Well, Yea Forums? Could it?

Well, Yea Forums? Could it?

Attached: wot.png (1102x809, 959K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I think it could. I really think it could. Also, you are awesome

I don't even know what this show is to be honest.

It's the story of a man who is incarnated into a certain role, and forced to live out his existence again and again eternally. He hates it. He decides to escape from the cycle. That's where the events of the series originate.

Get out of here Ishmael

too many roasties and mud people

yeah because georges shitwreck featured 0 women

We'll all get out of here

Nope. The source material does not have banter in the level of prose that ASoIaF has however low that was. The best it has was the plot which meanders a lot and the odd dominatrix fetish Jordan sprinkled here and there. The writers and producers already confessed that this isn't going to be faithful to the original material and will add shit into it so this is just going to be a mess of a show with no identity to speak of.

could it be a mediocre show with one good season and be worshipped by normies and fembots worldwide? Sure, if they get the marketing right

Ayoo we wuz Manetheren n sheeeeit
>tfw not white and still sick of this woke shit

Did you read both? WoT is superior to aSoIaF both in terms of prose and banter. I cannot understand your opinion.

this series has the worst women

It had white women.

No, this is pretty much going to be a disaster. For many reasons. Setting aside the fact that I don't trust Amazon to be true to the spirit of the novels in how it portrays characters, there's the issue that Wheel of Time has lots of big, showy magic and fantasy elements, unlike GoT, which was a lot of politics and characters talking in a few sets. Yes there's lots of that in Wheel of Time too, but there's also monsters, people throwing fireballs and summoning lightning, huge pitched battles with tens of thousands of participants, and a metric fuck ton of characters and a shit ton of events spread out across 14 door-stopper books.

This cannot possibly adapted into any kind of series, nobody has the budget to do it faithfully. They're going to chop up the plot into a schizophrenic mess that will make the teleporting in GoT's later seasons seem staid and reasonable. They're going to cut out probably 80% of the named characters in the series and probably only have 3 cities serve as the main settings and rewrite events to make that feasible.

Basically what we're going to get is something "loosely based" on Wheel of Time, it won't in any way resemble the story Jordan wrote.

Hah, why don’t you re-watch Lord of the Rings again instead?

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only if they discuss tax policy.

Not really. It's very heavy into the magic and fantasy, you can't play it off as "fantasy for normies".

Also, most of the female characters have like G+ cups, remember that. Halima probably wears an L cup.

that's the dumbest thing I ever read. underage ban material bad.

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its gonna be boring as fuck thats for sure

No we won't every battle against the Dark One has already been fought and won. You cannot break the wheel because the pattern has already been woven of your defeat.

>tall moiraine


Sure, it's entirely possible for a Wheel Of Time series to be a massive disappointment.

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I can't imagine how shitty everything will look. Book One is easy because it's mostly forests, Caemlyn, Baerlon, the Ways and Shadar Logoth. But then subsequent books are constantly in the big cities and less in the forests. Plus, you have a magic system that's basically a nightmare to portray in reality because these are supposed to be invisible weaves to all but other magic users. It's almost closer to Avatar than it is to GoT in that respect.

okay first time seeing this.

what's the cast looking like? who got turned into the token black?

>Age Lace gives up because there's too much unraveling
>reality stops
>there's nothing again
>something is created out of nothing
>Ishamael is reborn
What's the real plan for this guy to stop getting fucked?

>amazon are
This person has an english degree?

Of the main set, either all of the Emond's Fielders are white or they're black. You can't just have a black Egwene because they're all supposed to be ethnically the same, the old blood, except for Rand. And Rand can't be *too* different because then the question of Tam becomes a fucking no brainer. Moiraine must be short and pale as per her ethnicity, but Lan could be black because he's basically the only Malkieri we see.

Yes, I have. Consider this: prose doesn't really translate well to film/tv so they have nothing there, ASoIaF has decent banter here and there and the show writers still managed to fuck that up when they started doing their own fan-fiction. How is this going to be any different with this adaptation when the writers already said that the source material was too (and I fucking hate using this word) hetero-normative and would like to add shit in because it's CURRENT YEAR. I'm not even mentioning the fact that WoT is a fucking Dragon Ball Z book with people throwing Kamehameha that delete people from existence, dudes that fly and morph with big ass armies fighting all the time. The show is fucked.

The One Power is just the start of it. The trollocs are probably gonna look like complete garbage. And all the other shadowspawn. Can't wait for big CGI rottweilers for darkhounds. They won't be able to do justice to the way the Myrddraal move and fight, going to get Ring Wraith cosplayers whirling around like those extras in Last Jedi. Going to be so bad.

egwene's actress is black

This series is full of bantz, though. Entirely. DBZ shit doesn't happen until Sanderson gets in charge.

when will they adapt the sword of truth series

>the weave is woven to be unwoven

Rand getting that moment of sudden perfect clarity on the Dragonmount and just becoming perfectly zen is book kino.

>He hates it. He decides to escape from the cycle.
What a shitty trope. Why don't we ever get a story where the person embraces it and treats it like a videogame with ironman runs, figuring out every detail.

There's basically no chance Amazon are going to pay that much attention to the details of the books. Nothing I've read about this "adaptation" gives any sign that they even respect the novels as source material. Fans of Jordan's novels are going to be disappointed and GoT normies are going to drop this once it becomes apparent it won't have titties out every other episode or shocking betrayals and murders.

And how will we get LTT? A disembodied voice? I'm just mostly concerned about the Aiel Sweat tents, and all of those dark tanlined bodies, dripping sweat, over thick fire red bushes and over giant sagging fat breasts.

>Yes, I have. Consider this: prose doesn't really translate well to film/tv so they have nothing there
Then why were the best scenes in ASoIaF ripped straight from the books with little to no changes?

It's very clear it's typical high fantasy, all of your main characters live to the end or near to the end. Every major death is like a big deal in WoT, even for side characters.

