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Other urls found in this thread:


Asian cucks BTFO


This was pretty insulting

What if the hippies had gone after Bruce instead of Cliff?


>Heh you're pretty good kid - FOR AN ASIAN
>*throws u into a car door*

The eternal rerun of this thread

this and TRY threads have been my favorites this month

>This was pretty insulting

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How is Tarantino so based?

Yeah I get that bruce lee was a great fighter, and he’s getting punked, I think that’s the joke. Would people still be pissed off if it was Chuck Norris or Jean Claude Van Damme?

I haven't seen the movie. Is it true that the fighting parts were meant to be perceived as an embellished retelling of events by Brad Pitt's character? I can't see why anybody would be mad about this if that were the case.

Why are cumskins so jealous of us bros?
Literally 14 posts of constant seething.

>inb4 you post how you fuck asian women
Yea, and niggers fuck your dumpster tier woman too. Same concept applies with different races lol.

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if it wasn't for this scene I wouldn't have watched the movie

People would've got what Tarantino was going for if Cliff fucked up Chuck Norris, but watching everyone from r/aznmasculinity to Terry Crews work themselves into a shoot has been pretty funny

Don't let it get to you this much, fren. They're just trolling.

Lmao Brad Shitt would piss himself if he had to face down the real Bruce Lee.

>mass reply
>accuses others of seething

all meming aside this was pretty brutal
can chinkcels ever recover?

Relax cheng, or go back to r/MongoloidCJ.

Stop pretending to be a chink Michael, and get a job.

Are people really so dumb as to not realize this was a fantasy of the character Cliff to beat up Bruce Lee like it was nothing?

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This scene is the reason I haven't watched the movie

This scene is the reason why I've seen the movie several times

>shirt with design
But all the manlet hypebeast gooks love their Supreme and off white shirts

I'm not sure where they live, but where I live that might as be the "typical Asian starter pack." I don't even think it looks really bad or anything, it's just a hypocritical insult.

lol so anguuuree

Why does Brad Pitt look more and more like Robert Redford every day.

it was really just to set up that Pitt could handle himself in a fight which comes back at the end of the movie

i feel like all of Brad's stories should have been more vague and then his big fight at the end would be like oh he wasnt full of horseshit

It’s hilarious that they don’t even acknowledge this when it gets posted in these threads.

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why did you expose yourself as an incel?

not really

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These threads are hilarious

>prease do not be jealouuush no i don wan no trahble

I cant wait for webms of this scene so this meme can really shine. I can so see this spliced with both anime and Fists of Fury footage.

Its gonna be great you guys.

movies Yea Forums doesn't understand thread?

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Both incels posted have good jaws and chins. They’re just ugly as fuck.

rips online when??

Mike Tyson on Bruce Lee:

What is her problem?

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That's why i keep making them ;)

for a bunch of fags that think they are giving an impression of asian pronunciation, you are sure pronouncing a lot of fucking 'L's, This your first time being racist, niggers?

I've been drinking. Please clarify what you're trying to say.

>killing Charles Manson's thots is PROBLEMATIC

The absolute state of feminism.

>replying to the same blind item over and over again

Are you autistic?

inb4 Pacquiao poster.

Are you azn?

Not enough white dicking.

Yes, we are supposed to cheer when a red-blooded All-American male stands his ground against a home invasion.

Feminists are cultists and them relating to literal cultists is proof of it. News at 11.

The really funny thing about that scene is that Pitt's character was partially inspired by Ge LaBell, a stuntman and martial artist who was brought in to work on Green Hornet because all the other guys were complaining that Bruce was being too rough with them.

Reminder that if you like this scene, you literally hate Hong Kong and love Communist China.

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>Mostly even fight that ended because of an interruption
>It was just an imagination and not even real in the movie
Why the FUCK are so many idiots mad about this?

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>The villain of the film isn't Charlie (white man). He's in one shot. It's young women (literal murderous cult members) who don't respect the Hollywood old guard (muh patriarchy)

kek feminist is a mental disease

>mostly even fight
>Cliff shrugs off Bruce Lee's kick
>slams him into the door
>blocks all his strikes
>twists his arm
>punches his chest

How is that "even"?

