Why was xenomorph just laying around in the shuttle without attacking Ripley? Also why didn't the xenomorph kill the cat

Why was xenomorph just laying around in the shuttle without attacking Ripley? Also why didn't the xenomorph kill the cat

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He was smart enough to understand he should kill her only once the ship leaves.
The cat is too small to be impregnated. Curiosity kills cats not xenomorphs.

Sarah shot the Xenomorph with a tranquilizer. Watch the movie again dipshit

It's because the Xenomorph likes kitties.

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What happened to the signal from the space jockey's ship in aliens? Why didn't the colonizers found the singal like the nostromo did

She didn't even know it was there until well after the the Nostromo had exploded, and she was getting ready for hypersleep, and even then, it was just kind of hanging out until she pissed it off with the steam.

how does baby xenomorphs expander to full size xenomorph during the movies while not eating anything?

if they inflate, why are they not hollow?

The cat is the xenomorph's natural predator.
It was afraid

>implying it's called "the xenomorph"

Aliens really took a different direction than Alien, so expecting it to answer any questions (other than "where'd the eggs come from", which still wasn't answered very well) is pretty daft.

I'm going to take on the logic of a comic-book or screenwriter who can pull shit out of their ass to explain sci-fi concepts. Here we go.

They eat parts of the ship that no one would have noticed and they reconstitute that matter to build their mostly mostly hardened shell-like exterior.

It was sleepy

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the ship the colonisers found was crash and had no batteries left.

the marines in Aliens call reference to 'bug hunt' meaning there are other known aliens in the Alien cinematic universe. calling the Gieger Rape alien a 'xenomorph' is very bland and generic. >The cat is too small to be impregnated
wrong alien for impregnating, there needed to be a facehuger to impregnate cat (as facehuger impregnates dog in aliens 3)

the ship the colonizers find is the same that the one in alien

Reminder Ripley was a super bitch and only survived because she made others do the work and die for it.

1). Her crewmate gets attacked by a facehugger and Ripley wouldn't let them in because she is a bitch
2). She orders the guy to go find her cat resulting in his death
3). Let the captain go into the vents and die while she stood around and did nothing
4). The whole final act she just stayed in the central command room while the black guy and crying girl went out to collect everything when they died

>t. Ash

>1). Her crewmate gets attacked by a facehugger and Ripley wouldn't let them in because she is a bitch
>hurr durr, the cunt followed quarantine protocols, she has no empathy.

remind me never to let you have the passcode for the doors in my spaceship.

1. If she was allowed to follow protocol they probably would have been able to contain the alien easier.
2. The black guy actually told him to go get it cos the cat would fuck up the scans again and he was the one responsible for letting the cat go in the first place.
3. The captain made the decision to do that, she didn't want him too.
4. I'll give you this. They should have all went together. The black guy should have just shot at the alien but omg had to try and get the dumb White bitch out of the way.

You sound like that co-worker that nobody likes who follows rules to the T.

So what was her plan? Let them run out of oxygen out there and die? Yea I would say she has no empathy.

According to a wiki I read, the idea was that xenomorphs only live for a short amount of time. It was nestling in to die peacefully until Ripley disturbed it.

1-3 are all wrong. 4 is tenable but someone had to prep the shuttle. Here's why you're wrong on 1-3):

1) Ripley was following protocol on not letting an alien infection on board, she was absolutely right in doing so, and the events of the film vindicated her.

2) In context, Ripley was not the one doing the ordering - it was Parker, though to be fair someone had to get that cat in any event. The real mistake here is the classic "let's split up" horror movie trope.

3) This is plainly false. Ripley first (and correctly) volunteered to go into the vent, and Dallas made an extremely bad captain decision: "no I'll do it". That is not what a competent captain actually does. A captain stays with his ship and keeps peace. "Going into the vent" is something you give to your subordinates. Why? Watch how quickly the crew fell apart once Dallas got got. A similar dynamic occurs in Aliens once both Apone and Gorman are limited. Kirk regularly beaming down with his away team is the classic bullshit along these lines.

4) This is the one decent point, they did split up, but there was still an objective necessity this time - get fuel, prep ship, get out. They had to gamble at this point. The dumbest thing she does at this point is to collect the cat, but she's never fully distracted from the plan-thus-far. And as was established earlier, collecting the cat carries its own logic: remove an unknown moving target from the equation.

>there are other known aliens in the Alien cinematic universe.

Like the Na'vi, for example. I still say that Alien/Prometheus, Predator, Blade Runner, and Avatar are all part of the same universe.

>According to a wiki I read, the idea was that xenomorphs only live for a short amount of time. It was nestling in to die peacefully until Ripley disturbed it.
This. The original plan was to show the life cicle of the alien organism trough changes of it's body colour. The first scene as a adult was supposed to be like pic related, a translucent insect-like exoskeleton, but they had difficult working with the material, it was too brittle and broke too easy. At the middle stage the skin darker but you can see the human skull inside the cap, it's the visual they used in the movie. In the final scene is even darker, nearly pitch black, you can't see the skull trought the dome in the head.

Attached: Translucent Xenomorph.jpg (466x583, 23K)

>In the final scene is even darker, nearly pitch black, you can't see the skull trought the dome in the head.

As opposed to letting an unknown pathogen aboard the ship that could (and did) kill and destroy everything?

No dumbasses, they gnaw on things. if its surrounded by metal and starving itll gnaw on the metal until its gums bleed and can digest the metal. It still needs protein.

I kind of like that they eased away from the skull thing as the movies went on. I think it looks better without eye/nose holes.

thats probably why it developed a second mouth earlier ancestors burned itself in the same process and why they have mucus membranes on their cheeks.

Truth be told you never actually see the damn thing in the original, exactly as Ridley wanted it, so the ungainly baked-in human skull thing doesn't register if you're only watching the film itself.

t. Alien is my favorite film and I also dislike the translucent skull-stuff (exactly because you don't actually see it in the original film, all you really register is a big black head-y penis).

Well you see they...

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Androids in the AVP universe conflict too much with Replicants for their to be a connection with Blade Runner, but I could see a connection with Avatar

>Androids in the AVP universe conflict too much with Replicants for their to be a connection with Blade Runner

Why's that?

Replicants are better than androids in every single way aside from creativity and eventually trustworthiness

Yeah, but there are different tiers of artificial humans, depending on the company making them. Alien Isolation is canon to the larger narrative, and that one establishes that Seegson goes tits up because their Working Joe robots are shit compared to WY's androids.

If you accept the James Camera retcons in Aliens, that what's-her-name is actuall a post-op tranny, then what you see at the end of Alien is the xenomorph having killed all male competition, in its lust for Ellen's musty triangle.

It wasn't attacking her because it needed/wanted her for something more primal than blood lust.

Because the alien can't fly a spaceship you moron

Yeh good movie magic right there.
We don't see the Xenomorph eat, we also do not know how much time has passed, could be a day or an entire week in the movie.

The ship is huge, they could have spent days searching for the little fucker. Heck cleaning up the mess hall with all that blood would take time. They had a funural, Ash spent time making a tracker.

I can accept a Xeno becoming adult in a week

It was molting ya heathens

>another redditor talking bullshit while trying to look intelligent

>why didn't the xenomorph kill the cat?
He might be black, but he isn't a nigger.

Canonically a scavenging team turn off the signal.

The xeno respected Jonesy as a fellow apex predator.

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Rewatched this mohie yesterday and it bored me a bit.
Even if Aliens is not terror is more fun to watch and Ripley is way better.