What was the last comedy movie or television show that genuinely made you laugh? I honestly can't think of one

What was the last comedy movie or television show that genuinely made you laugh? I honestly can't think of one.

Pic obviously not related.

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>Pic obviously not related.
Thank god you wrote that. I thought for a second we were dealing with a pleb.

I liked Popstar


This was the last humor I've seen on tv or film in the past 5 years that's like 2000s style humor.


I just googled "funny comedy movie" and that was one of the first examples.

This is the End is underrated

the office

Nothing, haha I don't like anything! Haha do I fit in bros? Haha enjoying things? That's degenerate!

The Hangover is funny, though. Get some taste.

You clearly have an opinion on the topic, so please share.

What was the last movie or show that you genuinely found funny?

No haha I hate everything? Can't you read? Do you actually like things? Cringe alert

Some movies from the last several years that did it for me
>21+22 Jump Street
>The Nice Guys
>One Cut of the Dead
>Logan Lucky
>up for debate if it's meant to be a comedy but London Has Fallen

hangover has some laughs but that along with those old spice commercials really made comedy pretty grating for a while there.
For some reason that Bad Grandpa movie made me laugh a decent amount, especially that overdone shit gag

I chuckled at The Nice Guys in the scene where the Goose smashes the windows and cuts himself badly. Not laughter, but a genuine physical reaction.

Apatow movies used to be great before he turned into such a cuck

kore wa zombie desu ka?

I thought of a line from Withnail and I this morning and it gave me a genuine hearty laugh.

How good is it? I might try it

post a funny scene

Fairly sure this is the last movie I got a decent giggle out of.

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hey retard



I miss comedies, man. Tired of capeshit/quipshit

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>last one that was new to me
kumiko the treasure hunter when the minnesota guy brought the jap lady to a chinese restaurant and was dumbfounded when neither spoke a common language
>actually a good comedy
hot tub time machine

Different user but it's alright. It has 9 seasons and the first 7 are watchable. It really takes a drop in quality during the last two seasons

its perfectly rated. it's only funny to people who need to be told to not rape hermione

Of course it has a shitty ending, like every serie

Anyway, I think i'm gonna give it a try

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Wife and I saw Good Boys tonight.
Finally seth makes a film that isn't "dude weed lmao"
I won't sugarcoat it. They basically rehashed Superbad., but used 6th graders. It had all the same themes about friendship in it.
IMO it was a great movie, nothing was really shocking humor or anything, just funny misunderstandings because they are kids and some pretty wild moments where they do dumb things because they are kids.
Superbad you have hill and cera being selfish pussies and not really great friends to each other, desu they are older and should know better.
The beanbag boys go through something similar, but it is a genuine life lesson for them. Their bro moments really stick out more because they DONT get away with everything like in superbad. This movie also has a much more satisfying ending.

My nigga. Only movie since Bill and Ted where time travel works out for everyone.
There is a second one, right? Any good?

Second one repeats some jokes and tries to be edgier. I've seen worse comedies, but I like how extreme Hangover 2 went and thought it was better than 1 so maybe I'm not the right audience

Lego Movie


You mean the last one that came out or the last one I watched?

Tropic Thunder.

pic related

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rick and morty

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Remember how npcs emulated the guys in this movie

>or television show
is it even a challenge?

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I'll give it a watch.

no. how?

first season of rick and morty

fuck off Sam you've been exposed:

>Tired of capeshit/quipshit
>posts absolute garbage shit
I'll admit though Danny Mcbride was the only good thing in it

okay beaner whatever u say