>>It was just an imagination and not even real in the movie
Tarantino already confirmed it wasn't a daydream.

>somehow didn't get me once
I'm convinced that God loves me, though i don't take it for granted and I'm humble nonetheless.

>because all the other guys were complaining that Bruce was being too rough with them.

Source: My ass.


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>wah! why are you killing these would-be murderers? wah!

Is she for real?

Bruce was still standing in the end, and he did manage to kick him down.

>Bruce was still standing after being beaten up and thoroughly outclassed

Oh yeah, really "even".

Mike Tyson is a crackhead and he doesn't know better about Bruce Lee, like many people from the 1980s.

We now do and anyone who watches MMA knows that Bruce Lee is utter traaaash.

Is that Robert Redford?

What's the point of bullying Asians? They're my bros and they're the underdogs in western civ. But also, we're collapsing and they're ascendant, so even if you don't already like them like I do, I'd try to gussy up to them anyway.

Why are asian men so sensitive?

why are whites posting this thread every day?

Are you replying to me ?
I'm white. Stop bullying my Asian friends.

Why does this one man make /pol/incels seethe so? I don’t get it

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I’ve been to Hong Kong. The skyline looks nice at night but it’s dirty as hell. I saw people pissing and shitting in the street. Basically India with air conditioning.


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>rituru boyu

I'm a somewhat /pol/ish wh*te boi and he's pretty based IMO. I hope those crazydaysandnights stories about him aren't true. I don't like to think about anybody suffering that much.

Because it's funny, incel. It wouldn't be anywhere near as funny if you yellow niggers didn't overreact to it.

Bow to the master

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Imagine if we had put Engrish on the atomic bombs. Oh man

>i-it's funny, I-I'm not coping at all

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I don't even understand the offense, it was 1-1

they were tied

and this was prime lee, before the drugs and his obsession with real combat, which did lead to jeet kung do and him playing with mixing kung fu and real fighting just like he was talking about

he was accurate, they just made cliff a part of lee's story, and such a character could have been friends with lee in this alternate history and bruce lee could have made bruce lee's vale tudo in vegas in the 70s proceeding UFC by 20 years

as much as they see it as bullying, i think cliff and lee needed to meet again, they got respect but no closure

>dies at 32
>son dies at 28

wow what a warrior

>they were tied

>Cliff shrugs off Bruce Lee's kick
>slams him into the door
>blocks all his strikes
>twists his arm
>punches his chest

How is that "even"?

>he was accurate
Except, you know, the parts that aren't accurate.

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oh, boy. The uncool ones have woken up.

Because r/asianmasculinity get threads like this always hit the bump limit.

>How did Trump win!? Hillary won the popular vote!
Cringe. The contest was best out of three, one point for putting the other guy on the ground. None of the other details matter.

I just kept appreciating Cliff's watch the entire time, /fa/ af.

I hope Quentin doubles-down and gives us this in the sequel.

Imagine the butthurt.

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>popular vote
Bruce Lee didn't win he got his ass beat. Your comparison makes zero sense.

Learn to let go. Learn to not be offended 24/7. Take control of your life. And most importantly, have sex.

>implying beating a fake action star and actor is equal to beating up the champion boxer of the world

>son dead
>daughter married a white guy

Oh nononononono

God hates fags tho, faggot.

>learn to let go
>people make this thread every day

lol take your own advice

Rocky exists and blacks didn't chimp out over the "disrespect" it did for Muhammad Ali

In fact, Muhammad Ali loved it.

I bet then and only then will people wake up and call out Brad Pitt for being a twink who can't fight.

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I posted that image and you're right, I 100% believe that present day Brad Pitt could take Muhammed Ali in his prime.


I actually don't believe in God.

But Rocky didn't disrespect Muhammad Ali. Apollo Creed was treated with respect and dignity. When he was knocked down, he got back up and gave Rocky the beating of his life.

Meanwhile, Bruce Lee couldn't get a hit in that could hurt Cliff Booth at all. He was outmatched in every way possible.

