same government it's pretending to oppose.

this picture has false information about trump but if you disagree id love to see a source lol

Ill tell you right now the 2016 vote was bullshit and Clinton wasnt even close. My mom and her social worker friends, all blue dyed liberals who help druggies and homeless and immigrants, even THEY couldnt vote for Hillary. Whether it was her past racism, her current elitism, or the spirit cooking (yes, it made a difference), liberal women were not with her. All this pandering and pushing is the socialist elites in panic mode. They know they went too fast.

The Sneeds just released a Chuck parody song featuring feed and seed

>what truth?

Attached: flynnn.jpg (1320x710, 394K)

>Literally no democrat is running with that policy, not even Hillary Clinton
You marxists don't like the wall, any border control. You want to dismantle ice and decriminalize illegal border crossing. You're dangling white men's in front of illegal spics with promises of "free healthcare" for them. You're mexican supremacists now. And if you got the opportunity, you'd permanently open the borders. Fuck you.

brevity is the soul of wit

>Imagine being this paranoid that you think “your race” is getting replaced.
>no proof
Fucking brainlet commie. You people simultaneously brag about Texas turning blue as you repeat this. The entire West is being invaded.

Hope you're not white, you deranged commie loon.

It's funny because every time I see this "we can care about more than one bad thing at a time," thing being uttered, it's only to dismiss people's arguments that you care only about small inane shit, and not actually important shit. You say you can, but you never do.

>lies about everything
The leftist way.

Communism will never work.


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>Literally no democrat is running with that policy, not even Hillary Clinton
Imagine being this much of a liar. kys

yeah peter fought Trump and it sucked really hard.

The squad are more based by a tiny margin than Trump. Aka they're all shitty sociopathic types, with Trump being a little more intelligent than all of them except maybe Omar.

I want her to punish me for being a straight, white man.

Didn't even consider that angle. He also has the incumbent edge and the slight economic improvement edge.

>to open borders
>Literally no democrat is running with that policy, not even Hillary Clinton
Open borders and taking in more immigrants is one of their main talking points/campaign promises. Biden can’t shit up about it.

Feel free to provide a source, faggot.

That's literally the most important thing, although it's only a problem because of a lack of socialist economics. Censorship is mainly done through firing. Fucking corporations because I want to say the n word. Let n word reign.

Biden has a website, just link the part of his website that talks about his efforts to achieve open borders, shouldn't be hard.

Kill yourselves, commie liars. This is all true. My source is his own statements at the first debate, and the record of you commie cunts during the trump years.

The absolute state of the people who actually liked this.

Attached: the left.jpg (400x600, 51K)

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>two candidates speak in spanish on stage
>one wants decriminalization of illegal border crossings
>one literally does photo ops helping illegals to cross the borders
>every single one raised hands in suport of free healthcare for illegals

Cumrade tries to lie again.

Taiwan is not a country

This is certified cringe. Peter Griffin opening door to Sans Undertale would be actually a funny satire in comparison to this shit.

>the problem is there isn't enough power in the hands of censorship-loving commie brown women that want white people gone
No, I can't say that I agree.

Imagine being a white person and seeing this video

When the clip is so horrific that the Sneedposters stop.

>imagine being this much of disingenuous cunt
You antifa-loving commie retards are wholly behind the idea of a brown america. In polling, it has been shown that dems love "diversity," open borders and out-groups as much as republicans hate it. You're lying here, like you always do.

>>two candidates speak in spanish on stage.

You poor little victim. Cry some more, faggot.

I don’t know what the squad is nor do I or anyone watch zombie Simpsons


Boomers or boomers in the making.
Every other person regardless of political leaning that thought this was horrible. From the idea to the execution.
It makes SNL look good by comparison.

>us commies are so masculine
>we're so fucking cool
I wonder why you marxist retards think you have to repeat this so often.

>The corporation told us orange man good
>The corporation convinced us the squad was bad

>"no they don't"
>"yes they do"
>"oh boo hoo hoo you're such a victim"

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I Sneed to see this

Yea Forums, let me ask

are you telling me that at during the
>brainstorming phase
>test animation
>voice acting
>assembling of the rough first cut
>assembling of the final cut
>screening to members of staff
>final decision whether or not to green light the release
not one person spoke up and said "you know what, this is awful and will turn more moderates away from us, we should not release it"?

