Bond 25 title announced

No TIme to Die

Is Bond Kino back on the menu lads?

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the theme song is going to be shit again, isn't it?

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Not a promising title

idk they could actually use the title in this song I think

I feel like this one is just going to be a Bond reference overload, still optimistic about it but I hope they don't go too far

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What're you fucking stupid, OP?

>Nigress Bond

I like this better than their alternative title: "On Her Sheeboon's Secret Service."

No Time to Diet

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Ain't Got Time For Gettin' Whacked


No Sneed to Feed

We are getting strong black woman and you will like it.

Phoebe Waller-Bridge has a writing credit so it is gonna be hella woke

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I'm going to watch just for Ana.
Obviously not at the cinema.

we're on a "every other Bond film is good" streak, so fingers crossed

ehh I'm not buying that manufactured outrage, it'll just be some sassy agent chick that bond pisses off most likely

So you're saying this one will be shit?

>decide to rewatch casino royale
>get past casino sequence
>decide to stop watching casino royale

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was Spectre supposed to be good?

better than a nigger woman playing 007.

It can't be much worse than spectre

>No TIme to Die
>movie ends with Bond dying

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Casino Royale opening and theme were goat
QoS, despite being a shit movie, also had a great theme.
Spectre and Skyfall had shit themes though not gonna lie.

>Skyfall theme
Literally one of the best Bond themes

even the QoS video game had a better theme than spectre

the thing here is to hate anything skyfall and then follow it with...

Radiohead's Spectre theme song was so good, they could have just stopped making theme songs, and they replaced it with maybe the most faggy song I have ever had to hear. It also made no sense in terms of the film either.

Cookie cutter slow solo female pop shit that over-saturated the music market around that time. I like the film, very much in the upper half of the franchise, but that song is dreary.

>cookie cutter pop
I have no idea what type of pop music you must hear

>Casino Royale
that was 13 years ago user

Japanese people count time in Emperors I count it in Bond actors. We're still in the Craig era.

what was interesting was they made a deal about the long wait between bond movies between Quantom(2008) and Skyfall (2012) as being the longest between movies without changing the lead, and here we're going to have another long one with nearly 5 years between movies

>pretending that shit like adele or lorde wasn't topping the charts back then
If it's popular it's pop, that's the literal definition.

>Phoebe Waller-Bridge has a writing credit so
all the sex will be anal

The song was the least terrible part of the movie. Sure the radiohead one is better but the one they chose wasn't that bad. The movie itself is a travesty. It's literally the worst Bond movie ever made by Eon. It's like complaining about blood on your shirt when you're full of bullet holes.

So a whole 2 people, one of which wasnt even a thing at that point

Bond Dies in the beginning. 007 goes back in time to save him.She is really Specter

Spectre's theme would be kino if the song was sung by a nice sounding woman instead of some fag.

Didn't both the Radiohead and Sam guy's songs use the same music for the theme? I recall them sounding pretty similar

how come?

>calling an artist a fag because he uses a falsetto voice
stop being such a philistine nigger and go back to listening the top 40 country charts.

Spectre was kino

Could be the part where hes a bottom too

>QoS had a great theme
Shit taste detected

>Die Another Day
>No Time to Die

It's rehash of an existing title and not even a Fleming one. Also, they already did it for the song title for Quantum Solace: "Another Way to Die". So not only is it a rehash, it's the second rehash of the same title.

Hey Skyfall was surprisingly appropriate.

I came up with a better title

The Golden Day Never Dies Twice Tomorrow

Too Old To Shit

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Post a better bond theme. You can't.

Live And Let Die

After the cam in the loo incident.
They should have called it "No Time to Wipe"

they're going to bring back adele mark my words

Lana Del Ray seems like she could do a classic Bond song but she's a little bit past her career prime now isn't she.

lol like Shirley Bassey was always super relevant and she did Moonraker in 1979.

Consider them marked. The heat is on, user.