He was turned into a joke and you were supposed to laugh at him making those Bruce Lee noises, cheering for white supremacy man.

You're a retard then.

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In fairness, two of the three guys who were able to knock Muhammad Ali down were white guys.

Henry Cooper and Chuck Wepner. Just saying.


Now this, THIS is how you react to Tarantino's shit.

Not, "Apologize now or shut up, REEEEE!" It should be "I'm so unbeatable the only way you can beat me is by scripting me to lose in a movie!"

>You're a retard then.
I knew that sarcasm was difficult to pick up over the internet, but not THAT difficult.

>implying it wasn't a daydream Pitt had while fixing the roof

Bruce was an actor, Ali was an actual pro fighter

>muh white supremacy in a nigger loving Tarantino film
That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg. You have to go back.

Chuck Wepner tripped Ali so that doesn't count.

Rocky is a Hollywood hoax.

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I was responding to , nigger.

Jomon Rogan.jpg

lmao that smug look on Chad Pitt's face

so did the queers on twitter who see this pic not see the movie? they could easily get a screenshot of cliff getting knocked on his ass but they ignore it


The actual fight was worse. Bruce Lee couldn't get a hit in aside from the kick.

it was literally a tie, and he got back up immediately. seemed like the only reason he even lost the second round was because he underestimated cliff but could easily win the 3rd round


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>it was literally a tie
>couldn't hurt Cliff
>got slammed into the car
>Cliff blocked all his punches
>twisted his arm
>punched him in the chest

He was a teabag away to a frag.

user makes an excellent point. Niggaz did not rage at Apollo Creed being whupped by Rocky Balboa, but insecure chinks couldn't handle a tie or a draw between a featherweight and a middleweight?

They came for Bruce Lee I didn't complain because he was a chink.
Then they came for Muhammad Ali I didn't complain because he was a nigger.
Then they came for Tom Brady so I did complain, but no one would back me up anymore or something like that.

What the fuck, that's it?

People made it sound like he beat the shit out of him, they're basically scuffling around after Bruce gets thrown into a car after trying the exact same kick and letting Brad counter it prepared.

Even the final hit that Bruce takes is because he's open due to striking Brad at the same time, it just isn't focused on. People are such faggots

You wouldn't really say Apollo was "whupped". Except by Ivan Drago maybe.


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>scuffing around
>Bruce Lee was acting like a blowhard who was put in his place

OOC hit piece by Tarantino the ingrate who used Bruce Lee iconography to sell his films.

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There's a problem with your comparison. Rocky Balboa wasn't fighting Muhammad Ali and it wasn't a Larry-Holmes-esque shut out like it was between Cliff and Bruce.


I would pay to watch a sequel that had an underground exhibition bout between Ali and Booth even if that's just a throwaway scene.

Brad Pitt knocks Ali in the first round in a boxing match and then the scene is never mentioned again.


I wish Ali still had his wits about him after he was 40 years old. That man is a true-blue shit-talker.

What's the general thesis behind Asians' outrage towards this scene? That it hurts their image in the US? I'm a wh*te boi and I'm not retarded enough to think less of you as individuals, based on your race, because of a scene in a Hollywood movie. Holy shit. wtf.

1) Rocky didn't treat Ali as a joke.
2) Chinese people only have Bruce Lee as an idol, so him being made a joke makes them suuuuper insecure.


Actually, this scene brought out all the whites confessing what they really think about Asians.

The coping itt is unreal

In a nutsheru.

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Son,you're retarded enough to refer to yourself as a white boy,suicide is the only option at this point.

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By the whites or by the yellows?

Where? On Yea Forums? I don't see it or hear it anywhere else.