Because you're a fool to think it has little to no changes? Anyways, have you read WoT? You'll see what I mean once they've released this show. They cannot adapt the best scenes in this series.

>Lord of the Rings
>rich in politics, history, and power struggles

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>Because you're a fool to think it has little to no changes?

>They cannot adapt the best scenes in this series.
Just makes me mad already.
>tfw no "Kneel or you will be knelt."

A disembodied voice and/or a phantom only Rand can see sometimes. Both could work if done well.

The sweat tent scenes are pure kino and pretty essential for that plot.

>achieve string of max conduct ascensions
>lol you're still fucking here dude deal w/it

>>lol you're still fucking here dude deal w/it
That implies trying to escape, I'm just chasing the next level

Does airing one episode per week vs available all at once for binge viewing have an effect on popularity? Seems like shows that air on cable (Breaking Bad, GoT, Chernobyl) can have a larger cultural impact/meme-ability by becoming water cooler shows that everybody can participate in together vs a show that comes out all at once (Netflix/Prime)

No because there are goat monsters within the first few chapters and normies hate high fantasy.

GoT is high fantasy though.

>being the next game of thrones
Why can't people just let something become its own thing? Game of thrones became what it is not because of the genre but because supposedly non of the characters was safe, it was something new for the normies. This show could be pretty good if they simply don't try to compete with the memory of early got or something like that.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if GoT wasn't the Heaven's Gate of TV, and all this prestige drama nonsense falls out of favor.

The main villian figures that with it being an endless cycle, that the Dark One will always try to break free infinitely and that he only has to win once to destroy everything. So he makes the logical decision to throw his lot in with him, though he makes the arrogant mistake of not realising that he's just a player in the whole thing and that his choice was predestined.

Because they're obviously trying to ride it's coattails. GoT made high fantasy popular in a medium and with an audience it had never really reached before. It was sexy and gritty, completely changed what the public's perception of high fantasy was as a genre.

The fact that they're comparing WoT to GoT like this is another reason I have no faith in this adaptation. They're just going to change the story to be more similar to GoT.

GoT was pretty fucking far from "High Fantasy" at the beginning.
Even at the end the most fantastical elements were characters teleporting around the continent as needed.

Depends on how they handle the magic, Its probably going to look like shit unless they spend a heap of cash on it
.People always harp on about how shit the women are in WoT but the point is they always get btfo by the men in the end. They are there so you love to hate them, with payoff when they get fucked over. Think of Matt getting the medallion or Moraine bowing to Rand.
No doubt the writers will fuck everything up though.

>everyone s a nigger now

Who the fuck likes politics and power struggles in High Fantasy? It's supposed to be all about adventure, freedom, discovery and the consequences of it.

Fuck any book heavy on politics and hierarchy.

>I don't care if your ex broke up with you because she was dating a retarded pedophile who works as a janitor down at the local Baskin Robbins, I don't care if she gave you one of his stupid but horribly strong STDS...

I know or care nothing for the Wheel of Time series but I am instantly on board for whatever the fuck this dude has to say.

It could've been, before they fucked everythang up.

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I'm talking about The Boys with my homies and sistas on a regular basis.

People who bitch about the women in WoT are pleb filtered imo. They failed to understand what Jordan was going for in how he portrayed them. They're full of themselves but are constantly fucking up. The world has been effectively ruled by a cabal of witches who live for hundreds of years for the last 3000 years and the result is a world descending ever further into turmoil, decay, and stagnation, with the influence of the shadow growing stronger and stronger in the face of their sheer incompetence.

>high fantasy

JAJAJAJAJA Go watch LOTR again then come back and then sit through Willow, then tell me what genre GoT is.

I guarantee you it's low fantasy with CGI porn.

Once a week prolongs a show's cultural impact. Stranger Things is a massive outlier, but generally something being the public conscious for 10 weeks is better than 2 weeks, it gives people time to digest, speculate, and participate.

It's high fantasy. Idiots like you always mouth off but you don't know anything about this topic.

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>The world has been effectively ruled by a cabal of witches who live for hundreds of years for the last 3000 years and the result is a world descending ever further into turmoil, decay, and stagnation, with the influence of the shadow growing stronger and stronger in the face of their sheer incompetence.
Western civilization?

How does that even remotely describe western civilization?


Given this consideration, isn't Faile due a little respect? I mean she's been raised in a shit society in a shit world

Feel free to find your own credible sources that say it's not high fantasy then. I'll wait.

It's not exactly the women's fault alone, the Aes Sedai need to be whole to properly function

Yeah the men fucked up 3000 years ago, with LTT being the chief fuck up, but women then proceeded to fuck up continuously for 3000 years after that. Men are responsible for the taint and the breaking, but women mismanaged the world for millennia. That's on them.

Surely if you want to blame anyone its Lanfear.

I was cautiously optimistic about this, then I saw the cast and dropped it hard.

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And Ishamael of course. You get the feeling the world was back on course until the Trolloc Wars. A lot of the great wonders you see are from that first 1000 years, like Whitebridge or Rhuidean or Far Madding.

Maybe it was hidden in one of the 563 songs I skipped.

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Rhuidean was a half built city that they dumped the remaining objects of power in and chucked some spells on top. Far Madding is just a regular city built around a Ter angreal they found. Whitebridge is from the age of legends. Nigga did you read the books?

>I have won again Lews Therin

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Lanfear was bad, I'm talking about people who were actually well-meaning but just incompetent or made a big mess of things. LTT did a lot of good, but he also nearly destroyed the world because of his rashness. The Aes Sedai intended to guide the remaining nations and hold the line against the Shadow, but the naked ambition of some of the worst Amyrlins combined with their tendency to meddle where they weren't needed ended up souring their reputation in much of the world, and their internal politics also weakened them as an organization and made it extremely easy for the Shadow to infiltrate them. They also became complacent and set in their ways, afraid of change, afraid of challenging tradition, which again worked in the Shadow's favor and further weakened themselves.

It's not until Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elaine arrive at the Tower that they start getting shook out of their complacency.