Attached: no.jpg (648x648, 46K)

>blah blah blah I am a faggot, no source for you.
>You're lying here,
Asking for a source is now lying. Giant faggot, complete fucking moron. You should be ashamed of yourself.



What corporation, though?
You do know that most of the media, from the news to the entertainment tries hard to sell the idea that orange man is bad and "the squad" is good.
I get the idea of you turning it around, but that only works when that's at least remotely a representation of reality; it isn't.

>literally every corporation bends over backwards and makes their logos rainbow
Jesus H. Christ, you are pathetic.

That was my first post in the thread, who are you green texting, faggot?

Nope. This is our world now. Humor is dead because pandering to liberal boomer wine mommies is as easy as saying "drumpf small hands xdddd"

There are more people who like sneedposting than modern Simpsons

80 iq commie, plenty of sources has been posted in this thread, by me and others. It shouldn't even be necessary. Everyone knows what you soulless, cancerous cunts are about. You tell us all the time.

He would become the president of the USA just to push her daughter to deep politics as a reward.

Some group of commies that Trump forced the democrats to defend and make the new faces of their party.

Yeah man, imagine being attached enough to a country that politically motivated demographic change bothers you.

The Simpsons are now Jimmy Kimmel tier

It's even funnier because Trump didn't name names, he just called out congresswomen who hated America.
And so four idiots stood up.

>>>/leftypol/ or >>>/chapo/

Attached: heychap.png (627x741, 462K)

The only "squad" dealing with Trump should be a firing squad.

Zognald "2 scoops of Israeli semen please" Znumf

it is if you're not an inhuman cockroach

sorry, Chinese.

haha nice one katheryn


Hope none of you marxists are white.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Continue being such a bitch that two people speaking another language bothers your. Faggot.

>bitching about the president
>that's literally it, just saying you don't like him
Did not a single person ask "where's the joke?"
This is just preaching to the choir at this point. Everyone else probably finds it horribly embarrassing.

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>Literally no democrat is running with that policy, not even Hillary Clinton

Attached: dsa2.jpg (575x667, 89K)

>>The corporation told us orange man good
literally all the media hates orange man

Hmm, thinking this threat to the Chief of State violates U.S. law...

>asking for people to source their claims now makes you a marxist
Delusional faggot.

This shit show, like SNL, hasn’t been relevant for more than two decades lmfao.

Sorry fren but yer fierd. Trump 2020 get fucked trannies

The way they draw real people in the Simpsons always looks weird and has only gotten worse

>i-i'm not a m-marxist
You're not fooling anyone.

>Feel free to provide a source, faggot.

Attached: dsa3.png (586x740, 289K)

What is the squad? since you’re all bumping a pol thread on tv

Dumb faggot.

>Netanyahu's cock holster
I think Colbert went a bit too far with that one


So Forrest Gump is actually a story about an average Kenyan living in the American South?

This would make sense if there were corps actually saying this

Trump told some America-hating congresswomen to go back and fix their own countries. He didn't name names, but four retards stood up and fell into his trap. Now they're the face of the DNC and pretty much confirmed Trump's second term.

>a tweet
Good job little faggot.

Blazing Squad. An early 00's British boyband.

I'm sure somebody said it was crap, but the only person who actually gets to decide these things said "shut up" and insisted on releasing it.

The Squad is comprised of Farmers 1 through 4.

>what truth
>posts a picture of albino negroes
Not making your case here, bud. You had your chance and you’ve ruined it.

Your post is literally all claim and no proofs.

>don’t like the wall
Because it doesn’t work and will be just be a waste of money

>any border control
Literally no candidate nor any democrat ever said the US shouldn’t have border control. You might conflate them with far-left extremists or libertarians but they’re not the same.

>Dismantle ICE
Why the fuck would you need two border control agencies? Also, they’re doing a terrible job right now with detaining borderhoppers

>decriminalizing illegal border crossing
You might wanna look up why they want to do that. Not because undocumented immigrants can’t get punished but because they won’t get seperated with their families.

>free healthcare for undocumented
[citation needed]

Come on, buddy. You coming with any proofs or are you just gonna give me a re-run of last nights Tucker Carlson’s episode?

Great job exposing yourself as a mentally challenged retard. I didn’t even have to try.

So what are the issues that you think are important that democrats aren’t thinking about?



Go back.
Yeah, you can say that.

>walls don't work

>linking random assholes' tweets as a source
You have to be really dumb to think this is acceptable. Why didn't you dumb faggot self just link the document and website he is taking that info from?

