DUDE LESBIANS (even though they literally didn't exist in the 1970's) LOL

DUDE LESBIANS (even though they literally didn't exist in the 1970's) LOL

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i was planning on watching this, is this the green river killer yet?

> Gay women didn't exist before the 90s


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Poltards are insufferable

definitely in the top 10 of the dumbest posts I’ve seen on this site

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I liked season 2, it wasn't as good as season 1, and the lesbian shit was boring and ended up nowhere, but I don't think it was bad.

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Are the personal issue/relationship scenes mandated by Netflix producers or wtf is up with them.

I just skipped the lesbian scenes. Made it a lot more enjoyable, I advise you to do the same.

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Rent free

there were lots of gay people pre-1970

there was a whole army of them, in fact

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Please don't make Mindhunter threads if you're going to make a retarded OP.

>not liking lesbians.

frankly I prefer lesbians to premarital heterosexual sex.

women should all be Bisexual.and only engage in sexual acts/relieve sexual urges with other women before they get married

This. I don't care about faggotry tbqh but the feminist lesbian shit was tacked on and served no purpose. Her strong empowered womyn character is offputting as all hell. I just did other shit on my phone until the lesbo shit was over.

Also, in general, this season felt very stagnant. And when it was over I felt like it was just gaining momentum. This is a common season 2 problem for a lot of shows it seems like. 3 will make or break the series as legit or shit.

Season 2 was better than season 1

Why are you posting about your mental illness/fetish in a thread about a television show

Lesbians were invented in 1969 you retard.

Not by a long shot kiddo. And season 1 ending was damn near perfect.

Are you sure it's not the other way around?

They pay you rent money?

It takes a high IQ to recognize S2 > S1

i was really hoping for full frontal nude scenes

don't think we're getting that after fagmount

Are you stupid?

>even though they literally didn't exist in the 1970's
white boys are literally from another planet lmao

>being this retarded
How do you manage to remember to breathe?