Why not just stack every sa'angreal and Power technique and fuck over both the dark one and the creator and make man the lord of all?

>t. Lanfear

Pretty much whenever you deliberately try to be the next big thing you always fail.

>Moiraine shooting belal with balefire in the Stone of Tear as Rand runs of chasing a floating shadow with a mask through the world of dreams
>Shooting a black hole that shits lightning that executes a thousand trollocs at the same time
>the first book has Rand set ten million trollocs on fire at the same time

Too bad about her love or whatever. She could have just compelled that guy and used him as an asset.

I doubt they'll make it past season 2 before everyone gives up. Maybe a cobbled together season 3 that rushes everything else. I wanted distinct ethnicity and nations, not a sea of jumbled mud. Tear are Korean Spaniards, Altara is Sicilian, Arad Doman is Persian, Illian is Greek, Andor is Tudor England, Cairhien is 1600s France. Jumbling it all up makes it so that you can't tell who is from where except for their clothes I guess. See that brown Aes Sedai? You'd think Arad Doman, but no, now she's fucking Andoran.

...okay, you win. This series is anime, even though I hate to admit it

This pretty much sums up my feelings about the books. Only made it halfway through the series before I decided that I would actually rather kill myself than continue living this torturous life.

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All of the best scenes of the books are elaborate set pieces that require more than Mongols on horses and trebuchets. GoT's battles looked fucking awful enough as it is, and they had all of the budget and attention as they could get.

Can't wait for the racially distinct Aeil to get diversified.

Lanfear was power hungry and salty over getting cucked so she opened the bore and fucked everything up. You cant blame the men for going insane for trying to patch it.

China has a whole genre of books and comics dedicated to this idea and they're all fucking ching-chong garbage that only low-caste bugmen could ever enjoy.

Why is everything better in China?

The NEED to diversify the EM villagers is horrible. The books are full of colors, and you'd see them once you get to Baerlon. Of course all of the Whitecloaks will be the fucking whitest people they could find.

I mean if it even gets that far how in the everloving fuck are they going to do tarmon gai'don? 950 pages straight of fifty million people dying to a hundred million critters across a continent. Even the smaller battles later on, like the seanchan raid on the tower are just fucking impossible. I hope I'm proven wrong but goddamn there's just no way

>What a shitty trope.
True. It's literally sour grapes.

What if the Children of the Light were all casted as the darkest-skinned Africans? Would you admire Rafe?

They'll run out of steam. The only way to do these fucking books is animated. I bet Halima won't even be in it, or Satelle Anan, or anyone else with gigantic fat knockers.

Sounds like the experience of trying to read one of those fucking snoozers.

>Of course all of the Whitecloaks will be the fucking whitest people they could find.
Yeah probably. Even though, ironically enough, they're a multi-ethnic order that accept members from all over the world, whereas most of the nations' nobles and military formations are all fairly ethnically homogeneous, with the exception of the Illian King's Companions, which I believe allow foreigners to serve.

Would be hilarious. But seriously, if they're gonna force diversity into the Two Rivers, when I expect ghost pale Windfinders.

>Remember eternity
>Fighting and killing and dying for all time without end
>Since the devil forces you to remember
>Can do nothing else since you and your enemy are fated by God
>Kill self so you don't have to deal with it anymore
>Satan brings you back to life cause fuck you pussy

What other option did he have

game of thrones is a soap opera
lord of the rings is a fairy tale

>be shit like game of thrones
most likely

>The only way to do these fucking books is animated
Yeah I've long thought this. Only way to do all the magic and shit so it doesn't look shitty.

your point?

Probably. Even through the first season, which is apparently the first two books, how in the hell is falme going to work?

This. The only other fantasy stories worth a fuck would be the Elric stuff or Wagner's Kane stories.

>giant old pale titties
not sure if want

>Of course all of the Whitecloaks will be the fucking whitest people they could find
Funny thing is that the majority of whitecloaks are Amadicians. Who are white with dark eyes and dark hair, since the entire thing is based on the Spanish Inquisition.

But they are so going to make all the whitecloaks blonde and blue eyed.

Vinge's shit is fantasy except for a few elements. Same with Niven. What about Conan?

I can live with Perin being black cause part of me always felt he was "that" character, but man Nynaever better clean up nicely to have a chance with me.

Egwene is dead to me, but let's be real fucking no one liked her.

Company names, especially ones like Amazon that have separate major divisions (shopping, Prime, etc.) can be treated as a plural noun.
It's not unusual and there actually is no steadfast rule for it.

Shit show if Tuon was white would be fucking amazing.
I would not mind if she was titty monster, though it would kinda ruin the joke that Matt likes big tits and is married to a flat woman and also her random jealous moments.

I've lost hope on Conan ever being done right.

>but let's be real fucking no one liked her.
Yeah and she's going to get even more screen time in the show. You fucking bet on it. I feel incredibly bad for whatever chad they find to play Gawyn. Because they are going to have explicit sex scenes with Gawyns actor trying to act like he's crazy about this aboriginal.

Egg Wayne was a giant cunt through the entire series. Let's be real though, Min is best girl.

Tuon always made me feel like she was a black version of the Childlike Empress.

Low key Nynaeve is best grill.

There's a good reason she ended up being the only person Rand trusted.

>credible source
you first

>Min is best girl
>sits on Rand's lap at the first opportunity
I've known girls like this and they aren't exactly chaste.

>barmaid and former miner girl with aunts who were likely prostitutes
Min definitely wasn't pure.

By episode three or four they will be in a huge multicultural city with every race and from that point on there are prominent characters of every race and color. But they couldn't even wait that long. The idea of having five white faces on screen for three or four episodes was just too fucking horrifying to these people.

This. You start off thinking she's the worst shrew of them all, then you realize it's literally all bluster. She's this angry, tiny girl putting on all these airs because nobody takes her seriously and she hates it. She's absolutely adorable. Finally getting the dick from Lan made her show her true colors.

Yeah I thought not. Can't even find one person to back up your bullshit.