Tell Elon he can stop now, clearly this user is already living on another planet.

Let me raise your tweet with a tweet, directly from Hillary:

Get absolutely fucked, nerds

Attached: 36CACF2C-B88A-40E5-9B11-0BCA70916A29.jpg (1125x1170, 489K)

race is all there is user

>Literally no candidate nor any democrat ever said the US shouldn’t have border control.



>I'm not for an open boarders
> but anyone who gets in gets free cash and healthcare

user, this has been a euphemism for amnesty for decades. Here is the pattern:
>decades of uncontrolled floods of illegals
>rinse, repeat
It's already a meme, don't make a fool out of yourself. And this IS about fear. Fear because the flock of people LITERALLY cannot create or maintain civilization.

So, lads. How many gallons of Israeli cum do you think Trump has consumed, bot anally and orally, this week?

Why is Nepal such a brainlet country?

So the simpsons tried to do damage control for them?

I liked it better when there were just two


Of course? Non-citizens should have the same rights as citizens.

Fox News is bretty based most of the time. Leaves r*dditors seething as well.

>all these lies
>Because it doesn’t work and will be just be a waste of money
That's not why you don't want it, and everyone knows that. Why even bother lying about it? And it would work very well. It'd stop a majority of all illegals.
>no dems have said they want open borders
So? By their actions, it's obvious what they want. They're mexican supremacists now.
>why should ice exist
Because they're the only agency that hunts down illegals. And leftists loath that. That's why they want it gone.
>undocumented immigrants
Even your language betrays you. Fucking socipathic commie liar.
>lies about decriminalization
You're tedious.
>no "free healthcare"
Look up the first dem debate, you lying brainlet.

For what reason, exactly?

Do Americans not get tired of the constant Trump shit?

Why do liberals hate Israel? Isn’t that anti Semitic?

Shame on Reagan for passing the largest amnesty bill ever right?
Oh, I forgot, its ok when Republicans do it.

Hey user can I have access to your infinite money tree? Thanks,.


>Great job exposing yourself as a mentally challenged retard. I didn’t even have to try.
You didn't even address the point of the post, you 80 iq retard. You leftists brag about replacement in places like texas while preteding it's not happening.

Why wont this nation shut up about Donald? Its more some psyop funded by Demoncrats to ensure they win the election.

Doesn't matter which side does it. Its shitty non the less. And seeing how Ronald's amnesty did jack all. It shouldn't be done again since it doesn't work.

The normal Americans that are left do.
The ones with 20 cats that were mindbroken by the 2016 election don't.

Why do all retarded commies think they have an extra 40 points?

>disliking zionist puppets make you a liberal
The mind of millenial internet culture warriors is fascinating

because they believe jews are racist white people oppressing "poc" (palestinians). if israel were a black nation liberals wouldn't say a word about it

I thought Trump Derangement Syndrome was a joke but then I looked up 'Trump" on Colbert's Youtube. These people are psychotic.

>the eternal pilpul

Hmm. My wine aunt who likes Colbert and CNN will probrably watch this crap.

>Wah wah wah
If only Texas could some how stop illegals from crossing.
Oh wait, its legal to build border walls at the state level, nothing is stopping them from doing that but their own apathy and stupidity.

R*ddit politics takes over 4channel: the thread

There's only one Simpsons Squad I care about.

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They have an 40 extra chromosomes. The DSA conference was proof that all commies or socialist (hell even libertarians) are retarded leeches.

Holy shit, this is the embodiment of why Trump will get a second term. They really have not learnt their lesson at all. Have they really never realized that a good deal of the people that voted Trump voted not necessarily because they liked him, but because anything was better than Clinton. I mean, just look at this cunt "Squad", where's the song that roasts the Burkadurka for being a brotherfucker.

the angles of everyone is fucked look at the crowd just infront of the fence nearest to the bush

I honestly don't get why anyone cares about Trump, negatively or positively.
Like almost every other fucking president, he's accomplished nothing. He's just been there to be an object of either derision or reverence while doing very little. He hasn't shaken anything up. He hasn't created "muh fascist tranny and lgbt death camps", nor has he built a wall.

You realize that the Democratic Socialists are not the Democrats, right? They're fence sitters between the Democrat and Socialist parties.

Does she have any children?
No, her cats don't count.

If you are still watching the disheveled corpse of the Simpsons being trotted out every Sunday, I have bad news for you.