Yeah, that must be why he never complained about it being a slip to the ref and why he looked dazed and hurt after the body shot.

finna watch Goldeneye right now

It's on Twitter too. Reddit is in full damage control over Tarantino, particularly /r/movies.
>“I met Bruce when he was working on the television series, Green Hornet,” recalled LeBell.
>“Benny Dobbins was stunt coordinator for the show and he called and asked me to check out some kid by the name of Bruce Lee. ‘I got this guy who does the same stuff you do,’ Dobbins said.
>Bruce was also very fast and wanted to always take the action beyond what the script called for. Once the director called action, he got that and a lot more from Bruce.”
>“Stuntmen and wrestlers have their own brand of humor and at first Bruce didn’t take my little joke too kindly,” LeBell said with a chuckle. “Eventually he realized we were just welcoming him into our group and before long he fit right in with the rest of the rowdy stuntmen.”
LeBell's politely saying he was called in to knock Lee around a bit because he was a bit of an upstart prick and wasn't playing nice with the other stuntmen.

He had his sweat glands removed? What the fuck

They're sad they don't really get to do the standard non-white racial agitation stuff compared to other races, so when they think stuff like this will let them join in it just likes stupidly egregious.

Also Gene LeBell: Bruce Lee is legit.

>LeBell's politely saying he was called in to knock Lee around a bit

So instead of going by his word, you're speculating something else he never said. Goof for you.

Both actually.

I have nothing to do with that and I'm sure that there are at least one or two other people like me in the world.

Because happa offspring turn into mentally ill degenerates who spam interracial porn on internet message boards.

Also have Cliff Booth in his seventies dunk on a young Michael Jordan while you're at it.

It's subtle but it's also Chinese cope.

They're implying a huge 6-foot man beating up a smol 5'5" man is equivalent to the same man knocking the world heavyweight champion down.

Oh, the delusion.

>uses Gene LeBell as a source
>never sues LeBell's literal words but speculation on what he "meant" by saying those words

Holee shit, you're a retard.

>Bruce Lee is Manny Pacquiao
>Bruce Lee is Muhammad Ali

What other famous sports stars will you try to shoehorn Bruce Lee into? Bo Jackson? Wayne Gretzky?

>he doesn't know what a rib is
>he thinks a practical joke is a real fight
Autismus Prime.

>Be Bruce Lee
>fight for Asian Masculinity
>helped start the MMA
>helped start the kung fu craze of the 1970s and the ninja craze of the 1980s
>one film by Tarantino destroys your legacy like a house of cards

How will seething Lee-a-tards ever cope?

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Go give that gook a five yen piece and tell him to play his sweet and sour heart out

Quentin "N-word Pass" Tarantino is a nigger lover. He'll never portray Muhammad Ali in a bad light.

>He doesn't think that one of the toughest stuntmen of the day being hired on to cheap TV show to "check out" the new guy and "welcome him to the club" isn't suspiciously convenient given Lee's reputation for being overly intense and arrogant behind the scenes.
That's just plain mental disability right there.

I personally think that every race is capable of producing great fighters. What's the point of arguing about this? We should just train together and make eachother better fighters. Work towards the same goal.

Bruce Lee looks like a famine victim. Why do people think he's some sort of magical unbeatable badass?

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>he uses Gene LeBell as a source except all those pesky times he said that Bruce Lee is a legitimate martial artist

Oh I'm laffin


>tfw never been in a real fight

Who else here /undefeated/?

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Quentin Tarantino loves everything about Bruce Lee except the Bruce Lee parts.

>Asian icons
>famous for being unbeaten

In what? Movies? He was beaten by aspirin, you cum-slurping whore.

>finally see the movie
>this scene comes up
>Lee drops Pitt in two seconds in round one
>Pitt tools Lee in round two
>round three they trade blows fairly evenly for like 10 seconds before the fight gets broken up

Oh wow everyone was overreacting about fucking nothing again

Because irl he was a magical unbeatable badass

When did I dispute that Lee was a legitimate martial artist? He was a great martial artist, but was a bit full of himself in his youth and LeBell was told to check his ego because he was being to rough on the other guys. They even went on to work together numerous times and became good friends.

He looks pretty fit desu. I always admired him and I won't let the insecure Asian brothers in this thread discourage me from that.

>round three they trade blows fairly evenly
>Bruce Lee couldn't land a strike
>Cliff Booth twists Lee's arm and punches his chest

How is that an "even" exchange?

You're that kid who thinks the other kids picking on you are really your friends, but you're really just their entertainment.