>huge multicultural city

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Nigga at the pace they're going Baerlon will be over with before episode 1 finishes.

Aunts can't be prostitutes.

so ... Morrowind ?

Hey user I made the thread for, just in case you're still around I want to say this thread about a series I don't even know actually got more replies than any of the threads I do make myself in earnest.
What the fuck

You're hilarious. I was serious about not being able to make threads due to rangebanning. I can't believe you serviced me, like a woman.

>Okay pose like you're reading the book
>Ugh.. Gross. Fucking fantasty nerd garbage. This is pathetic. Have you taken it yet? Good, christ, I need a Chad.

Seriously though. Episode One: Introductions and Winternight
Episode 2: Leavetaking and probably ending in Baerlon
Episode 3: Shadar Logoth

Like Christ, they literally couldn't hold on. Min could have been black or brown, and that would have satisfied enough. I guess it's because the main gang needs to be diversified, but that only holds true for the first book. We get like 100 more character for every new novel, and every single color. Even dark Seapeople.

>Rich in politics
>Lord of the Rings
The fuck is this nigger saying

Episode 1 should be just about enough for the LTT prologue and events in EM leading up to Tam and Rand traveling home while being watched by the Myrddraal leading into Episode 2 which will mostly be the attack on the farm and Rand's journey through the woods and ending with him seeing EM having also having been attacked as a cliffhanger.

And I'd do it again daddy
I haven't read a single word in this thread though I was busy doing shit on /trash/

WoT threads always get a lot of traffic on Yea Forums.

Nah, that's cramming too much shit in to pad out time. Scriptwriting focuses on cutting down most of the fluff and quickly getting through the book. With your pace it'd have to be like 26 episodes which would make sense for an anime at 20 minutes per episode.

Why is this series even popular? I've never heard of it before. Is it a North American thing?

Are the books worth a read? I hear there are some anoying female characters which is very off putting to me.

Top tier taste

Is anything in 14 volumes worth a read?

I respect your funposting skill.

Most of the female characters are actually really good. You'll get a real kick out of Bela, for instance.

There are a lot of annoying female characters, however that makes it extremely satisfying when they get put in their place by alpha chad characters.

> I've never heard of it before.
You probably don't read much fantasy then, it's one of the most popular epic fantasy series of the last 30 years. Robert Jordan and Wheel of Time were the talk of the fantasy scene in the 1990s and into the early 00s, remains popular even now though A Song of Ice and Fire has long since leapfrogged it in popularity thanks to HBO's adaptation of it. ASoIaF always had a strong following among fantasy readers, but it didn't have the big star power that WoT did, it wasn't until Game of Thrones on HBO that it blew past WoT straight into mainstream stardom.

Sounds like the people playing the incarnations of the main character would have to be really solid then.

Bela best female character

rezero fucking sucks

It does, but Rem is cute and best girl.

Literally one of the best selling series in the world m8.

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so it is doctor who

Fuck off Billy Zane.

Delete this now

I read the first 3 books and genuinely felt like killing myself all the way through, it's so bad it made me stop reading fantasy for a good year before I gave another fantasy book a chance. If this series actually becomes popular I will genuinely shoot myself

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So what's a good fantasy series to you? Try to mention an example that isn't Malazan, Black Company or the First Law.

Faile can be excused in the beginning because she comes from a culture where shit testing is a national pastime, but after the millionth time of her antics fucking everything up she should've figured out that Perrin does not want to slap her silent every fucking day.

I really liked The book of the new sun and memory sorrow and thorn too, but I have not finished that yet

There are many worst girls in wheel of Time and faile is certainly the most worst

Book of the new sun was a pile of steaming shit meant for pseudo-intellectuals. Fuck Gene Wolf.

It's boring as fuck to read and Severian is a shit character.

I guess they assumed most POC wouldnt watch the show long enough to find that out unless there were some in the first episode

>book of the new sun

Pseud detected

First of all LTT wasn't just "rash which caused everything bad that happened", he kept asking the women for help but they kept stalling and refusing unless they'd go with their retarded plan that would've just fucked everything up (just put up a fucking barrier with the choedan kal and call it a day), LTT had to go and seal the DO alone with the hundred companions because there was no time and he was not getting help from the women. Then again you could say that it was predestined by the pattern because it was the only way they could've done it, but it was essential that only one of the powers was used to do it, because the taint was happening no matter what, so blaming anyone for it is pointless.
>It's not until Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elaine arrive at the Tower that they start getting shook out of their complacency.
Nynaeve for sure, Elayne kinda, but Egwene was just a power whore who worshiped the institution of aes sedai and would've just continued their stupid habits that ruined everything so far. Nynaeve is the one that will be a true force of progress in the tower after AMOL, Egwene dying was super lucky. You just know that had she lived she would've immediately started to fuck with the black tower because she absolutely can't stand anyone to have more power than her.

For all its shortcomings it was still much much much better than the wheel of time, and while Severian was a dull character at least he did not make me want to enter the book and strangle him, unlike Egwne, Nynaeve and the princess girl. Reading wheel of time felt like watching naruto fillers, nothing ever happened, the action was boring, the character development was fucking terrible and the 500+ pages of torture were not worth the cool ending. Jordan cannot go a chapter without having a completely pointless and irrelevant discussion spanning 10 pages where the phrase "tugs at braid" is used a billion times

Yeah the thing is that all the talk about how "acting ability and performance are the only thing that matters and not skin color you bigots" gets yeeted out of the window faster than the speed of sound the moment they are casting a character who's not white in the source material. Then it's suddenly the worst sin imaginable to alter the ethnicity even slightly. I'd be ok with the argument if these fuckers had any backbone and stuck to it no matter who is being cast, but it's never the case. It's just so fucking blatant and obvious double standard.

Wheel of Time has cool action scenes and suspense. Book of the New Sun was a complete slog because you don't really care about any of the characters and the story itself is vague and diffuse to the point where you just end up reading it page for page without actually wanting to know what happens next. It also has zero rereadability because it has no action scenes to speak of. Closest thing is when they slap each other with sharp leaves at one point.