It is a shame because I am warming up to Tulsi Gabbard. Quite frankly, however, we need a second Trump term to shatter these fuckheads and really hit it home. She should stick around though.

Retard, try reading my post again.

>he's accomplished nothing
He massively increased the debt and deficit, his first military command he fucked up so bad he managed to kill an 8 year old american girl.
The things he has accomplished are really terrible, but he did accomplish them.

Some of the democrats identify as such; such I comb my hair with a balloon Bernie and AOC,

>Farmers, get these city slickers out of here!

Attached: President-Sneed.png (620x413, 420K)

>oh no I've been caught by La Squadra
>guess I've got no choice but to... ACTIVATE MY STAND

Attached: Squadra_infobox_anime.png (350x323, 252K)

Stupid people in America treat politics like sport. Stupid people elsewhere don't care, just as it should be.

Why are they brown? White guest characters are still yellow? Are they implying the Simpson's are white? Why are they so racist?

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it's just getting crazier out there

Attached: the risen.jpg (474x316, 11K)

I read it, you bitch and moan about Texas, in response I pointed out how lazy and stupid the Texans are. Dumb faggot.

You know the military is so big that a single civilian isn't the fault of the commander in chief right?

>however, we need a second Trump term to shatter these fuckheads and really hit it home.
Do we? If you recall, 2016 elections didn't do anything but make them double down. They didn't go "Oh, we fucked up." No, they deluded themselves further. "We lost because America is racist, not because our insanity alienated people."
If Trump wins again, we'll just get more of that, more screaming that everyone who didn't vote for token madam president candidate is a racist fascist, and Trump still won't change anything and he might in fact cuck out, like he did with the El Paso shooting.

Hi Robert Francis O'Rourke

No. Most are shit and lazy effort Barack Obama ones were usually good because they actually took effort to do.

Attached: bamy.jpg (1200x1200, 142K)

Or they treat sport like politics.
Regardless, the rabid tribalism makes me wanna vomit.

>Democratic Socialists are not the Democrats

pilpuling hard today chaimberg

>Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America[8] and embraces the democratic socialist label as part of her political identity. In an interview on NBC's Meet the Press, she described democratic socialism as "... part of what I am. It's not all of what I am. And I think that that's a very important distinction."

People have this delusion that the government is there to dictate right and wrong and the president is the ultimate arbitrator of all of that.

The government can’t make global warming go away, it can’t make trannies feel better about themselves no matter how much brainwashing they do, it can’t magically open or close borders and somehow make any difference in anyone’s lives.

They are strictly a beuracracy that is there push paper and delay anything that comes to their doorstep hence the system of checks and balances.

Reagan was shit for signing that garbage along with his gun ban bullshit, sorry commie.

This is "Thanks Obamer" tier.

What's wrong with white people?

Farmer 1
Farmer 2
Son of the Mask

You have your opinion, that the commander and chief of the military, who is leading and directing an attack manages to do nothing but get troops and an 8 year old girl killed is perfectly OK.
You are an idiot.

I'm not these two but you really need to look shit up before spouting things on here. If your claims can be disproven by wikipedia you might as well close the tab now.

"as young as 15"
Is that supposed to be shocking to americucks? It's legal where i live.

That and they never dare to portray Obama in a negative light in any parody.

Repeat after me.
Asia for the Asians.
Africa for the Africans
America and Europe for..

>we're more American than your wife
Is that not just them being racist themselves?

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I am mocking Reagan you dumb faggot, holy shit, you thought that was in support of him? Brain dead idiot.

No, you brainlet. I'm talking about your sophistry, and pointing out that you know what's going on. You know white lands are being invaded. All this about it being a silly "conspiracy theory" is bullshit.

Nice job excluding the terrorists who got killed who had her because she was the daughter of a dead radical jihadi preacher.

Well, Obama was the most deficit reducing president in american history, so, yes, thanks obama.
I thought people cared about debt and deficit?
>not when a conservative is in charge
Ok, faggots.

I can't watch it right now, can someone give me a quick rundown?

Happens all the time.
Like when they cried that calling people snowflake was insensitive and crass.
Then they started calling everybody snowflake in return.

I literally never said that you retard.

Never said it was OK asshat, I was saying that deaths happen and to blame the top is fucking dumb.
And this user is right
Blame the parents; you probably think that separation at the boarder is like the holocaust or some shit.

Never mind. This video is just right for you.

