OH N--

OH N--

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I know the feeling, I HATE getting a squirt gun in the back of the head


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Did they have laser guns in the 70s?

>people think that fatfuck didn't meet the same fate

Oh noo-

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Why would you want to be a maid man if it involves getting shot in the head?

Yeah, and there was nothing we could do about it.

>"Batts had the N-word pass and Tommy didn't, we had to sit still and take the 3-day ban, it was amongst the jannies, real grease-ball shit"

OK Tom Cruise


I never understood why they were called "maid men". Is it because they have to clean up the blood after they kill the people or something?


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He criticized the amount of onions in the sauce one too many times.

Its made, MADE MEN, you fuckin mooks.

So they liquefied him?


But men cant make men
Only women can

how come his face didn't explode?

Ray Liotta is the weakest part of goodfellas.

Yeah, the part where he just started advertising Chantix in his voice over was really distracting.

is that why they shoot them, so that they can rebuild them into a made man?

you mean robert deniro, but it's ok


Agreed. His performance was fucking garbage.

>the mafia is run by flesh golems

oh vey,

He's not even a real Italian. Just a wannabe. Could never be a made man.

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>"They even shot Tommy in the face, so his mother coudn't give him an open coffin at the funeral"
>get shot in the back of the head
Bravo Scorscissors

If they were maid men, why don't they sleep with the dishes

>Ray Liotta is the weakest part of goodfellas.
But he was still fucking very good. He held his own with DeNiro, Pesci, and Sorvino.

OH Y--

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>Nobody knows for sure how much Chantix was taken in a daring pre-dawn raid at the Lufthansa cargo terminal at Kennedy airport. The FBI says 2 million dollars worth. Port Authority police say 4 million dollars worth. The city cops say 5.

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It was real greaseball shit.


go home and get your fuckin shine box

No fucking way. Liotta is great and better than DeNiro EASILY

Did Tommy’s mother know he was in the mob? What did she think he was going off to do when she congratulated him?

What's a mook?


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I've always wondered that, but I just figured she was so old he could have convinced her of anything

That's good acting, some people really do go apeshit like that you dont know

This man competed at the troll olympics, he received 3st place, the copper disk necklace

Why did they even decide to kill him?

They found out he killed billy batts

Take it easy, I'm just breaking your balls a little and your getting fuckin fresh


>Goes to Tommy's bar
>Never fucking returns

hmmmmmmmmm I wonder what happened

they held a seance and Billy told them, some real gypsy shit.

There were witnesses to their altercation at Billy's party, and Billy subsequently went missing. Put two and two together.

>>"They even shot Tommy in the face, so his mother coudn't give him an open coffin at the funeral"
>>get shot in the back of the head
>Bravo Scorscissors
Yes, they really should have had him say "They even made sure to shoot him in the back of the head so as to catch him off guard but also to ensure that the exit wound was on the front of his head, somewhere in the general area of the upper face, because they knew his mother would never want to bury him in a baseball cap, and because they also knew that bullets generally go in a straight line... they were some crafty boys". Or maybe they further disfigured his corpse out of spite and the real guy was alleged to have been shot in the head three times, I don't know.
Still, it's better than Casino.

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Mook? What's a mook?

t. chantix

I'm picturing him floating there like in Bill and Ted, and it's glorious. Good work.

And a lot of other things...

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I love that collar shirt he wears, but man I'd be sweating like a whore in church wearing it myself.

>Still, it's better than Casino
Fuck you, you Jew muddah fuckkah

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Really nice one

fuckin kek'd

Bros does Chantix work?

My flight landed and I never saw what happened in this movie beyond this part, did he get made or what?

Yeah and he gave every one a celebratory shoe shine.

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This movie makes me want to smoke cigarettes like no other.

They shot him again in the face off screen.


Went to a class/support group thing before I quit smoking and the instructor talked about people they knew who got messed up from it. If the side effects don't bother you it's supposed to work great though.

Fucking pleb opinion if I ever saw one.


lol you silly bastard

>kills a made man
What did he think was gonna happen

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not bad

who was in the wrong here??

dude if i was in that situation I would've used my krav maga training to disarm both hitmen, kill them both. then i'd kill the whole family, for sure

>call themselves good fellas
>aren't actually good
Pretty big plothole, if you ask me.


Great twist.

>Layla piano outro starts playing


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Why did she refuse to sleep with Tony when she was ok with marrying Henry

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henry was a better earner and irish

Tony was a fucking millionaire bro, and he had better taste in movies

Deniro was the actual weak link in the film you idiot. And it's not even like he was really a weak link, his character just wasnt as good as Henry and jimmy

I've seen this movie a few times and I still can't follow the plot. Aaaayyy sauce and wise guys eehhh? Was a matta? Get whacked dumb nigger. Great film.

>Criminals do criminal shit, get bad endings
WOW that was fucking hard to follow you dumb midget

She had a thing for irish hoodlums

his character was based on jimmy the gent, henry was based on henry hill, who has a cameo in the movie

She prefers the strong silent type, like Gary Cooper

look at this dumb guinea

Worked for me, no side effects.

Shot in the face through the back of the head

oh shit someone has footage of jeffery epstein being murdered in his cell?

Its pretty straightforward

Still WOULD.


That's a misprint. Don't get fucking fresh with me or I'll have you made.

who was in the wrong here

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it is literally spoon fed to you via a narrator


What I don’t get is how did Billy Bats survive getting shot in the head when he became a maid man?

yeah i was confused when he showed up in casino like nothing happened but then ended up getting killed again

watch the scene where Karen threatens him with a gun again, retard

it was okay for Hendry to sell that shit in prison, but not on the outside, Paulie's not gonna end up like Gribbs, wise up

Paulie gave him everything. There's is nothing Paulie could say to Henry that would be considered wrong.

pauly. who the fuck would ever think of wearing a zipper shirt with a hairy chest? he probably wears one of those tank top t-shirts too.

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Under rated

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I really think that Kevin went too far with this trap.

it was among the jannies, it was real blacked shit

Isn't that the show about Don The Raper?

He says "aw shit" in the non-tv version, right? Am I remembering that wrong?

Fuckin top post mate

>maid man

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You insulted him a little bit

wait a minute didn't they beat him with baseball bats and bury him alive or was that another gangster flick

guess so

The R-rated cut I saw had him saying "oh no".



You have a good day applying for jobs today Yea Forums?

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It was cause they had to clean up real greaseball shit

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Nice one chippa

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What are you talking about?

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That's Casino

No, my computer crashed when I was almost done filling one out and didn't feel like doing it again

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very good post

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