Nynaeve was also based, didn't give a fuck about being Aes Sedai and almost told them to get fucked.

Based on the leaked episode names episode 1 will end with them leaving the Two Rivers and 2 when they arrive in Shadar Logoth.

>2 episodes to get to Shadar Logoth

Along with the diverse cast, this tells you what a dumpster fire this is going to be.

Sadly, there may well be a mass audience for what will supplant Game of Thrones as the dullest franchise in the history of television franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy channeler and his pals from The Westlands as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency will be its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Jordan's estate vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; they made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody - just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for the books. The Wheel of Time series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though


The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a female character was doing nothing, the author wrote instead that the character "tugged her braids."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Jordan's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Wheel of Time by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Eye of the World at 15 or 16, then they will probably go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Wheel of Time" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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It's a competition between Faile and Egwene imo. A lot of Faile's faults are due to ignorance and cultural differences, but Egwene is just straight up cunt to everyone.

The problem is, normies love sex, and there is explicitly 0 sex up until the 3rd book. Granted they can probably get to the end of the second book by the 1st season as there's a ton of shit that you could cut out of the 1st book that could be broken down purely into imagery.

Now one of the things the series will have going for it is the violence and battles are pretty next level, so hopefully, that will keep normies entertained until we start getting sex scenes.

As someone who has read all the books twice, I really hope this series does well, but I really think the lack of sexual content and how the series has much more to do with magic and high fantasy elements is going to be a major turn off for people.

Also, there's really no LGBTQ+(whatever the fuck) characters. Not an issue for most people, but the SJWs are going to have a field day with it meaning that they'll probably introduce gay characters or will change the sexual orientation of characters to appease the minority. Hopefully, they keep that shit solely within the Red Ajah, but wouldn't hold my breath.

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>became an aes sedai only to be able to heal people better
>ready to immediately pack up and gtfo if they try to prevent her from doing that
Nyn was too based for this shitty world.

>no banter in WoT

Are you retarded? WoT has some of the greatest shit talks in literature. Fuck dude, you could write a book of shit-talking between Min and Matt alone.

The episodes are an hour long and there's a lot of descriptions that only take a second to show. They also need to condense the pacing because there's no way in hell they'll get 14 seasons. 2 books per most seasons with one season for 8-10 is what you should be expecting.

I think the dude making this show said Egwene is his favorite character.

I thought the women were pretty fucking realistic honestly. The Red Ajah was blatantly my experience with pretty much every HR woman I've ever worked with.

The only unrealistic part was Rand's harem shit, which I guess you could still make an argument for considering the dude basically became supreme emperor of everything.

Curious to know what else you found to be unrealistic?

>Nigger Nynaeve








>all this shared hatred for egwene

Its likely she was written to be a bad guy and Jordan scrapped the idea near the end

A great read up on how and why

Oh lawd

>The only unrealistic part was Rand's harem shit,
Jordan was dating two girls simultaneously at one point and they were both okay with it to the point of them planning their date schedules together. He has literally said that since he could handle two, why couldn't the dragon reborn handle three? Jordan was based as hell.

Egwene becoming a new forsaken and Taim staying Demandred would've been kino as hell.

>Has a harem
>Writes literature that basically says women are shit tier and need to be collared


>A man with two wives? Mat didn’t know if he was the luckiest man in the world or the biggest idiot he met.

I wish Egwene was never freed from the collar and was taken back to Seanchan.

I agree largely with this post, though I still think it can be done.

The problem is that the only way to do it is you are going to have to cut out a shit ton of content from the side characters which had absolutely goat side plots. The queen's journey can be completely cut out for one thing, as well as a lot of the larger traveling segments. Desert people (forget the name) can be largely eliminated completely with a lot of their inside bickering cut out. Ajah infighting can be brought down to a couple of episodes.

Basically, if you solely focus on Perrin, Mat, and Rand, it can be done. It's just sad that we'll lose a lot of material going in.

>Jordan was dating two girls simultaneously at one point and they were both okay with it to the point of them planning their date schedules together.

Based if true.

I fucking absolutely refuse to believe this is wheel.

Who's playing who?

Wheel of Time

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Egwene is actually the only one out of the lot that's fine as she was described in the series have having a dark complexion.

The fact that they made Perrin and Nynaeve literal youths is a fucking disgrace. This is legitamtely worse casting than The Witcher.

This is probably bait but I will take it anyway

the action sequnces in wheel of time were not good at all, they were just boring chaos when magic was not being used and a dick-measuring look what crazy shit I will pull out of my arse contest when it was. Book of the new sun is not about the action but I still found it plenty suspensful, and re-reading is a must cause reading it once is not fully enough it grasp what is going on, you have to put down the book and think about what is being written not just pointless browse through the word like WoT. Also Dr Talos, Dorcas and Agia are much better characters than anyone from the first 3 books. Wheel of time is just like harry potter, except for cool teenagers and without any of the charm of hp.

From left to right: Egwene, Rand, Perrin, Nynaeve and then Mat

>I was wondering, can you talk about how your lead character would have not one but three true loves, and how does your wife feel about that?
>Um, when I was much younger, before I met Harriet, I had two girlfriends simultaneously, who arranged my dating schedule between them, who was going to date me on which night. They chipped in together to buy me birthday presents and Christmas presents. You know, they just sort of shared me between them, you know. And they had been friends before, and I am not quite sure whether or not they made the decision they were both going to date me or not, on their own, before they first met me, it just came about. But I figured if I could manage two, surely Rand could manage three. Besides there are mythological reasons to have these three women involved with him.

I endorse this opinion. Wheel of Time was a never ending stream of shitty generic fantasy from a time when even ‘good’ fantasy was needlessly broken up to sell more books.
I’ve literally read short stories that were more impactful. If you haven’t come to the point by the tenth or eleventh book, you’re probably way too overblown.