Low tier bait

I like how liberals bring up debt when it convenient but forgets their party is asking for debt forgiveness, and free shit for illegals.

>was the daughter of a
Sins of the father, gotcha.
At least I understand your motivation for wanting an 8 year old dead.

>nooooo you can't say triggered that's problematic and offensive to people with ptsd!!!
>hehe what's wrong right winger, triggered?


Orange man bad, brown ladies good. (even though not a single source can say a single positive thing they've done for their districts. Its funny how many people think that people a Representative of a State/district means I can just yell about Donald Trump instead of getting shit done)

>communism is all about a border-less, international world ruled by the party
>but-t we're not fo-or open borders, guys

>debt forgiveness
You think that is relevant to bring up when we are talking about national debt and deficit?
Ignorant fucking faggot, go read a fucking book.

Hating Israel and wanting to syphon money from rich Jews to literally anyone else are both based.

That doesn't even mention the fact that these people love to call everybody trolls but use legitimate outdated 2005 "u mad" troll language.

Isn't it just a comment on his comment that they should "go back" or whatever it was?

Well yeah, kids die in war and conflict ESPECIALLY when their parents are doing the attacking. Are you 13?

Trump was leading that attack, no matter how directly he was involved you faggots will make excuses.

>He massively increased the debt and deficit
R/politics, Obama's spending dwarfs Trumps. But you don't care about that, do you?
>Obama was the most deficit reducing president in american history
Poe's law. The opposite is true.

Freedom of speech already doesn't exist in America. Giving away free money and normalising criticism of rich people and Israel are both massive steps in the right direction for being able to yell nigger in public and flick the yalmukes off heebs as you walk by.

>8 year old american girls are killed on the reg by US troops, dude brah, just ignore it, yolo!


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Besides "the right" to kill their children, what liberties do they care about? They're leftists.


"Leading the attack" LOL go to bed child.

On a semi-related note, since people are talking about communism already and I'm sure the thread will be pruned soon.
Why are internet commies convinced that if they have their communism, they'll have their current lifestyle, but better, with fewer responsibilities and more privileges?
Who taught them that? That's not how it works. That's not how any of it works.

Debt forgiveness would massively hurt the economy, you brainlet.

Again never said ignore it. However if you think children are never going to be killed in hostile area. Give the up the dream and grow up.

>FOX News bad
>FOX network that has been running The Simpsons for all these years good
Go back to sleep, America, your government is in control.

>Poe's law. The opposite is true.
Bush the 2nd was the most deficit increasing president, followed by Obama, the most deficit reducing president. Confused boy.

Rich pedophile buddy cops.

my faggot isn't bothered, retard.

What percentage of student loans are privately held? And how many are backed by the US? Also free healthcare would be paid for by the US. Go do some research before replying to me pleb.

The fact that spanish speaking shitskins exist and live in my country makes me sick tbqh

Being on welfare taught them that. Watch the DSA shit I'm sure 99% of those fucks were on disability of some kind. (NEET bucks count to!) They have no property and are already taken care of by the goverment so if its gets bigger they think their lives would get better as well.

>if you think blah blah
I don't think that children will never die in a hostile area, its just a matter of Trump killing an 8 year old American. I seem to remember when people got angry and Obama for droning a 15 year old American, but I guess that outrage was selective.

>muh SIDES!

Bill Clinton is a rapist and so is Trump. Democrats, Republicans, blacks, Latinos, etc are not your enemy. The mega rich are.


Attached: DebtReaganObama.png (598x440, 14K)

yes, people speaking other languages is a fucking bother, because i don't understand what they are saying, and its fucking annoying. i'm sorry that you are so fucking woke that such a concept is hard for you to even imagine. its like if yang just started speaking ching chong, no one should think that is fucking awesome and cool, its fucking annoying.

DSA isn’t a political party :^)

>moving the goalpost with a goalpost nobody has been advocating for
Big oof

Also moving the goalpost

Wanting to ruin your own country just because a news network makes their opponents mad instead of engaging in honest debate.

I’m so glad I don’t live in the US.

>it’d stop a majority of all illegals
No. Because they travel to the US legally and then never leave:

That’s why the wall won’t work.

