Who would you pick to play him when Disney inevitably brings him back?
Who would you pick to play him when Disney inevitably brings him back?
Wu Jing
Leave it to me, bub.
Tom Holland
Kit. Manlets rise up!
This guy.
I just want Jessica Biel as Rogue
Roided up Jon Sno doesn't seem so bad actually.
Spread the word. Get him in the gym right now.
Sorry bro, by the time the X-Men Phase rolls around, she'll be on the wrong side of 40. And before you say age doesn't matter, the only reason they cast Brie Larson is because she was the only actress still in her 20s.
There was a rumor going around that Taron Egerton might play him. Whoever it is, at least try to incorporate the fucking costume this time around.
an actual live wolverine. maybe put it on coke too.
The brown costume was the most patrician. Plebs need not reply.
As a sidenote, I really liked Logan, but the more I think about it, the more I realize Fox and Jackman did a spin on the character that was quite different from the comic version.
>man in his 60s playing Wolverine
Why not bring Jackman back then?
wayne from letterkenny
Disney has killed Marvel. They'll be selling or licensing most of the characters off in 10 years.
5'6" and fucking based as shit
Pic related is 54. Yes, it's a current picture. Age hasn't been an excuse in quite a while. But I was semi-kidding. Danzig wouldn't be interested in something like the MCU. He would wanna make it as hard R as possible.
>mfw Danzig unironically buys the rights to wolverine and makes his own film
Robert Downey Jr.
>buys the rights to wolverine
Just Wolverine? Not the rest of the X-Men? How much money does he have?
Against my better judgement, Jai Courtney.
Unironically Steven Ogg
>Looks like a rat (Comics Wolverine isn't exactly convetionally handsome compared to Cyclops or Hugh Jackman)
>Best suited for crazy as fuck characters
Google says 6 million. He's poor. That's why he'll create his own Wolverine and name him Pulverine™. Pulverizes people with hammers instead of legs.
but he can't act for shit
on top of that he can't do a NA accent
Probably best pick so far desu.
>Steven Ogg
Too old.
>He would wanna make it as hard R as possible.
That's how it should be in the first place. Logan ain't no buttercup boyscout.
>Too old
>Not knowing Logan is literally centuries old
>thinking the mouse is going to put Wolverine into their universe as anything more than a cameo
Get ready for the Daken and X-23 movie.
>Get ready for the Daken and X-23 movie.
When this happens I officially riot.
How about the Tangerine™
I'll see myself out.
Octavia Spencer
I unironically expect X-23 to be the "Wolverine" of the MCU.
They have "diversity" points prepackaged for them right there and it lets them cast a young actress so they'll have her for years and years. It also differentiates their product from the FOX movies.
>not knowing that Wolverine has regenerative powers
>not knowing that making the most famous X-Man a middle-age man is a bad idea, when starting a new franchise
Neck yourself.
>bisexual and promiscuous
>a literal whore
gonna need a lot of brainstorming on that one
Even as a kid I realized they're nerfing the claws without showing what would actually happen. Thank fuck at least logan was proper in that regard.
Still not as bad as this shit. Fuck the MPAA faggots.
Regenerative doesn't mean you look good
Does Wolverine look like he is in his 200's, dummy?
He's too rugged to be played by a current mainstream actor.
Kind of makes me think what Jason Statham would look like with a wig. Might actually be a decent choice, except he can't do accents or act in general.
Too tall.
Wolverine is supposed to be short and not very handsome
They can size him down with movie magic. But he'll have to widen up a bit. Wolverine's still a thicc boy.
>judge dredd
>now wolverine
This guy is snagging all the hard ass roles.
Also, too old. Why do you literal retards want to cast 50-year-old men as Wolverine? Might as well try to convince Jackman to come back, if that were the case.
>casting someone who's as old as Hugh Jackman
Disney wants long term investments, unless they only bring Wolverine in to introduce his Wolverlings.
He should be at least in his 30's, and look like it. My biggest fear would be them casting someone like pic related and "re-imagining" the character to be "hip" and popular with the ladies.
Oldest they'll go is late 20's. Jackman was 29 or 30 when he started, and Disney is going to want to contract that actor on for at least Jackman length longevity. X-Men are going to have to carry the entirety of Phase 5 and 6 since by then literally every other character is going to have faded out that we know no from the first phases.