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You know

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wouldn't doubt it, I think they tried getting her back for spectre too
yeah she was my guess, also wouldn't doubt if someone like rihanna becomes a possibility

I putting down 5 Zimbabwean dollars that it's going to be Post Malone. He does a song for every other movie these days.

Bond isn't actually going to be a woman right?
Not like I'm mad or anything but who would that movie be for? No guy I know will watch it and neither will I, it's not going to be a movie for us.
The real question I have is why do they feel the need to gender swap bond? If they wanted some nigger bitch to play a spy why not just make an original IP instead of alienating your core fanbase? Like the female Ghostbusters, never saw it, never will, and neither did anyone in my circle.

I'm pretty sure the Brocolli's and the family of Fleming(not sure how much of a say they have into it) have no intention changing Bonds character


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>The Bond Girl is a nun and Bond keeps trying to fuck her in a church
>Bond narrates to camera the whole time about how much he loves fucking
>Olivia Coleman is the new M
>Malek's henchman is a fox
>The only gadget is a rape alarm
Based Waller-Bridge

LDR has a massive hit now with her cover of Sublime's Killing Time.

But I think Sony is going with Rita Ora whose still big in England

what the fuck are you even talking about you contrarian shit

no time to cum

Nah, I'm going with Beyonce.

radioheads theme was shit

This one is massively underrated.

just thought Rita was fap bait, didn't know she was actually a popular singer?

Eon fucked up not using this in Skyfall. It was literally written for it too.

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I way preferred Radiohead's Spectre over Sam Smith.

>Radiohead was going to be in Spectre
>It was so fucking close that the original opening syncs with Spectre
>Some executive changed their mind or something

I fucking HATE whoever decided to can it.

It's so clear that the other song they picked was rushed and wasn't originally planned.

No dude wtf man

Nothing is certain, especially since the rumor was made before Boyle got axed and the release was pushed back.

>Now, Ms. Bond... It is time for you to die
>*pulls out PPK from under weave*

>Calm down Mr. Bond, now's Not Time to Die, that comes later.
GTFO off the theater when this happened.


kys, tasteless faggots.

chill out retard

All of Brosnans were great, I'd argue he and his series was the best as he was the closest to what the average person thought bond was (good looking, charismatic as fuck, a killer that can hide in plain sight, and clearly enjoys all of it) and despite all being very over the top, his movies (I haven't seen his last though) are pretty good to phenomenal. Next best would Dalton or Craig imho, then Connery (less so him and more so the films unpolished intent), and Moore as the last since they almost all begin to blend in with each other (aside from his best, Golden Gun which also has the worst theme). George Lazenby is cool af irl but he just wasn't good enough at the time to be Bond.

here's my fav themes

and cause it hasn't been posted yet:

Sam Smith is an actual fag though

absolutley based. This theme is great.

This guy right here has the absolute correct answer and the best taste in the thread. Living Daylights is how you do a song that incorporates high pitched male vocals and not sound like a whiny bitch.

it has been tho

Well shit guess I'm retarded

Here's another decent one of note. Movie imho is the worst of the lot I've seen (mostly cause eon and Flemming had little to even do with it) but I'll post the theme and the one good scene from the movie.
theme -
scene -

Whose the bond girl this time

I know there are people on this board that think quantum of solace is one of the better Craig movies (second only to casino royale) can I ask why? I just started rewatching it because I had completely forgotten it existed until tonight.

Wholesome post

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is this the one that has the nigger 007?
more like james bomb

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That's fucking awful.

It's like those dia hard parody titles.

Underrated comment

Kid Rock aging gracefully in identity protection.

they said it was 'too dark'

I unironically want this man and his Scottish accent kino to be the next bond

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Well, you watched it user. You watched the Royale casino. You did it fren

I don't want to watch this again, it broke me the first time.
I miss Mad men


The last movie with a white, male 007. Finally.

>Said no one. Ever.

He's not that fat