>they’re mexican supremacists now
You’re cute when you’re being facetious. You still haven’t given me any indication that they want open borders. Decriminalizing or wanting to make integration to become a US citizen easier =/= open borders

>because they’re the only agency that hunts down illegals
And they’re doing a terrible job at it by putting them in concentrationcamps

>even your language betrays you
I’m not even being secretive about my political leanings, you paranoid fuck. Also, not an argument

>you’re tedious
Not an argument as well

>look up the first dem debate
I did and they asked if they wanted to extend the healthcare to illegals. You niggas can’t even get normal healthcare like in Europe. How the fuck do you want to realize free healthcare to illegals? Hahahahahahahahahah

Why the fuck would I address your “”””point””””” of the whites / the west being replaced? It’s an unfounded and unhinged conspiracy that has no place in reality.

You could try and give me proof of “The Great Replacement” or you can just shut the fuck up and be a unintelligent ape somewhere else.

>Democrats, Republicans, blacks, Latinos, etc are your enemy along with the mega rich

Man can't believe went out his way and scoped some 8 year old.
You don't like Trump and thats fine but he isn't the cause of all issues. Don't @ me I'm done with this conversation. You clearly just blame Trump for everything and are too blind to see that.

>student loans being backed by the US somehow changes our trade deficit.
Sounds like faggotry to me, but if you can provide a source I will admit I am wrong.

It's literal delusion. Of course nobody can argue with the idea of having to work less and getting more gibs.
But those gibs have to come from somewhere, you can't manifest them from air. A communist society would transform everyone's lifestyle. It wouldn't be as it is now, but with more free stuff.
This is like an infant's idea of how the work should work.

You speak in the language of the people you’re catering to. Those who can’t understand are not welcome in the conversation.

>Shame on Reagan for passing the largest amnesty bill ever right?
You know, he only did that because that's what the dems wanted in exchange for more border control. And he never got the border control.

Jews, I'm not being anti-septic most mega rich are Jewish.

Man can't believe Obama dropped a bomb on some 15 year old.
You don't like Obama, and that's fine but he isn't the cause of all issues.

When they make a highlight reel of all the cringe inducing content made against trump, this is definitely going in that compilation, yep. *click*

Attached: vsauce.png (531x477, 363K)

So English?
America's de facto national language is English and it should stay that way.

Why do leftists lie so much?

Based and cringepilled

What the fuck happened to political satire since this last election? I guess everyone forgot how to do it during 8 years of Obama since they haven't done it since Bush.

We have exceeded cringe.
What term do we use for this?

See second point
>waste of money

>Quoting NPR
>Reddit Spacing
>Saying no one advocates for Free Healthcare for illegals.
>Doesn't live in the US and thinks he knows better

RETARD ALERT. Worry about your own country you third wolder.

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The retarded seals, the instagram thots and the wine aunts will clap as long as you say something in the vein of "blompfv bad" so there is no reason to actually think it through.

>It’s an unfounded and unhinged conspiracy that has no place in reality.
Absolute lunacy. Take your meds. Seriously. Even children can see what's going on. In a generation, most of Europe and the US will be majority shitskin. Lad, you don't have an iq above 80.

I thought Jews only cared about money and power though?

Since when do you care about wasting money?

People forget everything is a finite resource. Or simply refuse to accept that.

Those are secondary to attacking goyim.

Why the fuck you lyin?

>lets start joking about something that was news months ago
why do they continue to do this instead of more instant reactions

They didn't do satire with Obama it was 8 years of fellatio. Go back and watch anything 'satire' of him . It was cult of personality, sickening really.

That's why I said they forgot.

Sounds like a real fucking moron, in exchange for border security ill reward those who ignore border security.

Simpsons writers have done it again.
Now they need to do one on Brexit.
Everyone but republicans know he's a disaster.
Every other country in the world hates him.
Donald has to go!

>That’s why the wall won’t work.
Of course, you're wrong. None of what you're saying is supported by the experiences of modern countries with walls on their borders, like Israel. It's been very successful there. Poor people can't afford plane tickets, and they don't want to go through customs.
>dems aren't mexican supremacists
>so what if everything we support is to hurt white men and to take over their country
Noone's buying your lies.
>drumpf's just like the nazis
Your meds. Take them.
>You niggas can’t even get normal healthcare like in EuropeYou niggas can’t even get normal healthcare like in Europe
Oh, you're European. Brit, right?

So then if that’s true, why are you still unable to give me any proof of this? Surely, it musn’t be hard?


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is brexit the british trump

I would expect that kind of logic from a child, maybe a teenager, though.
Anyone remotely approaching young adult age should be able to realize "Wait, an utopia where I don't have to do anything and can live peacefully and prosperously can't actually exist."