>Egwene is actually the only one out of the lot that's fine as she was described in the series have having a dark complexion.
Wrong. She was described as having been tanned after spending time in the waste. Originally she was lighter than a tanned Aiel. The TR people's "dark features" refer to their eyes and hair.

>Rand is the manlet

What the fuck were they thinking? Okay, thanks for letting me know. I can officially drop this series and move on to something else.

Rand's actor is 6'3", the pic doesn't show their heights related to each other.

afaik there's no sex in it so i doubt it

So uh, how are they going to handle that weird as fuck mental regression / rebirth scene the Wisdom performed from the books?

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That would have been pretty kino, but honestly, don't get the hate for Egwene either. She was a pretty standard character I thought. I didn't find her terribly exciting, but she never did anything that made me completely dislike her.

They won't

The what now?

Response to casting criticism


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Sanderson is a fucking retard. What fucking "themes" does it support to make everyone in the isolated backwater village look completely different? It directly fucks with everything to do with the history of the place AND the future plot point of new people coming in and being noticeably different.

You can tell he was fucking scrambling for a justification.

>L-Lord of the Rings wasn't 100% faithful

Yeah but it was pretty fucking close.

>N-No one wanted Jackman to play Wolverine

Literally who? He looks exactly like fucking Wolverine.

No. Niggers are bad for ratings.

Wolverine is supposed to be a manlet so I guess there's that, but he's fucking delusional if he's claiming that literally anyone gave a shit about that.

Not only is there no sex, WoT is weirdly sanitized other than people getting turned into hamburger meat and red slushies. Their curses are fucking laughable and quaint, Mother's Milk in a Cup! And even when there is some sex, it cuts away, it's modest, and basically everyone blushes. The lewdest it gets is with Tylin pegging Mat basically everything with Mommy Graendal.

More like the sexy stuff is weirdly matter in fact and doesn't get focused on. It just kinda is there. Every fucking ritual demands the women to get their tits out, Graendal uses naked people as furniture, Seanchan servants are in see through clothes and the entire damane system is just thinly veiled BDSM smut.

>tfw you'll never be an Ashachad forcefully bonding and making a harem of aes'sedai
fuck sake lads its not fair

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When Elayne and Aviendha are "reborn" as sisterwives and are given the OP connection sort of like a warder bond.

>And even when there is some sex, it cuts away

They'll just add it back in. Writing a sex scene is fucking low tier, romantic novel trash anyway. You are right though that Jordan wasn't really vulgar about anything, he gave plenty of content and allusions to sex, prostitution, strippers, etc. that any decent TV writer will be able to work with.

>damane system is just thinly veiled BDSM smut


"Gee I wonder why everyone thinks I look different. I mean half of the village is darker than tanned leather, but I'm the one that stands out!"

Anyway, fuck Perrin. They'll probably manage to fuck Faile up too somehow and not make her a Chinese Jewess.

Fuck that was such a weird full of cringe chapter.

Jordan had some fucking weird fetishes.

>Unified cultural identity

Andor is supposed to represent 16th century England not 2019 you absolute fucking hack holy shit. Better be behind making Tuon white and a bunch of sea folk cunts white too.

Oh, that was done by the Aiel and not the wisdom. But anyway, the showrunner is a fucking retard and completely missed the point of their relationship and is most probably going to make them fuck each other along with Rand so I wouldn't be surprised if the ritual got removed entirely or turned into some kind of a bizarre lesbo wedding.

I could have read whole books on what Graendal did her in spare time.

Faile is going to be a white as snow nordic girl now I fucking guarantee you.


You mean based and redpilled Asha man putting stupid whamen in their place

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Thinking on Faile, what would that ethnicity be? Central Asian for sure for mixing Middle eastern and Oriental phenotypes, and of course fits in well with the horseman theme.

>every time Elaine is fucked, everyone she's "bonded" with feels it too

Jordan was an absolute madman with how far he took magic and sex.

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Speaking of based male'sedai.

What was the name of the guy who was originally made into a false dragon then proceeded to before everyone?

>The chapter where semirhage tortures a warder to death with orgasms and his Aes Sedai is dead too from induced perpetual orgasm through the bond

A true mad lad

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You're right, it was all allusions or stated like "And then they were naked!" But not too much more than saying women were shapely or buxom or displayed ample amounts of cleavage.
Or saying Halima was like some pervert's vision of a woman made real.


>people in this thread actually think there no sex when half of WoT is straight up hentai

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>When Nynaeve heals his gentling and he just sits there flexing on her while she shits her pants

True kino

Fuck yeah.

Logain is the most based character in the series and gives absolute 0 fucks. I hope they get someone cool to play him.

Literally the only good change the showrunner has mentioned is that he intends to give Logain more screentime and extend his role.

I loved the WoT books for a few reasons, but the biggest one was the world building. I can’t imagine Amazon could do it justice. Also showhorning diversity and LGBBQ shit into it is retarded. It had the odd lesbian (Elida was a turbo dyke and arguably the most hated character in the book, as well as most of the Reds), and it had whole races of non-whites each with awesome characters of their own. Making everyone in the Two Rivers, famed for being a pure bloodline back to Monetherin, is retarded. I hope it’s good, I really do, but I have no faith.

This is a gay synopsis, and fundamentally wrong. The correct one would be

>”women ruin everything, all the time, and Anime-protag strong magical Hitler needs to come and save the day”

Found the audiobook listener

Because those scenes are really few and far between. But, unlike GoT, if you stayed true to the books..

Remember how most of the Aes Sedai do there rituals "Clad Only in the Light?" Like you've got Moiraine, Aviendha, and Egwene running naked through Rhuidean, Nyn naked during her test, the Hall going topless. But still, most of the books are of Rand walking.

>Also shoehorning diversity and LGBBQ shit into it is retarded.

It's even more retarded because the series already has diversity. Yeah, the main cast at the start is all white (except I guess you could make the argument Rand is mixed) but by book two, there are a ton of the characters of other races.

