>Disney bad!
Daily reminder that I haven't seen one valid criticism why this board has a such hate boner for Disney.
inb4 shill
>Disney bad!
Daily reminder that I haven't seen one valid criticism why this board has a such hate boner for Disney.
inb4 shill
Ummm shill
>I need people to tell me why something is bad to understand why it’s bad
>what do you mean I can research things by myself and come up with my own conclusions?
hey a girls gotta eat too
being a slut is a career path
At least she's honest. Skips the bullshit and goes right to the point.
Here's one
>A revival house or repertory cinema is a cinema that specializes in showing classic or notable older films
Lefties HATE LotR though
I'm a DChad that's just sick of losing
any chance to shit on the Mouse I'm gonna do it
Them ruining properties that had artistic merit at one point, is a good starting place for why Disney is shit.
All of their Marvel properties are boiled down to their basest form, while following a paint by numbers formula. Which not only makes them incredibly predictable, it also means they're incredibly boring.
I could go on but these already prove my point of their shit factor.
The only thing I hear from the anti Disney threads is Lucas cucks being mad that Disney is actually making decent Star Wars movies again.
>>Disney bad!
>Daily reminder that I haven't seen one valid criticism why this board has a such hate boner for Disney.
And now you’re being contrarian for the sake of replies.
Ok, now we know this is a b8 thread
Prove me wrong then.
Pro tip: You can't.
>I don't agree.
>Let me post a so.y wojak
>That will show him.
Lucas cucks detected.
They can't because your form of argument is retarded and wrong.
You're presenting opinion as fact.
I can refute you as to why the last SW movie was not good but you will just reply with another opinion instead of a constructive criticism. So I won't waste my time.
Daily reminder that the same people who hate Disney's buying off of other studios are supposedly the same right wing, Trump loving, free market capitalists who would have no problem with this sort of thing.
>free market capitalist
I'm a fascist, tranny.
is bill blur numale stuff now?
Disney keeps me entertained. What more can I ask for?
I thought this was a goddamn feet thread you liars
This keeps happening more and more these days
Fuck your homosexual thread, post more cute feet
Disney created the copyright bullshit with lobbying to keep the mouse. Now rich people can keep their intellectual properties far beyond their death and disney keeps making shekels off the mouse forever. That shit should be public domain years ago.
I guess a straw to feed you by and a hose up your ass and dick? Fucking drone of a man.
go look up myfeetlong and jerk off your tiny little white dick
>I'm a fascist, tranny.
What's the blinds in reference to?