Not reading that. And I'm not lying. Reagan agreed to the amnesty in exchange for stuff like tighter border control, which he never got. Amnesty was never something that he wanted.

>What truth?
A couple hundred thousand years of relative isolation in a species known for committing selective breeding is going to cause gene pools to vary on a regional basis. And that even a 0.1% difference can cause measurable differences in intelligence to arise.

>Literally no democrat is running with that policy
Every democrat is running on the policy of expanding immigration in a nation that already accepts more immigrants than any other combined.

>Imagine being this paranoid that you think “your race” is getting replaced.
And that's a good thing

Why does the idea of America and Europe having a majority white demographic offend people so much?
Why shouldn't Japan be more diverse and have more white representation, for example?

>US education is so bad they don’t know about paragraphs and making sure your written replies are clear and easy to read
>Can’t debunk an argument he thinks his opponent is wrong on, but will still mock him despite of it
>Calls other people a third worlder when the “third worlder” lives in The Netherlands, a country smaller than the US but outranks the US in the quality of life index at #7.

No user, YOU are the third worlder.

I wish there was an AOC lookalike like how there was Cybill Troy when Anita was big.
My biggest jerk off fantasy is a powerful women pegging me and stripping me of my manhood, but women just cannot dom without being paid for it.

translation, Simpsons a Disney property.

Disney just released a Trump Parody featuring The Squad

Attached: 1508911552784.png (296x280, 38K)

It's something that people on the left believe the can control thought and actions. Which is why you see stupid shit like "stop greed" or "end Racism" unless your Stalin or God you aren't going to be able to stop it. Same with resources. People can literally walk by hundreds of homeless and see millions of American's on Welfare and somehow think that increasing immigration (illegal or otherwise) is a good idea. As I've gotten older I realize I ask myself "is this idea sustainable' more so than think along party lines.
People are always grasping for more and it'll all come crashing down eventually.

It was animated by proud women of color.

I wonder when resident Disney puppet Mark Hamill will promote this awesome funny video that owns Drumpf on his Twitter account.

>How does perspective work
Looks like they drew inspiration from paintings done in the late middle ages.
The standard has really dropped.

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>Thinking Omar is attractive
I'm now sure there are paid shills here

Is it just a porn fantasy, or do you let your boner dictate your political leanings, too?

Is this real?

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At some point in the last 20 years its been a joy for the intelligentsia to crucify the white man. To say all his prosperity i s ill-gotten and he needs to be 'dethroned'. I think its Jews (who want control and whites were never conquered so you replace them with people who can be ) and thrid worlders who can't build a civilization to save their lives want to take what white culture has built.
People are working on Japan, because Japan shows you dont need diversity or multiculturalism to have a decent life and that having an homogeneous society is rather nice. And that for some fucking reason homogeneous societies with blacks or Hispanics fucking suck.

I don't get the point of this picture.
Is it supportive, is it mocking?
Because it's a fair argument.

If that color is yellow and Korean then sure.

>eventhough your source states otherwise I will convienently ignore it and say it’s wrong because of Israel which are in a totally different situation than the US but because we want a wall as well, we’ll compare us the them.

Not a smart move, buddy. Especially if you’re not going to substantiate your claim.

>noone’s buying your lies
Again, you still haven’t posted any solid argument nor proof of it happening. Even if that thing is so obvious.

>Racist retard gets his undies in a crunch at the mere mention of a word
I’m just calling it for what it is, bro. No need to get upset. Want me to grab the dictionary?

>Oh you’re European. Brit, right?
Nah, even better. I’m Dutch.

im with you. these are old as fuck memes i have saved 8 years ago or so

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Oh, okay.
I didn't know how to interpret it.

Attached: 1364474111684.jpg (400x494, 98K)

33% increase in a year, how are those rapefugees treating you.

As another Dutchfag, please stop embarrassing me.

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What is the purpose of replacing the “white” race? What is there to gain from it and why doesn’t it happen to other races?

I’m being serious.

>Imagine being this paranoid that you think “your race” is getting replaced.

I am not trying to drown you, I'm just filling the room with water

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are you being obtuse you ignorant double nigger? The kikes want a horde of 80 IQ mutts to rule over. The white american middle class is the only thing stopping the complete takeover. Get it?

