Why were Bush parodies so funny yet Trump parodies are so cringe?

Why were Bush parodies so funny yet Trump parodies are so cringe?

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because one was made to be comedic while the other was made to push an agenda

Because Bush was actually funny and in a way charming in a "bumbling uncle with alcohol issues" way. Trump is just creepy, hateful lizard person person.

Because Bush was funny and Trump is cringe.

Because they were meant to satirize a president that was deemed infallible because of wartime hysteria, as opposed to a bunch if salty Dems who wanted Hillary to win.

bush was a horrible pile of shit dressed up in a suit with no redeemable qualities. trump for better or worse had a few things going for him before he became a lap dog for republicans to keep the right on a leash, so it's more divisive.

In addition, there was a bunch of cringe Bush stuff too. They took the easy road and mocked his accent and dyslexia. Satirizing the crime of faking evidence of WMD's ( with Mueller's help) to start an illegal war was the top tier of political satire.

Bush taught me the leasson that the MSM has been shit for decades and will do the bidding of the war profiteers who own them.

They weren't.

trump is the man of people, the lion of god, the last chance for the enlightened age and for white peoples continued existence, we get nobody else in our corner ever again, he's a religious experience for humanity.

Bush was a neocon who went along with the wars and such and was basically part of the democrat media machine.

Bush parodies weren’t funny either.

Reminder this man created ISIS and caused the November 2015 Paris attacks

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k thanks for the update comrade

wtf I love bush now

except hillary and obama created isis not bush. i dont like bush but he didnt do that one.

trump is already a parody.

k keep us posted comrade

>bush didn't invade iraq in 2003

Whatever your opinion, Trump is not establishment
I think he'd like to be, but he never will be. He is detested by the establishment
Therefore all Trump parodies are cinge inducing as they're in the service of the monied and powerful

weak and convoluted. you really want to feel "anit establishment" huh?

Because you take yourself too seriously

it sounds like you dont know anything about isis. they were created and funded by the usa during the obama era. they're literally an american made force. that's not conspiracy either. The cia does this shit to create problems in countries in the middle east for military reasons.

Your last sentence makes sense but I'm pretty sure if he didn't kiss up to the deep state he'd get JFK'd by day 2.

this is pretty much at the core of why people hate the left and support trump. he IS anti establishment. The ones in control, the whole zog machine, the media and the corporations and the government all are a club which he isnt part of.

He's made a lot of friends and gotten a large portion of people in government who actually want to do the right thing and believe in america as it was before the 1970's onside. If successful they will overthrow the old establishment and become the new establishment. It's clear Trump is the people and truth and goodness while those against him are powerful, international, pedo, trans-kid-encouraging, evil people.

nope, there are still enough good guys in america to make sure that didnt happen. plus the deep state didnt want civil war and trump was/is insanely popular. so much so that even after the dems rigged 2016, they lost having not rigged it hard enough.

Because people making the jokes are mentally ill and absolutely obsessed. Theres tons of material to make fun of Trump just like there was for Bush but for some reason the people making the "jokes" dont even go for the true and tested Trump hair jokes or any of that but instead obsess over shit like small hands or dude orange man. To this day I have no idea where any of that is coming from.

the people making jokes also think giving hormones to kids to have them change gender is sane and okay, making it very hard to side with them when they call anyone else unhinged or the bad guy.

Clinton jokes were the best, the Lewinski trial was a goldmine

Bush was retarded in a charming way kind of like Forrest Gump and the jokes at his expense reinforced this perception and left you feeling warm and non-threatened despite his administration dismantling and steadily bankrupting your country from right under you.

Trump is retarded in a completely transparent, violent chest-thumping way and the jokes at his expense only reinforce your feelings of latent nihilism.

t. seething libtard


Bush was actually a really funny, personable guy who had the misfortune of being president at the exact moment jewish neocons decided to enact their NWO plans. If not for the Jews doing 9/11 he would've had an unremarkable presidency with few complaints.

Just look at that smile while he was getting those shoes tossed at him. You think Trump or Obama or Hillary would've been laughing during that?


Hindsight is 20/20. What was he supposed to do? All his intel advisors said that Hussein has WMDs, and everyone knew from the Iraq Iran war that he's not above using biochemical weapons etc. Any sane person would've invaded Iraq given the intel at the time.

trump stood firm and looked a man in the eye in 2016 when they pretended to pull a gun on him from the crowd. in truth it was probably a democrat plant to try to get trump to react in a cowardly way to a non-threat but trump just looked like a legendary figure staring down his would be assassin.

So no trump wouldnt have smiled. He would have done better.

>Bush was retarded in a charming way kind of like Forrest Gump
Get a liad of this retarded boomer

Why was libertarian Ron Paul /pol/ so funny while Trump /pol/ is so cringe?

Because it's mostly not the same people. /pol/ but really this site in general got overrun by actual retards somewhere in the mid 10s.


