We will not be stopped until Trump has gotten rid of every anchor baby spic and tranny faggot in our new glorious White utopia.
We will not be stopped until Trump has gotten rid of every anchor baby spic and tranny faggot in our new glorious White...
It's really eye opening for me as an actual right wing person seeing how little trannys know about anything when they project like this. Do you seriously believe for a moment Israel's original campaign promise was flood US with immigrants and cuck to Israel as hard as possible?
based but offtopic
is there a single entity more powerful then /tvpol/?
I'm speechless. Mr. Nishimura assured me when I entered into a multimillion dollar advertising contract that this kind of content wouldn't appear on this website. I'm calling him to terminate our relationship immediately.
Brown pusy
based tranny power
Imagine a whole board full of brown schizoids pretending to be white.
>become slave race
>Israel just buys your government and conquers you with zero effort
>expecting Zion Don to do anything about the shitskins
MIGApedes are absolutely retarded.
reminder Yea Forums runs this site
whoop, better vote democrat then. kek. that'll show them jews.
Dilate sex
At least the Democrats are promising me free healthcare and $1000 a month.
and then the actual stated goal is to live in an amazon box eating bugs all day assuming you can even get a job with automation being so competitive with the forced $15.00 wage
/mlpol/ was a force to be reckoned with but its existence was brief
>We will not be stopped until Trump has gotten rid of every anchor baby spic and tranny faggot in our new glorious White utopia.
k thanks for the update comrade
>We will not be stopped until Trump has gotten rid of every anchor baby spic and tranny faggot in our new glorious White utopia.
why would his zog masters approve any of that? this makes no sense
Literally the only ones who would put me in a box would be the GOP with all their tax cuts for the (((rich))) and then blaming Democrats when the economy goes to shit as a result.
No strings attached income sounds pretty fucking good to me.
Neck yourself, Russian bot.
>We will not be stopped until Trump has gotten rid of every anchor baby spic and tranny faggot in our new glorious White utopia
U realize trump is taking away out guns right?
>Yea Forums suddenly hates Trump
For me wagie
>anti communist
cool brah. nice to know im talking to a fed
Keep yelling into the echo chamber, cuck. Trump's numbers are plummeting and soon all the boomers will be dead along with the GOP.
>walls of text
left still cant meme after all this time and corporate money
>yang trannies itt
k thanks for the update comrade
yang trannies are a mix of r/hapas and leftist degenerates which is why they literally can not fathom why somebody would care if yang said white people are the biggest threat to america when he's offering $1000.
fucking empathy incapable selfish leeches of society
Trump cucked on immigration by ending the shutdown and gave a jew-fellating SotU. He's dead to us. The choice is either globohomo or globohomo + $1k.
Your next post will be "okay comrade".
correct on trump but yang is a months old meme; it's embarassing to see this stale yang stuff being posted here without a hint of irony