>When did I dispute that Lee was a legitimate martial artist?
Over here champ:

Bruce Lee is half-Jew/"white" by a grandmother, so he's literally a happa with rage who compensates for his insecurities by overcompensating on martial arts and wooing an ugly white girl to marry him.

Just facts.

Neither one dropped the other in the last round, by their own rules.

People are acting like Pitt dusted Lee with one hand then took a shit on his chest.

>You're that kid who thinks the other kids picking on you are really your friends
You're the retard who saw Gene LeBell's literal words and made a fanfic out of it.

bruce lee is such a fucking meme. ~140 lbs dude is like the most unstoppable fighter ever ever.

fuck no. pissed off 80s era Mike Tyson would have tore through him like a fucking tank. Hulk Hogan or Andre the Giant could have one-armed choke slammed him like a child and killed him instantly

especially the whole "they had to have him SLOW DOWN for the camera"

wow, they had to do the same thing for weasly snipes in demolition man. it's like they were making a movie or something.

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>People this buttmad that a FICTIONAL CHARACTER beat up Bruce Lee in a Tarantino movie


>Neither one dropped the other in the last round, by their own rules.
Brad Pitt literally shrugged off his assault, blocked all his strikes, and hit him in the chest after twisting his arm.

It's hit and not get hit and the only hit Bruce got on him was a kick that Cliff allowed him to land.

bro cause when i saw that trailer all i could think of was
"omg thats the same outfit bruce lee wore in *who gives a shit*, NOW i am seeing this piece of shit movie"

Brandon Lee turned out pretty fucking handsome to be fair. It's just too bad that he was killed on set.

Who apart from /r/asianmasculinity said Lee was unstoppable? He was objectively incredibly skilled and disciplined but by his own admission Ali would tear his ass up.

>especially the whole "they had to have him SLOW DOWN for the camera"

That's literally Manny Pacquiao though.

How do you do, fellow Asians?

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t. tarantino

On a real note, the guy playing Bruce did a great job

>it’s hit and not get hit
No... did you see the movie? It’s who lands on the ground. Round three neither manages to knock the other down (brief as it is). Cliff definitely comes off looking better, I’m just saying it’s not as one sided as twittertards would have you believe.

>calls his own movie a piece of shit and can't recall his own references within the movie
>must be the director himself
go back

I'm an Asian too, pilgrim.

Side note: This role literally gave him cancer.

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probably all the fermented cabbage

>No... did you see the movie? It’s who lands on the ground.
I saw the movie and there's footage of the whole fight scene on YouTube to make sure I saw what I saw. Have you reviewed it yourself?

You fucking mongs the movie is about implied violence. You expect bruce to beat the shit out of Cliff, but the opposite happens. A la the final scene you brainlets.

>I don't care about the reference so the entire world must think like me

That narcissism is in fairness Tarantino-esque.

Not by how they set it up, with Bruce Lee out-of-character talking shit about Muhammad Ali.

By their own rules, nobody won. Watch your own link. Cliff definitely is winning, but it’s not like he completely dunked on Bruce.

And it's still ten times cleaner and more civilized than mainland china

The Chinese equivalent to Steven Segal is asia's biggest hero. Another funny thing is that only SEA monkeys seem upset about this.

>By their own rules, nobody won.
>Bruce Lee was beaten up and Cliff Booth was barely fazed

Yeah, you need to rewatch that scene without your retard glasses on.

ok. So it was an embellishment.

>I do care about the reference so the entire world must think like me
two can strawman mr reddit

You're okay with bruce lee talking shit and then getting his shit kicked in as a viewer. you're also okay with the manson family murders getting torn to shreds in the same vein. It's not hard

idk, dumb fuck normies who have seen an actual cool kung-fu film

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Be honest, how upset are you?

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>puts out his opinion like it refutes an argument

Wait so was this just in Cliff’s imagination, or was it a flashback

>You're okay with bruce lee talking shit and then getting his shit kicked in as a viewer.
Speak for yourself.

>never present an argument to begin with
>only here cause reddit is asleep
we projecting now too?