I want to buy into this claim.
But what people are you currently arguing with that are dumb enough to be indoctrinated into supporting unfettered, open borders?
It's not that horde of 80 IQ mutts.
If you ask me, there's plenty of whites that are already braindead enough to be easily ruled over as is; if not, it wouldn't be as easy to push this in the first place.

Pretty good actually. Homicide rates are dropping steadily since 2005.

Get a better source next time, faggot.

The white race, put a man on the moon. Sailed the seas, discovered new worlds, made life changing technology, and cured diseases. Whites could never be attacked head on. Thats why is all a slow burn, teaching whites to hate themselves, and teach the minorities that the man who opened their boarders to them and clothe and fed them are the enemy.

Whites are the most powerful force in the world, with them gone. A small tribe of certain people can finally take over control the masses without trouble on a global scale.

Checkmate you wooden shoe wearing fuck boy. Worry about your own country.

So let’s imagine that intelligence works as you think it works, for argument’s sake, why do they want to replace the whites in order to rule over the world?

Why not just rule over the ones that are dumb? Why just the “white” race and not the other races? The Japs are pretty smart, smarter than the whites. Why not replace then since they could form a pretty strong opposition against the jews?

Remember when the police said "Hey these guys walking around selling animal carcasses on the street without license, right? Don't be disturbed, it's normal. Don't contact us about it."

United States has Mexico and Europe has the middle east. Mass immigration is easy when the immigrates can come en mass. Japan also has laws in place that make it hard to immigrate there.
Also not to sound mean but do you not know how to reply to someone?

In a phrase?

It's to separate and galvanize the upper and lower classes.

>What is there to gain from it
Power and influence over the strongest military power in the history of the world via political and economic strong-arming.

>and why doesn’t it happen to other races?
Because most other races realize that there is strength in cultural identity and that abandoning history leaves you susceptible to influence from parties that only seek their self-interest.

>Why not replace then since they could form a pretty strong opposition against the jews?
Japs don't control the American Military.

You are assuming a lot of work was put into that short. The Simpsons is done on computers now; test animation and rough cuts aren’t even a part of the equation now.

you do what you can do, and not what you cannot, if you are in Europe and the USA, already hold powerful positions you work with what you got.

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But hold up. Different races contributed towards a better quality of life, we know this to be true. And “white” is not a race, it’s just a skin color.

Six days.
Six fucking days.

white is just different kinds of europeans, there are a lot of "whites" just like there are a lot of "blacks" there is no "black" race it's just a skin colour.

a pygmy is not a somalian

>Different races contributed towards a better quality of life. Name 1 ONE country that has benefited from Multiculturalism. Which means, no debt increase, no crime increase.
citation needed. And white is a race you numb nut. Mention white and the idea of certain features and countries come to mind.

>And “white” is not a race, it’s just a skin color.
Europe spent roughly 200,000 in relative isolation due to the alps and the Mediterranean sea.
Whatever phrase you want to describe european ethnicity, use that instead.

It brings up a fair point and immediately ruins it by pairing it with David Duke, who was literally a high ranking KKK member. So idk if it's supposed to be ironic or not.

>we know this to be true.
>cites zero examples
Do you know what propaganda is son?

So basically, if you notice things, you're a KKK member.

but hwite people have no culture am i right

You're a nazi bigot phobic, etc. I haven't had a good debate in years because kids today don't know how to stand up for what they believe in. They just shout fallices and storm away like our little Dutch friend

ya man! i cant figure out why everyone always wants to travel to Paris or LONDON when they could get tons of culture in tehran or zimbabwe

It's sad really, a culture lost. In 20 years it'll all be different.

Honestly, the fact that you have white kids and young adults repeating this, unironically, kind of fills me with dread.
If people have been indoctrinated so hard they don't even believe they have their own culture despite all the evidence to the contrary right in front of them, then that group is thoroughly demoralized and brainwashed.

Oxygen depravation

I dont understand thins though, not saying its wrong but kikes are generally light skinned and can pass off as whites in america and that is why they have been so successful influencing people over there.

youd think the last thing they would want is for white people to disappear then be surrounded by darkies who they cant blend into when things get bad. No black, spic or muzzie will ever give a shit about the jews or any of their holocaust bullshit that they hide behind as stupid white westerners do so why isnt it the other way around?

I remember when Malcom X gave the 'who taught you to hate yourselves' sppech to the blacks. Sadly alot of whites need to hear the same speech. It's ironic that an anti white speech applies to whites more today than ever.

Once they are in power the would live away from them. Much like they do already.