People screaming that the president is the antichrist gets tiring pretty fast. Bush's had some nuance.

Because with Trump all the jokes have to be SJW's bitching about him being racist and sexist. With Bush they just made him look goofy and dumb.

To loosely paraphrase Super Troopers, Bush parodies were cheeky and fun. But Trump parodies are cruel and tragic. Theres a clear mean-spirited tone to Trump parodies, because the people behind the parodies believe they are actively fighting against a fascist regime, whereas Bush parodies were just poking fun at a monkey sitting in the Oval Office. Comedians used to have a sense of humor, once upon a time.

because you were brainwashed by internet retards

Because now it has to push an agenda instead of just being random funny bullshit.


It's phoneposters that have overrun the site.

bush jokes were banter and trump parodies are vitriolic attacks
and I say this as someone who isn't pro-trump

>its probably a democrat set up
Why cant your little brain envision the idea that it was a PR stunt by Trump himself?

bush actually did evil shit while the worst trump has done is not using the correct gendered pronoun

It was a different time.

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Say whatever you want about Bush but his opening pitch at the 2001 world series game was perfect.
The ESPN mini doc on it is awesome. He with a heavy bullet proof vest on

muh poor multi billionare orange makeup bleached teeth creep
Holy fuck get over yourself, the guy is a senile retard, quite like every other candidate the republican party has ever proposed. Just look at people like Nixon, psychopathic, deluded narcissists with money. Your shitheap of a country is pathethic, but yeah, keep voting your leftie rightie bullshit.

>if someone parodies trump they're pushing an agenda
Holy shit lol the smoothbrains itt. No the truth is Trump is already a parody of politics, you can't stack parody.

Bush was a drawling Texan so a lot of his parodies were more slow paced and delivery-based. His policy was also just boring neocon shit that's not easy to make jokes out of.

With Trump it's just screaming "I'M A BIG DUMB MAN AND I HATE MINORITIES AAAAAAHHH!"

don't worry bro jeb's got 2020 on lockdown

2015 to be exact

Stop crying

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The Donald is here.. Stop being a queer

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Alright. So this is obviously a musleem sheep post. So he wants some sheep, just give him some sheep.

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So you're saying a joke needed to be made for Bush since he alone didn't make one obvious

Yet Trump himself is such a joke it gives no room for creativity to draw out any humor or absurdity that doesn't already exist?

At last I see, Trump himself is the clown we laugh at, not the comedians.

because you can feel the hate and you cant make something funny with hate.

Example you can walk up to your best friend and say
>whats up mother fucker
and he will reply
>nothing you cunt
its all said in good sport.

Making fun of the president became taboo when obama got elected because apparently you cant make jokes about a black man.

reminder your best shots are men older then trump who have both had brain surgery

American involvement in Middle East in a nutshell
>uh oh, spaghettio's

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Trump is kind of already a cartoonish figure thanks to all his reality TV stuff. People have been making mostly light-hearted jokes about him for decade, it's hard to go from that to some kind of genuine satire.

Please. Bush at the time was considered by mainstream media to be an absolute fucking buffoon cartoon man who had no idea what he was doing. The real difference is that no one took Bush seriously, and people are terrified of Trump

Because the system arranged Hillary to win, but something fucked up big time along the way. The response to Trump is fear, because it wasn't in the plan. We've been running off the rails for a while now, well before the Kek worship.

The difference is that Bush started out as someone who was taken seriously. Governor of Texas, got elected President, 9/11 boosted his popularity, etc. . Then he started getting mocked as it became clear that he was terrible at his job.
>The real difference is that no one took Bush seriously, and people are terrified of Trump.
You've got it backwards, nobody took Trump seriously until he won. Idk if you're American or not but in the early stages of the 2016 campaign, people were getting laughed at for suggesting he could even win the Republican nomination, let alone the presidency.

>people were getting laughed at for suggesting he could even win the Republican nomination, let alone the presidency.
Not the smart people, who realized that American reception to increasingly liberal demand was anything less than warm. It doesn't take a genius to see that pushing for all this intense polarization would inevitably lead to a backlash (both from internally via moderates and externally via conservs and centrists). Especially when giant swathes of the population are indifferent to it at best and there was no evidence that every one was okay with the SJW policies. Going all in with the SJW shit was too fucking retarded.

Morons laughed, but the smart people knew the reality of the situation. Trump winning, to liberals, is a writing on the wall so to speak. Despite being in control of media, despite outrage culture being super leftists, despite having direct control over the universities, despite being on the right side of history, Trump won. All their plans, all their progress, all their hope, destroyed.

These people are legitimately psychologically disturbed over Trump winning. That's the real difference. Bush? Whatever, call him the anti-Christ, whatever. He was sort of a bumbling goof. But Trump? Trump straight up triggered existential dread in a lot of people. Remember the "Trump is going to let the nukes fly we're all dead" rhetoric?