Have you seen Wolverine without the mask? He looks like an old fuck. He looks at least mid 40s, and that's how he's always looked except for old man Logan who looks late 60s. Steven ogg was the best choice so far, except he's practically the same height as Hugh Jackman.
Fantastic Four too. Interested to see how they make that popular with the normies again, if at all possible. But it can't be worse than what's been done already. The biggest thing they have to not screw up is Doom.
she cant act
He also smokes, drinks and is an all around asshole. All of these things will probably be ignored by Disney.
Wolverine looks like whatever the artist wants him to look like, and casting a middle age fucking man in the star role in a new franchise--a physical one, at that--is a stupid idea. Use. Your. Brain.
Probably Oscar Isaac or some shit. I can see it happening.
RDJ was already 43 when they casted him as Iron Man, and aside for his height, he was still a great Tony Stark. You act as though Disney will continue with Wolvie as the boyband reject of X-men like what Fox did. There are other characters who are way better suited to the prettyboy anti-hero role such as Gambit. At least Gambit is normal height and not some 5'2 bodybuilder kek.
I remember reading a comic where Colossus threw him like a bowling ball through some baddies. The "Fastball Special" I think they called it.
This imagery would be hilarious on screen.
Most bodybuilders are manlets anyway. Just get Lee Priest to do it.
Hulk has done this too.
shut up cunt, nobody is asking you
Don't care;
Won't watch.
The Iron Man role is not nearly as physically demanding as the Wolverine role. Your argument is invalid.
ugh..i made... i made uh... i made... ugh. i made it... i made it... this is the auditions for wolf marine right?
>here's your MCU wolverine bro
Taron Edgerton. Dude's definitely short enough
dude's lookin rough for a 29yo
Mel Gibson
Anglo genes
I don't know but I hope they get an actual angry manlet for him or at least make a tall actor appear shorter.
>character is named after a small aggressive animal that can defend itself against large predators
>cast someone that is tall
What were they thinking?
Jackman was about as perfectly cast as you can get for that role. The fact that he's 6'2" is a small trade-off and doesn't really detract from the enjoyment of the character in the films.
>I don't know but I hope they get an actual angry manlet for him
they should cast me
>incorporating actual manlet rage into your act
I'd watch your movie, user.
>tfw also 29 and look even worse
alcoholism and sun exposure were mistakes
>he can't do a NA accent
Accent classes are quite easy actually. If he tried out for the role I could see it.
Chris D'Elia.
>Hey Sabertooth, wanna come to my birthday party?
>ctrl+f "idris elba"
>no results
Is the meme finally dead
He isn't funny
Has nothing to do with anything, but okay.
Oh, and I think he'd be a bad wolverine as well
I could see it
She doesn't want to do cape movies. She turned down WW
Yes, we need someone who can't act. Quick, send this user to Disney so we can get this happening
He's too old to get into the MCU, especially as a character like Wolverine.
Who ever gets that role will probably play him for like 10 years
wtf. how have I never seen this pic of Biel? I was sure I caught them all
He would need to pack on a few more pounds but then he'd be perfect.
okay carry on
I thought of him already, but even with a beard I'm not sure that Black and Hispanic fans would be willing to buy him as a tough guy. I'd like it, but we have to think of Hollywood's bottom line here.
Don't care, but He needs to be short. Don't know why, he just needs to. Because that's how it is in the comics
here is an idea, just recast the og crew
deadpool shows parts of that movie series so why fuck up continuity
He already played the Executioner in thor ragnarok though. No way theyre casting him back
Guy fieri
>You're dead, you just don't know it yet
It's not a coincidence that comics Wolverine basically morphed into Jackman Wolverine
He hasn't been treated as some stinky manlet jerk with no memories of his past who doesn't work well with others for a long time.
>marvel is going to honour hugh jackman by not bringing wolverine ever again
>instead they are going to introduce X-23, his girl clone
the future is ogre, it's going to be Maisie William, isn't it? i saw it in a dream
Brie Larson looks older than Biel
He's really grown past that stupid high school musical bullshit though.
im a black fan and think he's more than manly enough
wtf that could actually work
>implying Disney wouldn't bring Wolverine back
>implying that Dafne Keen wouldn't be brought back as a replacement, if Wolverine is done
>implying that goblina would ever be used as a substitute
Doesn't Maisie have an X-Men box office bomb coming out soon? Gotta be like her pal, Sophie.