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>chinks still seething
>weeb wannabes seething because they must defend asians no matter the cost
>the movie itself is still raking in millions
It's just a silly movie, and the depiction of Bruce isn't meant to be taken literally. It's just silly banter. You niggers need to calm down.

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>his response to criticism is "u mad"
Thank you for bolstering my argument as valid.

>being this up your own ass on an obscure reference within two piece of shit movies
Be honest, how fat are you?

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>admits to not presenting an argument
I accept your concession.

>with a "k"
I understand most Yea Forums posters are white trash who have never seen a silver flatware or fine celadon china set in their life, but that name tells you all you need to know

>Thank you for bolstering my argument as valid.
>admits to not presenting an argument
still waiting on the "argument" part really, take your time sweety

>Bruce Lee's yellow jumpsuit is obscure
Oh so I'm talking to an absolute pleb then.

>can't argue or debate out of a paper bag
At least try.

>Asserts an argument was presented in lue of actually doing so

Over 400lbs you say? Gonna be a yikes from me

At least take your own advice

>continues projecting

Based Steven Crowder lays down the law on Marshall Law:

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in a vacuum yes dumb dumb, he's supposed to be an asshole, then when he gets his cummuppence you applaud. KINDA LIKE LATER IN THE FILM DONTCHA THINK?!?

the most reliable source on the topic ofc

>ad hominem attack

>posting crowder
There are times when pretending to be retarded goes too far.

Scrolling up, not seeing anything but seething rage at some 60yo beating up some chink. What was your argument again?

Ah yes. Mental heavyweight Steven Crowder.

You opened the door with the strawman and now you're complaining about fallacies? Be honest, how retarded are you?


Which side are you on the Bruce Lee debate? Because Crowder actually says that Bruce Lee is just an actor.

>Which side are you on the Bruce Lee debate?
Does it matter? Crowder is a fucking idiot.

>no u
Don't hurt yourself, user.


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Who are you quoting?

lmao this whole thread is crawling with Crowder types going full white cope over this


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I didn’t read the thread besides that blind item. So can we all agree Bruce was actually a little bitch?

Says the guys whose main supporter is Steven Crowder lmao.

Steven Crowder the rightwing idiot supports your belief. Way to go, user.

>doesnt understand the general consensus of the thread
I guess that's what you meant by
>I didn't read the thread

Has no one realized that this scene was just in Cliffs imagination and that it didn't actually happen? It's how he figured everything would go if the got him on the set for stunt work so that's why they didn't want him there. It's his fantasy.

If an idiot says the sky is blue or water is wet, is he suddenly lying because he's an idiot?

Asian """""""""man""""""""" are pathetic

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>Realizes he's been sperging out this entire time
>Picks fight with the next guy over
He's tapping out.

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Yep. Sure smells like incels in here. Why don’t you guys have some sex instead of giving each other rimjobs?

Male privilege is a myth though.

>rightwing idiot
there it is!

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>yes, I used logical fallacies, what now?!


>greentext ad hominem to cover for the fact that the guy championing his cause is Steven "Maybe Climate Change Isn't Real" Crowder

Don't hurt yourself, user.

Sweet, now we can just dismiss your opinions as radical left impotence. Remember this post after you stop getting (You)s

He's been talking to himself for a while now..

t. rightwing idiot




All this asian rage, why not just have sex?

they wouldnt be here if they could

>radical left impotence
I never said I was left but keep on grasping at straws in full support of Steven "Were you looking for Steven Colbert, an actual comedian?" Crowder.


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>being this unaware of him implicating himself


>this thread the image

That idiot is saying Bruce Lee isn't a martial artist though, which is in line with his idiocy.

More like this.

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All this white boy rage, why not just have sex?

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>Actor != Martial artist

This. Whites are literally just bleached apes.

You mean what they're doing here?

Yea Forums is full of people who can't smell their own shit

You have to be pretty stupid to continue arguing this even as Steven Crowder backs your argument up and confirms you're on the wrong side of the argument.

Might as well argue that vaccines cause autism while you're at it.