There was legit 0 reason to race change any of the characters because there are already characters from pretty much any given race.

I can’t wait for the trans Aes Sedai who can channel Saidin. That shit will be in there.

It's just Ishamael posting again. Ignore him.

Halima is already cannon senpai

Rand is mixed Andoran and Aiel, two white ethnicities.

Isn't there already Halima? Why would the need to do that?

Balthamel, a womanizer and probably rapist, reborn as probably the bustiest woman in the series: Aran'gar/Halima. But this BTFOs out of trannies because it says your soul stays with your original sex. Your soul's sex determines what you channel.

>Anime-protag strong magical Hitler

I'm glad somebody else said this.

Halima is up there but not the bustiest.

i stopped reading wheel of time after the 7th book i think, and i am a completionist. thats how shit it is. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring


I think you could make the argument that Aiel is closer to middle eastern / Arabic, but some also would consider that white. My point being, had they made rand into a proper looking half then I don't think people would have so much of an issue as opposed to making Perrin and Nynaeve literally black for no reason.

Is it confirmed that they are saying they are seafolk? If so, that's just absolutely retarded on so many levels.

Aiel are canon desert Irish.

Gotta consult the ancient scrolls here.


1. Selucia
2. Setalle Anan
3. Halima
4. Graendal
5. Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron
6. Sevanna
7. Cyndane
8. Morgase Trakand
9. Therava
10. Riselle
11. Lanfear
12. Else Grinwell
13. Someryn
14. Elayne Trakand
15. Aviendha
16. Tylin Quintara Mitsobar
17. Birgitte Silverbow
18. Alanna Mosvani
19. Talaan din Gelyn
20. Melindhra
21. Verin Mathwin
22. (Betse Silvin) That Barmaid Mat dances with when he has the flashback of him being some minor lord dancing with a Sea Folk Wavemistress at a ball at the court of Shaemal right before the start of the Trolloc Wars.
23. Semirhage
24. Deira Bashere
25. Nynaeve al'Maera
26. Tigraine Mantear
27. Melaine
28. Romanda/Lelaine
29. Cadsuane Melaidhrin
30. Alliandre Maritha Kigarin
31. Mesaana
32. Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan


47. Alviarin Freidhen
48. Pevara Tazanovni
49. Egeanin Tamarath
50. Suroth Sabelle Meldarath
51. Aludra
97. Mili Skane
98. Tylee Khirgan
99. Elmindreda Farshaw
100. Egwene al'Vere
101. Leanne Sharif
998. Siuan Sanche
999. Faile
1000. Moirane Damodred
1001. Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan
1002. Bair
1003. Moghedien
10,000,000. Tuon

>I think you could make the argument that Aiel is closer to middle eastern / Arabic
No you literally can't. They are pretty much the whitest people in the entire series.

>1. Selucia
>2. Setalle Anan

Based and matpilled

This. They're literally the most Paddy Leprechaun Top o the Morning pale fucks you could imagine plopped down into the desert.

Dang Min didn't even make the list.

Shouldn't Riselle be higher? She was the maid in Tylin's palace who Olver was constantly motorboating right?

99 dude

>99. Elmindreda Farshaw

But she's like top of the ass list.

I looked it up. You're right.

How the fuck did Rand get dark skin then?

??? He didn't.

>Min will never use her clairvoyance to sex you for maximum pleasure

Why live?

Possibly? But remember those above her are also canon fucking huge.

wheel of time is a shit book
so no

Aw fuck, it's been too long since I read these books.

This comment had so much edge it cut me to read

im thinking faile
all the whitecloaks
padan fain
probably almost every friend of the shadow we see
and im guessing most of the damane, except a tolkien black one that will be used as an analogy for slavery.

plus tuons whisperer since its a subservient role

taim will be the whitest guy possible and be used as a trump/hitler analogy

shes very clearly jewish, he goes on and on about her big nose when shes first introduced. shes a spoiled rich daddys girl. and she lies about her history constantly


1. Selucia
2. Setalle Anan
3. Halima
4. Graendal
5. Berelain sur Paendrag Paeron
6. Cyndane
7. Riselle
8. Sevanna
9. Morgase Trakand
10. Therava
11. Lanfear
12. Else Grinwell
13. Someryn
14. Elayne Trakand
15. Aviendha
16. Tylin Quintara Mitsobar
17. Birgitte Silverbow
18. Alanna Mosvani
19. Talaan din Gelyn
20. Melindhra
21. Verin Mathwin
22. (Betse Silvin) That Barmaid Mat dances with when he has the flashback of him being some minor lord dancing with a Sea Folk Wavemistress at a ball at the court of Shaemal right before the start of the Trolloc Wars.
23. Semirhage
24. Deira Bashere
25. Nynaeve al'Maera
26. Tigraine Mantear
27. Melaine
28. Romanda/Lelaine
29. Cadsuane Melaidhrin
30. Alliandre Maritha Kigarin
31. Mesaana
32. Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan


47. Alviarin Freidhen
48. Pevara Tazanovni
49. Egeanin Tamarath
50. Suroth Sabelle Meldarath
51. Aludra
97. Mili Skane
98. Tylee Khirgan
99. Elmindreda Farshaw
100. Egwene al'Vere
101. Leanne Sharif
998. Siuan Sanche
999. Faile
1000. Moirane Damodred
1001. Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan
1002. Bair
1003. Moghedien
10,000,000. Tuon

Sevanna lowered, Riselle raised. The top six I think stay because we hear SEVERAL times how fucking huge their tits are.

Can you imagine the dilemma of casting Tuon lmao. On the other hand she's the ruler of an imperialist slaver empire but then again making her white would be whitewashing.
>the grave is no bar to my dab
t. Jordan

Based WoT titty ranking user.

The next shitty over-rated series with a disappointing end?


At least WoT has an ending.