With the number of years away any potential MCU X-Men movies are, they could just wait for Dafne Keen to age back into the role at this point.
She isnt X23 retard. She's Wolfsbane, not that the movie will ever be released anyway.
This kid would make a great Reed Richards or Johnny Storm tho
Based, fren. I fully support that choice.
Scott summers would be Gordon Ramsey.
Sorry bro, but Rouge is gonna need to be around for 10 or so years. You really want a 50 year old Rouge flying around?
I'm just trying to manage your expectations. Saying Biel can be anymore than a girlfriend role like Rachel McAdams or Michelle Williams is unrealistic. I'm saving you embarrassment bro, don't ever open your mouth about Bile again.
If not wolverine at the very least I think he should be Richard Rider or pic related
too bad we won't get another hulk movie at all
Kevin Hart
It's going to be Tom Hardy and you will like it
Cast this guy, Disney.
Iron man is allowed to age. If you want someone to play wolverine for over a decade you can't go with a actor too young or too old even if you think they'd look perfect for a movie or two. Honestly I wouldn't mind if they race swapped him with an asian or nigger simply because they can maintain the same look for longer
Black Cyclops > Black Wolverine
>an asian or nigger
why the racial epithet for one group but not the other, my man? Cool it.
Bro I don't care about any of this I just wanted to say Brie looks old lol
>love booze
>love coke
>love cigars
>’ate Jean
>’ate Rose
>’ate Magneto
>simple as
This is actually not a bad choice
Taron Egerton would be the worst, as he can’t shake his accent and how he’s totally gay
They may use pic related version to appeal to women.
Disney will destroy his character so it doesn't matter.
Judge Dredd
Hopefully they just introduce Rogue soon and have her sap Captain Marvel's powers so they can just kick Brie to the fucking curb
Joel Manganiello.
Calling it now. They want women to watch watch it.
I wouldn't hate it
I agree as well. He definitely wouldn't be bad.
Too tall and old. Also he is already Deathstroke. And a shit actor.
Charlie Hunnam or Travis Fimmel. Still turn women into faucets down there.
careful with those protons warwick...
>Manganiello is a shit actor
>Suggests Charlie Hunnam
Nice try trickster
Only mildly shit. Joe is true, unabashed shit.
>those alternate choices
Have you considered suicide?
Because Jackman was Meryl Fuckinh Streep.
He doesn't want to for a bunch of reasons. Felt everything had been said with his version of the character and maintaining a ripped monster body at 50 years old isn't fun
He put in the time already, sucked all the right assholes. Even being gay that means something.
Turn him from circa 1800s canadian to an english colonist in circa 1800sCanada, not a big deal
send in the kiwi.
He's great but by the time they get MCU X-Men rolling he'll be older than Jackman was when he did Logan
and this moron?
Can't renig the capchas anymore so it doesn't feel right to post without typing nigger
>he's 47 years old
Fuck, I guess he'll perfect for Dredd if that ever gets starting again then.
I honestly didn't realize he was that old
good argument for why he should be cast desu. He looks young
I dun’t wunt it!
>RDJ was already 43 when they casted him as Iron Man
1. There's a world of difference between the type of contract that RDJ would have signed in 2006 and what Disney is making actor sign onto now in 2019.
2. Iron Man doesn't require you to be shredded.
3. Wolverine needs to be able to look roughly the same age for a decade or more of films.
4. If Marvel were to sign on an Iron Man today, they'd sign someone in their early 20's since now they play the long game.
>not overly attractive but can still make a girl wet
>hairy bastard
>muscular and can get bigger
>fairly deep voice
>6 ft tall but played a dwarf in the hobbit so doesn’t have a problem with being portrayed as short
>done action scenes in previous movies
Good luck beating this, you grimy lot
>I'm saving you embarrassment bro,
>can't even write names correctly
the things you see on /tv
Fuck off, Aidan. At least half of the actors that have been suggested in this thread are better choices than you are.
tyler hoechlin
he's young and already played a wolfman
I dont want this.
>have wolverine and spiderman be twins
Sony was right to pull out
>disney gutted demon in a bottle
Get ready for squeaky clean wolverine
Tom Holland
Not a bad choice IMO
>long face
we need a square face, someone who looks like he can take a punch in the jaw, not a beta looking faggot.