>insecure white conservative males need to larp via a fictional white character in a movie beating up a fictional asian character order to not feel like pussies
jesus get a grip you incels

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Gene LeBell literally says he's both.


well I guess he should know then

t. /r/asianmasculinity

What's up with that bad acting? That's shit felt like fucking with no lube

And yellow pilled

actually i'm starting to think i'm the only white poster on this board

Welcome to tv!

Oh the delectable irony of this statement.

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Your first tarentino movie?

Yeah, well, it doesn't help that Mike Moh was carrying the match because Badass Cliff Booth actor Brad Pitt doesn't know how to choreograph a convincing fight without stunt men.

That anger that you've been experiencing, desperately trying to edge your way back into the conversation to absolutely no avail, that's me. I did that. Not a single (You) as promised. Closing the door again now, goodbye :D

Pro tip: try responding to your own posts so at least onlookers won't think you're that pathetic

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Asian cope guard is here

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>says this even as he focuses on ad hominem and nitpicking rather than the main argument itself


Tarantino doesn't use dream sequences, they're lazy and add nothing to the plot besides covering up major plot holes


the amount of seethe from asian dicklets these threads generate is the gift that keep on giving

Apparently he does.

is the rest of the movie this bad?

You've already lost by resorting to "u mad" and smiley faces when people dare criticize Tarantino. You lost the plot.

Why do you think I never left?

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My first bad one

Please just give them one more (You), they're starting to go insane.

The amount of seethe from the incels who keep posting these threads is a gift that keeps on giving.

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Depends. If you're a pleb, this is Tarantino's pleb-friendliest schlock that's on its way to become his most profitable film.

Tarantino's version of a capeshit film.

Keep responding to convince people you're totes not mad.

maybe these chinks can take a page out of nigger's book, which just sounds weird saying but I mean, the thread....

Yep. It's unsalvageable garbage that's at most shitpost kino. Like The Dark Knight Rises.

>Implying Asians can learn how to become humans, even from blacks
You're giving them way too much credit.

WTF i love Tarantino now

first time?

Which nigger's book are we talking about? Uncle Tom's Cabin?

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>says a Yea Forums poster who probably posts in "Ariel is black in the live-action little mermaid? reeeeee!" threads

Ah, I see you're a man of oriental culture as well...

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i'm pretty pleb desu
this scene just seemed to lack any tension whatsoever. is that what he was going for? he used to be pretty good at that

>this role literally gave him cancer

Why can't zoomers get humour in absurd ideas? They take everything so literally.

>read this comic, got excited, thought OUATIH is white supremacist kino in the same vein as The Birth of a Nation
>came out disappointed at nothing happens: the film before the full retard ending

False advertising.

It's a throwaway scene, you might like the rest of the movie
only SJWs and insectoids hate the film for that one scene anyway
oh and people with actual good taste who aren't plebs

I hate this image, but what I hate the most is "her" first point. Why is it weird that grown adults made educated career choices? Tarantino has the most consistently star studded casts out of any director, but everyone knows what they're in for. It's no secret by now that you'll see some feet in a Tarantino movie, but I bet Margot Robbie couldn't agree fast enough to this role.

Also, almost every movie is a fetish film. Even if its not always a sexual kink, there is something in every single movie that the director is getting off of in some way.

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don't cry in front of the mexicans


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IMAGINE sharing the same opinion as Steven Crowder in a film or anything

I'd change my opinion if I were you. Crowder is a litmus test of retardation, wherein anything he agrees with is retarded.

Based Crowder is right for once.

i guess i'll stream it eventually and decide for myself

Her problem is sexualization, her problem is that a man is sexualizing a woman. If it's women sexualizing themselves doing the exact same thing, it's suddenly "progressive" and "yaas queen slay".

What are the chances that cliff messed with the prop gun that killed Brandon Lee?

Classic Cliff

always right*

I didn't know Marky Mark is based on Cliff.

this, I hope the guy doesn't get any flack for it, his portrayal was great and one of the fight was one of the best scenes of the movie

why is everyone so angry,the entire movie is meant to be something someone could have daydreamed,it ends with the manson murders not happening and everyone living happily ever after,tarantino is transparent as hell with his intent for the money and people still dont get it

alternate history is not a daydream, daydreamfag.