I feel like berelain is more of a titty monster than graendal but have nothing to back that up.

i bet they make her black as shit and then change her storyline so she gungho about freeing the damanes, give her a freer of the slaves storyline

Selucia is just described as stupid fat titted.
Setalle is matron and has gigantic several birth tits, think Milena Velba.
Halima is described as some disgusting man's fantasy come to life. Dark One literally plucked the bustiest broad from the Borderlands to give to Balt's soul.
Graendal has tiddy, she's Graendal. Her pretend ascetic life could never escape her breasted reality, Dark One showed her true nature.
Berelain may be lower, but she's constantly shoving her tits all over the place and using them for her purposes.
Cyndane is another Dark One joke. Less pretty than Lanfear, shorter, but big fat juggs. Still probably one of the most beautiful women in existence, Lanfear's just on another level from any other character.
Riselle is described as busty too, but gets more attention than Setalla because she's younger.

The rest are just quite big boobied with passing mentions but nothing that drones on and on like RJ did for these. Now the question is who has the biggest areolae. My vote goes to Setalle for her age, followed by Halima, Graendal, and Cyndane. The rest are probably normal.

I puked but probably accurate

Berelain just makes up for it with maximum thotness. Also speaking of Graendal, they better fucking get Christina Hendricks for her or we riot.

>more isekai-shit
Please no

I'm 99% sure Graendal has pancake titties

That wouldn't make any sense, she's the empress, all she has to do is say the word.

Light I hope so. The problem with Graendal is that none of us would be pretty enough for her. I'd rather fuck with Halima because once he gets a taste for cock, he'd probably become a turboslut; a fitting reversal for his character.

shes not the empress for a long while in the books
and when she finally takes her name shes in the middle of a war and the last battle is approaching, plus shes only officially empress over the forerunners. the small seanchan group that came back to the mainland. she has to go home and fix the chaos there to be officially the big cheese over all her people. she cant order it yet, but even if she could they would just change it so she frees the damane and they agree to fight in the last battle anyway

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>all this plot speculation

We all know this dumpster fire is only getting one season

I can't even imagine how bad they'll fuck up the Chosen.

FORSAKEN you darkfriend.

Everything is fine as long as I get my fix of Barid bullying.

Lanfear is now a strong independent black womyn who don't need no man.

God damn. May as well make Lews Therin black so Rand can have the soul of a black man too.

How to spot someone who has never read the books...

We wuz dragon n shieeeet

This whole page can be summarised as: he's the heir because he's the only living male descendant.

"SHARANS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this neighborhood before. There could be SHARANS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE SHARANS" he thought. The Fool Who Thought He Was King reverberated his entire horse-drawn coach, making it pulsate even as the 9 silver mark wine circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of minorities after dark. "With Traveling, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.


I can't fucking wait for more WoT shitposting.

There’s a bunch of books that could be condensed, but the first 5 of them aren’t those books. GoT was able to get 10 seasons from HBO (Dabid only did 8 though), no reason WoT couldn’t get as many. What’s the point of even doing it if you’re not going to do it properly.

>What’s the point of even doing it if you’re not going to do it properly.
To virtue signal after it gets canceled.

Egwene literally repaired the pattern bro, she's super important man, she fixed the whole Tower dude, she's the greatest woman on the planet and how dare Brandon Sadboyson kill her off!

>the show runners favorite character is Egwene
If nothing else, this should red flag this show.

Seriously. You have so many good characters. I bet their second favorite is Gawyn.

Who fucks in book 3? I thought mat smashed bar wench puss in book 2?

To be fair there's a possibility he won't change her character because he's retarded enough to think she's goodaas she is, so anyone else will still see her as the cunt she is.

Can’t believe Sanderson aided Logain for 2 books for his OC Donutsteel character. Logain was one of the best side characters.




Hey, as much as D&D jews fuck up with the story and all that shit, at least they didn't fuck up as early as with the casting. I don't see how this will succeed. Casting is one of the most important aspects in any movie or tv show. That's why the Witcher series will also be a major bomb.

>tfw thicc forsaken gf
I missed the thread ( ;_;)

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It also doesn't help that the first episode is just rural forest farmboy stuff. Instant turn off for most people.

It saddens me that Taimdred was canceled. I know it was obvious but Barid having to play Rand’s lieutenant is some top tier bullying.

It surprised me how many SJWs are fans of this serious. It mocks feminism pretty hard.

When Rand goes zen mode doesn't he think back saying Demandred could've been an ally if he didn't always shit on him in his past life? Having him be his lieutenant in his current life to fuck with him would've been like history repeating itself in a way.

Thanks for showing up, user. I was worried you wouldn't make it.

inb4 the ""Dark"" One is a Star Wars-esque aryan nazi villain.

They aren't fans of that stuff though apparently with how they keep vying for changes. Makes me wonder how they became fans of the series at all.

They're one side of the coin that falls for the surface level smokescreen of the series. The other side being the people who dislike the series because of the women.

Don't worry Dark-Mommy-Friend, we can have another.

The first ep will have the Winternight attack and the gang leaving the village already.

Woah, it's almost like they are niche groups that bandwagons on whatever is popular at the time to insert their own agendas into everything.

What's amazing is that people still fall for it every single time.


Leigh Butler is the best example of the fake fan that for some reason latched onto WoT. She's the one who does the tor.com rereads and has been writing a ton about WoT along the years, yet she's constantly complaining about how problematic everything is. She threw a shit fit when Perrin was spanking faile for example and completely ignored everything Faile had done up till that point to deserve it.

God I remember seeing those when I was looking to refresh my memory between books. Apparently she did a re-read re-read too if I'm remembering correctly.

It's the worst when sleazy snakes like that are allowed to give a voice for the fanbase for years.

These people realize WoT is at its base level just a fantasy story for teen boys? It's that kind of reader level, and all of the mentions of boobies get 13 year olds interested. There's nothing deep in the series.

At its base level its just that, yeah, but WoT unironically has a metric fuckton of lore and mythology references and every new readthrough makes you realize something new about it.

It’s also about a fucked up Vietnam experience.

*blocks your parth*

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how would they make one guys bigger than other ones?

>Could it be shit?